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S. A. EVANS 《Weed Research》1961,1(3):203-210
Summary. Eighteen experiments were carried out over a period of 4 years jointly by the National Agricultural Advisory Service and the Agricultural Research Council Unit of Experimental Agronomy to compare the effects of spraying spring cereals with MCPA, MCPB, 2,4-DB and mixtures of MCPA and MCPB, at two different times. The first applications was made before the cereal crop had reached the five-leaf stage and when it was judged that most of the weeds had germinated. The second application was after the crop had reached the five-leaf stage, which is the time normally recommended in Britain for the application of MCPA to spring wheat or spring barley. The earlier applications produced better crop yields and gave a better control of weeds except where conditions for spraying were unsatisfactory or where a considerable number of weeds germinated subsequently. Mild deformity of the ears of the crop occurred in some experiments following early applications of MCPA, otherwise there were no marked differences in the effect on the crop of the different herbicides at the doses used; the dose of MCPA was less than that of the other herbicides. In view of these results and the lower cost of MCPA, it is concluded that MCPA applied early is the most efficient of the treatments tested except where the risk of malformed ears occurring is not acceptable.
Le désherbage dans les céréales de printemps avec le MCPA, le MCPB, et le 2,4-DB  相似文献   

Summary. The effect of sub-lethal doses of MCPA-sodium and 2,3,6-TBA-sodium on young cucumber plants was studied in three replicated experiments. The materials were applied either to the leaves of plants in pots or as a soil drench. Epinastic and formative effects were observed. Formative effects included leaf inrolling and blistering, stem and petiole proliferation, and root modification. The symptom pattern resulting from application of each material was described.
Les effets du MCPA et du 2,3,6-TBA sur Us concombres cultivés en serre  相似文献   

Summary. The effects of sub-lethal doses of MCPA-sodium on the morphology and yield of red beet, turnip and onion and on the morphology of spinach were studied in field and glasshouse experiments. Epinastic responses of beet were seen at 0.003 lb/ac a.c., but no serious formative effects or yield reductions occurred below 0–07 lb/ac and plants were only killed by doses above 0–1 lb/ac. Spinach was affected at 0–06 lb/ac, the lowest dose used, but the plants were not killed at 0–33 lb/ac. Epinasty in turnip occurred at 0–002 lb/ac, and at 0–01 lb/ac many of the roots were abnormal, while spraying with 0–1 lb/ac and above resulted in severe distortion or death of the plants. Onion was the least affected of all the crops studied. When a welting agent was included in the spray epinasty occurred at 0–3 lb/ac, but there were no serious formative effects or yield reductions below 1–0 lb/ac. The symptoms of injury in onion were often transitory because the affected parts were replaced as the bulb developed.
Effets de doses sub-léthatles de MCPA sur la morphologie et If rendement des cultures légumiéres. V. Betteraves, Epinards, Navets et Oignons  相似文献   

Summary. Undisturbed natural infestations of annual weeds, mainly Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop, and Richardia scabra L., reduced the yield of harvestable peanuts [groundnuts) by an average of 20% over an 8-year period. Yield reductions in individual years ranged from I to 50%, depending mainly on the density of the weed population. From one to 5%‘non-dirting’ cultivations generally did not reduce yield as compared with hand weeding, unless environmental conditions favoured development of the disease southern blight (Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.) on uncultivated peanuts.  相似文献   

J. M. WAY 《Weed Research》1964,4(4):319-337
Summary. The effects of 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, mecoprop and 2,3,6-TBA were compared with those of MCPA on the morphology and yield of lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprout, carrot, parsnip, French and broad bean, red beet, spinach, turnip and onion. Although the relativie phytotoxicity of MCPA, 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T and mecoprop varied according to the crop, the morphological abnormalities produced by the different compounds were essentially similar, except that in lettuce and cabbage sperilic foliar symptoms appeared to be associated with 2,4-D. 2,3,6-TBA caused less epinasty and usually fewer root and stem abnormalities, but in some crops, notably French and broad bean, red beet and spinach, it produced severe injury symptoms which were different from those produced by the other compounds.
Effets de doses sub-léthales de MCPA. sur la morphologie et le rendement des cultures légumirres VI. Comparaison avec le 2,4-D, le 2,4,5-T, le micoprop et le 2,3,6-TBA  相似文献   

J. M. WAY 《Weed Research》1963,3(2):98-108
Summary. The effect of sub-lethal doses of MCPA-sodium on the morphology, growth and yield of carrots and parsnips was studied in twenty replicated field experiments. Slight epinasty was produced in carrots by doses as low as 0.002 lb/ac a.e., but formative effects were not usually seen below 0.01 lb/ac. Crop weight was only reduced by doses greater than 0.1 lb/ac, but abnormalities rendered a proportion of the roots unmarketable at doses below 0.05 lb/ac. Small plants were sometimes killed by 0.3 lb/ac, but larger plants survived treatment with up to 0.5 lb/ac. Tests on carrots which were unmarketable on grounds of appearance failed to reveal any effect of MCPA on flavour, sweetness or texture of the roots. The effects of MCPA on parsnips were similar to those on carrots, but the expression of injury symptoms was generally less marked.
Les effets de doses sub-létales de MCPA sur la morphologie et le rendement des cultures légumières III. Carottes et panais  相似文献   

Summary. The effects of sub-lethal doses of MCPA-sodium on the morphology, yield and marketability of cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts were studied in field and glasshouse experiments. The epinastic and formative effects in all three crops were similar. Cauliflower was the most susceptible and cabbage the least, but the marketability of these two crops was adversely affected at lower doses (less than 0.06 lb/ac a.e.) than that of Brussels sprouts (not below 0.1 Ib/ac a.e.), where the damage to the apex had less effect on the economically important portion of the plant. Brussels sprouts also produced lateral shoots on which normal sprouts developed even when the main stem above had been killed. In all three crops, characteristic galls were produced on the stems, and these, together with the effects on the stem apices, the leaves and the roots, are described and contrasted with abnormalities caused by other agencies.
Effets de doses sub-létales de MCPA sur la morphologie et le rendement des cultures tégumières IL Choux, choux-fleurs et choux de Bruxelles  相似文献   

J. M. WAY 《Weed Research》1963,3(4):312-321
Summary. The effects of sub-lethal doses of MCPA-sodium on the morphology, yield and maturity of French beans, and on the morphology of broad beans, were studied in field and glasshouse experiments. Epinasty in French beans developed at 0.002 lb/ac a.e., but formative effects were not seen at less than 0–1 lb/ac. With doses up to 0.4 lb/ac there was no significant reduction in yield or haulm weight, but at 1.0 lb/ac and above, yield was reduced and some of the plants sprayed at an early stage of growth were killed. There were characteristic modifications of the roots and stems and of those leaves which were at a susceptible stage of development when sprayed. Broad beans were only slightly injured by 0.2 lb/ac but were generally killed by 2.0 lb/ac. Abnormalities were noted in the germination of seed produced by affected plants.
Effets de doses sub-léthales de MCPA sur la morphologic et le rendement des cultures légumières IV. Haricots verts et fèves  相似文献   

Summary. The effect of sub-lethal doses of MCPA-sodium on the growth, yield and marketability of summer cabbage lettuce was studied in seventeen replicated field experiments.
Initial epinasty was produced by doses as low as 0.002 lb/ac a.e., and formative effects of the leaves developed at doses below 0.01 lb/ac. In plants treated at early or intermediate growth stages, two distinct types of formative effects occurred, With doses in the range 0.0025-0.03 lb/ac, a zone of characteristic abnormal leaves developed. This reduced the marketability of the crop and the maturity was delayed, but the weight per plant at harvest was not affected. At higher doses these a abnormal leaves were not evident but the whole plant became distorted, growth was suppressed and few marketable plants were produced. In plants treated at the hearting stage, plant weight and maturity were not affected, but the marketability was reduced at doses of 0.01 lb/ac and above. The effects produced by MCPA in cos and curly crisp lettuce were compared with those produced in cabbage lettuce.  相似文献   

 本文通过三亲交配将带有梨火疫欧文氏杆菌功能完整的hrp基因簇的重组粘粒pCPP430转移到了胡萝卜软腐欧氏杆菌(Erwinia carotovora) Se9R中。从接合子中提纯的质粒与pCPP430的大小、酶切图谱相同;以该质粒为模板,用针对hrpN序列的引物经PCR扩增得到与hrpN大小相同的片段;用地高辛标记的hrpN作为探针进行Southern blotting分析,在接合子中的质粒上得到预期的杂交带。接合子可以在烟草叶片上稳定地引起过敏反应。另外,接合子可以在寄主马铃薯叶片上引起过敏反应样枯斑,表明异源harpin的表达及功能不受软腐菌的抑制。该接合子在体外产生的果胶酸裂解酶活性与受体菌Se9R无明显差别。低浓度的接合子在马铃薯块茎上的软腐症状明显低于受体菌Se9R。外源harpin表达可能不改变软腐欧氏杆菌的致病力、而是通过诱导马铃薯抗性达到减轻发病的作用。  相似文献   

Summary. Prometryne, linuron and chlorpropham at concentrations between 10 and 100 ppm had only temporary effects on the growth of three strains of bacillus sp. type mesentericus in liquid culture; growth of Pseudamonas phaseoli was not affected. The sensitivity of Ps. phaseoli lo pure antibiotics was only slightly affected by the herbicides, hence the effects of the herbicides on the antagonism between the two organisms which were observed appeared to be attributable to disturbance of the metabolism oi Bacillus sp., and varied with the strain employed.  相似文献   

Summary. The results of a pot experiment on the mutual interference between kale and three weed species are reported. The puts were sunk in soil and surrounded by kale plants so as to provide illumination conditions similar to those likely to be found in a field crop of kale. Of the three weed species, Polygonum lapathifolium appeared to be the most, and P. aviculare the least, competitive towards kale. P. persicaria was slightly less competitive than P. lapathifolium . The two latter species were much higher in dry-matter production than P. aviculare and showed greater responses to changes in the number of kale or weed plants per pot.  相似文献   

Summary. The effect of spraying Vicia faba leaves with 5000 ppm MCPA is described. Three to 4 days after spraying, a marked increase (× 5 approx.) was found in the concentrations of leucine iso -leucine and valine in the leaves. No significant changes were detected in the other amino acids. Treatment with MGPA also caused a significant increase (× 4 approx.) in the glucose and fructose content of the leaves. Detached leaves (sprayed and unsprayed), when kept in a moist atmosphere for 3–4 days, exhibited very similar increases in amino acids and sugars to sprayed intact plants. Experiments using 14CO2 revealed that in short term photosynthesis (30 min) of sprayed and unsprayed plants, 80–90% of the radioactivity was incorporated in sucrose, with about 5% in each of glucose and fructose. Over photosynthelic periods of 4 days, glucose and fructose were found to be almost as heavily labelled as sucrose in sprayed plants, but in the controls the distribution of radioactivity was similar to that in short term photosynthesis. It is suggested that the build up of amino acids and sugars in plants treated with MCPA is due to an interruption of the translocatory flow from the leaves, and that this build up of metabolites may be a contributory factor in the toxic action of this herbicide.
Effet du MCPA sur la composition en amino-acides et en sucre des feuilles de Vicia faba  相似文献   

根据有代表性的2 县105 块夏玉米田调查,菏泽地区夏玉米田杂草种类共17 科35 种,分析探明优势种类12 种。试验表明不同杂草混合种群密度与夏玉米产量损失率相关极显著,相关式为y=4 .723 6 + 0 .187 4x 。提出其化学除治指标为每平方米有杂草20 株。  相似文献   

Summary. Spring wheat, sown at three different times, and Agropyron repens, defoliated at the same three times, were grown separately or together in pots kept in an open-sided cage. The pots were widely spaced and adequately watered. Early sowing of wheat gave a greater grain yield than late sowing, and lessened the loss from competition with Agropyron. Early defoliation of Agropyron slowed its subsequent early growth more than did late defoliation, and plants defoliated early suffered more from competition with wheat. Competition, probably mainly for nitrogen, decreased tillering and the number of ears produced by wheat, more when sowing was late than early, but grain dry weight per ear was decreased equally at the three times of sowing. The rate at which wheat produced leaves was affected by competition only at the last date of sowing. In competition with wheat, Agropyron produced fewer shoots and ears, had lighter shoots and rhizomes, and ear emergence was slightly delayed.  相似文献   

肥、水、菌对水稻纹枯病发生流行的综合效应   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
作者应用通用旋转组合设计方法和植物病害流行学原理,定量分析了田间菌核量(X1)、施氮量(X2)、灌溉方式(X3)对水稻纹枯病初侵染病株率(DP)、水稻蜡熟期病指(DI)、水平扩展速率(Rh)、垂直扩展速率(Rv)的综合效应,并分别组建了数学预报模型。因子解沂结果表明,三因素对DP、DI、Rh、Rv的作用大小分别是:X2 > X1 > X3,X2 > X3 > X1,X2 > X1 > X3,X2 > X3 > X1。其中X2是左右纹枯病发生流行的主导因素,X3主要影响病害垂直扩展速率及蜡熟期病情指数,X1主要影响初侵染数量及水平扩展速率。文中从定量的高度探讨了控氮栽培、适时露田及减少初侵染源对控制病害流行的意义和作用,对各因素的作用方式及作用原理进行了科学的分析。  相似文献   

半干旱地区春旱对春小麦生长发育的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
春旱使春小麦营养生长滞后,提前进入生殖生长,抽穗率降低,退化小穗的比例增加,造成大幅度减产。从春小麦的水分生态位适宜度看,五月上、中旬为水分伤害的第一个阈值点,五月下旬至六月初为水分伤害的第二个阈值点。后者是常住的。  相似文献   

Summary. The object of the work described in this paper was to obtain information on the relationship between the effects of crop competition and barban treatment on oats growing in another cereal. The work was carried out on barley cross-drilled with cultivated oats. Variation in crop competition was obtained by using different barley seed-rates and nitrogen levels. Increasing the seedrate of barley without applying barban resulted in a reduction of the initial oat population. This reduction applied to weight of individual shoots, number of shoots and panicles per unit area and number of spikelets per panicle. The application of barban at selective rates gave an independent reduction of oats of the order of 80%. This value proved almost constant at each seedrate of barley. Crop competition and barban accordingly seem to art independently and their effects appear to be simply additive. The barley fresh weights per unit area increased substantially when oat competition was reduced by barban treatment. The highest increase occurred on the plots with the lowest barley seedrate in spite of the fact that these plots still appeared infested with oats at harvest time. Nitrogen application stimulated the growth of barley and oats to a similar degree and did not in consequence lead to a selective suppression of oats.
Etude de l'influence de la densité du Semis, du taux de fertilisation azotée et du traitement au barbane, sur la concurrence entre une Orge et une Avoine  相似文献   

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