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为评估狂犬病弱毒SRV9对狂犬病街毒暴露小鼠的治疗效果,首先将SRV9通过脑内和肌肉接种3周龄ICR小鼠检测其安全性,然后应用狂犬病街毒接种小鼠,随后在暴露后不同时间用SRV9治疗,研究其保护率.结果显示,SRV9对3周龄ICR小鼠安全,在街毒暴露后1、2、3d,SRV9的保护率分别为70%、60%、30%,而相同暴露时间下单剂量灭活疫苗联合免疫球蛋白的保护率分别是30%、20%、10%.对应用SRV9治疗而成活小鼠的中和抗体检测,发现所有小鼠的抗体水平均达到0.5 IU以上,这些数据初步显示活弱毒SRV9具有用于暴露后治疗的潜力.  相似文献   

When mice infected 1 or 2 days before by an IM inoculation after high passage of the virus in the species ("challenge virus standard" strain) received an injection of live (Flury) or inactivated virus, their mortality was increased in comparison with unvaccinated controls. In the case of the inactivated virus vaccine, mortality was proportional to the dose of vaccine received. Conversely, when vaccination was carried out in mice recently infected with the same doses of a heterologous strain adapted to foxes, this phenomenon could not be demonstrated. The consequences of these observations on failures of treatment in animals infected with a homologous strain, cases of rabies occurring after vaccination or quality control of vaccines are discussed.  相似文献   

狂犬病病毒(rabies virus,RABV)具有高度嗜神经性,通过识别细胞膜上特异性受体并借助内吞途径侵入细胞。为了探究其入胞途径,本研究在人神经瘤细胞(SH-SY5Y)和非洲绿猴肾上皮细胞(Vero)上,应用氯丙嗪(chlorpromazine)、制霉菌素(nystatin)、巴弗洛霉素a1(bafilomycin a1)、dynasore等抑制剂处理细胞后,进行RABV感染,通过检测病毒N基因拷贝数和RABV效价,对RABV入胞途径进行初步探究。结果显示,RABV通过网格蛋白介导、低pH值和发动蛋白(dynamin)依赖途径侵入SH-SY5Y和Vero细胞,但不通过小窝蛋白依赖途径入胞。这些结果为进一步研究狂犬病病毒感染机制和药物靶点研究提供了新的数据。  相似文献   

Cellular response to rabies virus infection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of rabies virus on host cells were studied and compared to those obtained with another rhabdovirus, vesicular stomatitis virus [J. Virol. 34, 777-781 (1980)]. We show here: (1) that rabies infection has no effect on cell morphology, while infection with vesicular stomatitis virus caused cell retraction. Thus, only vesicular stomatitis virus induced a depolymerization of the microfilaments; and (2) that microtubules and microfilaments do not play a major role in rabies virus production, as it is suggested by results obtained with several effectors (colcemid, colchicine and cytochalasin-B) which directly or indirectly affect cytoskeleton organization. The same properties were observed with directly or indirectly affect cytoskeleton organization. The same properties were observed with vesicular stomatitis virus. Furthermore, the use of cytochalasin-B shows that an inhibition of glycosylation of the virion spike protein occurs only in rabies infected cells. As vesicular stomatitis viral glycosylation is normal in cytochalasin-B treated cells, results obtained indicate that two types of interactions can occur between a virion and the host-cell depending on the rhabdovirus type.  相似文献   

Summary Rabies virus was isolated from apparently normal blood-sucking(Desmodus rotundus) and insectivorous(Artibeus planirostris) bats caught in Bolivia. The virus was identified by immunofluorescence, biological and sero-neutralisation tests.
Aislamiento Del Virus Rábico De Murciélagos en Bolivia
Resumen Se aisló el virus rábico de vampiros (Desmodus rotundus) y murciélagos insectivoros (Artibeus planirostris) aparentemente sanos. El virus se identificó por inmunofluorescencia y pruebas biológicas y de seroneutralización.

Isolement Du Virus Rabique Chez Des Chauves-souris, En Bolivie
Résumé Du virus rabique a été isolé chez des chauves-souris hémo (Desmodus rotundus) et insectivores (Artibeus planirostris) apparemment normales, capturées en Bolivie. Le virus a été identifié par immunofluorescence et des tests biologiques et de séro-neutralisation.

狂犬病是迄今为止人类病死率最高的急性传染病,一旦发病,死亡率几达100%。狂犬病毒感染的早期诊断,为有效预防和控制狂犬病提供基础。本文就几种敏感有效的狂犬病实验室诊断方法进行综述。  相似文献   

Summary Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus was identified for the first time in Tanzania. The virus isolations were made from cattle affected with respiratory diseases. Concurrent infection with foot-and-mouth disease was observed and enhanced the severity of the illness.
Sumario El virus de la rinotraqueitis infecciosa de los bovinos (I.B.R.) ha sido identificado por primera vez en Tanzania. Los aislamientos de virus fueron hechos de bovinos afectados con enfermedades respiratorias. Se observó infección concurrente con fiebre aftosa y este hecho exacerbaba la severidad de la enfermedad.

Résumé Ce virus a été isolé pour la première fois en Tanzanie, à partir de bétail atteint d'affections respiratoires. Cette maladie a sévi concurremment avec la fièvre aphteuse, ce qui explique sa sévérité.

狂犬病毒中和试验的病毒回归试验表明,病毒攻毒液的实际剂量与理论剂量不完全一致.建议在新版<中华人民共和国兽用生物制品质量标准>中增加对病毒攻毒实际剂量范围的规定,以使结果的判定更为合理.  相似文献   

The survival of the street rabies virus in a 10% suspension, prepared from the salivary gland of a naturally infected fox, was studied under various conditions. A bioassay and titration on mice were used for the identification of the virus in different intervals. The heat inactivation of the virus in a suspension kept in a test tube at the temperatures of 20 degrees C and 37 degrees C was performed in two stages. The rapid reduction of the titre within 24 hours was followed by a slower decrease, reaching total inactivation after 96 hours at both temperatures. When the virus was tested by means of the contamination of various substrates (glass, metal sheet, plant leaf) with 0.1 ml of infection suspension in a thin layer, the longest survival of the virus was recorded at the temperature of 5 degrees C--144 hours. At the temperature of 20 to 21 degrees C the virus kept its activity on the glass and plant leaf for 24 hours and on the metal sheet for 48 hours although the applied drops looked like having dried. The temperature of 30 degrees C combined with intensive sunshine devitalized the virus within 1.5 hours, whereas without sunshine the virus still remained active, at the temperature of 30 degrees C, after 20 hours.  相似文献   

Four cats were inoculated IM with rabies virus isolated from the salivary gland of a naturally infected big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus). The 4 cats developed clinical signs of rabies after a median incubation period of 42 days. The median duration of clinical illness was 5 days. Results of fluorescent antibody evaluation, mouse inoculation, and tissue culture isolation indicated large differences in virus concentrations in various areas of the CNS of individual cats. These differences also were observed between cats. Rabies virus was isolated from the salivary glands and saliva of 2 cats; urinary bladder was the only other nonneural tissue found infected. Our observations indicated that cat rabies can be caused by bat rabies virus; that cats thus infected have infectious saliva during aggressive behavior and can therefore transmit the disease; and that adequate specimens of hippocampus, cerebellum, and brain stem are essential for reliable determination of rabies infection. The findings support recommendations for regular rabies vaccination of cats, even in areas of rabies-free terrestrial mammals.  相似文献   

The nucleoprotein (N) and glycoprotein (G) of 11 Korean rabies virus (RABV) isolates collected from animals diagnosed with rabies between 2008 and 2009 were subjected to molecular and phylogenetic analyses. Six isolates originated from domestic animals (cattle and dogs) and five were obtained from wild free-ranging raccoon dogs. The similarities in the nucleotide sequences of the N gene among all Korean isolates ranged from 98.1 to 99.8%, while those of the G gene ranged from 97.9 to 99.3%. Based on the nucleotide analysis of the N and G genes, the Korean RABV isolates were confirmed as genotype I of Lyssavirus and classified into four distinct subgroups with high similarity. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the Korean isolates were most closely related to the non-Korean NeiMeng1025B and 857r strains, which were isolated from rabid raccoon dogs in Eastern China and Russia, respectively. These findings suggest that the Korean RABV isolates originated from a rabid raccoon dog in Northeastern Asia. Genetic analysis of the Korean RABV isolates revealed no substitutions at several antigenic sites, indicating that the isolates circulating in Korea may be pathogenic in several hosts.  相似文献   

本课题组自2004年开始动物狂犬病灭活疫苗(FLury LEP株)的研制,在对疫苗进行评价的过程中,对一份来自广西的狂犬病病犬脑组织进行了鉴定,旨在为疫苗的本动物攻毒试验提供适宜的攻击毒株,并为我国狂犬病分子流行病学研究提供依据.鉴定结果如下.  相似文献   

Sylvatic rabies has been present in Croatia for more than three decades, with the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) as the main reservoir. The present epidemic of sylvatic rabies in Croatia started already in 1977 and in the past ten years the disease has become enzootic in the entire country and thus represents a considerable veterinary and public health threat. A genetic characterization and phylogenetic analysis of rabies virus isolates (RABV) from Croatia was performed using panel of 32 selected rabies-positive brain samples from domestic and wild animals collected between 2008 and 2010. Based on the comparison of 367-nucleotide sequences of a conserved region of the nucleoprotein (N) gene (nucleotides 75-441), the phylogenetic analysis revealed a low genetic diversity of currently circulating RABV strains in Croatia. 18 RABV isolates mainly originating from Eastern Croatia clustered with the formerly established Eastern European (EE) lineage, and the rest (14) were identical with the West European (WE) group. Both phylogenetic groups seem to coincide in central regions on both sides along the Save River. A high sequence identity in the N gene of the RABV isolates from neighbouring countries was found.  相似文献   

A 6-month-old, female, mixed-breed dog presented for acute, progressive, flaccid paraplegia and bilateral pelvic-limb hyperesthesia. A lymphocytic pleocytosis with 366 mg/dL protein was found on cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) evaluation. Electromyography (EMG) demonstrated positive sharp waves and fibrillations in the left pelvic limb; the M wave of the left sciatic nerve was not obtainable by nerve stimulation. Seizures and dementia began during recovery from anesthesia. Six days after onset of paralysis, the dog was euthanized. Direct fluorescent antibody testing of the brain was positive for raccoon rabies virus. This case demonstrates clinical evaluation, CSF analysis, and EMG in an animal with rabies meningoencephalomyelitis.  相似文献   

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