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This study evaluated a new perspective in the diagnosis of dermatitis in dogs with signs suggestive of allergic skin disease. The results obtained with CMG IMMUNODOT tests using the technique of allergen-specific strip tests, as employed for human allergy diagnosis, were compared with those obtained by the intradermal skin test (IDST). Forty-eight cases completed the diagnostic evaluation, which included IDST, flea-control program, exclusion of sarcoptes and, for some cases, a 1- to 2-month stabilization period on a restricted protein source diet and testing the serum in the presence of allergen-specific IgE and total IgE. The most common disorders included house and storage dust mites, allergic dermatitis and flea-allergic dermatitis together with atopy. This was confirmed serologically. In the case of positive IDST to pollens, Aspergillus spp. and cat epithelium, CMG IMMUNODOT strip tests were negative. A total of 25% of cases were considered to be primarily associated with food hypersensitivity, but only 4% were confirmed serologically. This study emphasizes the value of CMG IMMUNODOT tests as a support in the diagnosis of dog allergy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of three monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), and two anticanine IgG and one anticanine IgM polyclonal antibodies (pAbs) for the immunohistochemical diagnosis of canine autoimmune skin diseases. Skin biopsies from 11 cases of pemphigus (7 foliaceus, 3 vulgaris and 1 erythematosus), 12 cases of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) and 12 cases of chronic hyperplasic dermatitis were used. The CA4E7 mAb (IgG1 + IgG2) showed similar sensitivity, but higher specificity and lower background than the two anti-IgG pAbs for the immunohistochemical diagnosis of pemphigus and DLE. The CA4F1 mAb (IgG2) and CA3H1 mAb (IgG2) showed moderate and low interepithelial reactivity, respectively, in autoimmune skin diseases, but strong staining of the cytoplasm of plasma cells of the inflammatory infiltrates. These results suggest that the CA4E7 mAb may be valuable in the immunohistochemical diagnosis of such disorders.  相似文献   

Gel pads are commonly used in skin ultrasonography; however, the effects of their thickness are unknown. This study investigated the effects of pad thickness on measurements of skin thickness in 10 beagle dogs. Sonograms to measure neck skin thickness were captured without pads and using pads with thicknesses of 3, 5, 10, and 20 mm. Without pads, acoustic shading was observed due to air bubbles in the coupling gel. With 20-mm pads, echogenic artifacts were observed on the skin surface. Entry echo with 20-mm pads was significantly higher than with 3-mm pads. This suggests that visibility of the skin structure could be affected when a gel pad is not used or when a thick gel pad is selected.  相似文献   

Three dogs were presented for the management of disease processes resulting in large skin defects over the dorsal lumbosacral region. One had severe dog bite wounds, one had a large burn sustained from a heating pad and one had a large myxosarcoma in the region. In each case, the extent and location of the resulting skin defect were assessed as factors likely to prevent reconstruction using simple tension-relieving techniques alone or in combination with established reconstructive techniques, such as axial pattern flaps or skin stretching devices. Bilateral skin fold rotation-advancement flaps (SFRAFs) based on the flank folds were mobilised dorsally and allowed complete wound closure in two dogs and subtotal closure in the other dog. All wounds healed without major complications and an acceptable cosmetic outcome was achieved in each case. Minor flap debridement was required in two dogs. The use of bilateral SFRAFs is a useful technique alone or in combination with other reconstructive techniques for the closure of large dorsal lumbosacral skin defects when existing techniques are not sufficient. Small flank folds, such as those of obese dogs, may yield unexpectedly large SFRAFs.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare success and complication rates, based on staining of nerves and other structures, among three techniques of paravertebral brachial plexus blockade (PBPB) in dogs.Study designProspective randomized design.AnimalsA total of 68 thoracic limbs from 34 dogs.MethodsLimbs were randomly assigned to blind (BL) (n = 24), nerve stimulator-guided (NS) (n = 21) or ultrasound-guided (US) (n = 23) technique. Injections were made with 0.3 mL kg?1 of lidocaine mixed with new methylene blue. Time to perform each block and current used during NS technique were recorded. Dogs were anesthetized during the blocks and euthanized once completed. Dissections were performed to evaluate staining of nerves, spinal cord, mediastinum, pleura and vessels. An anova and Tukey adjustment for time, logistic regression for association between current and nerve staining and a generalized linear mixed model for staining of different structures were used. Significance was considered when p ≤ 0.05.ResultsThe median (range) number of nerves stained was 2 (0–4) with BL, 1 (0–3) with NS and 1 (0–4) with US guided technique. No significant differences in staining of C6, C8 and T1 or other structures were found among techniques. Nerve C7 was more likely to be stained by BL (p = 0.05). Time to perform the blocks was significantly different among techniques, with mean ± SD duration in minutes of 3.6 ± 1.8 with BL, 6.3 ± 2.7 with US and 12.2 ± 5 with NS. The most common complication was staining of the spinal cord (29%, 38% and 39% with BL, NS and US, respectively).ConclusionsSuccess rates were low and complication rates were relatively high, based on staining, with the three techniques.Clinical relevanceThe use of more advanced techniques for PBPB in dogs is not justified according to this study. Clinical significance of the complications encountered in this study should be evaluated.  相似文献   

Abstract An instrument is described which uses air aspirated via a narrow probe from an animal's hair coat to assess the relative humidity (RH) of air within the coat. This was used to investigate regional differences in coat humidity in a group of 21 Newfoundland dogs maintained in a constant environment of 40%RH. At sites over the rump, mid-lateral thigh and chest wall, the coat RH was about 50%, whilst beneath the tail and on the ventral neck the RH was about 70%. It was observed that at tail and neck sites the RH rose with increasing age of the subject. No differences were observed related to the coat colour or sex of the subjects, but coat type was relevant. The relative humidity of finer coats on exposed sites was about 7% lower than those of normal coats. The physical features affecting these findings, i.e. convection, conduction and the effect of matting, are discussed, together with the implications for microbial colonization. Résumé— Un instrument qui utilise à l'aide d'une sonde étroite l'air aspiréà partir du pleage pour mesurer l'humidité relative (HR) du pelage est décrit. Celui-ci a été employé pour déterminer les différences régionales de l'humidité relative dans un groupe de 21 Terre Neuves maintenus dans un environnement constant à 40% d'humidité relative. L'humidité relative est de 50% sur les membres, les faces internes des cuisses et le thorax, tandis que sous la queue et le cou, elle est de 70%. Il a été observéégalement qu'au niveau de la queue et du cou, l'humidité relative augmente avec l'âge. Aucune différence n'est notée en function de la couleur du pelage et le sexe des animaux. L'humidité relative des pelages plus fins des sites exposés est de 7% plus bas que celle des pelages normaux. Les facteurs physiques influant sur l'humidité relative tels que la convection, la conduction, l'effet du pansage sont discutés notamment avec leurs implications possibles dans la colonisation microbienne. [Chesney, C. J. Mapping the canine skin: a study of coat relative humidity in Newfoundland dogs (Cartographie de la peau du chien: étude de l'humidité relative du pelage des Terre Neuve). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 35–41.] Resumen Se describe un instrumento que utiliza aire aspirado del pelo de un animal a través de una sonda para evaluar la humedad relativa (HR) del aire en el pelo. Ello se utilizó para investigar las diferencias regionales en humedad del pelo en un grupo de 21 perros Terranova mantenidos en un medio ambiente constante al 40% HR. En las zonas de grupa, muslo medial-lateral y pared torácica, la HR del pelo fue del 50%, mientras que bajo la cola y en cuello ventral fue del 70%. Se observó que la HR en la cola y cuello aumentaba con la edad del individuo. No se observaron diferencias por color del pelo o sexo, pero el tipo de pelo sí tenía importancia. La HR en pelo más fino en las zonas expuestas era un 7% menor que el de pelo normal. Se discuten los factores fisicos que afectan estas zonas, p.ej. convección, conducción y el efecto del enmarañamiento, junto con las implicaciones que ello tiene en la colonización bacteriana. [Chesney, C. J. Mapping the canine skin: a study of coat relative humidity in Newfoundland dogs (Mapeo de la piel canina: estudio de la humedad relativa del pelo en perros Terranova). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 35–41.] Zusammenfassung— Es wird ein Gerät beschrieben, welches Luft verwendet, die mit einer schmalen Sonde aus dem Haarkleid des Tieres gewonnen wurde, um die relative Feuchtigkeit (RH) der Luft innerhalb des Fells auszuwerten. Dies wurde benützt, um regipnale Unterschiede in der Fellfeuchtigkeit bei einer Gruppe von 21 Neufundländern, die unter konstanten Umgebungsbedingungen von 40% RH gehalten wurden. An Stellen über dem Rumpf, mittel-lateralen Schenkel und der Brustwand betrug die Fell-RH um 50%, während sie unter dem Schwanz und am ventralen Hals 70% aufwies. Es wurde beobachtet, daß an der Schwanz- und Halsregion die RH mit zunehmendem Alter des Tieres zunahm. Es konnten keine Unterschiede bezüglich Fellfarbe oder Geschlecht der Tiere festgestellt werden, der Felltyp war jedoch relevant. Die relative Feuchtigkeit über feinerem Fell an exponierten Regionen war 7% niedriger als die über normalem Fell. Die physikalischen Vorgänge, die diese Befunde beeinflussen, z.B. Konvektion, Konduktion und die Wirkung des ‘Matting’ werden diskutiert zusammen mit den Beziehungen zur mikrobiellen Besiedelung. [Chesney, C. J. Mapping the canine skin: a study of coat relative humidity in Newfoundland dogs (Landkarte der Hundehaut: Studie über die Feuchtigkeit im zusammenhang mit dem Haarkleid beim Neufundländer). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 35–41.]  相似文献   

In canine and human atopic patients, the intracutaneous injection of offending allergens is followed by the development of both immediate and late-phase reactions. The present study was performed to expand on the characterization and dynamics of inflammatory cell subsets during IgE-mediated late-phase reactions in canine skin. Three normal dogs and three Dermatophagoides farinae -allergic dogs were selected for this experiment. All dogs were challenged intradermally with mite allergen, purified anticanine IgE antibodies (positive control) or phosphate-buffered saline (negative control). Skin biopsies were obtained before and 6, 12 and 24 h post-injection. Sections were stained with metachromatic and eosinophil-specific histological stains. Additionally, we used an immunohistochemical method with antibodies specific for canine leukocyte antigens. This study confirmed the occurrence of a late-phase reaction in atopic skin following allergen challenge, and in normal and atopic canine skin after intradermal injection of IgE-specific antibodies. Whereas early emigrating dermal cells were composed chiefly of neutrophil and activated eosinophil granulocytes, there was an influx of αβ T-lymphocytes and dermal dendritic cells in later stages of the late-phase reactions. Because IgE-mediated late-phase reactions resemble spontaneous atopic canine skin lesions, both at macroscopic and microscopic levels, we propose the use of similar challenges to study the anti-inflammatory effects of anti-allergic drugs in a pre-clinical setting.  相似文献   

Abstract Skin biopsy specimens from 107 dogs with endocrine skin disorders were examined for the presence of melanin granules in the sebaceous glands or ducts (sebaceous gland melanosis). Nineteen of these cases (17.8%) had sebaceous gland melanosis. Skin biopsy specimens from 71 dogs with follicular dysplasia were similarly examined and 27 (38.0%) had sebaceous gland melanosis. Sebaceous gland melanosis alone cannot be used to differentiate histologically follicular dysplasia and endocrine skin disorders. Résumé— Des biopsies cutanées provenant de 107 chiens présentant des troubles cutanés associés à une dysendocrinie ont été examinées pour la rechereche de granules de mélanine dans les glandes sébacées ou dans leurs canaux (mélanose des glandes sébacées). Dix neuf de ces cas (17,8%) présentaient une mélanose des glandes sébacées. Des biopsies provenant de 71 chiens à dysplasic folliculaire ont été examinées de la même manière et 27 (38%) de ces cas présentaient également une mélanose des glandes sébacées. La mélanose des glandes sébacées seule ne peut être utilisée pour différencier histopathologiquement les dysplasies folliculaires des lésions cutanées associées à une dysendocrinie. [Bagladi, M.S., Scott, D.W., Miller, W.H. Sebaceous gland melanosis in dogs with endocrine skin disease or follicular dysplasia: A retrospective study (Mélanose des glandes sébacées chez des chiens présentant une dysendocrinic à expression cutanée et chez des chiens présentant une dysplasie folliculaire). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 85–90.] Resumen Se examinó la presencia de gránules de melanina en las glándulas sebáceas (melanosis de glándulas sebáceas) en muestras de biopsia cutánea de 107 perros con desequilibrios endocrinos cutáneos. Diecinueve de estos casos (17.8%) mostraban melanosis de glándulas sebáceas. Las muestras de biopsia cutánea de 71 perros con displasia folicular se examinaron de forma similar y 27 (38.0%) mostraban melanosis de glándulas sebáccas. La melanosis de glándulas sebáceas en sí no puede utilizarse para diferenciar histológicamente entre la displasia folicular y los desequilibrios endocrinos. [Bagladi, M.S., Scott, D.W., Miller, W.H. Sebaceous gland melanosis in dogs with endocrine skin disease or follicular dysplasia: A retrospective study (Melanosis glandulas sebaceas en perros con enfermedad endocrina o dysplasia folicular: estudio retrospectivo). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 85–90.] Zusammenfassung— Es wurden Hautbiopsien von 107 Hunden mit endokrinen Hauterkrankungen auf das Vorkommen von Melaningranula in den Talgdrüsen oder -ausführungsgängen (Talgdrüsenmelanose) untersucht. 19 dieser Fälle (17,8%) zeigten Talgdrüsenmelanose. Die Hautbiopsien von 71 Hunden mit follikulärer Dysplasie wurden auf ähnliche Weise untersucht, 27 davon (38,0%) wiesen ebenfalls Talgdrüsenmelanose auf. Talgdrüsenmelanose allein kann nicht dazu verwendet werden, um histologisch follikuläre Dysplasie und endokrine Hauterkrankungen zu unterscheiden. [Bagladi, M. S., Scott, D. W., Miller, W. H. Sebaceous gland melanosis in dogs with endocrine skin disease of follicular dysplasia: a retrospective study (Talgdrüsenmelanose bei Hunden mit endokrinen Hauterkrankungen oder follikulärer Dysplasie: eine retrospektive Studie). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 85–90.]  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of subdermal plexus skin flaps for closing defects after excision of cutaneous and subcutaneous tumors in dogs and to compare outcome of flaps secured with sutures and those secured with butyl-cyanoacrylate and intermittent sutures. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical study. ANIMALS: Fifteen dogs. METHODS: After excision of cutaneous or subcutaneous tumors the skin defect was reconstructed by random flaps based on the subdermal plexus. Flap skin edges were apposed with simple interrupted 4-0 monofilament nylon sutures (group 1; 5 dogs) or nylon sutures alternated with butyl-cyanoacrylate adhesive (group 2; 10 dogs). Flaps were evaluated every 48 hours when bandages were changed, until complete healing. RESULTS: Random flaps based on the subdermal plexus were effectively used to close wound defects; mean flap survival was 89%. Partial flap necrosis occurred in 4 dogs. Wound margins apposed with butyl-cyanoacrylate had thinner and more esthetic scars than sutured margins. CONCLUSION: Random flaps based on the subdermal plexus proved to be versatile for covering limb wounds after excision of cutaneous or subcutaneous tumors. Mean survival rate was comparable to that reported for axial pattern flaps. Butyl-cyanoacrylate adhesive was easy to apply, allowed accurate margin apposition with good cosmetic outcome and reduced sutures needed. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Cyanoacrylate adhesive should be considered in lieu of suture closure to secure random skin flaps based on the subdermal plexus in dogs.  相似文献   

The anti-inflammatory effect of a triamcinolone topical solution (TTS) was evaluated by use of induced cutaneous immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions in dogs. Healthy dogs ( n  = 3) were treated on one side of the lateral thorax with TTS, and on the contralateral side with vehicle solution. After 7 days of treatment, serial dilutions of inflammatory stimuli (histamine, compound 48/80, anticanine IgE, substance P, and morphine sulphate) were injected intradermally on both sides. Resulting immediate reactions were subjectively scored, their diameters were measured in millimetres, and microcirculatory blood flow at each site was measured using laser Doppler velocimetry. The magnitude of the differences between TTS and vehicle-treated sides varied with the type of measurement and the stimulus used. With compound 48/80, anti-IgE, substance P, and morphine sulphate-injected sites, for at least one concentration, the reaction scores and sizes were notably less on the TTS-treated sides. Punch skin biopsy specimens were obtained from selected sites 24 h after injection. A pathologist examined stained tissue sections and scored each section as to degree of late-phase dermal cellular infiltrate. Dermal infiltrate scores were generally lower at the TTS-treated sites; the composite score from all TTS-treated sites was 30% lower than that from the vehicle-treated sites. Observations suggest that TTS may be effective in decreasing some aspects of the inflammatory response in canine skin.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure the thickness of canine epidermis at various anatomical sites according to localization of cornified envelopes (involucrin and filaggrin), keratins (keratin 10, 5), and their mRNA expression. This was done in the skin of five breeds of dogs including seven poodles, six golden retrievers, six Shih Tzus, four pugs, and four Labrador retrievers. Epidermal thickness of the stratum corneum and nucleated epidermal layer was significantly different. The greatest thickness was observed in the digital web area and the thinnest epidermis was in the axilla. Epidermal thickness was also significantly different between the breeds (p < 0.05). Immunohistochemical staining scores revealed significant decreases of involucrin, filaggrin, and keratin 10 in the ventral and weight-bearing sites, and a relative increase of keratin 5 (p < 0.05). q-PCR analysis showed that their the levels of mRNA were positively correlated with expression of the corresponding proteins in skin samples (p < 0.05). The present study is the first to report the relationship between epidermal gene expression and histologic morphology of the skin in normal dogs. Further studies will be essential to fully understand the pathogenesis of skin barrier dysfunctions in canines.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of 3 preoperative skin preparations (povidone‐iodine [PI] removed with 70% isopropanol, and 4% chlorhexidine gluconate [CG] removed with either 70% isopropanol [CA] or sterile saline solution [CS]) in ponies. Eighteen ponies were randomly assigned to one of the 3 preoperative skin preparation groups. The skin of ponies was aseptically prepared with PI removed with alcohol, or 4% CG removed with either alcohol or sterile saline solution. The antimicrobial efficacy of each skin preparation technique was assessed quantitatively by culturing for surface bacteria with replicating organism detection and counting plates. The percentage of negative cultures, the percentage of cultures with >5 colony forming units (CFU) and the percentage bacterial reduction after the cleansing scrub, the sterile scrub, and the surgical procedures were compared. There was a significant difference between CG and PI in percentage bacterial reduction after the cleansing scrub, but no significant difference at any other time (sterile scrub, post operative skin sampling). In a comparison of the number of negative microbial cultures at each sampling point, there were no significant differences among the 3 skin preparation techniques. There were no significant differences among the treatment groups comparing the number of cultures with a high colony count (>5 CFU) after the cleansing scrub. Skin preparation with CS and PI resulted in significantly fewer cultures with >5 CFU after the sterile scrub than CA. Post operatively, CA had a higher number of samples with >5 CFU than CS and PI. PI removed with alcohol and 4% CS are equally effective in the reduction of skin bacteria after a sterile skin scrub in the operating room; however, CG was more effective in reducing bacterial numbers after the cleansing scrub. The number of cultures with high bacterial counts was greater post operatively, when alcohol was used as a rinse with chlorhexidine. In cases where a sterile scrub is not performed following a cleansing scrub, CG may be a better choice than PI. CA should not be used as a presurgical skin preparation method in ponies.  相似文献   

The mast cell secretagogues compound 48/80 and codeine phosphate were evaluated as potential positive controls for intradermal skin testing in dogs. Wheal responses to both agents were compared with responses to histamine and saline in 11 normal dogs, and were strong and not significantly different from histamine responses in nine dogs ( P < 0.01), and significantly weaker than histamine in two dogs ( P < 0.05). Wheal responses to compound 48/80 (1 mg mL−1) were evaluated in 82 suspected atopic dogs and were similar to histamine in 79 dogs and markedly weaker than histamine in three dogs. Of nine confirmed atopic dogs with weak responses to injected allergens, seven had strong responses to compound 48/80, and eight had strong responses to histamine. Compound 48/80 and codeine phosphate appear unreliable positive controls for skin testing in normal dogs. Compound 48/80 (1 mg mL−1) may be a reliable positive control in atopic dogs but is a poor indicator of skin reactivity to allergens.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy of 0.3% stabilized glutaraldehyde and alcohol (SG+A), 0.3% SG and water (SG+W), and 4% chlorhexidine gluconate tincture (CG+A), as skin disinfectants in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, blinded clinical study. ANIMALS: One hundred and twenty-one dogs. METHODS: Cutaneous bacterial colony forming units (CFU) from the perioperative site after skin preparation, after antisepsis, and after surgery (incisional and paramedian), were quantified. The influence of high initial bacterial counts (> or =150 CFU) and surgical time on antibacterial efficacy was examined and the proportion of dogs from which Staphylococcus intermedius was cultured, determined. Perioperative skin reactions and wound infections were documented. RESULTS: All 3 antiseptic solutions significantly and equally reduced CFU to all post-antisepsis sampling levels irrespective of surgical duration (mean surgical times 151.6, 136.2, and 149.6 minutes for CG+A, SG+A and SG+W, respectively). Median percentage reductions in CFU ranged between 99.3% and 100%. In dogs with initial high counts and disinfected with CG+A and SG+W, the incisional samples had significantly higher counts than the post-antisepsis samples. In the CG+A and SG+W groups, the proportion of post-surgery samples yielding S. intermedius was significantly higher at the incisional than the paramedian sites. Eight mild cutaneous reactions were recorded in equal proportions for the 3 solutions. There were no recorded infections. CONCLUSIONS: All 3 preparations had an equal ability to reduce and maintain low CFU counts, with minimal cutaneous reactions. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: SG solutions are safe and effective preoperative skin antiseptics for elective clean-contaminated surgical procedures.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) transplantation following consolidation therapy is a feasible treatment option for canine haematological malignancies. In veterinary medicine, haematopoietic stem cells are generally mobilized into peripheral circulation using a granulocyte colony‐stimulating factor (G‐CSF). This pilot study aimed to evaluate the haematopoietic stem cell mobilization effect of three different regimens for PBSC apheresis with Spectra Optia continuous mononuclear cell (CMNC) protocol in healthy dogs. Stem cell mobilization was performed using high‐dose plerixafor (CXCR‐4 inhibitor) alone, a G‐CSF alone, or a combination of the low‐dose plerixafor and G‐CSF. Three dogs were assigned to each mobilization protocol. Regardless of the mobilization protocol, the total blood volume processed was uniformly set as 270 mL/kg and many PBSCs, defined as CD34+/CD45dim cells, within the apheresis product were compared. Changes in complete blood count, PBSC counts, and blood chemistry analysis were monitored before, during, and after apheresis. All dogs tolerated the apheresis procedure using the Spectra Optia system with minimal adverse effects. The mean PBSC counts of the apheresis products for plerixafor, G‐CSF, and the combination groups were 1.3 ± 0.24, 4.2 ± 0.47, and 6.4 ± 0.9 × 106 cells/kg, respectively. The apheresis procedure using Spectra Optia CMNC protocol in dogs is safe and feasible. Furthermore, PBSC mobilization with a combination of G‐CSF and plerixafor appeared more effective than either compound alone in mobilizing PBSC to the peripheral blood in dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the induction dose requirements of thiopental using two different infusion rates for induction of anaesthesia in dogs. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, randomized study. ANIMALS: Fifty, healthy (ASA I or II) client-owned dogs with a mean age of 4.1 years and a mean mass of 20.4 kg undergoing elective surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Animals were randomly assigned to receive an infusion of 2.5% thiopental at a rate of either 0.1 ml kg(-1) minute(-1) or 0.4 ml kg(-1)minute(-1), 30-40 minutes after pre-anaesthetic medication with intramuscular acepromazine (0.025 mg kg(-1)) and pethidine (3.5 mg kg(-1)). Thiopental administration was controlled by a precision syringe driver. Statistical analyses of the results, using the outcome 'mg kg(-1) required for induction' (log-transformed) included unpaired t-tests for all categorical data (thiopental infusion rate, breed, sex, obesity, sedation quality) and univariable linear regression for continuous variables (mass, age). All variables were then considered in a multivariable linear regression model. The quality of induction with the two different infusion rates was also assessed. RESULTS: After controlling for quality of sedation, the thiopental induction dose requirement was significantly less (p < 0.001) with the slower infusion rate (median = 7.5 mg kg(-1); range 4.9-13.7) compared with the faster infusion rate (median =11.0 mg kg(-1); range 6.6-18.0). The quality of sedation also affected the dose required (p = 0.03). The slower infusion rate was associated with a significantly poorer induction quality (p = 0.03) [corrected] CONCLUSIONS: Slow thiopental infusion (0.1 ml kg(-1) minute(-1)) for anaesthesia induction after acepromazine/pethidine pre-anaesthetic medication reduced the induction dose requirement, although the quality of induction was inferior. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The induction dose of thiopental was reduced with a slower administration rate and so slow administration is recommended in thiopental-sensitive animals.  相似文献   

Repair of urethral defects using fascia lata autografts in dogs   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the feasibility of urethroplasty using a free fascia lata (FL) graft in the dog. STUDY DESIGN: In vivo experimental study. ANIMALS: Mixed-breed dogs (n=14). METHODS: Half of the circumference of the urethra, approximately 1.5 cm long, was excised in 14 male dogs to induce a urethral defect. FL (approximately 2 cm x 2 cm) harvested from the lateral thigh was sutured to the urethra using a 3-0 polyglactin 910 continuous pattern. Dogs were monitored daily for bladder distention and had urethral catheters until normal voiding was observed. On day 60, each dog had a positive contrast urethrogram, and then 8 dogs were euthanatized for gross and histologic examination. Six dogs were monitored for urologic problems for 6 months, and a positive contrast urethrogram was repeated. RESULTS: All dogs recovered successfully; 4 dogs had difficulty voiding for 2-3 days and urine was aspirated from these dogs every 3 hours until signs of painful urination disappeared. On positive contrast urethrograms, urethral anatomy was considered normal except in 4 dogs that had an irregular contour. Gross urethral examination confirmed an absence of ulceration, stricture, diverticula, or fistula formation, and the FL-lined graft survived in all dogs. No degenerative and reparative responses were observed. On histologic examination of the penile urethra, the lumen was intact, covered with transitional epithelium, and surrounded by corpus spongiosum with cavernous spaces and blood-filled vessels. CONCLUSIONS: Free FL grafts are incorporated satisfactorily and would appear to be useful for repairing urethral defects. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: FL grafts should be considered for repair of urethral defects in dogs.  相似文献   

The clinical, biochemical, histological, or ultrastructural abnormalities of five related female Rottweiler dogs with a hereditary disorder of cornification are reported. Three of the five dogs also had multiple noncutaneous congenital defects. Cutaneous abnormalities included generalized, hyperkeratotic, variably pigmented plaques, which in one dog were distributed along Blaschko's lines. Moderate to severe parakeratosis involving the follicular infundibula and ostia and focal orthokeratosis with variable vacuolation of spinous cells was observed on histopathologic examination of all skin specimens. Supplementation with oral zinc in two dogs and vitamin A alcohol and calcitriol in one dog did not result in clinical or histological improvement of the hyperkeratotic lesions. This disorder of cornification in dogs is similar to human disorders of cornification that follow the lines of Blaschko. Blaschko's lines follow a V-shape over the spine, an S-shape on the abdomen, and an axial distribution on the limbs. No related male dogs were affected, suggesting an X-linked dominant mode of inheritance. Many features of this hereditary DOC correspond to the human condition CHILD syndrome.  相似文献   


The macroscopic and histological appearance of jejunal antimesenteric incisions approximated with two different absorbable suture materials (monofilament versus multifilament) and three closure techniques (appositional single layer, crushing single layer, and double layer) were compared in healthy dogs at 14 or 28 days, postoperatively. No significant differences between the two suture materials were observed for most of the macroscopic or histological variables. However, the monofilament suture material caused significantly more fibrous tissue reaction in the muscular layer of the jejunum than did the multifilament suture material. Of the three enterotomy closure techniques used in this study, the appositional single‐layer method proved to be the best. The double‐layer closure method caused a significant decrease in the incisional circumference, the relative circumference, and volume of the jejunum, and a significant increase in jejunal wall thickness. Our findings suggest that canine jejunal enterotomy incisions can be closed using an appositional suture pattern with relatively rapidly absorbable monofilament suture material. The use of double‐layer suture patterns for closure of jejunal enterotomy incisions should be avoided because the size of the intestinal lumen may be reduced.  相似文献   

The coat of seven ‘Landseer’ Newfoundland dogs was irradiated using an infra-red source for 25 min. In each dog, at a site of each colour (black and white), skin and coat temperatures were monitored, and coat air humidity measured with a specially designed instrument. Almost no differences were noted at sites with differing coat colour. Skin temperature rose from 35 °C to a plateau at 39 °C, whilst coat temperature rose from 30 °C to 41 °C. Relative humidity of coat air initially rose, then fell significantly (P < 0.001). The absolute humidity initially almost doubled (P < 0.001), but then fell, although remaining significantly higher than that of ambient air. It was concluded that an initial burst of sweating was followed by lower but continuing secretion. This was not, however, of great importance in cooling. In a separate study the skin temperature of black coated dogs exposed to bright sunshine was explored. The mean temperature was almost identical to that of the plateau skin temperature noted in Newfoundland dogs.  相似文献   

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