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住肉孢子虫属孢子纲、住肉孢子虫属。这个属的寄生虫寄生于家畜 (马、黄牛、水牛、牦牛、绵羊、山羊、猪 )、鼠类、鸟类、爬虫类和鱼类等多种动物、偶尔寄生于人。李承钰等 (1991)曾对西宁地区农贸市场上销售的羊胴体肉孢子虫病感染情况进行过报道。我于2000年对乌兰县定点屠宰场从三乡收购的菜羊进行了住肉孢子虫感染情况的抽样调查。1材料和方法1.1调查对象每乡抽检36只 ,每只胴体采取膈肌、食道肌、心肌各10g。1.2调查方法每份肉样弃去包膜后 ,肉眼仔细观察 ,然后仔细随机称取各部位肌肉0.1g,按肌纤维方向剪碎 ,…  相似文献   

家畜住肉孢子虫病是一种人畜共患的寄生虫病。住肉孢子虫最初是Miescher(1843)在欧洲的小鼠肌肉中发现的,其后在其它动物的肌肉中也相继发现。Kuhn(1865)在猪肉中发现了该原虫,并以Miescher 的名字命名为Synchytium mies-cheriahum。Lankester(1882)把本种作为模式种,新设Sarcocystis 属。住肉孢子虫住分类上属原生动物亚界、原生动物门、孢子虫纲、真球虫  相似文献   

乌兰县羊住肉孢子虫感染情况调查   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
笔者于 2 0 0 0年对乌兰县定点屠宰场从三乡收购的菜羊进行了住肉孢子虫感染情况的抽样调查。1 材料和方法1 1 调查对象 :每乡抽检羊 36只 ,每只胴体采取膈肌、食道肌、心肌各 10g。1 2 调查方法 :每份肉样 ,剥去包膜后 ,肉眼仔细观察 ,然后随机称取各部位肌肉 0 1g ,按肌纤维方向剪碎 ,置于载玻片上压平至半透明 ,用生物显微镜观察住肉孢子虫的形态、大小、包囊内结构并计数 ,在任何一个部位发现住肉孢子虫包囊 ,即被视为阳性 ,各部位检出率的差异用t检验统计分析。2 结果2 1 被检的 10 8只菜羊 ,感染住肉孢子虫的有 5 8只 ,感染…  相似文献   

住肉孢子虫Sarcocystis隶属原生动物门顶器亚门孢子虫纲真球虫目球虫亚目肉孢子虫科(Levine,1973),广泛分布世界各地,对黄牛有很高的感染率,过去曾一直被认为对牛无致病性,但近十多年的研究  相似文献   

大通县屠宰羊住肉孢子虫感染情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
住肉孢子虫属于孢子虫纲真球虫目住肉孢子虫科孢子虫属,在畜禽中普遍存在,人也能感染,是一种人畜共患原虫病.特别是住肉孢子虫能产生一种毒素--住肉孢子虫毒素.  相似文献   

水牛人工诱发枯氏住肉孢子虫病的病理学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
12头5~8月龄公水牛犊,10头分别接种枯氏柱肉孢子虫卵囊8×10^5~2×10^7个,2头作对照,感染后20~50天出现急性临床症状,其中死亡5头,剖检变化的脏器斑点出血,水肿,脂肪萎缩,体腔积液及肺炎,感染后12~46天在水牛所有脏器中观察到裂殖体,感染后56,78天裂殖体在体内消失,肌肉中出现包囊,组织学变化为出血,水肿,血栓,血管周围炎,非酸性肌炎及实质细胞退行性变化,但肌肉没有观察到钙化  相似文献   

肉孢子虫病是住肉孢子虫寄生于肌间引起的一种食源性人畜共患寄生虫病,以肉食动物为终末宿主。2006年笔者对化隆县昂思多镇屠宰场中的羊胴体进行了该病感染状况的调查,为今后的防治工作和肉品检验提供依据。  相似文献   

动用CIE和ELISA对两种住肉孢子虫全包裹抗原及包裹各部分抗原的免疫特性进行了分析研究。结果表明:两种住肉孢子虫与网种或异种住肉孢子虫阳性血清具有强烈的交叉反应,各囊各部分抗原以缓殖子抗原免疫反应最强。  相似文献   

水牛住肉孢子虫病的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李益 《动物检疫》1993,10(3):18-21

Cattle inoculated with Sarcocystis bovicanis (= Sarcocystis cruzi) and sheep inoculated with Sarcocystis ovicanis were monitored for the appearance of Sarcocystis-specific antibodies and lymphocytes in the peripheral circulation. Anti-Sarcocystis antibody was identified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, whereas antigen-reactive lymphocytes were discerned by an in vitro lymphocyte blastogenic assay. The antigens used were the soluble fraction recovered from disrupted bradyzoites of mature sarcocysts. Cattle developed anti-Sarcocystis immunoglobulin (Ig)M responses, beginning 3 to 4 weeks after inoculation, and IgG1 antibody responses, beginning 5 to 6 weeks after inoculation. The increase in IgM antibody was relatively brief, returning to near preinfection levels in 2 to 3 months. In contrast, IgG1 antibody levels remained high for at least 5 to 6 months. Neither IgG2 nor IgA antibody responses were demonstrable in cattle. In sheep, the IgG antibody levels followed a time course similar to that seen in cattle, except that the increase was slightly delayed (6 to 8 weeks after inoculation was done). Measurable IgM antibody response was not seen in sheep. Cellular immunoresponsiveness as judged by in vitro lymphocyte blastogenesis in cattle was different from that in sheep. Sarcocystis-specific lymphocytes were demonstrable in the circulation of cattle within 15 days after they were inoculated, but the activity decreased rapidly. In sheep, reactive cells were not evident until 3 to 4 weeks after inoculation were done, but peripheral blood lymphocytes taken from these sheep as long as 5 to 6 weeks after the inoculations remained capable of mounting strong blastogenic responses. Neither the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay nor the blastogenic assay showed species specificity. Animals immunized with a given species of Sarcocystis gave similar in vitro responses to antigens from the immunizing species and to other species of Sarcocystis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The development of the parasite and lesions was studied in 32 sheep killed 10 days to 47 months after inoculation with Sarcocystis gigantea sporocysts from cats. At 21-42 days post-inoculation (d.p.i.), there was a mild encephalitis, but organisms were not seen in the brain. Immature sarcocysts were detected from 40-84 d.p.i. The cyst wall was not measurable by light microscopy at 40 d.p.i., but was 1.5-2 microns thick at 84 d.p.i. At 119 d.p.i. both immature cysts containing only metrocytes, and mature cysts containing both metrocytes and merozoites, were present. These mature cysts did not have a secondary cyst wall. A mature cyst, 350 microns in length, was found in a sheep killed at 8 1/2 months p.i. At 10 m.p.i. cysts were up to 0.5 mm long and a secondary cyst wall was present. At 47 m.p.i. cysts were 2-5 X 4.5-7.5 mm, and were found only in the muscles of tongue, oesophagus, pharynx and flank.  相似文献   

The development of the parasite was studied in 48 sheep killed between 188 and 1132 days after experimental inoculation with Sarcocystis medusiformis sporocysts from cats. Immature sarcocysts were present at 188 days post inoculation (d.p.i.). At 331 d.p.i. macroscopic sarcocysts with an elongate fusiform appearance were seen in the laryngeal, abdominal and diaphragm musculature. The largest cyst measured 2 mm in length by 0.5 mm in width at 331 d.p.i.; histologically they contained metrocytes at the periphery of the cyst with more densely staining merozoites in the central region. By 443 d.p.i. typical 'thin' cysts 2-3.5 mm in length were seen in the flank and external thoracic muscles. By 765 d.p.i. sarcocysts were 5 mm in length. The ultrastructure of the cyst wall of these cysts resembled that of S. medusiformis. At 1132 d.p.i. sarcocysts measured 4 mm X 0.5 mm.  相似文献   

Sarcocystis cruzi, S. hirsuta and S. hominis are apicomplexan parasites that affect cattle worldwide with variable prevalence. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of Sarcocystis spp. in Argentinean cattle comparing microscopic fresh examination and molecular methods. Blood, myocardium and loin samples were collected in five slaughterhouses from a total of 380 bovines. Origin of animals was representative of the major beef cattle production area of Argentina. Samples were analyzed by fresh microscopical examination, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), IFAT and PCR-RFLP. Thin walled sarcocysts corresponding with S. cruzi were found in 99.5% of heart samples. Sarcocysts were detected in 73.1% of loin samples; 71.5% had S. cruzi cysts and 23.1% had thick walled sarcocysts (S. hirsuta or S. hominis). TEM observation revealed the presence of characteristic S. hominis and S. hirsuta cyst walls in 7 and 1 loin samples respectively. Using IFAT, 379/380 animals had titers 25 or higher, showing a full agreement with fresh examination. Amplification products were detected in 35.5% (135/380) of loin samples; however Sarcocystis species could only be determined by RFLP in 29 samples. Agreement between fresh examination and PCR was low (Kappa value=0.262). This is the first report of S. hominis and S. hirsuta in Argentina. Further studies are needed to improve the sensitivity of molecular methods for species identification, especially for differentiation of S. cruzi and S. hirsuta from the zoonotic species S. hominis. The results of the present study and others focusing on sensitivity and specificity of Sarcocystis spp. diagnostic methods should contribute to improve food safety.  相似文献   

Samples of serum and diaphragm muscle were collected from 100 pigs, and serum samples and oesophagi were collected from 100 sheep. The diaphragm muscle and oesophageal tissues were examined for the presence of macroscopic and microscopic Sarcocystis cysts by compression between trichinoscope plates as well as by tissue digestion with pepsin solution. The sera were examined by the indirect haemagglutination test (IHA), using antigens from Sarcocystis gigantea. With these methods, 95% of the sheep and 43% of the pigs were found to be infected with Sarcocystis sp.  相似文献   

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