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桂花有四个基本品种群——金桂、银桂、丹桂、四季桂。前三个品种群分别开黄花、白花、红花,都在阴历8月,当气温降到20℃以下时开花,花期半个月左右,统称秋桂。而四季桂花色最多,现有白花、黄花和红花,花期也长,在气温适宜时,从秋季可开到来年春季。下面,我就来说说我养植的几种四季桂。  相似文献   

我国是世界木樨属(桂花属O.smanthusLour)分布中心。现代学者在传统分类的基础上,将桂花的若干品种分为金桂、银桂、丹桂、四季桂等4个品种群。日香桂(图1~3)、佛顶珠(图4)、月桂(图5)、四季桂(图6)等属四季桂品种群。该品种群的几种桂花差异如下: 1.开花状态及花期、花香:日香桂除炎夏外,同阶段生长的每一段枝条都具有不同节先后开花的特性(图1)。约占总枝量30%的直立强旺  相似文献   

桂花是我国特产名贵香花,广西各族人民十分喜爱,定桂花为广西壮族自治区区花。四季桂是桂花诸品种中最适于盆栽观赏的一个品种。它树冠椭圆形,枝条发育健壮,植株较矮而分蘖多,叶绿色或绿黄色,花柠檬黄或黄白色。花期长,除严寒及酷暑外,其他季节都可开花,但以秋季为最盛。有大叶四季桂和小叶四季桂两个栽培型。  相似文献   

家庭莳养的桂花开不开花,与选购什么样的植株有很大关系。在桂花家族中,除日香桂、四季桂等几个常年反复开花的品种外,其他几个常见品种均只在秋季开一两次。就是这一两次,弄不好也会左盼不来右盼不来。因为繁殖手段和所取接枝的不同,决定了桂花有早开、晚开和不易开花之分。因此,挑选什么样的桂花是有讲究的。  相似文献   

桂花家族常见品种约有几十个,其中有结籽和不结籽之分。能结籽的品种,北方常见于金桂系列中的莲籽桂等和四季桂中的几种桂花,而丹桂系列常见的品种中,至今尚未见到有结籽的。  相似文献   

桂花种子是否能够播种繁殖问:那些桂花品种能结实,是否可以用来播种繁殖?如何识别种子已成熟?种子采后怎样处理、贮藏? 湖北王继梅答:在我国能结实的桂花品种主要有籽桂、四季桂、大叶黄、湖北咸宁的山桂花(野桂花,当地群众称“木桂”或“铁桂”)。而金桂、银桂、丹桂  相似文献   

桂花是我国特有的名贵花卉之一。原产我国南部,有两千多年的历史。桂花不以色彩艳丽夺目,而以浓郁芳香诱人。品种很多,有金桂、银桂、丹桂、月桂、檀香桂和四季桂之分。以其花期而论,丹桂一般在秋季摄氏20—28℃即可开花;四季桂即使在腊月0℃以下,也能迎风斗雪,傲然怒放;金桂花朵大而密,香味胜过银桂;而檀香桂香味最浓,尤以中秋佳节为最。桂花不仅有很高的观赏价值,而且有较高的经济价值。其花可以提取香精,又可作糕点、蜜饯等名贵食品的配料。桂花还有化痰止咳等功效,是一种极好的中药材。桂花不择土壤,生命力和适应性都极强。因而繁殖也比较容易。嫁接、压条、扦插和分枝均可,以靠  相似文献   

日香桂是桂花的一个品种,原产于四川。与其他桂花品种不同的是,其幼苗期就已着花且花香浓郁,花期达260余天,因而得名为“日香桂”。在中秋、国庆、元旦、春节、五一等重要节日能开花不断。  相似文献   

奇特的三月桂我们这里有一种土生土长的桂花,叫三月桂,又叫春桂。它比八月桂的香气更浓更纯,花期也更长,可达1个月之久(八月桂花期只有半个月)。采花枝插入水瓶,7日之内仍可保持馨香。  相似文献   

桂花,以它美丽洁白的花朵和扑鼻的芳香,博得人们的喜爱,它是极为理想的庭院观赏花卉。我国原来栽培的桂花只有八月桂和四季桂两种,如今,随着我国的桂花培育技术的进步,又出现了新的品种——日桂。它是云南省巧家县林业局副局长任溭佑经多年研究反复试验培育而成的。日桂一年四季三百  相似文献   

Cultivar segregation according to the sensory perception of their organoleptic characteristics was attempted by using trained panel data evaluated by principal component analysis of four sources per cultivar of 23 peach and 26 nectarine cultivars as a part of our program to develop minimum quality indexes. Fruit source significantly affected cultivar ripe soluble solids concentration (RSSC) and ripe titratable acidity (RTA), but it did not significantly affect sensory perception of peach or nectarine flavor intensity, sourness or aroma by the trained panel. For five out of the 49 cultivars tested, source played a role in perception of sweetness. In all of these cases when a source of a specific cultivar was not classified in the proposed organoleptic group it could be explained by the fruit having been harvested outside of the commercial physiological maturity (immature or over-mature) for that cultivar. The perception of the four sensory attributes (sweetness, sourness, peach or nectarine flavor intensity, peach or nectarine aroma intensity) was analyzed by using the three principal components, which accounted for 92 and 94% of the variation in the sensory attributes of the tested cultivars for peach and nectarine, respectively. Season did not significantly affect the classification of one cultivar that was evaluated during these two seasons. By plotting organoleptic characteristics in PC1 and PC2 (∼76%) for peach and nectarine, cultivars were segregated into groups (balanced, tart, sweet, peach or nectarine aroma and/or peach or nectarine flavor intensity) with similar sensory attributes; nectarines were classified into five groups and peaches into four groups. Based on this information, we recommend that cultivars should be classified in organoleptic groups and development of a minimum quality index should be attempted within each organoleptic group rather than proposing a generic minimum quality index based on the ripe soluble solids concentration (RSSC). This organoleptic cultivar classification will help to match ethnic preferences and enhance current promotion and marketing programs.  相似文献   

安徽观赏石榴品种资源及在园林中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对安徽省进行石榴品种资源调查的基础上,共记载17个观赏品种,建立观赏品种分类检索表,同时对观赏石榴在园林中的造景和应用进行了初步分析,并按照造景形式提出独立造景、配置造景和意境造景,并分别建议适合的观赏品种,为进一步合理利用观赏石榴研究提供了依据。  相似文献   

2014—2016年对63个芍药品种及野生原种进行形态特征调查,选定叶缘、花器管中心皮的形态特征作为品种分类的关键性状,结合花型、花色制作芍药品种分类检索表,以期为芍药品种鉴定、应用及新品种选育提供有价值的参考依据。调查供试品种的花期、平均株高、叶片被毛、花态、花茎硬度、每茎最多开花量、花型、花色、心皮被毛、柱头与子房壁的颜色。以叶缘具齿及心皮被毛与否确定品种种源,结合花型、花色进行分类检索。用XTL-850P研究型体视显微镜,观察每个品种的叶缘、心皮被毛、子房及柱头颜色并拍照;花器官颜色的测定采用第6版英国皇家园艺协会比色卡(RHSCC)进行。调查显示:63个品种加原种的叶缘,均带有白色透明骨质细齿,鉴定为芍药(Paeonia lactiflora)种下的栽培品种;其中26个品种心皮光滑无毛,划分为芍药原种品种群;35个品种心皮被毛,划分为毛果芍药品种群;2个品种心皮瓣化无子房无法细分,确定划分为心皮瓣化芍药品种群;结合花型、花色、柱头与子房壁的色型,编制品种的分类检索表;芍药的花期随不同年份、不同地区的气候会有差异,但品种对应的早、中、晚花期的顺序无变化。供试芍药品种种源细分芍药原种品种群、毛果芍药品种群及心皮瓣化芍药品种群;心皮特征是鉴别芍药种下相似品种的关键性状,结合花型、花色、柱头与子房壁的色型编制的分类检索表方便芍药品种的辨识,对芍药品种分类、园林应用和新品种的审定等方面具有一定的参考价值。后期将扩大芍药品种数量规模,对中国芍药品种种源做全面系统的分析认证。  相似文献   

Numerous cultivars of Japanese flowering cherry (Prunus subgenus Cerasus) are recognized, but in many cases they are difficult to distinguish morphologically. Therefore, we evaluated the clonal status of 215 designated cultivars using 17 SSR markers. More than half the cultivars were morphologically distinct and had unique genotypes. However, 22 cultivars were found to consist of multiple clones, which probably originate from the chance seedlings, suggesting that their unique characteristics have not been maintained through propagation by grafting alone. We also identified 23 groups consisting of two or more cultivars with identical genotypes. Most members of these groups were putatively synonymously related and morphologically identical. However, some of them were probably derived from bud sport mutants and had distinct morphologies. SSR marker analysis provided useful insights into the clonal status of the examined Japanese flowering cherry cultivars and proved to be a useful tool for cultivar characterization.  相似文献   

为加快选育优质、高产淀粉型甘薯新品种,以优质淀粉型甘薯品种‘西成007’为母本,通过开放授粉的方法获得实生种子。在田间,经过实生苗初筛和高代鉴定获得稳产的候选材料,再结合西南联合试验和抗病鉴定筛选,最终选育出优质高产的淀粉型甘薯新品种,定名为‘川薯231’。对‘川薯231’的形态特征、开花习性、产量、抗病性、品质以及优势特征进行了研究。在2017和2018年的西南联合试验中‘川薯231’平均鲜薯产量为33.84 t/hm2,平均干率为35.62%,薯干产量为11.87 t/hm2,淀粉率为23.01%,均超出对照‘徐薯22’。‘川薯231’在大田抗病中表现为抗蔓割病,中抗黑斑病和根腐病。在生长特性上‘川薯231’薯块表现为萌芽性好,幼苗生长势强。‘川薯231’属于优质、高产淀粉型新品种,其具备的萌芽性好和生长速度快的特征,能够减少种薯消耗,提早栽插,延长大田生长期,增加经济效益。此外,‘川薯231’在田间生长速度快,有利于增强其抗逆性,具有较大的市场潜力,可为改良具有较强抗逆性的优质、高产淀粉型甘薯新品种提供重要的育种材料。在2021年‘川薯...  相似文献   

海拔差异对紫色甘薯品种的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对引进的‘11-07’、‘16-08’、‘Y1’和‘SCZ’ 4个紫色甘薯品种分别在云南省玉溪市3个不同海拔的山地种植,分析其生物学特性、丰产性、品质等指标。结果表明:在海拔2000 m以上,以‘11-07’和‘SCZ’的产量较高,在海拔1600 m~1700 m左右,以‘SCZ’的产量最高。综合4个品种的产量和品质,‘SCZ’可作为有价值的商品紫薯品种引到玉溪的山地推广种植,‘11-07’可作为替补品种,为玉溪市不同海拔山地选择种植优良紫色甘薯品种提供科学依据。  相似文献   

高文川  马猛  王爱娜  赵惠贤 《作物学报》2010,3(10):1769-1776
选用高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)组成不同的3个强筋和4个弱筋小麦品种,研究了其籽粒发育过程中麦谷蛋白亚基、谷蛋白聚合体的形成和累积动态。结果表明,强筋小麦籽粒HMW-GS和B区低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(LMW-GS)从花后9~12d开始表达;而弱筋小麦从花后12~15d开始表达,即强筋小麦麦谷蛋白亚基开始形成时间早于弱筋小麦。各品种的HMW-GS一旦形成,其累积速度较快,花后27d基本达到稳定值,之后维持稳定量;而LMW-GS形成后,累积较慢,直到花后30d左右达到稳定量。3个强筋小麦品种籽粒灌浆期谷蛋白总聚合体百分含量(TGP%)和谷蛋白大聚合体百分含量(GMP%)累积动态趋势基本一致,即在花后12~30d一直持续增加,花后30d至成熟达到最大值并保持稳定水平。4个弱筋小麦TGP%和GMP%累积动态均表现为在花后12~24d(灌浆早中期)形成和持续累积,花后24d至成熟逐渐降低。麦谷蛋白亚基表达模式以及谷蛋白聚合体累积动态的差异可能是导致小麦强筋或弱筋品质形成的关键。  相似文献   

Australian modern narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) cultivars tend to flower early and are vernalisation-unresponsive (VU). Cultivars have generally been selected for the warmer climates zones and sandy soils of the northern grain belt of Western Australia (NWA), where lupins are predominantly grown. In areas where climates are cooler and growing seasons are longer and wetter, such as the southern grain belt of Western Australia (SWA), it is probable that lupin would have a higher yield potential. Given that VU cultivars would have a longer vegetative phase (i.e. late flowering) we hypothesise that they may be more productive than those that are early flowering. Here we used a modelling approach to: 1) test the hypothesis that cool-climate SWA would have higher lupin yield than warm-climate NWA; 2) explore lupin phenological adaptation and yield potential in SWA over a range of proposed VU cultivars; and 3) further evaluate the combined effects of cultivar phenology, sowing time and seasonal type on lupin yields.Simulations from the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) showed that, on average, lupin yield in SWA was higher than that in NWA, with 23% greater yield for the early-flowering cultivar Mandelup. Proposed cultivars flowering 22 days (late-flowering) and 15 days (medium flowering) later than Mandelup would have their phenology better adapted in the high and medium rainfall zones of SWA, producing 16 and 7% more grain in the two rainfall zones, respectively. The proposed late-flowering cultivar sown before the end of April achieved higher yields for all seasons in the high rainfall zone and for above average and average rainfall seasons in the medium rainfall zone. In more water-limited situations early sowing was preferable with no obvious difference in yield among cultivars. Despite this, the early-flowering cultivar yielded more when sown in late April. The results indicate that lupin production would benefit from breeding VU varieties with a long vegetative phase for the SWA that should be sown in mid to late April.  相似文献   

Chilling requirement, together with heat requirement, which has an impact on the climatic distribution of the genotypes of tree species, determines the flowering date. It also played an important role in the protected cultivation of fruit trees. In our study, we estimated chilling requirements for breaking of dormancy and heat requirements for flowering for 2 successive years in 69 Japanese apricot cultivars of Nanjing (China). The chilling requirements of those Japanese apricot cultivars ranged from 24 to 82 chill portions according to the dynamic model, and the heat requirements of those cultivars fluctuated between 691.9 and 2634.7 growing degree hours. The Japanese apricot cultivars were classified into three groups according to their chilling requirements: the low chilling requirement cultivars with less than 50 chill portions, the medium chilling requirement cultivar ranging from 50 to 70 chill portions, and the high chilling requirement cultivars with more than 70 chill portions. In our study, cultivars originated in Guangdong of China generally have a low chilling requirements, and originated in Zhejiang and Jiangsu of China have a high chilling requirements. Cultivars with lower or higher chilling requirement are not suitable for introduction of Nanjing due to their abnormal phenotype. We also observed that the heat requirement of Japanese apricot had no obvious relationship with their origins. The determination of chilling requirements of 69 Japanese apricot cultivars provided some basis for their rationalized introduction and distribution, and was also important in a breeding program. Those results also expanded our understanding of the temperature responses of flower bud in Japanese apricot during the dormancy progress.  相似文献   

云南甘薯地方主栽品种收集与脱毒复壮研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了更好地促进云南甘薯生产,收集云南地方主栽甘薯品种27个进行田间评价,并对其中的6个品种脱毒后进行田间对比试验。试验表明,有些品种产量较高,如‘普洱黄山芋’,产量达20.04 t/hm2,‘丘北白皮’亦达15.60 t/hm2;有些品种品质较好,如‘研和板栗薯’和‘华坪紫心’等;‘研和板栗薯’、‘建水灰薯’、‘华坪紫心’、‘马龙紫薯’、‘昆明紫薯’和‘建水紫薯’6个品种,脱毒后薯块平均增产幅度为175.8%;其中‘建水灰薯’脱毒后产量达24.00 t/hm2,比对照增产16.0 t/hm2,增幅为200.1%。通过脱毒,可以显著提高目前云南主栽甘薯品种的产量,更好为甘薯生产服务。  相似文献   

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