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Chimeric simian and human immunodeficiency viruses (SHIVs) are useful tool for investigating AIDS pathogenesis and for development of vaccine. We constructed a SHIV-vpr vector (designated as SHIV-3sj) by replacing vpr region with restriction enzyme sites. SHIV-3sj was designed to express inserted gene along with its viral replication. Five cytokine genes were inserted into SHIV-3sj, and ability of viral replication and expression of the inserted genes were examined. The short insert including RANTES and IL-5 resulted in the successful expression from SHIV-3sj, while the construct having longer genes including IL-2, IL-6 and IL-12p35 failed to become replication competent. These results suggest that the length of the insert is an important factor for the replication ability of SHIV-3sj vector.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-associated gastrointestinal masses have been reported in human acquired immune deficiency syndrome patients. This is the first report on CMV-associated gastrointestinal masses in simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected macaques. Two SIV-infected macaques presented at necropsy with multiple nodular or umbilicated masses within the gastrointestinal tract. In one animal, the masses were located throughout the gastrointestinal tract, whereas in the other, the masses were restricted to the proximal small intestine. Grossly, the masses were indistinguishable from those caused by neoplastic conditions such as lymphoma and, histologically, were composed of hyperplastic glandular tissue, dense neutrophilic infiltrates within the lamina propria, and multifocal proprial hemorrhage. Frequent cytomegalic cells with basophilic intranuclear inclusions were found in affected regions. Immunohistochemistry for CMV demonstrated frequent immunopositive cells within affected areas. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry for the proliferation marker Ki-67 demonstrated increased proliferation in hyperplastic glands and crypts. CMV should be considered a cause of discrete mass lesions in the gastrointestinal tract of SIV-infected macaques.  相似文献   

In a retrospective study, 51 cases of gastritis (14%) were identified from among 341 necropsies performed on simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) at the New England Primate Research Center from 1993 to 2001. Protozoa were seen in the stomach of 13 monkeys (25%) with gastritis. Two histopathologic manifestations of gastritis were observed: seven cases of lymphoplasmacytic gastritis with trichomonad trophozoites within lumens of gastric glands and four cases of necrosuppurative gastritis containing intralesional periodic acid-Schiff-positive protozoa; two cases of gastritis had morphologic features of both types of gastritis. In instances of necrosuppurative and combined lymphoplasmacytic and necrosuppurative gastritis, protozoa were 4-35 microm in diameter and round to tear-shaped. Because of the unusual morphology of the protozoa in these latter cases, transmission electron microscopy and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used to further identify these organisms. The protozoa were definitively identified as Tritrichomonas in all cases on the basis of ultrastructural characteristics (flagella and undulating membranes) and amplification of a 347-bp product of the 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene of Tritrichomonas foetus, Tritrichomonas suis and Tritrichomonas mobilensis by PCR using DNA extracted from stomach tissue. On the basis of these observations, we conclude that Tritrichomonas can be a significant cofactor in the development of necrosuppurative gastritis in SIV-infected rhesus macaques.  相似文献   

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1, is a neurotropic lentivirus and is associated with neuropathology in natural and experimental infections. FIV enters the brain early following experimental infection, and virus has been proposed to enter the brain via the blood–brain barrier and blood–CSF barrier, within infected lymphocytes and monocytes/macrophages. However the entry of cell-free virus or the direct infection of brain endothelial cells and astrocytes of the blood–brain barrier may also contribute to CNS infection. This review explores the role played by the FIV model in the elucidation of mechanism of lentiviral entry to the brain and viral interactions with the CNS, particularly in relation to lymphotropic lentiviruses.  相似文献   

套式PCR在检测SHIV动物模型中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用嵌合体猴/人免疫缺陷病毒接种恒河猴,进行体内连续传代,从第4次传代接种嵌合体猴/人免疫缺陷病毒的2只恒河猴外周血淋巴细胞中提取猴全基因组,针对编码嵌合体猴/人免疫缺陷病毒核心蛋白的gag基因进行引物设计,采用套式PCR对提取的全基因组进行检测。套式PCR产物电泳后得到477 bp目的片段,测序结果与GenBank中的猴免疫缺陷病毒mac239的gag序列基本一致,说明嵌合体猴/人免疫缺陷病毒已整合到恒河猴基因组中。与传统病毒分离方法相比较,套式PCR检测的灵敏度明显高于病毒分离方法,尤其在感染初期和感染后期病毒处于潜伏期或病毒载量低的情况下,套式PCR方法的优越性更是传统病毒分离方法所不能替代的。  相似文献   

为了解上海地区实验用猴感染猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV)和猴D型逆转录病毒(SRV)的情况,用间接ELISA方法对2012—2015年上海各实验用猴生产单位送检的475份猴血清进行了检测。结果显示SIV抗体阳性血清20份,阳性率4.21%;SRV抗体阳性血清1份,阳性率0.21%,阳性率与送检年份和无相关性。本研究为上海地区实验用猴SIV和SRV的预防提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The RNA genome of foot- and mouth disease virus strains A5 Westerwald and O1 Lausanne has been reverse-transcribed and cloned in lambdaphages or plasmids. Identification of cDNA-clones containing VP1-specific sequences was achieved by hybridization, restriction mapping, and sequence analysis. VP1-coding cDNA-fragments were subcloned into the expression vector pEX which led to synthesis of fusion proteins with beta-galactosidase. These fusion proteins reacted with anti-VP1 antibodies on a Western blot, but were not capable of inducing neutralizing antibodies to mice. This seemed to suggest a tertiary structure of the VP1-epitopes unlike those of native VP1. Other attempts are discussed to construct VP1-fusion proteins folding similarly to the native viral protein structure.  相似文献   

Infection with influenza A (H5N1) virus, which has not been associated with respiratory disease in humans previously, caused clinical signs of acute respiratory distress syndrome and multiple-organ dysfunction syndrome with high mortality in humans in Hong Kong in 1997. To study the pathogenesis of this disease, we infected four cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) with 2.5 x 104 median tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50) of influenza virus A/Hong Kong/156/97 (H5N1) and euthanatized them 4 or 7 days after infection. The main lesion was a necrotizing broncho-interstitial pneumonia (4/4) similar to those found in primary influenza virus pneumonia in humans, with desquamation of respiratory epithelium (4/4), intra-alveolar hemorrhage (4/4), hyaline membrane formation (2/4), and infiltration with neutrophils and macrophages (4/4). Lesions in other organs consisted of a suppurative tonsillitis (2/4) and necrosis in lymphoid organs (1/4), kidney (1/4), and liver (1/4). By immunohistochemistry, influenza virus antigen was limited to pulmonary tissue (4/4) and tonsils (2/4). Based on these results, we suggest that the cynomolgus monkey is a suitable animal model for studying the pathogenesis of human H5N1 virus infection and that multiple-organ dysfunction syndrome in this disease may be caused by diffuse alveolar damage from virus replication in the lungs alone.  相似文献   

Type D retrovirus was isolated from rhesus macaques with simian acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (SAIDS) and transmitted to healthy rhesus macaques with tissue culture medium containing the virus. The clinical, immunologic, and lymph node morphologic changes were observed in 9 rhesus macaques for 52 weeks after inoculation. A spectrum of clinical signs developed including early death, persistent SAIDS, and apparent remission. Animals that died or developed persistent SAIDS had characteristic lymphoid depletion, persistently depressed peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) mitogenic response, and decreased serum immunoglobulins. The SAIDS retrovirus (SRV) was recovered from PBMC of 8 of the animals after inoculation. Virus could not be recovered from PBMC of one animal in remission, but this animal developed serum-neutralizing antibodies to SRV after inoculation. Seven of the animals seroconverted to SRV after inoculation, all 9 were seronegative for human T-lymphotropic virus-III, and 5 animals tested were seronegative to human T-lymphotropic virus-I. These findings support the etiologic role of the type D retrovirus in SAIDS and further define the pathogenesis of this disease.  相似文献   

为观察恒河猴在感染H5N1流感病毒后短期和恢复期的病理学变化,利用1株鹅源H5N1流感病毒环甲膜穿刺接种恒河猴。感染后短期内恒河猴产生了典型的肺炎和肺外器官不同程度的损伤,3个月后,恒河猴从病理上表现恢复。病理检查结果表明,H5N1流感病毒对恒河猴的感染是一种急性的呼吸道综合征,并伴有多器官功能不全的症状,随着感染时间的延长,可通过自身免疫调节恢复正常。  相似文献   

比较鸭源H5N5亚型禽流感病毒(A/Duck/Changchun/01/2010)和鸭源H5N1亚型禽流感病毒(A/Duck/Liaoning/N/2011)对BALB/c鼠的致病性。以106EID50/50μL剂量鼻腔感染6周龄BALB/c鼠,攻毒后3,5,7,10,14 d取小鼠的肺、脑和肝脏,处理后接种10日龄SPF鸡胚做病毒回收试验,取死亡鸡胚的尿囊液进行RT-PCR检测;分别取接种病毒后5 d小鼠的脑、肝脏、肺脏、脾脏、肾脏进行病理组织学检测。结果显示,小鼠接种H5N5和H5N1亚型禽流感病毒后,均无明显的临床症状,肝脏中分别于接种后3,5 d分离到病毒,肺脏中于接种后5 d分离到病毒,脾脏、肾脏和粪便中均未分离到病毒。病理组织学检测发现,病毒对小鼠的脏器组织产生了不同程度的病理损伤,以肺脏、脑和肝脏较为明显,且H5N1亚型禽流感病毒引起小鼠脑和肝脏的病理损伤比H5N5亚型更严重。这表明2株鸭源禽流感病毒对小鼠均有一定的致病性,且H5N1亚型强于H5N5亚型。  相似文献   

Free-living amoebae of the genus Acanthamoeba can cause a fatal disease of the brain in humans called granulomatous amoebic encephalitis. We present a case of meningoencephalitis and pneumonitis in a simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaque caused by Acanthamoeba sp. The animal became ill 176 days after intravenous inoculation with SIVmac251 after a short history of weight loss and a sudden onset of hind limb paresis and abnormal head movements. Histopathologic examination of hematoxylin and eosin-stained tissues revealed multifocal to coalescing necrotizing neutrophilic meningoencephalitis and pneumonitis. Immunofluorescence and polymerase chain reaction were used to identify the genus of amoeba as Acanthamoeba. Immunohistochemistry of immune cell markers was used to characterize the animal's immune response to the opportunistic amoebic infection with features of both innate and adaptive cell-mediated immunity. Although not previously reported, the potential transmission to humans, either through environmental contamination or contact with an infected animal, makes this disease a threat to laboratory animal care staff and pathologists.  相似文献   

A survey of antibodies to bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV) known as bovine lentivirus and bovine leukemia virus (BLV) was conducted with samples from water buffalo and cattle populations in Pakistan. A total of 370 water buffaloes and 76 cattle were tested, and 10.3% and 15.8%, respectively, were found positive for anti-BIV p26 antibodies determined by Western blotting, while 0.8% of water buffaloes and no cattle were positive for anti-BLV antibodies determined by immunodiffusion test. BIV-seropositive water buffaloes and cattle were found to have BIV proviral DNA in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells determined by nested polymerase chain reaction. This is the first report of BIV infections in water buffaloes.  相似文献   

Bovine antibovine immunodeficiency-like virus (BIV) antibodies were detected by Western blot analysis (WBA) using a chemiluminescence protocol. Bovine sera with anti-BIV activity, obtained from cows in two dairy herds, had antibodies directed against a variety of BIV-specific antigens indicating chronic infections. These sera were also tested for serological reactivity against bovine leukemia virus (BLV) and bovine syncytial virus (BSV). Cows most commonly had anti-BSV antibodies (12 of 39). Evidence for infection with BSV and BIV or BSV and BLV occurred with almost equal frequency (5 of 39 and 4 of 39, respectively) while only one instance of BIV and BLV coseropositivity was detected. The high prevalence of BSV seropositivity is consistent with a relatively infectious virus, which, as is known, may be transferred congenitally. Similar rates of coseropositivity of BIV or BLV with BSV in this population suggest that BIV is no more infectious than BLV and probably requires prolonged close contact for transmission. Seven of nine cows with anti-BIV antibodies detected primarily human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) p51 and p63 antigens by WBA using an alkaline phosphatase detection system, suggesting that HIV-1 proteins have potential usefulness in screening cattle for BIV seropositivity. Six human sera that showed strong reactivity against multiple HIV-1 proteins and the serum from one of three patients considered to be an "indeterminate" HIV-1 reactor, cross-reacted primarily with BIV p26. This is the first report of human sera with antibody to BIV-specific proteins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The SIV infection of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) is the most appropriate animal model in HIV research. The permanent human T-cell line C8166 is used for in vitro SIV propagation. This paper describes ultrastructural features of the cells after infection with SIVmac. The C8166 cells are ultrastructurally characterized by a heterogenous morphology which is independent of the infection. SIV induced cell syncytia are observed 18 hours after infection. Viral particles and budding occur 48 hours p.i with a peak at the day 8. Viral particles present the typical lentiviral morphology. Using the monoclonal antibody anti SIVp28 and ultra small (0.8 nm) immunogold-silver enhancement technique, we are able to demonstrate SIV antigen immunoelectron microscopically. Therefore, this ultrastructural method is suitable to detect SIV antigen in in vivo experiments with C8166 cells from day 8 p.i. serving as positive control.  相似文献   

为研究猪瘟病毒(CSFV)云南株(YN株)突变位点在致非典型性猪瘟中的作用,本研究在CSFV石门株全长感染性克隆的基础上,利用分子克隆技术,将CSFV YN株的1 510位~1 532位、2 471位~2 658位、3 152位~3 176位和11 785位~11 816位突变位点基因序列替换CSFV石门株的相应基因序列,构建出嵌合的CSFV感染性克隆质粒pAC-SM-YN。全基因测序鉴定后,体外转录得到病毒RNA,经脂质体转染PK-15细胞方法拯救出了嵌合病毒vSM-YN。经直接荧光染色、对突变位点RT-PCR以及ELISA检测表明拯救嵌合病毒vSM-YN传代稳定。本研究为研究CSFV结构蛋白、病毒致病机理、新型疫苗,尤其是非典型猪瘟的致病机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Severe necrotizing myelitis secondary to localization and reactivation of Toxoplasma gondii within the spinal cord of a domestic shorthair cat was diagnosed by use of light and electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. The cat also was infected with feline immunodeficiency virus. This case may have useful comparative features to T gondii infections in human patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.  相似文献   

Fel-O-Vax FIV is an inactivated virus vaccine designed as an aid in the prevention of infection of cats, 8 weeks or older, by feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). It contains two genetically distinct FIV strains. The efficacy of this vaccine was demonstrated in a vaccination-challenge study designed to meet various regulatory requirements for registering the vaccine. Eight-week-old kittens were vaccinated with an immunogenicity vaccine which contained minimal release levels of FIV antigens formulated with a proprietary adjuvant system. Twelve months later, all vaccinates and controls were challenged with a heterologous FIV strain. Following the vigorous challenge exposure, cats were monitored for FIV viremia. It was found that 16% of the vaccinated cats developed viremia while 90% of the controls became persistently infected with FIV, which demonstrated that the vaccine was efficacious and the protective immunity lasted for at least 12 months. The safety of the vaccine was demonstrated by a field safety trial in which only 22 mild reactions of short duration were observed following administering 2051 doses of two pre-licensing serials of Fel-O-Vax FIV to cats of various breeds, ages and vaccination histories. Thus, Fel-O-Vax FIV is safe and efficacious for the prevention of FIV infection in cats.  相似文献   

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