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广州及其周边地区马梨形虫病血清流行病学调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为广东从化无规定马属动物疫病区建设的顺利进行和了解周边地区马属动物马梨形虫病的存在情况,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)和涂片镜检的方法对广州、东莞和深圳的马属动物进行了马梨形虫病(马巴贝斯虫和驽巴贝斯虫两种虫体)的流行病学调查。结果表明,上述三个地区的马属动物均存在不同程度的马梨形虫病两种虫体的抗体,且出现同一个马场和在同一匹马同时存在两种虫体抗体的情况。对所有抗体阳性马匹进行涂片镜检未发现虫体,也未发现有马梨形虫病临床症状的马属动物。  相似文献   

马梨形虫病是由马驽巴贝斯虫和马泰勒虫寄生于马属动物的红细胞内所引起的一类血液原虫病,呈全球性分布,尤其在新疆发病率更高,处于逐年上升趋势,对区域性马产业的发展影响极大。为了解2018年新疆昭苏养马区域马梨形虫的感染情况,随机采集昭苏县18个乡镇的马全血及血清各858份,采用PCR和间接ELISA分别进行检测,对两种方法检测的18个地区、不同年龄阶段的马驽巴贝斯虫、马泰勒虫及混合感染情况进行统计学分析。结果显示,PCR检测马驽巴贝斯虫、马泰勒虫及混合感染的阳性率分别为12.12%、13.87%和2.80%;间接ELISA检测马驽巴贝斯虫、马泰勒虫及混合感染的抗体阳性率分别为15.50%、10.14%和2.56%;不同年龄阶段筛查结果显示,在6岁以下的马匹感染马驽巴贝斯虫、马泰勒虫及混合感染的阳性率较高,并且不同地区的不同年龄阶段马匹的马梨形虫感染率存在不同程度的差异。此次获得的昭苏县马梨形虫感染情况的一线数据,可为当地养马区域马梨形虫病的综合防控提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

在序列比对分析的基础上,设计2对引物和2条MGB探针,经体系优化建立了可快速鉴别检测两种马梨形虫病病原(马泰勒虫和驽巴贝斯虫)的双重荧光PCR检测方法。该方法可分别检出22和31基因拷贝的虫体DNA,且不与其他马病病原发生交叉反应。应用建立的荧光PCR检测方法,对采自进出口马匹的10份马全血和20份马血清进行检测,结果从马全血中检出2份马泰勒虫阳性样品。使用一对马泰勒虫EMA1全基因扩增引物,从2份阳性样品中扩增了EMA1基因。克隆测序后,对该基因全序列进行分析,证实其为马泰勒虫特异基因序列;2份样品的基因序列相似性为98.9%,存在6个氨基酸变异;2个样品中的EMA1基因不完全一致,表明2个感染样品中的虫体可能为不同的马泰勒虫虫株。  相似文献   

为了解吉林省部分地区马梨形虫病流行情况,以血液涂片染色镜检虫体的方法对吉林、延边、通化3个地区的130匹马进行了马梨形虫病的流行病学调查。结果表明,以上3个地区马梨形虫感染率分别为12.50%,26.09%,9.09%,其中以延边地区流行较为严重;3个地区流行的马梨形虫均以马巴贝斯虫为主。通过调查,吉林省是马梨形虫病的流行地区。  相似文献   

近些年来,马梨形虫病在我国的流行呈现出一种上升的状态,给畜牧业的发展带来不利影响。本文主要针对马梨形虫病流行规律、诊断、检测方法及防治措施进行研究,以期进一步推动伊金霍洛旗无规定马属动物疫病区建设。  相似文献   

本文就马梨形虫病的流行特点以及临床症状进行了具体分析,介绍了其常用诊断方法,以期为伊金霍洛旗无规定马属动物疫病区建设过程中该病的诊断以及防治工作提供参考及借鉴。  相似文献   

为了解阿勒泰部分地区放牧马梨形虫病的流行情况,笔者运用前期所建立的Taq Man探针实时荧光定量PCR方法结合传统血涂片镜检方法,对吐尔洪乡、克孜勒希勒克牧场及铁买克乡等3个地区的134匹放牧马进行了马梨形虫病的流行病学调查;经FQ-PCR检测得出,以上3个地区的感染率分别为36.96%,45.76%和31.03%,以克孜勒希勒克牧场最为严重;3个地区均以感染驽巴贝斯虫为主;根据年龄段分析,幼驹的感染率高于成年马匹。应用SPSS软件分析得知,不同地区和不同年龄阶段的马匹感染梨形虫病差异不显著(P0.05)。结果表明,阿勒泰地区是马梨形虫病的流行地区。  相似文献   

中国梨形虫病及其媒介—蜱的研究概况   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国梨形虫病及其媒介──蜱的研究概况李德昌,陈启军(长春农牧大学兽医学院130062)梨形虫病是一类必须通过硬蜱传播的家畜原虫病。我国疆域辽阔,地跨古北、东洋两大区,从寒温带到热带,自然条件复杂,许多地区存在着大量可作为本病传播媒介的硬蜱,因此我国家...  相似文献   

岔口驿马是我国优良的地方走马品种,产于甘肃省武威市天祝藏族自治县,为了解岔口驿马产区马梨形虫病(Equine piroplasmosis, EP)感染情况,保护优质种质资源,本课题组开展了EP调查。在16个乡镇采集马血清510份,用ELISA方法进行马巴贝斯虫(Babesia equi,B.equi)和驽巴贝斯虫(Babesia caballi,B.caballi)抗体检测,并对3个乡镇的马匹进行血推片虫体检查。结果显示,510份马血清中B.equi抗体阳性数为34份,阳性率为6.67%;B.caballi抗体阳性数为38份,阳性率为7.45%;120份血样推片镜检,B.equi虫体检出率为4.17%,B.caballi虫体检出率为3.33%。调查结果表明,岔口驿马产区马群中存在EP感染现象。  相似文献   

通过病原学调查、临床诊断及实验室血液涂片镜检等方法对新疆库尔勒某马场梨形虫病病例进行诊断,同时对该马场其余12匹临床表现正常的马进行血液涂片镜检,其中5匹被确诊为隐性感染。针对该马场马匹的发病情况,制定出相应的治疗及预防措施,效果显著,为马梨形虫病的诊治提供参考。  相似文献   

The importance of equine piroplasmosis control in endemic countries has increased in recent years and plays an important role to maintain the international market open to the horse industry. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the occurrence of equine piroplasmosis (Babesia equi or Theileria equi and Babesia caballi) in Brazil--a country where the disease occurs endemically--in different climatic conditions, and to evaluate the results of a strategy for tick control in order to decrease infection rates. Blood samples were taken from 720 horses on 28 farms from different regions and subjected for complement fixation testing. The strategy was based on the control of the tick population by spraying the horses with acaricides, treating positive horses and preventing cattle and horses from grazing together. A significant association was found in the prevalence of antibody titres in tropical and subtropical areas. A significantly lower prevalence rate occurred on those farms where measures to control tick population were established. Farms in endemic countries may significantly reduce the prevalence of equine piroplasmosis by establishing measures to control the tick population and treating chronic carrier horses. Additional measures for controlling ticks in tropical areas are also discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the occurrence of equine piroplasmosis in Mongolia, a country in which the disease occurs epidemically in different climatic conditions. Antibodies to Babesia equi and B. caballi were determined in serum samples of 254 pastured horses in different locations of Mongolia using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with recombinant antigens. One hundred and eighty-five (72.8%) and 102 (40.1%) of all serum samples were positive for B. equi and B. caballi infections, respectively. In addition, 78 (30.7%) samples were positive for both B. equi and B. caballi infections. These results indicate that equine piroplasmosis is widespread in Mongolia. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing an epidemiological study on equine piroplasmosis in different geographic regions in Mongolia.  相似文献   

Detection of enrofloxacin and its metabolite ciprofloxacin in equine hair   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hair analysis to detect drug administration has not been studied extensively in horses. This study aimed to (a) develop an analytical method for enrofloxacin and its metabolite ciprofloxacin in mane and tail hair, (b) relate measured values to doses, routes of administration, hair colour, and (c) demonstrate long-term detectability. Samples were extracted in trifluoroacetic acid at 70 degrees C. Extracts were cleaned-up by solid-phase extraction and analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography with UV-diode array detection. Analyte recoveries were > 87%. Horses were sampled after therapeutic enrofloxacin administration either orally at 7.5 mg/kg daily for 3-13 days or twice daily for 10-14 days (Group 1, n=7) or intravenously at 5.0 mg/kg daily for 12 and 15 days (Group 2, n=2). Enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin were detected at concentrations up to 452 and 19 ng/mg, respectively, up to 10 months post-treatment. In vitro, enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin were extensively bound to melanin (> 96%) and in vivo, their uptake was 40-fold greater in black than white hair. Enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin concentrations correlated to enrofloxacin dose (r2=0.777 and r2=0.769). Enrofloxacin:ciprofloxacin ratios were 21:1 and 13:1 following intravenous and oral administration, respectively. Longitudinal analyte distributions correlated to treatment-sampling interval.  相似文献   

Serum samples from horses in the States of Sao Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil were examined for diagnosis of equine piroplasmosis by both the latex agglutination test (LAT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with recombinant antigens. Of the 47 samples analyzed, 38 (81%) and 42 (90%) samples were positive for B. equi infection and B. caballi infection, respectively. In addition, 35 (75%) samples were positive for both B. equi and B. caballi infections. These results indicate that equine piroplasmosis is widespread and therefore a cause for serious concern in the States of Sao Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.  相似文献   

An agglutinating antigen and a rapid card test (CT) for equine piroplasmosis was developed. The antigen for the CT was prepared from lyophilized Babesia caballi complement-fixation (CF) antigen. Serum and plasma samples for testing were obtained from known B caballi-infected horses and clinically normal horses maintained at the laboratory. Serum samples also were obtained from horses outside the continental United States, in areas where piroplasmosis is endemic. Comparative CT and CF tests were done on all samples. The CT correctly identified 85% of 192 plasma samples from known infected and normal horses and 92% of 188 serum samples from these same horses. The CT results agreed closely with CF results. There was good agreement between CT and CF results. There was good agreement between CT and CF results on serum samples from horses outside the United States. Of 19 CF-positive samples, 90% were also CT-positive and 92% of 177 CF-negative samples were also CT-negative.  相似文献   

为了解新疆昭苏县马匹体表蜱虫和周围游离蜱虫携带马梨形虫情况及其之间流行关系,于2016年4-7月份,分别采集马匹血液、相应马体表携带埤虫和周围牧场的蜱虫,经PCR检测总携带梨形虫率分别为93.9%(31/33),15.8%(6/38),3.4%(6/175);对所采集的蜱虫进行形态学鉴定,结果分别为草原革蜱、森林革蜱和...  相似文献   

Equine recurrent uveitis (ERU) is the most frequent cause of blindness in horses worldwide. Leptospira has been implicated as an etiologic agent in some cases of ERU and has been detected in fresh ocular tissues of affected horses. The objective of this study was to determine the presence of Leptospira antigen and DNA in fixed equine ocular tissues affected with end-stage ERU. Sections of eyes from 30 horses were obtained. Controls included 1) 10 normal equine eyes and 2) 10 equine eyes with a nonrecurrent form of uveitis. The experimental group consisted of 10 eyes diagnosed with ERU based on clinical signs and histologic lesions. Sections were subjected to immunohistochemical staining with an array of rabbit anti-Leptospira polyclonal antibodies. DNA extractions were performed by using a commercial kit designed for fixed tissue. Real-time PCR analysis was completed on extracted DNA. The target sequence for PCR was designed from alignments of available Leptospira 16S rDNA partial sequences obtained from GenBank. Two of 10 test samples were positive for Leptospira antigen by immunohistochemical assay. Zero of 20 controls were positive for Leptospira antigen. All test samples and controls were negative for Leptospira DNA by real-time PCR analysis. Leptospira was detected at a lower frequency than that previously reported for fresh ERU-affected aqueous humor and vitreous samples. Leptospira is not frequently detectable in fixed ocular tissues of horses affected with ERU when using traditional immunohistochemical and real-time PCR techniques.  相似文献   

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