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硅酸钠对马铃薯黑痣病的抗性及其抗性相关物质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确硅酸钠对马铃薯黑痣病抗性及其抗性相关物质的影响,采用盆栽法在接菌和不接菌情况下施硅酸钠,调查不同处理下马铃薯地下茎和匍匐茎的发病情况,并测定与抗性相关的7种酶活性及木质素含量。结果表明,接菌8 d时,施硅酸钠的马铃薯幼苗地下茎和匍匐茎病情指数分别比不施硅酸钠的降低42.9%和67.2%;接菌12 d时,施硅酸钠的马铃薯幼苗地下茎和匍匐茎病情指数分别比不施硅酸钠的降低55.7%和50.0%。施硅酸钠4~6 d,硅酸钠可诱导马铃薯幼苗体内过氧化物酶(peroxidase,POD)活性升高;不接菌处理时硅酸钠能减缓多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase,PPO)活性降低;硅酸钠对马铃薯幼苗体内苯丙氨酸解氨酶(phenylalanine ammonia-lyase,PAL)活性无影响;不接菌处理14~16 d时硅酸钠能提高马铃薯幼苗体内超氧物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)活性,接菌处理时硅酸钠对马铃薯幼苗体内SOD活性无影响;施硅酸钠第10天,马铃薯幼苗体内过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)活性升高;施硅酸钠处理第2天,马铃薯幼苗体内几丁质酶和β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性升高,不接菌处理10~14 d时施硅酸钠降低β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性;硅酸钠对马铃薯幼苗的木质素含量无影响。  相似文献   

马铃薯黑痣病生防菌的筛选和鉴定及其生长条件的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从甘肃省景泰县条山农场不同连作年限的马铃薯地块中取根际土样品,分离筛选马铃薯黑痣病病原菌-立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani)的拮抗菌。采用土壤平板稀释、对峙法筛选拮抗菌;结合形态特征、生理生化及16Sr DNA分子鉴定;采用单因素试验设计对G1菌株的生长条件进行初步试验。通过初筛和复筛,从108株细菌中获得1株对立枯丝核菌拮抗效果稳定、拮抗能力较强的细菌G1。采用平板对峙法测定其拮抗作用,抑菌带宽度达6mm,抑菌圈直径2.5 cm,抑菌率为66.7%。结合形态特征、生理生化及16Sr DNA分子鉴定,G1为类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus sp.);采用单因素试验设计对G1菌株的生长条件进行初步试验。结果表明,菌株G1在4℃~45℃,p H 5~10,盐浓度0~50 g·L-1都能生长,碳源、氮源利用广泛,最适条件为:温度37℃,p H 7,蔗糖为碳源,蛋白胨为氮源,盐浓度为10 g·L-1。拮抗菌G1被鉴定为类芽孢杆菌,该菌株抑菌带较宽、抑菌效果稳定,生长条件与马铃薯生长的大田环境基本相符,具有作为一株优良生防菌的必要条件。  相似文献   

采用菌丝生长抑制法,测定了10种杀菌剂对马铃薯黑痣病病菌的毒力。结果表明,10种药剂中戊唑醇的抑菌效果最好,EC_(50)为0.070 7 mg/L;其次是咯菌腈与氟啶胺,分别为0.079 8、0.116 4 mg/L。生物制剂寡雄幅霉菌与多抗霉素对马铃薯黑痣病病菌也有较明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

由立枯丝核菌引起的马铃薯黑痣病是一种常见的土壤和种薯传播病害,在世界各地均有发生。本试验对分离纯化的67个丝核菌菌株进行融合群测定,结果表明:67个菌株都属于AG3融合群;对其中来自6个不同地域的11个菌株进行ITS测定,11个菌株的相似度为99%。8种药剂对马铃薯黑痣病菌的毒力测定结果表明,20%氟胺·嘧菌酯水分散粒剂50mg/L和25g/L咯菌腈悬浮种衣剂50mg/L的抑菌效果较好,室内抑菌效果可达100%。  相似文献   

从马铃薯根际土壤中分离筛选得到对立枯丝核菌有较强拮抗作用的菌株XC-1,对其进行鉴定及生防特性分析,并评价其对马铃薯黑痣病的生防效果.形态学、16S rDNA和gyrB基因序列分析以及生理生化检测结果表明,XC-1菌株为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis).XC-1菌株具有产纤维素酶、蛋白酶及嗜铁素和HC...  相似文献   

马铃薯黑痣病病原菌分子鉴定及其生物学特性   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
随着马铃薯产业迅速发展,种植面积不断扩大,轮作倒茬年限逐渐缩短,诸多病害呈逐年加重的趋势,影响了马铃薯的产量和品质。黑痣病Rhizocto-nia solani是一种普遍且危害严重的土传病害。据调查,2009年内蒙古乌兰察布市马铃薯种植区黑痣病发病率为2.7%~52.3%,发病严重地块的植株死亡率高达90%。据Dj bali&Belhassen[1]报道,该病害能够造成马铃薯减产50%。马铃薯黑痣病菌侵害芽形成褐色斑并致芽坏死,地下茎和匍匐茎受侵表皮形成紫褐色溃疡斑,侵害薯块导致薯块畸形并在其表皮形成黑色颗粒状物。目前,国内关于马铃薯黑痣病的相关报道极少。本试验进行了马铃薯黑痣病病原菌鉴定和生物学特性研究。  相似文献   

为筛选适用于防治马铃薯黑痣病的拌种药剂,以陇薯7号原种种薯为材料,选择8种药剂进行拌种处理,出苗后20d抽样调查各处理马铃薯植株地上部鲜重、株长、茎粗,地下部鲜重、根系长度和体积,收获期调查各处理区马铃薯产量、黑痣病病薯率和病情指数。结果表明,8个药剂拌种处理对马铃薯黑痣病均有一定的防控效果,较空白对照区有不同程度的增产,其中22%氟唑菌苯胺种子处理悬浮剂和30%吡醚·咯·噻虫种子处理可分散粉剂的应用效果最好,对马铃薯黑痣病防效达74%以上,较空白对照增产26%以上。  相似文献   

湖南水稻主栽品种对水稻细菌性条斑病的抗性鉴定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2008年和2009年选用水稻细菌性条斑病菌3个致病力不同的菌株、采用针刺接种法对湖南省54个水稻主栽品种进行抗性鉴定,结果表明,供试品种对上述3个菌株的抗性存在明显差异。其中,对3个菌株均表现中抗以上水平的品种仅8个,占鉴定总数的14.8%,比例较低。对接种致病力最强菌株RSGD10后各水稻品种产生的病斑长度进行差异显著性分析,表明供试的水稻主栽品种间抗性存在显著差异。选用RSGD10喷雾接种上述品种,结果表明供试品种对条斑病的抗性差异也明显,其中,病级表现1级的品种9个,比例为16.7%。比较针刺和喷雾两种方法的抗性鉴定结果,两种方法对水稻品种抗性的鉴定结果基本一致,揭示水稻品种对条斑病的抗侵入和抗扩展呈显著相关。  相似文献   

为明确碳酸氢盐对马铃薯黑痣病菌的毒力及田间防效,采用菌丝生长速率法,测定了碳酸氢盐对马铃薯黑痣病菌的毒力;并通过盆栽防治试验及田间防治试验,研究了碳酸氢盐对马铃薯黑痣病的防治效果。结果表明:碳酸氢铵抑制马铃薯黑痣病菌菌丝生长的有效中浓度EC50仅为0.71g/L,碳酸氢钾EC50为3.8g/L;在PSA培养基中同时加入0.79g/L碳酸氢铵、1g/L碳酸氢钾与在PSA培养基中含1.58g/L碳酸氢铵的抑菌效果一样;尿素对马铃薯黑痣病没有防治效果。碳酸氢铵与碳酸氢钾混配对该病有良好的防治作用,相对尿素最高防治效果可达到63.4%。覆膜栽培能够提高碳酸氢盐的防效和马铃薯产量。碳酸氢盐可用于田间马铃薯黑痣病的防治。  相似文献   

Stem canker and black scurf are diseases of potato caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia solani . Spatiotemporal experimentation and empirical modelling were applied for the first time to investigate the effect of antagonistic Trichoderma harzianum on the dynamics of soilborne R. solani on individual potato plants. Trichoderma harzianum reduced the severity of symptoms, expressed as 'rhizoctonia stem lesion index' (RSI), during the first 7 days post-inoculation when the inoculum of R. solani was placed at certain distances (30–60 mm) from the host. For example, with inoculum at 40 mm from the host, RSI was 6 and 40 with and without T. harzianum , respectively. At later observation times, the antagonistic effect was overcome. Trichoderma harzianum reduced the severity of black scurf on progeny tubers. Furthermore, the mean number of progeny tubers per potato plant was reduced by the biocontrol treatment (means of 6·5 ± 1·1 and 9·9 ± 2·7 tubers per plant with and without T. harzianum , respectively), as was the proportion of small (0·1–20·0 g) tubers (48% and 66% with and without T. harzianum , respectively). Additionally, there were fewer malformed and green-coloured tubers in pots treated with T. harzianum than in those without T. harzianum .  相似文献   

Glasshouse and field experiments showed that the pathogenicity and disease type on potato varied between different anastomosis groups (AGs) of Rhizoctonia solani. For example, severe stem and stolon disease developed in plants inoculated with a single isolate of AG3PT and AG5. Severe root disease was observed with single isolates of AG8 and to a lesser extent AG3PT, but rarely with single isolates of the other AGs tested. In both field and glasshouse experiments the AG2‐1 isolate (X81) produced only small lesions (<5 mm). However, this was not representative of two other AG2‐1 isolates. When AG2‐1 isolates of the three different rDNA IGS1 types were tested in a glasshouse trial, one caused more severe stem and stolon infection than AG3PT. In the field experiment, the yield of tubers, by weight, was significantly less (P < 0·05) in all inoculated plants than for uninoculated (control) plants. Yield losses were greatest and tuber numbers smallest in plots inoculated with an AG8 isolate, suggesting that root infection is important in determining quantitative yield loss. The incidence of black scurf was greatest in the progeny tubers in plots inoculated with AG3PT (83·9%), whereas only very small amounts of black scurf developed on tubers from plants infected with AG2‐1 (510 bp) or AG5 isolates. This is supported by laboratory tests, where isolates of AG3PT produced significantly more sclerotia on potato dextrose agar than isolates of AGs 2‐1, 4, 5 and 8.  相似文献   

由立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani)引起的马铃薯黑痣病由于常年连作和马铃薯种植规模扩大,病害发生越来越严重[1,2].目前马铃薯黑痣病的防治主要依靠农药的施用[3,4],但化学药剂的频繁使用会导致抗药性的产生、同时带来农药残留和环境污染等问题[5].从棉花根际土壤分离得到的多粘类芽胞杆菌Sx3可产生杀镰...  相似文献   

During the 1990s, silver scurf (causal agent Helminthosporium solani ) emerged as an economically important disease of table stock and processing potatoes ( Solanum tuberosum ). The pathogen attacks the periderm of the potato tuber causing blemishes. The disease cycle of silver scurf has both field and storage phases. Primary infection occurs in the field and high relative humidity favours the spread and increase of silver scurf in potato stores. Control of the disease by chemical and cultural practices remains difficult. Increase in disease has been attributed to H. solani isolates resistant to the postharvest fungicide thiabendazole (TBZ). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based detection methods for H. solani and TBZ-resistant isolates are rapid and more specific than traditional identification. This review discusses the biology of the pathogen, epidemiology of the disease, detection of the pathogen and integrated control measures for the management of silver scurf in both field and potato tuber stores.  相似文献   

Isolates (a total of 129) of Rhizoctonia solani were collected from black scurf on potato tubers from different potato‐growing regions in New Zealand. Sequence analysis of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (rDNA–ITS) regions from these isolates identified three anastomosis groups (AGs), AG‐3PT, AG‐2‐1 and AG‐5. Isolates classified as AG‐3PT were widely distributed, whereas AG‐2‐1 and AG‐5 were confined to distinct locations. Sequence heterogeneity was identified in the ITS regions of 100 AG‐3PT and AG‐2‐1 isolates. Variation in the sequence and length of the rDNA–IGS1 region was also observed for selected isolates of AG‐3PT and AG‐2‐1. Phylogenetic studies found all AG‐2‐1 isolates belong to AG‐2Nt, a subset of AG‐2‐1 previously associated with solanaceous crops in other countries. AG‐2‐1 isolates were consistently more aggressive than those of AG‐3PT. Delayed emergence, severe infection on stolons, formation of aerial tubers and considerable yield losses were associated with AG‐2‐1, but they caused negligible black scurf. In contrast, AG‐3PT caused black scurf on progeny tubers but variable effects on stem emergence and stolons. Furthermore, AG‐2‐1 isolates caused severe tuber malformation, but isolates of other AGs did not. This is the first report on the AG composition, genetic variability and pathogenicity of R. solani isolates associated with black scurf of New Zealand potatoes.  相似文献   

Characterization of Rhizoctonia solani from potato in Great Britain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
One hundred and thirty five isolates of Rhizoctonia solani were obtained from British potato crops between 2001 and 2003. Isolates were assigned to anastomosis group (AG) using conventional PCR assays for AG2-1 or AG3 or through the observation of hyphal interactions, where appropriate. A previously published primer set was modified in this study to enhance specificity for AG3PT. Most of the isolates (92·6%) belonged to AG3PT whilst some (6·7%) belonged to AG2-1. Only one isolate recovered (0·7%) belonged to AG5. Isolates of AG2-1 were diverse, with variation in both the length of the rDNA intergenic spacer 1 (IGS1) region and the categories of hyphal interaction observed between pairings of AG2-1 isolates. No variation in the length of the rDNA IGS1 region was observed amongst the AG3 isolates collected. Tests carried out on potato stems with a sub-set of the isolates revealed a wide range of aggressiveness amongst AG2-1 isolates. Sequencing of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the AG2-1 isolates and construction of a neighbour joining tree with other AG2-1 sequences available indicated that AG2-1 isolates with the short IGS1 region were closely related. This is the first investigation which provides evidence of the relative AG composition of R. solani populations causing disease in potato crops in Great Britain.  相似文献   

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