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为明确山东省小麦田中禾本科杂草雀麦不同防除时间对小麦产量的影响,于2013—2015年连续在聊城市高唐县姜店村试验田中调查雀麦发生时间及数量,测定了不同雀麦防除时间的小麦产量情况。结果表明,该区小麦田在每年的3月1日—4月1日雀麦发生量最大,2013—2014年和2014—2015年度的平均密度分别为55.0茎/m~2和297.0茎/m~2。冬小麦田间雀麦的最佳除草时间在每年4月1日之前为宜;4月1日之后防除雀麦则造成小麦减产,严重时产量损失可达90.8%,甚至造成小麦绝产;综合2年度试验结果,雀麦危害造成小麦的产量损失能直接影响小麦的产量构成因素即小麦有效穗数,其次是千粒重,对穗粒数的影响较小。表明小麦田雀麦对小麦产量影响大小不仅与雀麦密度有关,也与雀麦防除时间密切相关。  相似文献   

为了探讨江苏省稻茬冬小麦田禾本科杂草-阔叶杂草混合优势种群的防除指标,2020-2021年在江苏省扬州市邗江区稻茬冬小麦田中开展日本看麦娘-猪殃殃混合种群防除指标的研究.结果表明,日本看麦娘和猪殃殃混生对小麦具有危害,主要体现在小麦成穗和穗型上,即小麦分蘖成穗和每穗粒数减少,从而导致小麦减产.以使小麦减产5%的杂草混生...  相似文献   

为研究高温火焰除草技术在幼龄茶园中应用的可行性,丰富茶园生态控草技术措施,解决目前茶园杂草难防除等问题,设计制造一台手推式高温火焰除草装置,在幼龄茶园杂草发生盛期,试验验证不同时间、用气量对杂草的防除效果。结果表明,禾本科杂草与阔叶杂草对高温火焰的敏感性存在较大差异;高温火焰处理后15 d,对禾本科杂草的株防效为55.61%~68.82%,对阔叶杂草的株防效为72.88%~92.68%;处理后30 d,对禾本科杂草马唐、旱稗等的防除效果严重下降,但对阔叶杂草反枝苋、鸭跖草、春蓼、豨莶等依旧有较高防效,株防效为82.18%~95.07%,鲜重防效为84.18%~95.64%。高温火焰对阔叶杂草具有较好的防除效果,但由于试验时期为杂草发生盛期,且正值高温多雨季节,禾本科杂草恢复生长优势较快,对禾本科杂草的防除效果较差;对禾本科杂草的防除应在其耐受力较弱、生长点较少的苗期进行。该研究为高温火焰除草技术在茶园中的应用提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   

于2014~2015年测定了19%苯磺隆·氯氟吡氧乙酸混剂在小麦田的效果和安全性,试验结果表明,该混剂对麦田阔叶杂草有较好的防除效果,症状反应速度快,显著抑制杂草对养分和水的吸收;对禾本科杂草基本无效;对小麦具有较好的安全性,施药后未出现药害症状,对小麦生长和产量无负面影响。  相似文献   

为了筛选高效的高粱除草剂和适合的施药方式, 我们进行了高粱田间杂草化学防除药剂及施药方法筛选试验, 通过除草效果、产量和收益分析, 初步认为:施药方法上土壤封闭明显优于茎叶处理。土壤封闭剂中, 42%丁·异·莠去津SC、42%异丙草·莠SC除草剂对阔叶杂草和禾本科杂草防除作用优良, 鲜重防效均超过90%, 高粱产量虽低于人工除草, 但差异不显著, 减产幅度在1%以下; 使用这类药剂高粱生产的利润高于人工除草。茎叶处理剂中, 25%辛酰溴苯腈EC等除草剂对高粱生长影响较小, 对藜、反枝苋等阔叶杂草防效高, 高粱产量低于人工除草, 但高粱生产的利润高于人工除草。建议在高粱生产中使用这些除草剂。  相似文献   

豇豆田杂草的危害损失及其防除技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杂草可造成豇豆减产 1 2 .7%~ 6 0 .0 % ,杂草危害级别越高 ,豇豆产量下降越多。同种危害级别下 ,阔叶杂草对豇豆的危害重于禾本科杂草。菜草净 (4 8%丁·都尔乳油 ) 1 5 0 0ml hm2 可有效防除豇豆田杂草 ,药后 6 0d对禾本科杂草的株防效为 90 .7% ,对阔叶杂草的株防效达 75 .5 %。  相似文献   

1.由于猪殃殃的竞争,小麦穗数、粒数减少,粒重降低,导致减产。田间猪殃殃株数。茎枝数,干物重与小麦产量损失之间有极显著回归关系。猪殃殃茎枝数每增加1万茎/亩,穗数减少0.051万穗,穗粒数减少0.022粒,千粒重降低0.014克。小麦产量损失0.94斤。 2.猪殃殃与小麦共生时间越长,对产量影响越大。与小麦同时出草的猪殃殃,共生到三月底小麦拔节期,减产不显著;共生到四月底小麦抽穗期,减产达极显著水平。初步认为,三月底,四月初是影响小麦产量的临界期。 3.猪殃殃密度大的情况下,除了与小麦竞争,内部竞争也相当激烈,密度越大,分枝的成活率越低。 4.根据其危害损失,结合当前生产水平,建议把防除指标定为60茎/尺~2。猪殃殃是遍布全省、发生和危害正在逐年加重的麦田恶性杂草。1979—1981年,我所曾对其生物学和发生规律、危害损失等作了观察和研究,明确了田间发生密度10株/尺~2以上,即能造成小麦显著减产;3月下旬是药剂防除适期。1983—1984年,着重对猪殃殃和小麦之间的竞争关系及其影响作了一些研究,得出了根据猪殃殃田间发生量来估测小麦产量损失的回归方程式,并根据猪殃殃竞争的临界期,从理论上肯定了3月下旬是春季防除适期;建议改用60茎/尺~2为防除指标,比用株数为指标更准确,更易掌握。  相似文献   

抚顺地区玉米田杂草种类繁多,单剂的使用达不到防除的目的,掺混难以掌握用量及比例。丁草胺·莠去津48%悬乳剂是山东淄博市周村穗丰农药化工有限公司生产的混配药剂,即可有效防除玉米田单子叶杂草又能有效防除阔叶杂草,而且对作物生长发育及产量无影响,是玉米田理想的除草药剂。  相似文献   

抚顺地区玉米田杂草种类繁多,单剂的使用达不到防除的目的,掺混难以掌握用量及比例。丁草胺·莠去津48%悬乳剂是山东淄博市周村穗丰农药化工有限公司生产的混配药剂,即可有效防除玉米田单子叶杂草又能有效防除阔叶杂草,而且对作物生长发育及产量无影响,是玉米田理想的除草药剂。  相似文献   

留兰香、薄荷油广泛用于医药、食品、化妆品等方面,是我省主要创汇物资之一。我场每年种植4万亩左右,是本场职工主要经济收入来源。70年代薄荷、留兰香栽培中人工除草工作极为艰巨,由于行距窄、密度大,只能用手铲除草,每个工日只能除草0.2亩左右,挫伤了栽培积极性。1984年起应用稳杀得、盖草能、禾草克等进行化学除草,解决了田间禾本科杂草的危害,种植面积逐年扩大。但由于多年使用防除禾本科杂草的除草剂,田间杂草群落发生变化,由原来的以禾本科杂草为主转变到现在的以莎草和阔叶杂草为主。至1989年,除草工作又开始回溯到人工防除,化除面积占种植面积的比例从1985年的90%以上下降到1989年的30~40%。因此以化除来解决田间莎革和阔叶杂草的危害,是生产中出现的新问题,急待研究解决。  相似文献   

不同稻田综合种养模式下杂草长期控制效果的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确稻田综合种养模式是否可以长期有效控制杂草危害,通过对江苏省48个样点共6种综合种养模式(稻鸭、稻蟹、稻虾、稻鱼、稻鳖和稻鳅/鳝共作)农田的杂草群落和土壤种子库进行调查,比较分析杂草群落综合草情优势度、物种多样性以及杂草群落和土壤种子库的组成和变化。结果表明,在综合种养模式实施1~3年,杂草群落综合草情优势度和土壤种子库密度均明显下降,其中稻鸭共作模式下两者均下降最多,其次是稻虾共作模式下杂草群落综合草情优势度下降较多,而稻鱼共作模式下土壤种子库密度下降较多。实施4~5年,各种养模式下杂草群落综合草情优势度和土壤种子库密度均上升,草害加剧,杂草防控效果下降;其中稻鳅/鳝共作模式下杂草群落综合草情优势度和土壤种子库密度与常规稻田相比升幅最大,分别上升28.8%和25.3%;由于稻鳖、稻鳅/鳝共作模式实施均未超过5年,在实施4~5年时整体上杂草危害最为严重,禾本科杂草、阔叶杂草以及莎草科杂草的综合草情优势度较常规稻田分别上升42.4%、12.3%、0.7%和31.5%、27.7%、38.1%。实施5年以上,稻鸭共作模式下阔叶杂草的综合草情优势度较常规稻田下降65.0%,但禾本科杂草的综合草情优势度和土壤种子库密度较常规稻田分别上升80.5%和66.6%,成为杂草群落和土壤种子库的优势种群;稻虾共作模式下莎草科杂草和阔叶杂草的综合草情优势度较常规稻田分别上升17.8%和45.0%;稻蟹共作模式下莎草科杂草、阔叶杂草和禾本科杂草的综合草情优势度较常规稻田分别上升22.7%、35.3%和29.0%。表明当长期实施同种稻田综合种养模式时,杂草群落在单一的选择压力下会加快演替,杂草危害均呈先降后升的变化趋势,不利于田间杂草的长效防控,建议实施针对耗竭土壤种子库的综合技术措施。  相似文献   

Correlation between the soil seed bank and weed populations in maize fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Annual weed populations establish every year from persistent seed banks in the soil. This 3 year study investigated the relationship between the number of weed seeds in the soil seed bank and the resultant populations of major broadleaf and grass weeds in 30 maize fields. After planting the crop, 1 m2 areas were protected from the pre-emergence herbicide application. Soil samples were collected soon after spraying to a depth of 100 mm and the weed seeds therein were enumerated. The emerged weed seedlings in the field sampling areas were counted over the following 8 weeks. Up to 67 broadleaf species and five grass weeds were identified, although not all were found at every site and some were specific to a region or soil type. For the most abundant weeds in the field plots, on average 2.1–8.2% of the seeds of the broadleaf species and 6.2–11.9% of the seeds of the grass weeds in the soil seed bank emerged in any one year, depending on the species. Overall, the results showed a strong linear relationship between the seed numbers in the soil and the seedling numbers in the field for all the grasses and for most broadleaf weeds. For some species, like Trifolium repens , only a weak relationship was observed. In the case of Chenopodium album , which had the largest seed bank, there was evidence of asymptotic behavior, with seedling emergence leveling off at high seed numbers. An estimate of the soil seed bank combined with knowledge of the germination and behavior of specific weed species would thus have good potential for predicting future weed infestations in maize fields.  相似文献   

选用7种不同的除草处理,探究不同茬次刈割后的单、混用除草技术对紫花苜蓿的安全性、产量及杂草防除效果的影响.结果表明:一茬刈割后施药,杂草鲜重防效最好的是烯草酮+2,4-DB,最差的是2,4-DB;禾草鲜防最好的是烯草酮,其次分别是精稳杀得和精喹禾灵,效果一般;喷施精稳杀得+2,4-DB和精稳杀得+苯达松可显著提高二茬的产量.然而,二茬刈割后施药,杂草鲜重防效最好的却是精稳杀得+苯达松;喷施烯草酮、精稳杀得和精喹禾灵防除禾草的效果非常好,防效在86.18% ~ 100.00%.喷施2,4-DB的单、混用处理三茬产量显著减少.此外,喷施2,4-DB和苯达松的单、混用处理对阔叶草的鲜重防效和株防效都超过66.70%.  相似文献   

麦田混生杂草生态经济阈值的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
1999~2000年于山东农业大学实习农场对小麦田的荠菜、播娘蒿、麦瓶草等主要杂草混合生长的危害及生态经济防除阈值进行了研究 ,得出如下结论 :麦田主要杂草持续生长对小麦产量有显著影响 ;小麦产量损失率(y)与杂草密度(x)之间呈幂函数关系 ,即y=0.0077x1.6565。随着杂草密度的提高 ,单位面积小麦穗数和千粒重明显降低 ,穗粒数则无显著差异  相似文献   

Inter‐row hoeing is known to control tap‐rooted and erect weed species more effectively in winter wheat than weed harrowing. However, little is known about its effectiveness for use in the spring in winter wheat grown at wide row spacing (240 mm) under the influence of different placement of fertilizer. Two field experiments, one in 1999 and one in 2000, were conducted to study the influence of fertilizer placement, timing of inter‐row hoeing, and driving speed on the weeding effect on different weed species and crop growth. Placement of fertilizer below the soil surface improved crop growth and grain yield in both years compared with placement on the surface, but the more vigorous crop did not give any better suppression of the weeds surviving hoeing. Timing was not important in one experiment, whereas hoeing twice beginning in early April was more effective in the other experiment where weed growth over the winter had been vigorous. Driving speed had no influence on either the weeding effect or the yield, except for one case where increasing speed reduced the control of well‐developed weeds. Compared with unweeded reference treatments, inter‐row hoeing reduced total weed biomass by 60–70% and tap‐rooted and erect weed species in particular by 50–90%. Sowing at 240 mm row spacing yielded less than 120 mm (Danish standard), and inter‐row hoeing for winter wheat needs to be adapted to narrower row spacing to avoid such yield decreases.  相似文献   

Summary The effectiveness of crop competition for better weed control and reducing herbicide rates was determined for Avena ludoviciana and Phalaris paradoxa . Four experiments, previously broadcast with seeds of the two weeds in separate plots, were sown with three wheat densities, and emerged weeds were treated with four herbicide doses (0–100% of recommended rate). The measured crop and weed traits were first analysed across experiments for treatment effects. Grain yield and weed seed production data were then analysed using cubic smoothing splines to model the response surfaces. Although herbicide rate for both weeds and crop density for P. paradoxa had significant linear effects on yield, there was a significant non-linearity of the response surface. Similarly, herbicide rate and crop density had significant linear effects on weed seed production, and there was significant non-linearity of the response surface that differed for the weed species. Maximum crop yield and reduction in seed production of P. paradoxa was achieved with approximately 80 wheat plants m−2 and weeds treated with 100% herbicide rate. For A. ludoviciana , this was 130 wheat plants m−2 applied with 75% herbicide rate. Alternatively, these benefits were achieved by increasing crop density to 150 plants m−2 applied with 50% herbicide rate. At high crop density, application of the 100% herbicide rate tended to reduce yield, particularly with the A. ludoviciana herbicide, and this impacted adversely on the suppression of weed seed production. Thus, more competitive wheat crops have the potential for improving weed control and reducing herbicide rates.  相似文献   

苯磺隆在冬麦田减量施用的试验探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用随机区组试验方法,选取阔叶杂草分布均匀的地块。苯磺隆设2个浓度,采取不同时间喷药和添加助剂2种方式用药,以不施药为对照,综合评价不同处理的防效及对小麦生长的影响,探讨苯磺隆在南疆地区冬麦田减量施用的可行性。结果表明,同一施药时间,添加助剂处理对阔叶杂草的防效和小麦产量增幅与不添加助剂处理结果相当;苯磺隆12ga.i./hm2处理4月613施药对阔叶杂草的防效和小麦产量的增幅均优于3月24日施药2浓度处理的防效和产量增幅,与苯磺隆18ga.i./hm2处理的防效和小麦产量增幅相当,在试验条件下对小麦生长安全,无药害。  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted at two locations in southern Queensland, Australia during the 2003–2004 and 2004–2005 growing seasons to determine the differential competitiveness of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) cultivars and crop densities against weeds and the sorghum yield loss due to weeds. Weed competition was investigated by growing sorghum in the presence or absence of a model grass weed, Japanese millet (Echinochloa esculenta). The correlation analyses showed that the early growth traits (height, shoot biomass, and daily growth rate of the shoot biomass) of sorghum adversely affected the height, biomass, and seed production of millet, as measured at maturity. “MR Goldrush” and “Bonus MR” were the most competitive cultivars, resulting in reduced weed biomass, weed density, and weed seed production. The density of sorghum also had a significant effect on the crop's ability to compete with millet. When compared to the density of 4.5 plants per m2, sorghum that was planted at 7.5 plants per m2 suppressed the density, biomass, and seed production of millet by 22%, 27% and 38%, respectively. Millet caused a significant yield loss in comparison with the weed‐free plots. The combined weed‐suppressive effects of the competitive cultivars, such as MR Goldrush, and high crop densities minimized the yield losses from the weeds. These results indicate that sorghum competition against grass weeds can be improved by choosing competitive cultivars and by using a high crop density of >7.5 plants per m2. These non‐chemical options should be included in an integrated weed management program for better weed management, particularly where the control options are limited by the evolution of herbicide resistance.  相似文献   

Α three‐year, non‐irrigated field study was conducted in 1998, 1999, and 2000 at the Southern Weed Science Research Unit farm, Stoneville, MS to study the effects of rye cover crop residue, soybean planting systems, and herbicide application programs on the control, density and biomass of several weed species and soybean yield. The soybean planting systems comprised 19 cm rows with high plant density, 57 cm rows with medium plant density, and 95 cm rows with low plant density. The herbicide programs evaluated were pre‐emergence, postemergence, pre‐emergence followed by postemergence, and no herbicide. Flumetsulam and metolachlor were applied pre‐emergence, and acifluorfen, bentazon, and clethodim were applied postemergence. The presence or absence of rye cover crop residue and a soybean planting system did not affect weed control of the species evaluated (browntop millet, barnyard grass, broadleaf signal grass, pitted morningglory, yellow nutsedge, Palmer amaranth and hyssop spurge), when herbicides were applied, regardless of the application program. In addition, rye cover crop residue was not an effective weed management tool when no herbicide was applied, because density and biomass of most weeds evaluated were higher than a no cover crop residue system. Among soybean planting systems, narrow with high plant density soybeans reduced density of grasses, broadleaf weeds and yellow nutsedge by 24–83% and total weed biomass by 38%, compared to wide with low plant density soybeans. Although weed pressure was reduced by narrow with high plant density soybeans, herbicide applications had the most impact on weed control, weed density and biomass. All herbicide programs controlled all weed species 81–100% at two weeks after postemergence herbicide applications, in comparison to no‐herbicide. Density of grasses and all broadleaf weeds as well as total weed biomass was lower with the pre‐emergence followed by postemergence program than these programs alone. Soybean yields were higher in the pre‐emergence followed by postemergence, and postemergence only programs than the pre‐emergence alone program. Planting crops in narrow rows is one cultural method of reducing weed pressure. However, even with the use of this cultural practice, prevalent weed pressure often requires management with herbicides.  相似文献   

小麦是我国主要的粮食作物, 麦田草害的发生与危害严重影响小麦的产量与品质。我国小麦田的禾本科杂草主要包括日本看麦娘、看麦娘、菵草和多花黑麦草等, 田间杂草防除主要依靠化学除草剂。精噁唑禾草灵自20世纪80年代进入我国市场以来, 长期用于小麦田禾本科杂草防除, 已经报道麦田多种禾本科杂草对精噁唑禾草灵产生了高水平抗药性。为更加科学合理地控制小麦田杂草的发生与危害, 一些学者就麦田禾本科杂草对精噁唑禾草灵的抗药性水平监测和抗性机理进行了系统研究。本文系统总结了我国小麦田抗精噁唑禾草灵杂草的发生种群、抗性水平、靶标酶抗性机理与非靶标抗性机理, 还梳理了抗性杂草的交互抗性与多抗性发生情况, 分析了我国在抗性杂草治理方面的经验以及面临的问题, 为农田杂草防除提供指导。  相似文献   

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