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随着就业形势的变化,高职学生的职业生涯规划日益重要。只有全面客观的实现自我认知,高职学生才能做到有的放矢,明确自己大学期间的目标,最终才能实现合理就业。作为班主任,除了要了解高职学生自我认知的现状,更重要的是帮助学生勇于直视自己,协助他们通过各种途径全面的实现自我认知。  相似文献   

幸福观是人生观的重要组成部分,有什么样的幸福观,就有什么样的人生追求和价值标准。当代大学生中存在对幸福的认知偏差,一些扭曲的幸福观严重影响了大学生的身心健康发展。关注大学生幸福,加强大学生幸福观教育,应当成为大学生思想政治教育的一个重要环节。  相似文献   

董华 《山东饲料》2013,(23):196-197
有人认为,有钱就是幸福;有人认为有权才能幸福;还有人认为,身心和灵魂的健康即是幸福。梭伦认为,谁拥有最多的东西,谁才能带上幸福的头衔;伊壁鸠鲁说,肉体的健康和灵魂的平静乃是幸福生活的目的;亚里士多德认为,最公正的事情、健康、欲望的满足都可视为幸福;不同时代,不同阶层,经历不同人生的人对幸福的感悟不尽相同。但总体来看,"幸福就是指人感知自己的需要、条件、活动趋向并对其满意的存在状态。幸福是与人的主观认知和体验密切联系。"①  相似文献   

分层次教学就是根据学生的综合认知水平或单科认知水平,把学生分成若干层次,把处于不同认知水平层次的学生编为若干固定班级或单科教学班级,对于不同学生群体制定适合他们发展水平的教学目标和采取恰当的教学方法的一种教学模式。该模式有利于激发不同层次的学生向现实的目标努力,使所有的学生都获得最大限度的进步。  相似文献   

动物认知是指动物受到环境变化的刺激或应激时,对其刺激做出的关联性学习和记忆,并做出适当的决定与反应能力。研究表明,家畜的认知功能与其繁殖性能和畜牧生产密切相关。这篇综述重点对近年来家畜认知行为和认知功能的国内外研究进展及认知对家畜繁殖、生产性能等方面的影响进行概述,较系统地阐述了“神经血管单元”、表观遗传修饰以及线粒体对认知功能的调控机制,为家畜认知行为和认知功能的深入研究提供重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

在新课标的要求下,教师教学模式发生了变化,学生不再是被动的学习,教师也不再是“满堂灌”的讲授;学生和教师角色也发生了变化,教师是教学活动的组织者、合作者、引导者,学生是学习的主体,是教学活动的参与者。知识的认知结构的构建和教学目标的完成这些都离不开学生的参与。在课堂要使学生们注意力保持高度集中,是每一位教师一直以来所致力追求的。想让学生们的学习欲望经久不衰,这就要求教师在课堂上能够最大限度的有效的抓住每一个教学契机,让学生们最大限度的参与到课堂中来。  相似文献   

合川市计生委深入开展幸福工程本刊记者王胜黄毅利中国幸福工程组委会两年前开始组织实施后,重庆合川市委、市府高度重视并积极响应,成立了“幸福工程”合川组委会,副市长夏廷元任主任,市计生委主任唐启贵任副主任。并在全市64个镇、乡办事处分别成立了“幸福工程”...  相似文献   

正对于我们猪场来说,什么样的文化才能给员工带去幸福感,才能转换成一个幸福猪场的生产力量呢?要成就一个幸福的企业,完成企业制订的发展规划和效益目标,员工的幸福指数起着举足轻重的作用。特别是在猪场这种工作环境中,猪场管理者绝对不能漠视"幸福感"三个字在人力资源开发中的权重。特别是面对目前猪场员工难以招聘和管理的现状,打造养猪的幸福文化,对提高员工的幸福指数,成就一个幸福猪场有着特别重要的意义。一、幸福文化的组成要素有学者研究,最好的企业不是  相似文献   

幸福从前,一个富人和一个穷人谈论什么是幸福。富人望着穷人破旧的茅舍和朴素的穿着,轻蔑地说:“你怎么能叫幸福?我有百间豪宅、千名奴仆、万两黄金,那才叫幸福呢!”后来,一场大火把富人的豪宅烧得片瓦不留,痛恨他的奴仆们抢了他的财物各奔东西。一夜间,富人沦为...  相似文献   

北京市城区居民乳品消费现状的再分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2005年11月的最新调查资料,对北京城区居民乳品消费现状、影响因素和消费认知观念的变化进行了分析,并与2003年9月的调查资料进行了对比。  相似文献   

家蚕血液SOD具有相当高的遗传力,SOD活性与幼虫龄期经过无相关性,与同宫率、茧层率无明显相关,与虫蛹率、幼虫生命率、全茧量、茧层量、普茧率有一定程度负相关,与万蚕产茧量、万蚕茧层量有紧密的负相关,认为家蚕血液SOD活性与育种上要求的经济性状存在一定的矛盾.  相似文献   

Target lesions are seen in ultrasound images of the liver or spleen as nodules or masses with a hypoechoic rim and a hyperechoic or isoechoic center. To assess the diagnostic significance of finding a target lesion, the cytologic and/or histopathologic findings were reviewed in a series of 21 dogs and a cat that had hepatic and/or splenic target lesions noted during abdominal ultrasonography. Twelve of 16 hepatic target lesions and 5 of 7 splenic target lesions were malignant. In this series, the finding of one or more target lesions in the liver or spleen had a positive predictive value for malignancy of 74%; for the finding of multiple target lesions in one organ, the positive predictive value for malignancy was 81%. Benign lesions associated with target lesions were nodular hyperplasia of the liver and spleen, pyogranulomatous hepatitis, cirrhosis, and chronic active hepatitis.  相似文献   

通过不同桑品种春芽未成熟叶诱导不定芽及不同培养基和不同激素浓度对冬芽快繁的研究表明,“桐乡青”具有较高的不定芽诱导率为60%,“剑持”最低为40%,而生根率与此相反,这说明不同的桑种对激素的不同反应;不同培养基的培养结果表明B_5培养基不宜用于桑树的快繁.通过适当的培养方法可提高桑树的快繁能力,为桑树的快繁及遗传改良提供一条有效的途径.  相似文献   

SUMMARY A replicated experiment using first cross Border Leicester/Merino maiden ewes set stocked at the rate of 9.9 per hectare was conducted to examine the effects of treatment of the ewes in the periparturient period (PPP) and treatment of lambs at about 12 weeks of age on the production of prime lambs. All treatments given were thiabendazole. Four groups each of 100 ewes (4 replicates × 25) were treated either pre-lambing, 2 weeks before lambing commenced and again post-lambing, 8 weeks later when lambing was almost complete (DD), pre-lambing only (DO), post-lambing only (OD) or not treated during the lambing period (OO). Lambing commenced 24 July 1972 with the bulk of lambing (98%) occuring within the first 4 weeks of a 6 weeks lambing period. The effectiveness of the drenching regimes was judged by observing bodyweight gains per day during four overlapping intervals between birth and 18 weeks of age. The bodyweight gain of lambs up to 18 weeks and the number of lambs exceeding a target weight of 33 kg at 18 weeks of age were considered to be critical measurements of production efficiency. Significant bodyweight differences were observed within 30 days from birth, favouring DD and DO over OD and OO lambs (p < 0.01). These differences continued until 12 weeks of age at a reduced level of significance (p < 0.05). By 18 weeks of age the results favoured DD over DO (p <0.05) over both OD and OO lambs (p < 0.05). Further differences were created by the treatment of lambs at 12 weeks of age (p < 0.01). At no time during the entire experiment were any significant differences observed between OD and OO lambs. The periparturient rise (PPR) in faecal nematode egg output was monitored throughout the experiment. Anthelmintic treatment of the ewes in the PPP did not eliminate the PPR but did affect the onset, magnitude and duration of the PPR which was either delayed by the prelambing treatment or truncated by the post-lambing treatment; treatments both before and after lambing delayed and depressed the PPR and reduced total pasture contamination by 29%. An effect on bodyweight of ewes was also observed with ewes being treated pre-lambing (Groups DD, DO) being significantly heavier at 18 weeks post-lambing than OD and OO ewes (p < 0.05). The observed effects on lamb production have been attributed in the main to an apparent, though not specifically measured, effect on lactation in those ewes being treated pre-lambing. The effect of delayed (Groups DD, DO) and/or reduced (Group DD) pasture contamination was considered to be additive to the earlier lactation response. Treatment of lambs at 12 weeks did not obscure these responses.  相似文献   

本研究结果表明:草鱼对饲料钙磷的消化吸收受水中钙磷浓度的影响。草鱼能直接从水中吸收利用钙磷。鱼体存积的大部分来自于水,而磷则大部分从饲料中获得,草鱼钙磷的利用按Ca/P≈1.6的比值进行。  相似文献   

生物毒素灭治草原害鼠研究及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用 C 型肉毒梭菌经过滤除菌的外毒素作为杀鼠剂,并用浸泡法配制成各种浓度的毒素毒饵,系灭草原害鼠。此杀鼠剂用药量少、灭鼠效果好、而且成本低、残效期短、不污染环境、无二次中毒、无“三致”作用,对人畜安全、使用方便、生产简单。毒素杀鼠剂的使用为国内外首创,在我国推广面积已达227万公顷,深受群众欢迎,取得了极好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

野蚕越冬卵的孵化和年发生代数的研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
研究证实(1980—1984年),嘉湖平原野蚕年发生三代.越冬卵始孵期为四月中旬,盛期为六月中旬.但近半个世纪以来.很多人一直误认为四月中旬发生的野蚕是第一代,六月下旬发生的为“第二代”,事实上都是越冬卵孵化的幼虫.均为第一代.经测定,四月下旬越冬卵孵化率为0.15%,5月下旬为7.9%,6日20日为91%.本区野蚕产越冬卵最的早在9月17日,高峰期在11月上旬.结束期在12月14日,越冬卵产出越早,翌年卵孵期也早,孵化的早和迟之间可相差122天.野蚕越冬卵翌年孵化期长的原因.与秋冬产卵期长及桑园生态环境复杂有关.据室内4月24日越冬卵孵化的幼虫连续饲养,到第三代卵期恰与室外第二代卵期相重叠,说明自然界发生第四代是可能的,但真正存活率在1%以下.在防治措施上,以在越冬卵孵化高峰期(6月15—20日)施用0.1%敌敌畏.防效最好.  相似文献   

Primary pulmonary carcinomas are being encountered with increasing frequency in older dogs and cats. The most common presenting complaint in the canine is a nonproductive cough of several weeks' duration, but many affected animals have no abnormal clinical signs in the early stages of the disease. A solitary mass that arises from a single focus in the peripheral pulmonary tissue is the most frequently observed radiographic sign of a primary lung tumor. Often a definitive diagnosis can be made only following thoracotomy with removal or biopsy study of the neoplastic tissue. A classification system based on the prevailing histologic pattern may then be used to categorize most primary lung neoplasms as adenocarcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, anaplastic carcinomas, or bronchioloalveolar carcinomas. Adenocarcinomas are most common in the dog and cat. Only the neoplastic cell type and the presence or absence of metastatic disease have been found to be of value as prognostic indicators. Following wide surgical resection of the pulmonary mass, dogs with pulmonary adenocarcinomas are reported to have a longer mean survival time than animals with other types of primary lung carcinomas.  相似文献   

本文介绍了克蚧威对家蚕的毒力和残效期.结果表明:克蚧威对家蚕有很强的触杀作用,秋季对三龄蚕的触杀毒力回归方程为Y=2.458十1.862X,Lc_(50).为23.185ppm,LD_(50)为0.012ug/头,春季800倍液喷桑叶对家蚕的安全间隔期为10天.蚕对克蚧威的抗性因蚕龄大小和季节不同有异.  相似文献   

本研究观察了不同超排处理方法对羔山羊卵母细胞体外成熟及体外受精的影响,并将体外受精胚胎进行了移植,以便探讨利用羔山羊卵母细胞生产体外受精胚胎的技术途径。对2~4月龄羔山羊用FSH、FSH+LH(静脉注射)和FSH+LH(肌肉注射)三种方法进行超排处理,平均分别回收16.0、20.3和15.0枚卵母细胞。将这些卵母细胞进行20~24h的成熟培养后,其成熟率分别为45.5%,44.4%和76.5%。成熟卵母细胞经体外受精,体外发育培养后其2~4细胞胚胎的发生率分别为5.6%a、6.7%和31.7%b(b,vs,a,P<0.05)。将9枚2~4细胞期胚胎移植给6只受体母羊,结果有2只妊娠并产羔2只。  相似文献   

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