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Tolerance of bareroot and container-grown seedlings of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.), jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.), and eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) to competition from herbaceous vegetation was examined in the first five years after planting on a site in the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence forest of Ontario, Canada. Shoot and root morphological characteristics of various stocktypes were measured before planting and correlated with 5-year survival and growth following control and no control of herbaceous vegetation. For black spruce and jack pine, medium-sized bareroot stocktypes had greater relative 5-year stem volume growth in the presence of herbaceous vegetation than did container stock of either species or large bareroot stock of spruce. Relative volume growth was measured as the ratio of the cumulative stem volume increment in the presence of vegetation (Veg) to that in the absence of vegetation (NoVeg), i.e., the Veg:NoVeg ratio. In white pine, the Veg:NoVeg ratio of volume increment of medium container and large bareroot stocktypes exceeded that of small container and medium bareroot stocktypes. In jack pine, root collar diameter at planting and number of first-order lateral roots were positively correlated with 5-year Veg:NoVeg ratio of volume increment. In white pine, the Veg:NoVeg ratio was also positively correlated with root collar diameter at planting and with root volume. In black spruce, the ratio was not related to pre-plant morphology. Thus, for white pine and jack pine, certain pre-plant morphological features may be useful in forecasting the relative ability of different stocktypes to grow under herbaceous competition conditions in the field.  相似文献   

Noland  Thomas L.  Mohammed  Gina H.  Scott  Maureen 《New Forests》1997,13(1-3):105-119
Number of new roots (root growth potential or RGP), new root length, photosynthesis, total nonstructural carbohydrate content of needles and roots, terminal bud condition, and shoot elongation were measured on jack pine container seedlings for 4 weeks at weekly intervals under greenhouse conditions of 100%, 20%, and 10% sunlight to simulate competition-induced, lower light levels in the field. Both lower light levels significantly reduced photosynthetic rate, RGP, new root length, total nonstructural carbohydrate (especially starch) content of needles and roots, speed of terminal bud flush, and shoot growth. Both light level and photosynthetic rate were positively correlated with RGP and new root length, indicating that jack pine seedlings may use current photosynthate as an energy source to support new root growth. RGP and new root length were also both negatively correlated with root starch content suggesting that jack pine seedlings may also use stored carbohydrates as a potential carbon source for root initiation and initial root growth.  相似文献   

The effect of warm storage (15°C) for 0, 15 or 31 days, applied after cold storage until April, and date of lifting to cold storage on the physiological condition and field performance of two-year-old oak seedlings (Quercus robur L.) was investigated. Assessments before planting included plant moisture status, root and shoot dry weight, root growth potential (RGP), while after planting root growth, shoot growth phenology, shoot and root dry matter accumulation and stem quality were assessed. Warm storage effects were large, but lift date effects were small. Warm storage for 31 days reduced height and diameter growth, stem quality, total biomass, root growth, and reduced stem quality in the field, but 15 days storage had a smaller effect. Warm storage delayed bud break and shoot growth cessation but survival was unaffected. The depletion of food reserves during storage and low moisture availability might have caused shoot dieback leading to the development of poor quality stems. There was evidence that dry weight fraction of both the shoot tip and the taproot provided good information on the quality of the stock before planting. RGP was also a good indicator of quality. Electrolyte leakage readings from fine and taproots were not reliable indicators of plant quality.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between root collar diameter, plant moisture stress and budbreak in three morphological grades of bareroot 1+0 slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) nursery seedlings and assessed the role of these parameters in predicting field performance potential under operational conditions. Two months after outplanting seedlings with small (3.2 mm) diameters exhibited greater signs of moisture stress than those with the largest (4.7 mm) diameters, as determined by lower xylem pressure potential values. Intermediate and large-sized seedlings (diameter >3.2 mm) showed earlier budbreak than smaller seedlings with more rapid shoot elongation after planting and had significantly greater survival rates for two years after planting on both a moist flatwoods and a dry sandhill planting site. However, after two years on the more favorable moist site, height and diameter measurements of seedlings with significantly smaller diameters initially did not differ from those of intermediate sized seedlings (diameter >3.2 and <4.7 mm). Large seedlings had greater second-year leader and diameter increments and attained greater total height and diameter after two years on both sites. Decreasing the proportion of smaller seedlings included in the field performance analyses increased overall mean plantation survival while increasing the proportion of large seedlings increased mean two-year total height and diameter as well as annual growth increments.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the limitations imposed by a typical Mediterranean-climate summer drought on the uptake of carbon and ozone in the ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) ecosystem, we compared diurnal trends in leaf physiology of young trees in a watered and a control plot located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA, USA (Blodgett Forest, 38 degrees 53' N, 120 degrees 37' W, 1315 m elevation). Predawn water potential of trees in the watered plot remained above -0.3 MPa throughout the growing season, whereas it dropped in the control plot from -0.24 to -0.52 MPa between late May and mid-August. Photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of trees in the watered plot were relatively insensitive to atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD), whereas gas exchange of trees in the control plot varied with changes in soil water, VPD and temperature. Although the 1998 growing season was abnormally wet, we saw a pronounced drought effect at the control site. Over the 2 months following the onset of watering, carbon and ozone uptake were measured on three days at widely spaced intervals. Carbon uptake per unit leaf area by 1-year-old foliage of trees in the control plot was 39, 35 and 30% less, respectively, than in the watered plot, and estimated ozone deposition per unit leaf area (ozone concentration times stomatal conductance) was 36, 46 and 41% less.  相似文献   

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