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The prevalence of parasitic infections responsible for the condemnation of carcasses and viscera during meat inspection, and their economic implication, was estimated in a year long abattoir survey of 10 277 slaughtered farm animals in the region of Trikala, Greece. The organs examined for the presence of parasitic lesions during meat inspection were: liver and lungs of all animals, rumen of cattle, small intestine of lambs and kids, and muscles of cattle and swine. The parasitic lesions observed in the lungs of cattle, sheep and goats were caused only by hydatid cysts. No hydatid cysts were observed in the lungs of swine. The parasitic lesions observed in the liver of cattle, sheep and goats were as a result of hydatid cysts and flukes of Fasciola hepatica and Dicrocoelium dendriticum, while those of swine were due to milk spots only. Moniezia sp. proglottids were found in the small intestine of lambs only. The prevalence of parasites responsible for the condemnation of marketable organs was low (0.26%). Parasites were responsible for 22% of the total of condemned organs, and their annual cost was 99, 00 GDR (approximately 292 Euros). The parasites most contributing to marketable organ condemnation were hydatid cysts (26%) and D. dendriticum flukes (26%).  相似文献   

Condemnation causes of growth retarded pigs were studied in a Spanish abattoir. A total of 513 carcasses out of 6017 (8.5%) were rejected during inspection. The main reasons for condemnation were abscesses, cachexia, catarrhal bronchopneumonia, vertebral osteomyelitis, arthritis, pleuritis, peritonitis and pleuropneumonia. Positive relationships were found between tail lesions and arthritis (OR=5.23) or vertebral osteomyelitis (OR=24.81), while no relationships were found between tail lesions and abscesses. Lower risks were observed among carcasses condemned for cachexia, and were as follows: abscesses (OR=0.18), arthritis (OR=0.32), vertebral osteomyelitis (OR=0.06). Arcanobacterium pyogenes, either alone or in combination with other agents, was the main bacterial species isolated from abscesses, osteomyelitis and arthritis (73.5% of lesions). Direct economical losses associated with condemnation were calculated to be 30,000 Euro.  相似文献   

The cause of an increased number of femoral fractures in market pigs from a single producer is described. Blood chemical, bone ash, radiographic, and feed analyses revealed that the fractures were caused by insufficient calcium in the diet. Associated economic and welfare implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to determine the prevalence and the species of liver flukes in indigenous adult cattle, to compare the diagnostic efficiency of fecal and post mortem examination and to assess the economic significance of bovine fasciolosis due to liver condemnation in the abattoir. Of the 406 livers and fecal samples examined, 57 (14.0%) and 20 (4.9%) were positive for fasciolosis. The most common liver fluke species affecting the cattle was Fasciola gigantica, 9.1% of cattle were infected with F. gigantica while, Fasciola. hepatica, mixed infections and unidentified or immature forms of Fasciola spp. were present in 3.2 %, 0.7% and 1 % of cattle, respectively. A retrospective abattoir survey revealed that the prevalence of fasciolosis was 12.7%. The prevalence of fasciolosis recorded in this study was lower than that reported by other researchers in this country. There was a strong relationship between fecal examination and postmortem findings of liver lesions, (K?=?0.23) but under local conditions, postmortem examination was considered a better diagnostic tool for fasciolosis. Fasciolosis is of significant economic importance as the resultant liver condemnations caused an average loss of 4000 USD per annum. Hence, this disease deserves serious attention by the various stakeholders in order to promote the beef industry in the study area in particular and in the country in general.  相似文献   

Equine coital exanthema (ECE) caused by equid herpesvirus 3 (EHV-3) is a contagious venereal disease characterised by the formation of painful papules, vesicles, pustules and ulcers on the external genitalia of both mares and stallions. EHV-3 is an alphaherpesvirus that is distinct from the other equine herpesviruses and endemic in most horse breeding populations worldwide. The negative impacts of ECE on equine breeding enterprises are the forced, temporary disruption of mating activities of mares and stallions, the additional care and supportive treatment that is required for affected horses, and the risk of virus spread by either fresh or frozen semen as well as by artificial insemination and embryo transfer. Because there are no effective surveillance systems to report ECE, its true prevalence and economic impact are difficult to assess and are probably underestimated. The purpose of this review is to describe the recent advances in understanding of EHV-3 infections and to consider the economic consequences of ECE within the current context of the equine industry.  相似文献   

Detailed postmortem examinations were conducted to evaluate the efficiency of meat inspection procedures and to determine the distribution of lesions in Mycobacterium bovis-infected cattle. The study involved routine inspection at slaughter, collection of tissues for detailed examination in the laboratory, and bacteriological examination to identify M. bovis. Additionally, a 10-year (1992--2001) meat inspection record was analysed to determine tuberculosis trends in the past decade. chi2-Test and simple regression were used to analyse the data. Out of 1350 cattle examined, 1.5% were found with tuberculous lesions. Routine abattoir inspection detected only 55% of cattle with confirmed lesions. Fifty-four per cent of tuberculous lesions were found in the lungs and thoracic lymph nodes, 23% in the lymph nodes of the head, and the remaining 23% in the mesenteric and other lymph nodes of the carcase. M. bovis was additionally isolated from an animal that had no gross lesions of tuberculosis. On average, the annual rate of whole-carcase condemnation due to generalized tuberculosis was 0.024% and it has increased annually by 0.34% over the past decade. The rate of whole-carcase condemnation indicates a high degree of TB transmission and requires immediate attention from both the economic and public health points of view. The lower sensitivity of routine abattoir inspection confirms the importance of improving necropsy procedures.  相似文献   

During a five year period, slaughter records were maintained on flocks of broiler chickens sent to a federally-inspected abattoir in New Brunswick. These records, including data regarding condemnation of both carcasses and portions of broilers, were maintained at the level of the individual producer. Annual meetings and ad hoc consultations with producers, a veterinary poultry specialist, and support groups in the poultry industry (feed mills, breeders, etc.) were used to relay to the various interested parties, information relating to disease conditions.

Following the implementation of this system, condemnation rates dropped by one full percentage point during the first three years, with a slight increase observed during the last two years of the study. At the end of the survey, condemnation rates were 20% less than those of the national average.


The prevalence of parasitic infections responsible for the condemnation of carcasses and viscera during meat inspection, and their economic implication, was estimated in a year long abattoir survey of 10 277 slaughtered farm animals in the region of Trikala, Greece. The organs examined for the presence of parasitic lesions during meat inspection were: liver and lungs of all animals, rumen of cattle, small intestine of lambs and kids, and muscles of cattle and swine. The parasitic lesions observed in the lungs of cattle, sheep and goats were caused only by hydatid cysts. No hydatid cysts were observed in the lungs of swine. The parasitic lesions observed in the liver of cattle, sheep and goats were as a result of hydatid cysts and flukes of Fasciola hepatica and Dicrocoelium dendriticum, while those of swine were due to milk spots only. Moniezia sp. proglottids were found in the small intestine of lambs only. The prevalence of parasites responsible for the condemnation of marketable organs was low (0.26%). Parasites were responsible for 22% of the total of condemned organs, and their annual cost was 99 500 GDR (~€292). The parasites most contributing to marketable organ condemnation were hydatid cysts (26%) and D. dendriticum flukes (26%).  相似文献   

大型屠宰企业通过采用HACCP体系,全面分析潜在的危害,确定关键控制点,建立关键限值(CL),通过监控关键控制点,及时地进行纠偏行动并保持有效的记录,最后验证HACCP体系正确运行一系列步骤,从而有效预防影响肉类食品安全性的潜在危害,并消除或降低到可接受的水平。  相似文献   

A profit function for a typical commercial farm of intensive guinea pig production was designed. The simulated farm contained 86 cages with a ratio of 7:1 females/males, with continuous mating. Kits were weaned at 15 days of age and slaughtered for meat production at 90 days of age. The absolute (EW) and relative economic weights of the main traits were calculated. The highest EW were kits produced per kindling (US$25), kits weaned per kindling (US$22), kits born alive per kindling (US$20), and the number of kindlings per female and year (US$12). Profit, returns, and costs per female and year were US$15, 68, and 53, respectively. Returns came from the production of young guinea pigs and discarded reproductive adults for meat production, 90 and 10% of the total returns. The highest costs were feeding and labor, 44 and 23% of the total cost. The EW and profit did not substantially change when simulating variations of ±20% in the prices of kilograms of fattening feed and kilograms of live weight of guinea pig, showing their robustness to future variations in market prices or to variations in prices between countries. The results obtained highlight the importance of the feeding costs in the guinea pig meat production.  相似文献   

This thesis synopsis reports the results of investigations on: the incidence of clinical and subclinical H. pleuropneumoniae infections on pig farms in North Brabant; the economic loss on fattening farms; the effect of husbandry; the possibility of eradicating H. pleuropneumoniae on infected breeding farms on the basis of serological testing; the possibility of control on fattening farms by means of vaccination. The principal findings were as follows: Clinical and subclinical H. pleuropneumoniae infections are widespread on pig farms in North Brabant: The greatest economic loss was due to mortality and veterinary fees; the daily weight again was not found to be affected. The effect of husbandry. Less mortality occurred: on farms where the animals were not shifted during the fattening period; in compartments where the all-in all-out method was systematically used; in compartments with thermostatically controlled warming of the incoming air; in compartments meeting all standards of a good housing climate. Various sanitation measures on infected breeding farms were not successful. Only one experimental vaccine afforded good protection, but because of a high percentage of injection abscesses this vaccine was unsuitable for use in practice.  相似文献   


This thesis synopsis reports the results of investigations on:

– the incidence of clinical and subclinical H. pleuropneumoniae infections on pig farms in North Brabant;

– the economic loss on fattening farms; the effect of husbandry;

– the possibility of eradicating H. pleuropneumoniae on infected breeding farms on the basis of serological testing;

– the possibility of control on fattening farms by means of vaccination.

The principal findings were as follows:

Clinical and subclinical H. pleuropneumoniae infections are widespread on pig farms in North Brabant:

The greatest economic loss was due to mortality and veterinary fees; the daily weight again was not found to be affected.

The effect of husbandry.

Less mortality occurred: on farms where the animals were not shifted during the fattening period; in compartments where the all‐in all‐out method was systematically used; in compartments with thermostatically controlled warming of the incoming air; in compartments meeting all standards of a good housing climate.

Various sanitation measures on infected breeding farms were not successful.

Only one experimental vaccine afforded good protection, but because of a high percentage of injection abscesses this vaccine was unsuitable for use in practice.  相似文献   

After more than 10 years of absence, sylvatic rabies re‐appeared in Italy in 2008. To prevent disease spread, three oral rabies vaccination (ORV) campaigns targeting red foxes were performed through manual distribution of vaccine baits between January and September 2009. As these campaigns proved unsuccessful, at the end of December 2009, baits started being distributed using helicopters, allowing uniform coverage of larger areas in a shorter time period. From winter 2009 to autumn 2016, a total of 15 ORV campaigns (four emergency, four regular and seven preventive ORV) were implemented through aerial distribution of baits. In this study, we assessed the costs of the aerial ORV campaigns, which were aimed at eradicating the disease and reobtaining the rabies‐free status. Cumulative costs per km2 were estimated at €59.45 during emergency campaigns and ranged between €51.94 and €65.67 in the regular vaccinations. The main portion of costs for ORV programmes were related to baits supply and distribution: €49.24 (82.83%) in emergency campaigns and from €40.33 to € 43.35 in regular ORVs (71.97% and 66.02%, respectively). At the end of each ORV campaign, the efficacy of vaccination activities was estimated by assessing the proportion of foxes testing positive for tetracycline biomarker in jawbone, indicating bait intake. Results revealed that the proportion of foxes that ingested baits varied between 70.97% and 95.51%. Statistical analysis indicated that reducing the density of dropped baits could potentially lead to a cost‐saving of 22.81%, still maintaining a satisfactory level of bait intake by the fox population.  相似文献   

Abnormalities of the reproductive tract of female sheep were studied by examining 9970 reproductive tracts from cull ewes and 23,536 tracts from nulliparous sheep (prime lambs) over a period of 12 months in abattoirs in south-west England. Overall, 3.37 per cent of the tracts were pregnant (8.11 per cent of cull ewes, and 1.36 per cent of nulliparous sheep), with a peak incidence between September and December. A total of 655 ewes (6.57 per cent) and 459 nulliparous sheep (1.95 per cent) had acquired abnormalities of the reproductive tract. Within these totals, abnormalities of the ovaries accounted for 3.51 per cent (for the ewes) and 10.68 per cent (for the nulliparous sheep) of all the abnormalities, and abnormalities of the ovarian bursa and uterine tube accounted for 42.1 per cent (for the ewes) and 5.23 per cent (for the nulliparous sheep). In addition, uterine lesions (hydrometra and metritis) accounted for 9.92 per cent (for the ewes) and 13.51 per cent (for the nulliparous sheep); lesions of the cervix and vagina (total of 1.44 per cent) and Cysticercus tenuicollis cysts associated with the reproductive tract (total of 3.05 per cent) were less common. Among the ewes the most common ovarian lesions were ovulation tags, and follicular cysts were the most common in nulliparous animals. Lesions such as bursitis, parametritis and abscesses of the reproductive tract were much more common in cull ewes than in nulliparous sheep, probably having arisen from peripartum infections. Hydrosalpinx and hydrometra, in which the intraluminal fluid was clear, were present at relatively high incidence in nulliparous animals, but not in cull ewes. The proportion of tracts containing macerated fetal remnants (2.14 per cent of all abnormalities in cull ewes) was lower than expected. It was considered that the functional significance of many of the lesions, such as ovulation tags and C tenuicollis cysts, was likely to be low, although in some cases of the latter calcification of the cyst had occluded the uterine tubes. Other lesions, notably hydrosalpinx, bursitis and metritis were likely to have made the affected animals sterile. The acquired abnormalities were therefore more significant in terms of individual animal infertility than as a major cause of infertility in flocks.  相似文献   

Accurate predictive modelling facilitates efficient and effective trait selection in animal breeding and can decrease costs while maximizing profits when raising economically important animals. The objective of this study was to extend a previously developed bioeconomic model and computer program to calculate the marginal economic values (MEVs) and economic weights (EWs) for direct and maternal pig traits affected by new reproductive traits, namely the number of sow functional teats (NFTs) and boar sperm quality traits (SQTs) that included sperm volume, sperm concentration, motility percentage and percentage of abnormal spermatozoa. The MEV of NFTs represented the cost differences between naturally and artificially reared piglets until weaning and the cost differences between naturally and artificially reared finished animals. The MEVs of SQTs expressed the saved costs for artificial insemination, assuming a decreased price per insemination dose when improving the SQTs. The absolute and relative EWs for the newly defined complex of traits in the breeding objectives for pig breeds involved in the Czech national three-way crossing system (Czech Large White [CLW], Czech Landrace [CL] and Pietrain [PN]) were calculated using gene flow methods. The NFT trait was included only for dam breeds, and the relative EW averaged 3.6% of the total economic importance based on the genetic standard deviations of all 19 simultaneously evaluated traits in CLW and CL breeds. The relative EWs of the four SQTs comprised 2.0% of the total economic importance of the 19 traits in the CLW and CL dam breeds and 8% of the total economic importance of the 18 traits in the PN sire breed. Therefore, inclusion of the NFTs for dam breeds and SQTs for sire breeds in the breeding goal is recommended to aid in obtaining ideal outcomes with optimal economic values.  相似文献   

The teeth in the severed heads of 501 cull cows, all over 30 months of age, were examined at an abattoir in the north of England in 1997/98; 80 per cent of them were Friesians or Holsteins. Seventy-three animals (14.6 per cent) had one or more missing incisors, most of which were acquired losses. Rotation and overlapping of rostral teeth were also common, as was attrition. Congenitally absent first lower premolars, other missing teeth, large and often multiple interdental spaces, and a few cases of macrodontia, cavitation, multiple defects and fractures were observed in the cheek tooth arcades. There were some unusual patterns of premolar and molar attrition, often attributable to malocclusion, one result of which was the formation of a hook at the posterior extremity of the third maxillary molar.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to assess the clinical, haematological and biochemical responses of pigs experimentally inoculated with Trichinella spiralis. Groups of three pigs were inoculated per os with 100, 500 and 5000 T. spiralis muscle larvae, two pigs were used as control. Clinical evaluation of disease in pigs included daily examination, rectal temperature measurements and cardiac and respiration rates. Haematological studies included: hematocrit (%), hemoglobin (g/dl), and white cell, neutrophil, lymphocyte and eosinophil counts. Blood biochemistry included: bun (mg/dl), creatinine (mg/dl), AST (UI/l), ALT (UI/l), CPK (UI/l) and ALP (UI/l). No significant differences were observed in rectal temperature and in cardiac and respiration rates between inoculated animals and the control group (p> or =0.05). Significant differences were detected (p< or =0.05) in the values of % hemoglobin, and eosinophils, as well as in the values of CK, ALP, AST and ALT. The variations observed in some cases were related to the number of T. spiralis larvae inoculated and varied with the number of days post-infection. Inoculated pigs showed significant differences (p< or =0.05) in weight gain when compared with uninoculated controls. This study has clinical, haematological, and enzyme alterations in Trichinella infected pigs provides a better understanding of acute and chronic trichinellosis in pigs.  相似文献   

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