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Lungworm-infected seeder calves were used on two 1.41 ha paddocks to ensure that groups of 11 susceptible trial calves would be exposed to heavy early season challenge with Dictyocaulus viviparus. This produced conditions for an artificially severe test of two control strategies. The first employed a front-loaded oxfendazole pulse release bolus, ie, an intraruminal device which released one therapeutic anthelmintic dose immediately and five subsequent pulses at approximately three-weekly intervals. These front-loaded boluses were given to five of 11 calves on one paddock as soon as parasitic bronchitis had become clinically obvious (34 days after turnout) while the remaining six calves were kept as untreated controls. Clinical signs quickly subsided in the treated animals and no further respiratory problems occurred despite continued exposure to reinfection. The other control strategy involved the administration at turnout of an oxfendazole pulse release device which released the first of five anthelmintic doses approximately three weeks after administration, to all 11 calves on the other paddock. This strategy was almost completely successful in preventing patent infections from establishing and reduced the infectivity of the pasture in August and September by 94.1 per cent as shown by tracer calf studies. The calves treated at turnout performed better than the calves treated with the front-loaded boluses for most of the season and had an average weight-gain advantage of 20.4 kg at housing (P less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the West of Scotland the epidemiology of parasitic bronchitis in grazing calves was studied over a two year period with the aid of tracer calves and herbage examinations for Dictyocaulus viviparus larvae. The observations of both years emphasised the importance of overwintered lungworm larvae as a source of disease. In the first year it was shown that the ingestion and development of these overwintered larvae were, by themselves, directly responsible for severe morbidity, high faecal larval counts and deaths. In the second year it was shown that pasture ungrazed during the winter and spring and from which a hay crop was removed in mid-summer was still capable of producing clinical parasitic bronchitis in susceptible calves within three to four weeks of their introduction in later summer. In both years there was some evidence that the outbreaks appeared to be associated with the sudden availability of infective larvae on the herbage. The possibility that such larvae may have survived for many months in the soil is discussed. Despite the heavy challenge with lungworm larvae experienced by the grazing calves in the first year those vaccinated with lungworm vaccine survived, their clinical signs were mild and of short duration and their faecal larval output was greatly reduced.  相似文献   

Seeder calves infected with Dictyocaulus viviparus were used to contaminate a field divided into three similar paddocks. Twenty-four autumn-born calves were allocated to three matched groups; one group was given topical ivermectin treatments (0.5 mg/kg) at 3, 8 and 13 weeks after turnout (Day 0); each member of a second group was given an oxfendazole pulse-release intraruminal device (OPRB) at turnout; while a third group was kept as untreated controls to monitor the natural epidemiological pattern of events. Severe pasteurella pneumonia exacerbated by lungworm infection occurred in the controls after Day 24. Two died and repeated doses of antibiotic and anthelmintic therapy were necessary to save the remainder. Clinical signs were much milder in the ivermectin and OPRB groups and resolved with only a single dose of antibiotic. The OPRB group excreted some lungworm larvae at this time, but none was detected in the faeces of the ivermectin group during the grazing season. At housing, five calves from each group and four lungworm-naive calves were challenged with D. viviparus larvae. The infection became patent in all challenge-control calves, but no larvae were passed by any of the trial animals. Post-mortem worm-counts revealed percentage takes for the challenge controls, trial controls, ivermectin and OPRB groups of 16.7, 0.01, 0.9 and 0.2, respectively. All trial groups had therefore developed a substantial immunity.  相似文献   

Fifteen red deer calves were put to pasture in two groups, at the same set stocking rates, one group of 10 and one of five, in separate but adjoining enclosures likely to be carrying infective stage larvae of dictyocaulus naturally parasitising the red deer of Scotland. The group of 10 had been vaccinated with a live, bovine lungworm oral vaccine; the group of five had not. Results did not indicate any advantage to the vaccinated deer in weight gain or general health but they excreted fewer dictyocaulus larvae. The findings, although based on only a few animals, support the conclusion that vaccination of red deer would not give them increased protection against the establishment of naturally occurring dictyocaulus infection although it would enhance the suppression of larval production.  相似文献   

Studies on the epidemiology of Dictyocaulus viviparus infections in Denmark have suggested that the adult lungworms present in calves around the sixth week after turnout play an important role in determining the subsequent pattern of disease. This trial was designed to test whether prophylactic treatment at this time would control disease in calves kept under British conditions. Thirty autumn-born Friesian or Friesian-cross bull calves were allowed to graze the whole of a 5 hectare field for six weeks after turnout. The field was then divided into two and the calves split into matching groups, one group being put into each of the paddocks. One group was treated with levamisole at this time and again two weeks later while the other was kept as an untreated control. Anthelmintic treatment resulted in a marked reduction in larval excretion and considerably delayed the build-up of infection on pasture. This in turn delayed the onset and reduced the severity of clinical signs in the treated group. However, as disease was not eliminated completely this prophylactic programme cannot be recommended to the British farmer in its present form. These findings are discussed in the context of the yet incomplete knowledge of the epidemiology of parasitic bronchitis.  相似文献   

Four groups, each of six male Friesian calves, were set-stocked on separate 0.66 ha paddocks from May 7 until October 23 1986. Each of the animals in groups 1 and 4 was dosed with an oxfendazole pulse release bolus at turn out whereas the animals in groups 2 and 3 were left untreated. Parasite-free naive tracer calves were introduced into each paddock for a limited period 12 days after turn out and again at the end of the trial. No adverse reactions or clinical signs were observed in either of the groups of calves which received boluses. The development of clinical parasitic gastroenteritis in both the untreated groups necessitated the humane slaughter of two animals and emergency anthelmintic treatment of the remainder. The lower plasma pepsinogen concentrations, and lower faecal egg and larval counts and worm burdens post mortem, together with the absence of clinical signs of parasitic gastroenteritis and bronchitis in the treated calves, confirmed the high efficacy of the bolus treatment.  相似文献   



The control of the spread of mastitis infection by good hygiene in the milking shed has long been advocated but the methods used have varied in their efficiency and practicability. Moller (1957 Moller, K. 1957. N.Z. vet. J., 5: 7979. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) reported good results in the control of Streptococcus agalactiae infection when running water was used to wash the udder, and teat cups were dipped in Chlorhexidine solution between cows. However, many farmers find that dipping cups is irksome and, unless it is carefully done, it becomes ineffective.  相似文献   

The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the serodiagnosis of parasitic bronchitis in cattle was evaluated in naturally injected, experimentally infected and vaccinated animals. Significant antibody titres could be demonstrated from five weeks after animals had been exposed to the parasite, so that infected animals could be identified during the summer. The test did not give false positive results in vaccinated animals. The technique proved particularly useful in revealing latent infections in milking herds in the autumn when heavy burdens of worms in the lungs do not generate any larvae in the faeces.  相似文献   

In separate experiments, the immune status of six matched pairs of yearling heifers from a field trial in which both parasitic gastroenteritis and husk had occurred in control animals, was tested with a single massive challenge of either Dictyocaulus viviparus or Ostertagia ostertagi. The clinical responses of untreated controls and animals that had carried an oxfendazole pulse release intraruminal device (OPRB) were in all cases similar (with the exception of one lung-worm-challenged control that succumbed to a fulminating pulmonary hypersensitivity reaction), indicating that both groups possessed comparable degrees of protection. Faecal larval/egg-output data and serum gastrin levels, however, suggested that larger worm populations had established in the OPRB cattle.  相似文献   

Nicotine used at approximately 2 ppm in 0.25% toxaphene dip wash was found to be 95% effective in the treatment and control of bovine parasitic otitis after dipping clinically affected cattle twice weekly for twelve weeks. Only three of 64 clinically affected animals failed to recover completely following the above treatment regime. The viable nematodes, Rhabditis bovis, which were easily isolated from dip tanks prior to treatment, could no longer be isolated 48 hours following dip tank treatment with nicotine. The above results are very significant since the control of bovine parasitic otitis would greatly enhance the productivity of cattle.  相似文献   

The diarrhea of swine dysentery receded in swine treated with 60 or 45 mg of tiamulin/L of drinking water (60 or 45 ppm). However, within 2 to 10 days (average 4.1 days) after drug withdrawal, diarrhea recurred. Tiamulin (22.5 mg/L in drinking water) did not markedly reduce the diarrhea during medication, and tylosin (66 mg/L in the drinking water) was not effective. In swine treated with 120 mg of dimetridazole/L of drinking water, there was no recurrence of diarrhea. After the recurrence of diarrhea in swine, repeated medication with tiamulin in drinking water reduced the severity of diarrhea and prevented deaths. After 1 to 3 retreatments, swine were immune to exposure with swine dysentery inoculum, and there was a significant (P less than 0.05) increase in their serum anti-Treponema hyodysenteriae antibodies. Seemingly, drug withdrawal permitted the occurrence and recurrence of diarrhea that was necessary to stimulate immunity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine efficacy of providing drinking water medicated with doxycycline for treatment of spiral bacterial infection in cockatiels. DESIGN: Randomized controlled clinical trial. Animals-18 cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) naturally infected with spiral bacteria. PROCEDURES: Spiral bacterial infection was diagnosed by means of cytologic examination of swab specimens from the choana and oropharynx. Eleven birds (treatment group) were given drinking water to which doxycycline hyclate had been added at a concentration of 400 mg/L for 30 days; the remaining 7 birds (control group) were given unmedicated water. After completion of the study, 6 control birds were treated with drinking water medicated with doxycycline for 21 days. RESULTS: Daily mean plasma doxycycline concentration for birds in the treatment group ranged from 2.26 to 2.86 Mg/mL (overall range, 0.83 to 4.34 Mg/mL). All treated birds were negative for spiral bacteria after treatment for 21 days and remained negative when examined 160 days after treatment ended. Control birds remained positive for spiral bacteria. Control birds treated with doxycycline after completion of the study were negative for spiral bacteria after treatment for 21 days and 30 days after treatment ended. No clinically important adverse effects were associated with treatment. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that providing drinking water to which doxycycline had been added at a concentration of 400 mg/L was effective in eliminating spiral bacterial infections in cockatiels.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the material costs and effectiveness of three methods of early season suppression by anthelmintic medication of Ostertagia species and two of Dictyocaulus viviparus in calves, each method suppressing faecal egg output for different lengths of time from the start of spring grazing. The anthelmintics used were: Morantel bolus administered five days before going to grazing; oxfendazole given three times at three, six and nine weeks after the start of grazing and ivermectin injected three, eight and 13 weeks after going to pasture. The effectiveness of each was estimated by comparison with worm numbers in untreated control calves. Oxfendazole, which was active for the shortest time (about 65 days) from the start of grazing (May 1), produced a 78.1 per cent reduction in Ostertagia species and an 84.4 per cent reduction in D viviparus. The morantel bolus was estimated to be active for 90 days and resulted in a 94.3 per cent reduction of Ostertagia species. The ivermectin treatment, which, because of the prolonged excretion of the chemical and different sensitivity of worm species, was estimated to suppress Ostertagia species for 105 days and D viviparus for 119 days, caused reductions of 98.7 per cent of the former and 97.4 per cent of the latter species. Material costs per calf were estimated at pounds 1.25 for oxfendazole, pounds 2.00 for ivermectin and pounds 10 for the morantel bolus.  相似文献   

A single-location, challenge-model study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of lincomycin against porcine proliferative enteropathy when administered through the drinking water at 125 and 250 mg/gallon. The primary variables of interest were pig removal rate, diarrhea scores, demeanor scores, and abdominal appearance scores. Ancillary performance variables examined included average daily feed intake, average daily gain, and feed per gain. After a 3-day acclimation period, pigs were challenged on 2 consecutive days with a mucosal homogenate containing a total dose of 1.4 x 10(9) cells of Lawsonia intracellularis. Five days later, when porcine proliferative enteropathy was well established, drinking water medicated with 125 mg (L125) or 250 mg (L250) lincomycin/gallon was provided to two groups of pigs for 10 days. Pigs were observed for 13 days following the treatment period. A third group of pigs served as controls and received unmedicated drinking water throughout the study. The L250 group experienced a significantly lower (P < .05) pig removal rate than the control group over the 23-day observation period. Additionally, for every primary variable, the L250 group experienced a significantly decreased (P < .01) number of abnormal days compared with the control group. The L125 group showed a significant reduction (P < .05) in abnormal demeanor and abnormal abdominal appearance scores compared with controls.  相似文献   

Changes in anthelmintic resistance in nematode parasites were monitored in sheep grazing on 2 separate farms, but with the same anthelmintic treatment program, over 16 years. High levels of benzimidazole resistance emerged in Ostertagia and Trichostrongylus spp populations on both farms following 9 years of continuous use of this class of drug. Subsequently, variations in the levels of resistance occurred for the same species between farms and between species on the same farm. A change to levamisole for 2 years resulted in a significant reversion towards benzimidazole susceptibility, but a concomitant rise in levamisole resistance, in Ostertagia on one farm. However, benzimidazole resistance increased rapidly following the re-introduction of oxfendazole into the anthelmintic treatment program. Results from both farms illustrate the pitfalls of using one anthelmintic class for an extended period and provide indirect support for the alternation of anthelmintic classes at approximately yearly intervals.  相似文献   

The efficacy of the oxfendazole pulse release bolus system for the control of parasitic gastroenteritis and parasitic bronchitis in first-season grazing calves was evaluated in Belgium. Twenty-two calves were allocated to two groups. The calves in one group received a bolus at the time of turn out, while the other group remained untreated. The efficacy of the bolus was assessed by comparison of faecal worm egg counts, plasma pepsinogen concentrations, the antibody response to Ostertagia, Cooperia and Dictyocaulus species total plasma protein and albumin concentrations, and weight gains throughout the grazing season and the housing period. The oxfendazole pulse release bolus provided good control of parasitic gastroenteritis dominated by ostertagia. The effects of parasitic gastritis were greatly reduced as shown by the significantly lower values of serum pepsinogen and ostertagia antibody titres. The use of the bolus further reduced the adverse effects of parasitism as indicated by better liveweight gains and normal total plasma protein and albumin concentrations whereas in the untreated control group hypoproteinaemia and hypoalbuminaemia were observed. Most animals exhibited clinical signs of parasitic bronchitis at the end of the grazing season, and the bolus may not adequately control parasitic bronchitis in all cases at all times.  相似文献   

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