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保水剂和负压供水对玉米生理生长及水分利用效率的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
采用一种负水头供水控水系统,通过调节供水负压值来控制不同的土壤含水率,研究3种供水负压(3、6、9 kPa)下,保水剂对玉米生理、生长性状以及节水效果的影响。结果表明:在供水负压为3 kPa时,保水剂使玉米株高降低了7.4%,叶面积降低了14.9%,地上部干物质量降低了12.4%,地下部干物质量降低了7.3%,水分利用效率降低了12.6%。在供水负压为6 kPa和9 kPa时,保水剂使玉米株高分别增加了10.0%、37.9%,叶面积分别增加了14.2%、90.8%,地上部干物质量分别显著增加40.4%、104.6%,地下部干物质量分别增加了35.3%、83.8%,水分利用效率分别显著提高了26.9%、65.7%。同时,与无保水剂的相比,玉米叶片水势分别增加7.1%、19.2%,叶片相对含水率、净光合速率、胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率也较高。表明在水分受限制条件下,保水剂能够改善植株的生理生长特性,提高水分利用效率。 相似文献
为解决青海高寒区绿化植物的栽培驯化问题,并为金露梅栽植的科学管理及高寒区水资源有效利用提供理论基础,以2年生金露梅幼苗为研究对象,通过盆栽方法人为控制土壤水分条件,测定不同土壤水分条件下金露梅苗木的光合生理特征,研究金露梅光合生理特性及其与土壤水分的相互关系.结果显示:1)金露梅凋萎系数为4.02%左右;2)土壤水分对金露梅叶水势及光合作用的影响具有阈值现象,净光合速率最大时土壤含水量为20.83%,水合补偿点为4.38%,水分利用效率最大时土壤含水量为13.82%;3)在砂壤土条件下,金露梅生长最适宜的土壤水分环境为8.33% ~12.71%,此范围内既可以维持植物基本的生长所需,又可以最大程度提高水分利用效率;4)青海地区在金露梅盛花期(7月),在无降雨的情况下,每2~3周补充一次水分能维持金露梅较好生长.2~3周的持续干旱所造成的伤害在灌水后可逐渐恢复,但连续1个月无任何供水会使金露梅死亡. 相似文献
研发和推广应用高效节水技术是提升扬黄灌区制种玉米产量、支撑制种玉米产业增效和持续发展的重要途径。为了给建立制种玉米水肥一体化技术模式下的科学高效灌溉制度提供科学依据。在甘肃扬黄灌区滴灌水肥一体化条件下,研究了不同灌溉定额和灌水次数下制种玉米的产量表现和水分利用效果。结果表明,灌溉定额从2 250 m3/hm2增加到3 000 m3/hm2时,制种玉米增产幅度达33.84%,但灌溉定额高于3 000 m3/hm2并继续增大时增产效果不明显,生育期耗水量增加,水分利用效率降低明显。灌水次数从10次增加至20次时,制种玉米产量及水分利用效率均呈降低趋势,灌水次数多于15次并继续增加时,制种玉米减产显著。灌水次数和灌溉定额之间不存在互作效应。在灌溉定额偏低条件下,增加灌水次数会造成制种玉米严重减产。当生育期灌溉定额为3 000 m3/hm2、灌水次数为10次时,折合产量较高,为7 386.9 kg/hm2,较其余处理增产-2.77%~93.58%;水分利用效率最高,为17.83 kg/(mm·hm2),较其余处理提高5.32%~78.30%;种植纯收益较高,为29 683.6元/hm2,较其余处理增加-511.8~20 675.4元/hm2;产投比最高,为3.03,较其余处理增加0.07~1.38。可见,灌水10次、灌溉定额为3 000 m3/hm2时灌溉水利用效果相对优化。 相似文献
耕作方式对农田土壤水分变化特征及水分利用效率的影响 总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5
探讨耕作方式对土壤含水量及水分利用效率的影响,对于高效利用自然降水,提高自然降水利用效率,增加作物产量具有重要的理论与实践意义。因此,采用铝盒称重法测定不同年份、季节、土壤剖面及冻融前后土壤含水量,研究不同耕作方式对土壤含水量及作物水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:在特定时期内土壤含水量随土层深度的增加而减少,特别是土层40cm以下尤为明显,而且随季节呈波动性变化且受降雨影响较大;季节冻融作用明显降低土壤含水量,但深松较其他处理土壤含水量增幅为0.93%~2.23%;土壤贮水量随季节呈先增后降的趋势变化,且生育前期明显高于生育后期;不同耕作方式对田间耗水量和耗水系数无显著影响,但深松耕作显著提高作物水分利用效率,并且水分利用效率与产量的相关性达到极显著水平(r=0.76**)。综合分析认为,保护性耕作结合深松是有效改善耕层结构,增加土壤含水量,提高自然降水利用效率的有效耕作方法。因此,该研究可为东北雨养农业区留茬深松保护性耕作技术的推广提供理论依据。 相似文献
灌溉对冬小麦水分利用效率的影响研究 总被引:26,自引:5,他引:26
通过设计不同的灌溉处理,从叶片水平、群体水平和产量水平3个层次系统分析了冬小麦水分利用效率(Water Use Efficiency, WUE)的变化特点及其内在联系。结果表明:叶片水平WUE或蒸腾效率(Transpiration Efficiency, TE)是群体蒸散效率基础;气孔运动机制及光合作用和蒸腾作用对环境变化响应的差异是叶片水平WUE的生理基础;而产量水平WUE是群体蒸散效率与收获指数共同决定的。随耗水量的增加,叶片光合速率、群体干物质积累及籽粒产量都呈二次曲线增长趋势,结果使叶片水平WUE 相似文献
不同盐分和氮肥水平对菠菜水分及氮素利用效率的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用土柱栽培法研究了不同盐分和氮肥水平对菠菜水分与氮素利用效率的影响。结果表明,300 kg ha-1氮水平下,菠菜增产16.6%,水分利用效率(Water Use Efficiency,WUE)提高9.6%;其中以0.87 dS m-1处理的WUE最大,为25.8 kg m-3,盐分和氮肥的交互影响使WUE提高1.55 kg m-3。同时3,00 kg ha-1氮水平比100 kg ha-1氮水平的氮素利用效率(Nitrogen UseEfficiency,NUE)平均降低40%。盐分增加,NUE降低。高盐高氮处理的氮肥回收率(Nitrogen Fertilizer Recovery Efficiency,NRE)和农业氮利用效率(Agronomic Nitrogen Use Efficiency,NAE)最低,土壤残留氮量最高,对环境造成的潜在危害最大。 相似文献
负压水肥一体化灌溉对黄瓜产量和水、氮利用效率的影响 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
【目的】本试验采用自行设计的新型负压水肥一体化灌溉系统,进行了系统供水负压对土壤硝态氮分布和黄瓜水氮利用效率影响的研究,以期为实际应用和管理提供理论依据和技术参考。【方法】在遮雨网室内进行了供水和施氮双因素盆栽试验。以常规灌溉为对照(CK),设4个供水水平:0(W1)、–5(W2)、–10(W3)和–15 k Pa(W4),2个施氮水平(N1,N 0.3 g/kg土;N0,不施氮),共10个处理。分析检测了黄瓜生育期内0—25土壤水分变化动态、土壤硝态氮的空间分布特征,计算了黄瓜的水、氮利用效率。【结果】随着黄瓜耗水量的增加,系统供水量也增大,系统累计供水量与黄瓜累计耗水量之间存在极显著线性关系y=0.96x+3.4(R2=0.99,P0.01)。不同供水负压对同一时期土壤含水量变化有极显著影响(P0.01),当供水负压设定在0、–5、–10和–15 k Pa时,土壤平均质量含水量分别为28.7%、22.7%、20.0%和15.6%,而在同一系统供水负压下黄瓜整个生育期土壤含水量保持相对稳定,其变化属于弱变异(变异系数CV≤0.1)。负压灌溉水肥一体化能显著提高0—25 cm土壤氮素分布的均匀性,土壤硝态氮沿垂直方向的平均变差系数分别比常规灌溉降低了58.6%~71.2%。同一系统供水负压下,施氮处理(N1)黄瓜植株干物质量、产量和水分利用效率比不施氮处理(N0)分别提高了4.6%~256.1%、12.6%~196.6%和7.76%~86.27%。当供水负压为–5 k Pa时,黄瓜植株平均干重和产量均为最高,分别为153 g/pot和1406 g/pot,黄瓜平均水分利用效率和氮肥表观利用率分别比常规灌溉提高了136.8%和52.32%。【结论】适宜的供水负压下,负压灌溉系统通过土壤水分平衡供应机制,实现了作物对水分的连续自动获取,黄瓜整个生长期间,灌溉系统可以保持平稳均匀与适时适量供水,因而,负压灌溉水肥一体化显著提高了黄瓜的水、氮利用效率。本试验条件下,系统供水负压为–5 k Pa更有利于黄瓜的产量和氮素利用率的提高。 相似文献
不同灌溉处理对旱稻根系生长及水分利用效率的影响 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
通过对不同灌溉处理下旱稻根系生长及水分利用效率的试验研究,结果表明:早稻根系大部分根干重都集中在地表以下30cm内;不同灌水处理对根量及其分布有着显著不同的影响,灌水量越少,水分胁迫处理下的根系系统在30cm以下分布相对越多,中下层土壤中根系占的百分率越高;其中限量灌溉Ⅱ产量较充分灌溉处理减幅最小,穗粒数减幅也最小,农业水分利用效率最高,根冠比次高,增加了对土壤深层水的利用,减少了灌溉水的投入。在水资源缺乏的北京地区,是一种较为合理的灌溉方式。 相似文献
Effects of conventional and optimized water and nitrogen managements on spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) growth and soil mineral N (Nmin) residues were compared in an open field experiment in which water balancemethod and N recommendation with the KNS-system were included. It was shown that the conventionalwater treatment (seasonal irrigated amount: 175 mm) reduced spinach growth compared to the water balancetreatments (seasonal irrigated amount: 80 and 85 mm) at the same N supply level due to N loss through leaching caused by excessive water supply. Although 309 kg N ha-1 was applied in the conventional N treatment, compared to 82 and 66 kg N ha-1 in the optimum N treatments, no significant difference in cropyield was investigated between the N treatments with the same irrigation practice. N uptake in spinach andsoil residual Nmin contents were also significantly affected by the irrigation practices. The conventional water supply not only decreased water use efficiency, but also resulted in excessive NO3--N being leached below the root zone. In order to meet the same target value of N requirement for the next crop, cauliflower, based on the KNS-system, at least extra 50 kg N ha-1 was needed in the conventional water treatments in comparison to the water balance treatment. 相似文献
M. Mohanty K.K. Bandyopadhyay D.K. Painuli P.K. Ghosh A.K. Misra K.M. Hati 《Soil & Tillage Research》2007,93(2):420-428
In Vertisols of central India erratic rainfall and prevalence of drought during crop growth, low infiltration rates and the consequent ponding of water at the surface during the critical growth stages are suggested as possible reasons responsible for poor yields (<1 t ha−1) of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Ameliorative tillage practices particularly deep tillage (subsoiling with chisel plough) can improve the water storage of soil by facilitating infiltration, which may help in minimizing water stress in this type of soil. In a 3-year field experiment (2000–2002) carried out in a Vertisol during wet seasons at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India, we determined infiltration rate, root length and mass densities, water use efficiency and productivity of rainfed soybean under three tillage treatments consisting of conventional tillage (two tillage by sweep cultivator for topsoil tillage) (S1), conventional tillage + subsoiling in alternate years using chisel plough (S2), and conventional tillage + subsoiling in every year (S3) as main plot. The subplot consisted of three nutrient treatments, viz., 0% NPK (N0), 100% NPK (N1) and 100% NPK + farmyard manure (FYM) at 4 t ha−1 (N2). S3 registered a significantly lower soil penetration resistance by 22%, 28% and 20%, respectively, at the 17.5, 24.5 and 31.5 cm depths over S1 and the corresponding decrease over S2 were 17%, 19% and 13%, respectively. Bulk density after 15 days of tillage operation was significantly low in subsurface (15–30 cm depth) in S3 (1.39 mg m−3) followed by S2 (1.41 mg m−3) and S1 (1.58 mg m−3). Root length density (RLD) and root mass density (RMD) of soybean at 0–15 cm soil depth were greater following subsoiling in every year. S3 recorded significantly greater RLD (1.04 cm cm−3) over S2 (0.92 cm cm−3) and S1 (0.65 cm cm−3) at 15–30 cm depth under this study. The basic infiltration rate was greater after subsoiling in every year (5.65 cm h−1) in relation to conventional tillage (1.84 cm h−1). Similar trend was also observed in water storage characteristics (0–90 cm depth) of the soil profile. The faster infiltration rate and water storage of the profile facilitated higher grain yield and enhanced water use efficiency for soybean under subsoiling than conventional tillage. S3 registered significantly higher water use efficiency (17 kg ha−1 cm−1) over S2 (16 kg ha−1 cm−1) and S1 (14 kg ha−1 cm−1). On an average subsoiling recorded 20% higher grain yield of soybean over conventional tillage but the yield did not vary significantly due to S3 and S2. Combined application of 100% NPK and 4 t farmyard manure (FYM) ha−1 in N2 resulted in a larger RLD, RMD, grain yield and water use efficiency than N1 or the control (N0). N2 registered significantly higher yield of soybean (1517 kg ha−1) over purely inorganic (N1) (1392 kg ha−1) and control (N0) (898 kg ha−1). The study indicated that in Vertisols, enhanced productivity of soybean can be achieved by subsoiling in alternate years and integrated with the use of 100% NPK (30 kg N, 26 kg P and 25 kg K) and 4 t FYM ha−1. 相似文献
Spinach (Spinacia oleracea cv. Okame) was grown in hydroponic pot culture with an Enshi nutrient solution amended with 0, 20, or 50% urea with or without nickel addition (Ni; 0.05 mg L-1), while the total concentration of N (17.33 mmol L-1) remained constant in all the cases to evaluate the effect of partial urea application, with or without the addition of Ni, on the absorption of NO3-N, urea-N, NH4-N, minerals (e.g. Ca, K, Mg, P) by plants. Fresh and dry weight of the shoots was highest when a 20% urea solution with Ni addition was used. The variation in spinach yield was related to the absorption of total-N by the plants. The absorption of total-N, attributed mainly to NO3-N and urea-N, differed between the treatments. In the case of short-term absorption, determination by using 15N-urea and 15N-KNO3 showed that, the urea-N absorption significantly increased with the increase in the urea concentration in the nutrient solution. When the urea solutions were used, regardless of Ni addition, the absorption of NO3-N was more than four times higher than that of urea-No The addition of Ni in the urea solutions stimulated and increased both urea-N and NO3-N absorption. In the case of long-term absorption, the NO3-N absorption decreased with the decrease of the NO3-N concentration when NO3-N was partially replaced with urea in the nutrient solution. The addition of Ni in the urea solutions resulted in the increase of the absorption of both urea-N and NO3-N, but the NO3-N absorption remained lower in all the treatments compared to the control. In the urea solutions, the absorption of urea-N with or without the addition of Ni increased at a lower rate over time (sampling stages). Application of urea, with or without the addition of Ni in the nutrient solution, increased Ca absorption but decreased K and Mg absorption, whereas, P absorption was unaffected. It is suggested that spinach could grow adequately in an Enshi nutrient solution modified with 20% urea with the addition of 0.05 mg Ni L-1, when urea totally replaced NH4-N and partially replaced NO3-N. 相似文献
S. Sarkar 《Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science》2013,59(3):339-346
Abstract To increase the water use efficiency (WUE) of rice, two sets of experiments were carried out from 1997 – 1999. Experiment one: Irrigation period of rice was divided into three stages: early (S1, 10 – 35 days after transplanting, [DAT]); middle (S2, 36 – 60 DAT) and late (S3, 61 – 85 DAT). Intermittent ponding (IP) was imposed at single, two stages or the entire growing period. Continuous ponding (CP) in all three stages was taken as control. Though the highest grain yield (6.71 mg ha?1) was obtained under control, this regime was responsible for the lowest WUE. In contrast, IP in all stages was responsible for maximum WUE with minimum yield level. Imposition of IP in S1 resulted in higher (0.529 kg m?3) WUE along with insignificant reduction in yield over control. Experiment two: Three puddling practices were: (i) High intensity puddling (HIP); (ii) Moderate intensity puddling (MIP); and (iii) Low intensity puddling (LIP). On average, HIP resulted in the lowest value (6.5 mm d?1) of percolation rate. Both grain yield (6.93 mg ha?1) and WUE (0.597 kg m?3) attained highest value under HIP. A decrease in puddling intensity under MIP and LIP lowered the yield by 2.97 and 17.75% respectively. In the case of WUE, the reduction was 16.27 and 54.66%. 相似文献
稻草覆盖还田对水稻氮素吸收和氮肥利用率的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
以杂交稻“天优998”为材料, 设置覆盖还田和不还田2种稻草还田处理, 4种氮肥处理, 进行了连续2年的田间试验, 研究稻草还田对水稻氮素吸收和氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明: 稻草还田显著促进了水稻对氮素的吸收, 其总吸氮量比稻草不还田处理增加13.7%~20.3%, 但对不同生育阶段吸氮量占总吸氮量的比例影响不大。与稻草不还田处理相比, 稻草还田处理的水稻在分蘖中期(MT)、穗分化始期(PI)和抽穗期(HD)叶片叶绿素含量显著提高[实地养分管理(N1)的MT时期除外]。稻草还田可提高氮肥吸收利用率(RE)、农学利用率(AE)和氮肥偏生产力(PFP)。两年平均, 稻草还田处理的RE比稻草不还田处理提高8.23个百分点, 相对提高23.4%, 达极显著水平。AE、RE、PFP与MT~PI期间的吸氮量呈正相关, 其中AE和PFP达极显著水平。RE与HD~MA期间的吸氮量呈极显著正相关。在MT施氮、促进MT~PI期间的氮素吸收对提高AE、RE和PFP有重要意义。创造条件增加抽穗后的氮素吸收, 对于提高RE、减少氮肥损失和面源污染至关重要。 相似文献
水氮调控对小油菜养分吸收、水氮利用效率及产量的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
合理的灌水、施氮量对提高小油菜养分利用率、控制面源污染具有重要意义。本文采用盆栽试验,利用~(15)N同位素示踪技术,研究不同灌水水平(W_1:60%θ_f;W_2:75%θ_f;W_3:90%θ_f。θ_f为田间持水量)和施氮量(N_0:0 g·kg~(-1);N_1:0.1 g·kg~(-1);N_2:0.2 g·kg~(-1);N_3:0.3 g·kg~(-1))对小油菜养分吸收、产量及水氮利用率的影响。结果表明:灌水水平与施氮量对小油菜根系与叶片氮、磷、钾含量均有显著影响,且叶片含磷量受水氮交互作用的显著影响。叶片氮、钾含量显著大于根系。增加灌水,小油菜含磷量与根系含氮量增加,含钾量及叶片含氮量降低;施氮能增加小油菜氮、钾含量,降低含磷量。灌水与施氮对小油菜氮、磷、钾吸收总量均有显著影响,且磷、钾吸收量受水氮交互作用的影响显著,中水低氮处理(W_2N_1)各养分吸收量均最大。小油菜产量受灌水水平和施氮量的显著影响,表现为随灌水水平的提高而增加,随施氮量的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势。灌溉水分利用效率(IWUE)受施氮量及水氮互作的显著影响,随施氮量增加,IWUE变化与产量变化一致。灌水与施氮对~(15)N肥料去向有显著影响,且肥料利用率受水氮互作的显著影响。随灌水水平提高,肥料利用率呈增加趋势,中水处理肥料残留率最低,损失率最高。随施氮量增加,肥料利用率不断降低,损失率呈增加的趋势。本试验条件下,综合考虑小油菜养分吸收、产量及水氮利用率,W_3N_1、W_2N_1组合为推荐水氮处理。 相似文献
非饱和土壤水分运动和溶质运移的研究需要准确的土壤水动力特性信息,然而土壤水动力特性的测定往往费时费力且较难。该研究假设土壤水力动力特性可用Brooks-Corey模型来描述,结合Darcy定理和质量守恒推导了基于两组负水头下入渗数据来估计Brooks-Corey模型参数的方法。利用负水头下一维土壤水分运动中累计入渗量和湿润峰之间的关系实现了参数的求解,大量的数值模拟数据检验了该方法,并与Wang的方法进行了比较和分析,结果表明本研究提供了一种简单而且精确的确定土壤水动力参数方法。 相似文献
在不同土壤水分条件下研究了赤松光合特征及其水分利用效率的变化。结果表明,不同土壤水分处理对赤松幼苗净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率等生理指标及其日变化均产生明显影响;中度水分胁迫时赤松幼苗的光合午休比对照提前1h且午休时间长,其净光合速率和气孔导度的下降平行进行,而且,日平均水分利用效率的下降幅度比日平均净光合速率的下降幅度小。 相似文献
Soil compaction is of great importance, due to its adverse effects on plant growth and the environment. Mechanical methods to control soil compaction may not be economically and environmentally friendly. Hence, we designed experiments to test the hypothesis that use of plant symbiotic fungi, arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) may alleviate the stressful effects of soil compaction on corn (Zea mays L.) growth through enhancing nutrient uptake. AM continuously interact with other soil microorganisms and its original diversity may also be important in determining the ability of the fungi to cope with the stresses. Hence, the objectives were: (1) to determine the effects of soil compaction on corn nutrient uptake in unsterilized (S1) and sterilized (S2) soils, and (2) to determine if inoculation of corn with different species of AM with different origins can enhance corn nutrient uptake in a compacted soil. Using 2 kg weights, soils (from the field topsoil) of 10 kg pots were compacted at three and four levels (C1, C2, C3 and C4) (C1 = non-compacted control) in the first and second experiment, respectively. Corn (cv. 704) seeds were planted in each pot and were inoculated with different AM treatments including control (M1), Iranian Glomus mosseae (M2), Iranian G. etunicatum (M3), and Canadian G. mosseae, received from GINCO (Glomales In Vitro Collection), Canada (M4). Corn leaf nutrient uptake of N, P, K, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu were determined. Higher levels of compaction reduced corn nutrient uptake, however different species of AM and soil sterilization significantly increased it. The highest increase in nutrient uptake was related to P (60%) and Fe (58%) due to treatment M4S2C3. Although it seems that M3 and M4 may be the most effective species on corn nutrient uptake in a compacted soil, M2 increased nutrient uptake under conditions (C3 and C4 in unsterilized soil) where the other species did not. Through increasing nutrient uptake AM can alleviate the stressful effects of soil compaction on corn growth. 相似文献