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Custom‐built single‐nucleotide‐polymorphism (SNP) marker systems that are compatible with Sequenom® chemistry are compared with a general purpose microsatellite marker system in their ability to accurately assign Black Tiger shrimp parentage. The microsatellite system consisted of 13 markers, while the SNP systems comprised of 63 (SNPa), 59 (SNPb) or 122 markers (SNPab). Comparisons were made using animals from commercial breeding lines with thresholds for assignment derived using simulated genotypes. Pedigree assignment for commercial lines was highest when panel SNPab was used. Panel SNPa, panel SNPb and Msat functioned with an overall similar level of power for pedigree assignment, however, for some families, the Msat panel was not as powerful. Pedigree assignment for the simulated diploid genotypes was higher for all SNP panels compared with Msat. Overall the three SNP panels provided parentage assignment rates suitable for commercial shrimp breeding programs with assignment rates in the simulated genotypes greater than 96.8% and correct assignments greater than 99.3%. Compared with the microsatellite panel, custom‐built SNP panels, whether they operate as single panels, or as a combined panel, have improved power to perform dam and sire assignment to progeny and provide faster turnaround time as they are compatible with Sequenom® chemistry.  相似文献   

采用群体选育辅助种内群体间杂交选育的方法,以内壳色、体质量作为选育性状,经过连续4代的选育获得了紫色选育系F4。本实验以F4为亲本进行繁殖,利用6对微卫星标记,对15个同批繁育的F4母蚌的1龄后代进行亲子鉴定,鉴别出了来自12个父本、15个母本的42个全同胞家系,使用ASREML软件的约束极大似然法对三角帆蚌内壳色及生长性状进行了遗传参数分析。结果显示,内壳色颜色参数L*、a*、b*、dE*的遗传力分别为0.31±0.22、0.11±0.08、0.36±0.18、0.29±0.19,L*、a*、b*之间的遗传相关和表型相关均较低,范围为0.08~0.47和0.04~0.32,L*与dE*相关性最大,遗传相关为-0.94±0.06,表型相关为-0.96±0.01;生长性状壳长、壳高、壳宽、体质量和壳重的遗传力分别为0.24±0.19、0.37±0.27、0.26±0.16、0.26±0.17、0.31±0.19,各性状间遗传相关和表型相关均为正相关,分别为0.71~0.92、0.66~0.94;颜色参数与生长性状的遗传相关和表型相关均很低,为0.02~0.18。三角帆蚌紫色选育系1龄阶段内壳色和生长性状的遗传力多为中高水平,对其继续进行遗传改良预期能够获得良好遗传进展。内壳色与生长性状的相关度很低,无法实现相互选择,体质量与其他生长性状相关均较紧密,表明将内壳色、体质量作为目标性状进行同步选育的方法合理,可实现同时改良壳色及生长性能的目的。  相似文献   

A set of 50 potential microsatellite loci previously described in several flatfish species was evaluated for designing a suitable tool for parentage assessment in Senegal sole (Solea senegalensis). Low cross-amplification within Pleuronectiformes, even between congeneric species, was achieved. This suggests a low conservation of microsatellite flanking regions in this order regarding other fish orders of similar evolutionary age. Twelve loci showed appropriate amplification and polymorphism to acquire enough statistical power for parentage analysis. All forty-one individuals from one broodstock and 320 offspring were analyzed using this set of markers. The high potential of microsatellites for parentage exclusion (Excl1 = 0.9999; Excl2 = 1) permitted us to trace back all offspring to single pairs of parents. The families obtained were used to analyze the performances of the loci applied and to identify possible sources of error for parentage analysis in Senegal sole. The 2.5% of single mismatches in the families studied were attributed mostly to genotyping errors and to a lesser extent to null alleles. The average mutation rate estimated over 7680 gametes was in the range reported within fish (3.9 × 10− 4) and did not compromise parentage analysis. All loci conformed to theoretical assumptions (Mendelian segregation, independent segregation), excluding the F13-II8/4/7 and Sol 9A loci, which showed strong genotypic association in the families analyzed. A set of 4 microsatellites (Sol CA13, F13-II8/4/7, Smax-02 and Sse GATA38) was finally selected for parentage evaluation in S. senegalensis combining both enough exclusion potential (> 0.970) and the lowest economic cost.  相似文献   

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