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1. The effects of beak trimming on 16-week-old Brown Leghorn hens, housed individually in battery cages, was assessed by comparing their behaviour after trimming with their behaviour before trimming and with the behaviour of a sham-operated control group. 2. In the short-term, times spent feeding, drinking and preening decreased. 3. In the long-term, times spent preening and pecking at the cage decreased and times spent standing inactive increased, with no signs of returning to pretreatment values after 5 weeks. 4. During the first three weeks, times spent feeding and drinking decreased and during the first two weeks, times spent sitting dozing increased, but after 5 weeks these had returned to near pre-treatment values. 5. It is argued that pain is the most probable cause of these behavioural changes. 6. The decrease in welfare to the individual bird caused by this pain will conflict with any increase in welfare to the flock brought about by beak trimming; this should be considered before any decision to beak trim is taken.  相似文献   

Branches of the trigeminal nerve, which innervates the beak in the chicken, were damaged after partial beak amputation (beak trimming) and degeneration in the nerve extended from 2 to 3 mm proximal to the cut stumps. Within 10 days the damaged nerves showed regeneration and axon sprouts had been formed. This neural regeneration was rapid so that by 20 to 30 days bundles of regenerating fibres were present and neuromas formed adjacent to the scar tissue of the stump of the beak. These neuromas became more extensive over the 70 day observation period.  相似文献   

李有业 《中国家禽》2001,23(19):18-19
众所周知,鸡的互相啄食(啄癖、啄食癖)属于常见病,给养鸡业带来明显经济损失,引起鸡互相啄食的主要原因有:高度密养、光照过强、微气候差、非全价营养、换羽期、强制换羽期和遗传因素等。迄今,预防鸡互啄的最佳方法普遍认为是断喙。根据近年国外最近资料报道,仍以Lyon公司推荐的断喙术最受青睐。1断喙前对鸡和鸡舍的准备1.1 选择1天中最凉爽的时候断喙为宜。1.2 断喙前二天和后三天,推荐在鸡的饮水里添加维生素K(4g/L)和维生素C(20mg/L)。1.3 计划好一栋鸡舍的断喙不要超过2~5天。1.4 断喙所用刀片器具必须是完美…  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effects of decreased light intensity and beak trimming on aggression prevention in laying hens. In total, 181 White Leghorns were used. At 17 weeks of age, 36 birds were allocated to battery cages (three birds/cage), 36 birds to furnished cages (four birds/cage), and 109 birds were transferred to an aviary. Since aggression increased in the birds from 23 weeks of age (from 0.3% to 6.0%) especially in the furnished cages, , the light intensity during the daytime was decreased to about one‐tenth (from 680 lux to 70 lux) at 28 weeks of age. The birds in the furnished cages then had their beaks re‐trimmed lightly by using a debeaker at 29 weeks of age. Behavioral observations using scanning techniques at 10 min intervals were conducted. Feed intake, bodyweight and feather score were also measured. There was no significant difference in aggression before and after decreasing the light in all three housing systems. On the other hand, the proportion of birds showing aggression decreased significantly just after trimming and four weeks after beak trimming in the furnished cages (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively). The aggression also became similar to the proportions observed in the battery cages and in the aviary. In proportion to the decreased aggression, the proportion of birds eating significantly decreased (P < 0.05). However, their feed intake and bodyweight did not decrease significantly. Against this decreased aggression, the proportion of birds preening significantly increased (P < 0.05). Aggression was observed more frequently at the dust bath in the furnished cages and at the litter floor in the aviary (both P < 0.001). The total feather score for all body parts in the birds in furnished cages increased significantly (P < 0.01) from 25 to 29 weeks of age (at beak trimming), but did not increase significantly from 29 to 33 weeks of age. The increments of neck, breast and tail feather scores in the furnished cages were smaller. In conclusion, there was no significant difference in aggression between just before and after decreasing the light in any housing system. However, aggression in the furnished cages was reduced not only by decreasing the light intensity, but by additional beak trimming. Aggravation of feather conditions – especially at the neck, breast and back – was prevented by the treatment.  相似文献   

Detailed behavioural observations were made of broiler breeder chicks after their beaks had been trimmed by an automated infrared treatment at one day of age or by the traditional hot-blade method at one day or seven days, or after they had been sham-trimmed or left untreated. Observations took place immediately after the treatments and at regular intervals until six weeks of age; beak length and bodyweight were also measured regularly. There were no significant effects on the behaviour of the chicks in the first hour after trimming or in the subsequent six weeks. Variability in beak length was low within the treatments and there was significant regrowth, but it was least in the birds that had been hot-blade trimmed at seven days. Both beak-trimming methods were associated with small but significant reductions in bodyweight, with the hot-blade-treated birds being more affected.  相似文献   

1. Conventional cages are to be replaced by furnished cages or aviary systems to improve the welfare of hens. We compared the performance and egg quality of hens reared in two designs of furnished cages and of two standard cages. We also explored the consequences of the absence of beak trimming when using these designs. 2. Hens (2028) were housed from 18 to 70 weeks of age in 108 standard cages at 6 per cage (60 cmx63.5 cm), in 96 cages at 5 per cage (59.5 cmx55.5 cm) or in two designs of furnished cage at 15 per cage (24 F15M cages and 36 F15P cages made by two manufacturers) which contained equipment varying in size and location (nests, dust baths and perches). Half of the hens were beak-trimmed in each design. 3. Mortality was low in beak-trimmed hens (<5%) but was unacceptably high in non-beak-trimmed hens due to cannibalism (>40%, 516 hens). Mortality was worse in standard cages than in furnished cages. Consequently, hen-housed egg production was significantly lowered in non-beak-trimmed hens. 4. Egg laying in beak-trimmed hens reared in furnished cages occurred mainly in the nest (80 and 84.8% in F15M and F15P) but also in the dust bath (13.3 and 9.4% in F15M and F15P) and in other parts of the cage (6.7 and 5.8% in F15M and F15P). 5. The total percentage of broken (visual observation) and hair-cracked eggs (candling) was high in the furnished cage designs (15.4 and 19.6% in F15M and F15P, respectively) compared with standard cage designs (8.1 and 12.2% in S6 and S5). This was mainly due to hair-cracked eggs, the highest percentages occurring in the nests, especially in the design with a narrow nest and no egg saver (11.1% in F15M compared to 17.6% in F15P) as a consequence of egg accumulation in the cradle and relatively low frequency of manual egg collection. 6. Eggshell quality (index and breaking strength) was only slightly influenced by cage effects so differences in egg breakage were attributable to impacts related to cage design. 7. It is concluded that beak trimming remains the most effective way to prevent cannibalism, although furnished cages with a large group of hens slightly reduced the incidence, and that further development and optimisation of furnished cages is needed to reach egg quality similar to standard cages.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of beak trimming on a local broiler breed. A total of 648 one‐day‐old birds were randomly allocated into three treatments: no trimming (NBT), infrared beak trimming (IRBT), and hot‐blade beak trimming (HBBT). The performance, beak length, behavior, carcass traits, organ percentages, and meat quality were inspected. The body weight (BW) from 7 to 35 days in the IRBT group was significantly lower than that in the NBT group, and the BW from 7 to 49 days was lower than that in the HBBT group (p < .05). Compared with untrimmed birds, birds in the IRBT group had lower average daily feed intake (ADFI) from 15 to 21 days, and higher heart percentage and L* value in the breast muscle. The upper beak length at 28 and 49 days of age were longest in untrimmed birds, intermediate in birds in the HBBT group, and shortest in the IRBT groups (p <.05). No evidence was found that HBBT caused changes in performance, behavior, carcass traits, organ percentages, and meat quality except for lower change in spleen percentage. Taken together, IRBT had more influence at inhibiting early BW, ADFI, and upper beak length than HBBT in the local broiler breed.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine the effects of beak trimming age on performance criteria, H-L ratio, antibody production, the percentage of spleen and liver and external appearance. The chicks (Barred Rock) were randomly divided into 4 beak-trimming groups (non-trimmed (control), a trim at 1 d (1D), at 10 d (10D) and at 10 wk (10W)), each of 132 chicks. There were 6 replicate cages at beak trimming groups at rearing period. At 18 wk of age a total of 144 pullets were transferred to the layer house, and the pullets were housed at 323 and 646 cm2/hen with 8 and 4 birds per cage in three-deck layer cages. There were a total of 24 replications with 12 replications equally divided between the high and low density cages, and the beak trimmed treatments were randomly and equally divided within each density. As a result of this experiment differences among groups in body weight in rearing phase were disappear in the laying phase. Low feather condition was found in untrimmed hens. H-L ratio in both pullet and laying phase was higher in hens of untrimmed groups. Cage area affected all examined parameters except that body weight, mortality rate, cracked, broken and unshell egg rates, shell breaking, shape index, shell thickness, meat-blood spot rates, spleen and liver percentages, throat injures and antibody production to SRBC.  相似文献   

Although the transition from cage housing to alternative systems commenced more than 20 yr ago, there is still an ongoing need for information supporting system understanding, system development, and genetic selection. Cannibalism remains one of the largest problems in these housing systems. Furthermore, recent developments in feed prices have increased the price of animal feed, raising production costs of eggs. Replacing feedstuffs with cheaper self-grown crops might be a possible solution to lower feed costs. In Belgium, and more specifically, in the Kempen region, corn is a widely grown crop that is usually used for feeding dairy cows, yet a ground mix of dry corn grains and a small part of the cob, known as corn cob mix (CCM), can also be used as poultry feed. In this paper the effect of the fibrous feed CCM on the prevalence of cannibalism on hens with trimmed and untrimmed beaks is investigated. The results show a positive effect of CCM on mortality; nevertheless, the mortality in the groups of untrimmed hens was very high, indicating the importance of beak trimming. Furthermore, a positive effect of CCM on egg weight was observed.  相似文献   

1. Heart rate (measured on restrained hens in two experiments) was used as an indicator of short term fear and pain responses of light and heavy strains of hens subjected to beak trimming. 2. In the first experiment 3 mm of the upper and lower mandibles was trimmed, while in the second 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 mm of upper and lower mandibles were removed. 3. Production responses to beak trimming were measured after trimming, for 4 weeks in experiment 1 and for 10 weeks in experiment 2. 4. In the first experiment the recovery of beak trimmed hens to normal heart rate took significantly longer than that of control hens subjected only to catching and restraint, suggesting that there was short term pain associated with beak trimming. 5. The heavier strain took about 4 min longer to return to a normal heart rate than the lighter strain, indicating a strain difference in responsiveness to beak trimming. 6. Trimming the hens' beak by 3 mm had no significant effect on rate of lay or body weight, but their mean egg weight was depressed and food intake took 9 to 10 d to recover to pre-trimming values. 7. In the second experiment a plateau was reached in recovery time of the heart rate once 4 mm of beak was removed. Removal of 4, 6 and 8 mm of beak depressed normal feeding and resulted in variable effects on production and body weight.  相似文献   

对3例上喙不同程度缺损导致采食困难的鹦鹉进行治疗,通过整体方案的制定,采用对标本3D扫描、实际断端测量和软陶翻模的方法采集数据,再经Geomagic Design X修整和编辑后,获得鹦鹉上喙建模数据,进行3D打印光敏树脂假喙。3例病例均采用对接法拼接进行手术安装,术后1周内均恢复采食饮水行为,无副作用,假喙牢固。对接法安装的3D打印的鹦鹉假喙,为鹦鹉断喙病例提供了一种新型、有效的治疗方案。  相似文献   

This experiment was undertaken to examine the effect of beak trimming stress on the growth performance and immune system, and to consider possible roles of γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) in this stress response. Results showed that body weight, feed intake and relative spleen weight were significantly increased by GABA at 80 mg/kg (P < 0.05) under beak trimming stress, whereas the relative organ weights of the bursa of fabricius and thymus were not significantly affected (P > 0.05). Adrenocorticotropic hormone concentration in serum was highest for chicks fed the GABA‐deficient water and was significantly decreased by the supplement of GABA at days 1, 3 and 5 after beak trimming (P < 0.05). The supplement of GABA significantly increased the proportions of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes, especially at the dose of 60 mg/kg (P < 0.05). The levels of interleukin (IL)‐1β, lipopolysaccharide‐induced tumor necrosis factor‐α and IL‐6 in serum were significantly decreased by GABA at 80 mg/kg (P < 0.05). All the three cytokines expressed in the spleen were significantly decreased by GABA at 80 mg/kg when birds were under beak trimming stress (P < 0.05). It is concluded that beak trimming suppressed the immune response of chicks, whereas the immune response of chicks could be improved by GABA supplementation.  相似文献   

A method is outlined for the estimation of daily dermal nitrogen losses as scurf and feathers from hens and chickens. These losses have been estimated in conjunction with nitrogen balance determinations. The losses from hens varied between 0.5 and 1.4 per cent of the total nitrogen loss, while that of chickens was 5.2 per cent of the total nitrogen loss. The greater loss from chickens is attributed to active feather formation by 5‐week‐old chickens.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus subsp. anaerobius, a microaerophilic and catalase-negative bacterium, is the etiological agent of abscess disease, a specific chronic condition of sheep and goats, which is characterized by formation of necrotic lesions that are located typically in superficial lymph nodes. We constructed an isogenic mutant of S. aureus subsp. anaerobius (RDKA84) that carried a repaired and functional catalase gene from S. aureus ATCC 12600, to investigate whether the lack of catalase in S. aureus subsp. anaerobius plays a role in its physiological and pathogenic characteristics. The catalase activity had no apparent influence on the in vitro growth characteristics of RDKA84, which, like the wild-type, did not grow on aerobically incubated agar plates. Restoration of catalase activity in RDKA84 substantially increased resistance to H2O2 when analyzed in a death assay. The intracellular survival rates of the catalase-positive mutant RDKA84 in polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) isolated from adult sheep were significantly higher than those of the wild-type, while no differences were found with PMN isolated from lambs. RDKA84 showed significantly lower survival rates in murine macrophages (J774A.1 cells) than the wild-type strains did, whereas, in bovine mammary epithelial cells (MAC-T), no differences in intracellular survival were observed. Interestingly, the virulence for lambs, the natural host for abscess disease, of the catalase-positive mutant RDKA84 was reduced dramatically in comparison with wild-type S. aureus subsp. anaerobius in two experimental models of infection.  相似文献   

1. A breeding programme based on the assessment of the body fat content of broilers by measurement of plasma very low density lipoprotein concentration has resulted in 2 lines with significantly different body fat contents. 2. Energy and nitrogen intake and retention were measured in 63- to 70-d-old females from each line during 5-d periods of indirect chamber calorimetry. Results obtained by this technique were compared with results from a previously published growth trial incorporating carcase analysis at 49 d. 3. Body weight, metabolisable energy intake, heat production, energy retention and efficiency of energy retention did not differ significantly between the fat and lean lines. 4. The proportion of energy retained as crude protein and the efficiency of crude protein retention were significantly greater in the lean line. 5. In terms of whole-body energy and nitrogen exchanges, the essential difference between the lines was therefore in the partition of the same quantity of retained energy between fat and protein deposition. 6. The results were consistent with a higher rate of breakdown of amino acids in the fat line; because heat production did not also increase, a greater proportion of retained energy therefore became available for storage as fat.  相似文献   

The beak, or bill, of the bird is a complicated structure. This article describes beak anatomy as well as disorders of the beak, including trauma and diseases.  相似文献   

Psittacine beak and feather disease syndrome was diagnosed in an adult sulfur-crested cockatoo with a history of chronic, progressive feather loss and beak necrosis. A definitive diagnosis was made on the basis of clinical signs and the observation of intracytoplasmic and intranuclear inclusions in involved feather follicular epithelium. Psittacine beak and feather disease syndrome develops in a variety of psittacine species and usually has a progressive and irreversible clinical course. Symmetric feather loss with replacement by severely dystrophic plumage is the salient clinical finding. Beak elongation and breakage also may be found. Treatment of diseased birds remains palliative and consists of a controlled environment, balanced nutrition, antibiotics, and autogenous vaccines. Avian practitioners should include psittacine beak and feather disease syndrome as a potential cause for pathologic feather loss in caged birds.  相似文献   

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