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The recruitment of anadromous brown trout smolt from a small Baltic stream, frequently exposed to summer drought, was quantified for 9 years, and the effect from drought on smolt number and age composition analysed. Drought was quantified by, (a) a newly developed index quantifying the severity of summer drought (Drought Severity Index—DSI—based on amount of precipitation, monthly mean temperature and number of hours with sun), and (b) the amount of precipitation. Both DSI and precipitation were measured 1 or 2 years prior to emigration. We found highly significant (negative) relations between DSI (1 year before emigration) and both the total number of smolt, and the number of age 1 smolt. In addition, precipitation was (positively) related to total number of smolt, but DSI proved to be a stronger predictor compared to precipitation. In addition to drought, our results support a negative influence from older parr on the survival of age 0 trout. Our results indicate that recruitment of brown trout smolt from streams, regularly affected by summer drought, may be predicted approx. 6 months before the actual emigration the following spring. This offers an opportunity for managers to adapt protective measures in accordance with local and temporal changes in recruitment.  相似文献   

Zimmer M, Schreer JF, Power M. Seasonal movement patterns of Credit River brown trout (Salmo trutta).
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 290–299. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – Movement habits in riverine populations of brown trout vary among watersheds. Thus it is important to identify factors influencing differences in individual behaviour so as to improve the information resource base available for the design of river‐specific management strategies. Such information is particularly needed in the rapidly urbanising watersheds of eastern North America where relatively little is known about anthropogenic influences on brown trout populations. In this study, we examined the influence of water temperature on brown trout behaviour in the Credit River in south‐central Ontario, Canada with respect to seasonal movement patterns. Observed patterns of movement were also correlated with variations in river discharge and habitat quality. Forty‐three radio‐tagged, adult brown trout were tracked in a confined 39.8 km portion of the Credit River from 15 May 2002 to 28 July 2003. Fish were captured in three sections of the river that differed in distance downstream and habitat quality. Fish size had little impact on movement patterns. However, there was considerable variation in seasonal movement with upstream movements to summer positions, maintenance of summer positions, downstream and often extensive movements in fall. Also observed was maintenance of winter positions and repeated upstream movements in late spring‐early summer to previously used summer positions. The elaborate movement behaviour in the Credit River population was attributed to seasonal changes in thermal habitat quality. Fish tagged in less suitable thermal habitats moved significantly more than fish from more suitable thermal habitats.  相似文献   

Since the end of the 20th century, some headwaters of rivers in the eastern Pyrenees have been designated as genetic refuges to protect remaining native brown trout (Salmo trutta) diversity. The declaration was based on limited or no evidence of genetic impact from released non‐native Atlantic hatchery fish. Hatchery releases were completely banned into the genetic refuges, but pre‐existing fishing activities were maintained. Specific locations in each refuge have been monitored every 2–3 trout generations to update genetic information to accurately assess the contribution of these reservoirs to the preservation of native brown trout gene pools. This work updates genetic information to year 2014 in three of these locations (in Ter, Freser and Flamisell rivers). Previous studies identified hatchery introgressed populations within refuges and suggested discrepancies between the underlying intention of the genetic refuges and the gene pools detected. Therefore, we also examined genetic divergences among locations inside refuge river segments. Combined information at five microsatellite and the lactate dehydrogenase C (LDH‐C*) loci showed reduced but significant temporal native allele frequency fluctuations in some of the above specific locations that did not modify overall levels of local diversity and river divergences. Bayesian clustering analyses confirmed the presence of differentiated native units within each genetic refuge. Some locations of the Freser River within the genetic refuge area showed high hatchery impact of non‐native fish (over 20%). We discuss additional local actions (releases of native fish, selective removals and fishery reinforcement with sterile individuals) to improve the conservation objective of genetic refuges.  相似文献   

Brown trout populations of three headwater streams in the Northern Limestone Alps of Austria were supplemented by three‐month‐old hatchery‐reared parr from a wild and locally adapted strain and a nonresident domesticated hatchery strain. Growth and survival were monitored with three surveys over a period of 16 months after stocking. Fish descending from the wild reared origin strain demonstrated higher survival rates than the hatchery strain. Differences in growth were found among the investigated streams but not among the investigated strains. The differing temperature regimes of the streams were considered as the primary factor causing those disparities. We conclude that stocking measures had little or no additive effect on successful natural reproduction, as the resident wild brown trout performed significantly better than the stocked fish.  相似文献   

Abstract – The present authors studied the movements of resident stream brown trout, Salmo trutta L., in Valley Creek, Chester County, Pennsylvania, USA, using mark-recapture techniques as well as radio telemetry. The novel characteristic of this study is that the entire stream was sampled during recapture, thus minimizing the possibility of bias during this portion of the analysis. The authors tagged 627 trout between June and September, 1995, and made 94.6% of recaptures in December, 1995, and 98.5% of recaptures in March, 1996, within 800 m of the initial tagging sites. They also implanted six trout with radio transmitters and made 94.6% of contacts within 800 m of the initial implantation sites. The data, which were pooled from mark-recapture and radio telemetry studies, show that 95.5% of all recaptures and contacts were within 800 m of initial tagging sites. These results, derived from complete stream sampling, support previous studies indicating that a high percentage of resident stream salmonids remain in the same area of stream throughout the year.  相似文献   

Gravid brown trout (Salmo trutta) females were injected with various doses of a synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog (GnRHa), given with or without an injection of triiodothyronine (T3), in order to investigate the potential of T3 (a) to enhance the stimulatory effect of GnRHa on ovulation, and (b) to enhance the growth and survival of the produced progeny. From the time the hormonal treatments were initiated until ovulation was detected 5–38 days later, endogenous plasma T3 levels increased from an average of 3.6 to 11.6 ng ml−1. Injection with 20 mg T3 kg−1 body weight, further elevated plasma T3 levels at ovulation (16.0 ng ml−1. Mean time to ovulation was reduced significantly in fish injected with 10 μg kg−1 of GnRHa, whereas treatment with lower doses was ineffective. Injection with T3 did not enhance the ovulatory response of brown trout to GnRHa. Unfertilized eggs obtained from T3-injected females had a higher T3 content, suggesting a transfer of T3 from the maternal circulation into the oocytes. Maternal T3 injection had no effect on egg fertilization rates, embryo survival to eyeing and hatching, or the prevalence of abnormal larvae at the time of hatching. Length and weight gain of the progeny during yolk absorption was also not influenced by maternal T3 treatment. At the completion of yolk-sac absorption, progeny from females injected with T3 had a higher prevalence of skeletal abnormalities than controls. The results suggest that in teleosts like brown trout, which have high endogenous circulating T3 levels, treatment of females with T3 does not enhance responsiveness to GnRHa and it has the potential for deleterious effects on their offspring.  相似文献   

Sperm density, mineral and organic composition of the seminal plasma and their physiological relationship were investigated in the Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius). To establish a rapid and accurate method for assessment of sperm density, three different techniques were used: sperm counting, spectrophotometry (at 480 nm) and determination of the spermatocrit. The seminal plasma contained 159.26±8.84 mM sodium (Na), 33.72±2.01 mM potassium (K), 133.04±5.96 mM chlorine (Cl), 1.68±0.2 mM calcium (Ca) and 0.988±0.13 mM magnesium (Mg). The following organic components were found: total protein 0.75±0.14 mg 100 mL−1, cholesterol 2.86±0.58 mg L−1 and glucose 3.81±1.04 mM L−1. The mean sperm density was estimated to be 3.3 × 109 spermatozoa mL−1. The spermatocrit (%) ranged from 25 to 52 in sperm samples. Highly significant linear relationships were found between sperm density and spermatocrit (R2=0.703, P<0.001) and sperm density and optical density (R2=0.909, P<0.001), indicating that optical density can be used as a quick and accurate method of estimating sperm density. Significant relationships were also found between sperm density and Ca, Mg and total protein of seminal plasma. A significant correlation was also observed between the Ca and Mg concentrations (R2=0.774, P<0.01). The following correlations were observed between mineral and organic components: total protein and Ca (R2=0.462, P<0.05), total protein and Mg (R2=0.518, P<0.05) and glucose and Cl (R2=0.374, P<0.05). These parameters should be considered when developing procedures for either artificial fertilization or for cryopreservation of sperm.  相似文献   

Two strains of hatchery-reared adult brown trout, Salmo trutta L., [208–334 mm total length (TL); n =  591] were individually marked and released into a limestone stream. The estimated survival after one month (86%; n =  508) was comparable to that for resident brown trout and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), (89%; n =  771), but declined to 14% ( n =  83) after 8 months compared with 52% ( n =  451) for resident trout. The movement of resident trout out of stocked stretches was higher (14%) than from control sites (5%), but the population size in both individual sites and the overall study area were unaffected. The growth of resident brown trout was unaffected by stocking, but rainbow trout showed lower growth rates in stocked versus unstocked stretches both one and 8 months after stocking ( P <  0.002).  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) were compared in a small tributary of the River Scorff (Brittany, France) from spawning time to the beginning of the third growing season. The spawning and fry emergence of the two species took place at approximately the same time. In the first autumn, the densityof 0+ juveniles and settling rate from the egg stage were much higher in trout than in salmon. The emigration rate from 0+ population was much higher in trout than in salmon. The size of resident and migrating fish was always smaller in salmon than in trout, whatever the age. The low level of salmon production in the brook, compared with trout, was the result of low survival from egg to 0+ stage in autumn, combined with the small proportion of juveniles migrating after the first growing season. This was not compensated by a high number of migrants the next year. The role of physical habitat, inter-and intraspecific competition, predation and migration dependence on size and early sexual maturity is discussed. Indications are that small tributaries of the type studied are of great value for recruitment in trout but not very productive for juvenile salmon.  相似文献   

Data on reproductive traits in a cultured population of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in southern Chile were collected over three consecutive reproductive seasons: 1999, 2000 and 2001, corresponding to the first (at 3 years), second and third spawnings in females. Data were collected from individual females (n=238, 273 and 169 respectively). The reproductive season lasted mainly from June to August. The peak (July) tended to increase with each season (55.46%, 62.27% and 80.81% of total spawning fish respectively). Female body weight (470.8±102.5, 735.0±150 and 1263.9±263.4 g), total fecundity (1182±344, 1904±595 and 2744±605) and egg diameter (4.64±0.11, 4.67±0.27 and 5.24±0.12 mm) increased significantly (P<0.01) over successive reproductive seasons, particularly between the second and third spawnings. Relative fecundity, on the other hand, decreased significantly with each season (3577±471, 2591±900 and 2181±360). Following analysis of the variables over the three seasons, the correlation pattern of female body weight with total fecundity (r=0.91, n=458; P<0.001) and relative fecundity (r=?034, n=451; P<0.001) proved similar to that described in other salmonid females. Fertilization rate and survival to the eyed egg stage were also positively correlated (r=0.73, n=453; P<0.001). The systematically high values obtained for these latter variables over the seasons evaluated (consistently above 90%) are clearly greater than those we registered in other species of salmonids bred in Chile under similar conditions and suggest highly efficient biological variables that determine the gamete fertilization of this species. The brown trout is, therefore, an interesting potential aquaculture resource in Chile.  相似文献   

The number of circulating erythrocytes was monitored in two strains of brown trout during the spawning season. Erythrocyte numbers were significantly elevated in mature male fish of both strains compared with mature females or immature fish. This period of erythrocytosis coincided with elevated plasma 11-ketotestosterone levels in mature male fish, was out of phase with the testosterone peak in males and was not observed in females despite high levels of plasma testosterone. The results are discussed with reference to the control of erythropoiesis in higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

The effect of habitat on the growth and diet of brown trout, Salmo trutta L., stocked at the same densities in nine stream enclosures, comprising three habitat types of different quality, were tested. The habitats, which were created based on microhabitat preference data, were a shallow water habitat lacking cobbles (habitat 1), a deeper, mixed cobble-bottomed (128-384 mm diameter) habitat (habitat 2) and a large cobble-bottomed (256-384 mm) habitat of intermediate depth (habitat 3). Brown trout were found to have greater increases in total biomass in habitats 2 and 3 than in habitat 1. The pattern for length did not follow that of biomass as trout had greater increases in total length in habitat 2 than in the other two habitats. Biomass of food in trout diets reflected habitat-specific fish biomass changes, with a greater total biomass of prey as well a greater biomass of the leech, Erpobdella, in habitats 2 and 3 than in habitat 1. There were no habitat-specific differences in the biomass of benthic or drifting invertebrates in the enclosures, with the exception of a tendency for an effect of habitat on the biomass of Erpobdella. Although there may have been habitat-specific differences in food resources that were not detected, it is believed that the higher biomass growth in habitats 2 and 3 may have reflected differences in cover afforded by the deeper water and coarser substrates and/or improved foraging opportunities facilitated by the larger volumes of water in the deeper habitats in which the trout could search for prey.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Olfaction is decisive for the homeward migration of anadromous salmonids. Two different olfactory hypotheses for explaining how this mechanism works have been proposed (the imprinting and the pheromone hypothesis), and they differ with regard to the origin of the odours that define home. The pheromone hypothesis assumes that fish respond to strain-specific pheromones and that no imprinting is necessary. The imprinting hypothesis assumes that juvenile fish become imprinted to odours of abiotic or biotic origin in natural rivers; the imprinting may be a single event or may occur sequentially during downstream migration as smolts. The two hypotheses were challenged by reciprocal transplantation of parr, residents and smolt of Arctic char ( Salvelinus alpinus ) and brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) between the Salangen and the Løksebotten rivers. Both rivers empty into the Salangen Fjord, Norway, about 10 km apart. Salangen Arctic char released in the Løksebotten River, and Løksebotten brown trout released in the Salangen River (parr, resident and smolt) initiated spontaneous homeward migration without preceding contact with home stream water. This indicates that site imprinting (single or sequential) could not have been involved. In the sea, the released fish apparently integrated into the migratory system of relatives from their river of origin. Recapture rates did not differ for fish allowed to receive single or sequential imprinting.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We quantified the use of habitat patches by brown trout, Salmo trutta , during summer conditions in a plains stream in the western United States. A Global Positioning System was used to map discrete habitat patches (2–420 m2) consisting of macrophytes, wood accumulation, or deep water. Habitat use by brown trout was monitored by radio telemetry. Brown trout used habitat in a nonrandom manner with 99% of all daytime observations and 91% of all nighttime observations occurring in patches that consisted of combinations of deep water, wood accumulations or macrophytes even though such patches constituted only 9.8% of the available habitat. Brown trout used deep water almost exclusively during the day but broadened their habitat use at night. Most fish stayed within a large plunge pool created by a low-head dam. This pool supplemented the deep-water habitat that was naturally rare in our study area and illustrates how human modifications can sometimes create habitat patches important for stream fishes.  相似文献   

Habitat use, food composition and growth of stocked and native brown trout, Salmo trutta L., were studied in the subarctic Lake Muddusjärvi in northern Finland. Stocked brown trout and native brown trout preferred littoral and pelagic areas. Trout were stocked in October. In June stocked trout fed primarily on invertebrates while native fish were piscivorous. From July onwards the composition of the diet of both stocked and native trout was similar and consisted almost entirely of small‐sized whitefish. Brown trout were already piscivorous at a length of about 20 cm. The mean length of prey consumed was about 12 cm. Mean length‐at‐age was similar from the second year in the lake despite of the larger size of stocked fish during the first year in the lake.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Based on the analysis of 17 successive year-classes, this investigation attempted to identify the factors determining year-to-year variation in population size of the stream-living juveniles of Lake Hald-dwelling brown trout Salmo trutta L. Population size appeared to be influenced chiefly by annual recruitment that in turn, was determined by stream discharge and temperature. These patterns matched those previously highlighted for a resident population located >2500 km apart and emphasised the importance of environmental (climatic) variability as a major regulating agent of population size in stream brown trout. However, distinctly shaped recruitment–discharge relationships between the two populations suggested different mechanisms in response to environmental variability and thus to persist in time.  相似文献   

Many investigators have examined the importance of suitable in‐stream habitat and flow regime to salmonid fishes. However, there is much less known about the use of small (<5 l·s?1 discharge) first‐order streams within a larger stream network by salmonids. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of small headwater streams by juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta in the Emmons Creek stream network in Wisconsin, USA, and to determine whether abundance was related to habitat variables in these streams. Fishes in eight spring‐fed first‐order streams were sampled during a 7‐month period using a backpack electroshocker and measured for total length. Habitat variables assessed included stream discharge, water velocity, sediment composition and the abundance of cover items (woody debris and macrophytes). Densities of YOY trout ranged from 0 to 1 per m2 over the course of the study and differed among first‐order streams. Stepwise multiple regression revealed discharge to be negatively associated with trout density in spring but not in summer. All other habitat variables were not significantly related to trout density. Our results demonstrate the viability of small first‐order streams as nursery habitat for brown trout and support the inclusion of headwater streams in conservation and stream restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Abstract– Downstrcam displacement of salmonid fry due to flow increase, from 12–15 m3/s to >100 m3s, was documented in the river Suldalslåen, Western Norway. In May only fry of brown trout ( Sulmo trutta ) occurred in the drift, while from the beginning of June only newly emerged Atlantic salmon ( Sulmo sular ) were found. The maximum number of Atlantic salmon fry drifting during a single day was estimated to be 17 000 individual. Their density in the drift was higher during the night than during the day, and their appearance in the drift coincided with the predicted period of emergence. Total brown trout numbers in the drift were estimated to vary between 4000 and 16 000 per day. Fry displaced downstream from the lowermost part of the river were lost from the population. The total losses were estimated to be between 75 000 and 100 000 Atlantic salmon fry which represents between 5.6 and 11.1%) of juvenile mortality during the first year of life.  相似文献   

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