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马属动物破伤风病一次性用药治疗和护理是将破伤风抗毒素30万~35万U、乌洛托品80~100mL分别混合到500mL5%葡萄糖内一次缓慢静注;用药后将患畜用吊马器或绳索,保定在清洁温暖避光安静的厩舍内,使之免受任何不良刺激;畜前摆放水料,精心护理;护理期间用蝉蜕300~400g分4次煎汤,连饮4d效果更好。20年研究结果表明,一次用药采取严格护理治疗的131例全部治愈。  相似文献   

治幼畜泻痢 取纯品大蒜素,用生理盐水稀释成 5%,行后海穴注射, 15~ 25kg仔猪穴注射 5~ 10ml;1~ 2月龄犊牛后海穴注射 10~ 20ml。顽固性泻痢也可配合内服药物作辅助疗法。 治家畜破伤风 大蒜液 (大蒜捣烂,用 1%氯化钠液或冷开水浸泡, 4层纱布过滤,配成 5%~ 20%溶液 )分点深部肌注,每天 2次,连用 7~ 10天。马骡第 1次可用 100~ 200ml,以后用 100ml以上;猪羊第 1次用 30~ 50ml,以后可渐减至 20~ 30ml。也可根据情况配合其它药物治疗。 治禽畜气胀 治雏鸡嗉囊气胀:龙虎仁丹 1~ 2粒,黄豆至蚕豆大的大蒜 1块共填服,…  相似文献   

家畜口腔炎是由于食物不清洁,粗、硬、尖、锐异物损伤;或经口服刺激性药物以及牙齿不良等而损害口腔粘膜引起发炎。患畜采食、咀嚼障碍,流大量唾液或带泡沫状附于嘴唇边缘,呈丝状流下;口腔检查见口腔粘膜有弥漫性潮红、肿胀或溃疡,口温有时增高。用以下简易方法治疗家畜口腔炎均用药4~6次痊愈。1 对患畜要加强护理喂给柔软无刺激性的饲料,多给饮水。2 治疗首先用1%食盐水或2%碳酸氢钠溶液洗涤口腔,每天2次;口腔臭味大时,用0.1%高锰酸钾溶液冲洗口腔;冲洗后用碘甘油(碘酊3份、甘油7份)涂抹破溃面,或用1%磺胺甘油乳剂,每天…  相似文献   

1990年,笔者收治破伤风患畜13例(猪6头、驴3头、羊4只),用肌注或静注破伤风抗毒素、青霉素等治疗。治愈猪1头,驴2头,治愈率仅23%(3/13)。1991年又收治破伤风患畜13例(猪6头、驴3头、羊4只)。用破伤风抗毒素百会穴蛛网膜下腔注射,辅以抗生素、解痉药,并结合清创等综合措施,治愈猪5头,驴3头,羊3只,治愈率达84.6%(11/13),且用药  相似文献   

实践证明,应用破伤风病愈畜血或血清,辅以其他疗法,对破伤风患畜有较好的疗效,现介绍如下。治疗方法 1.将经检查确诊为破伤风的病畜(马、驴、骡),安置在治疗厩舍内,避免外界刺激。 2.根据登记,找出经治疗痊愈的同类家畜,采血化验(用平板凝集试验,两种血凝集者不能输全血,只能输血清;如两种血不凝集可输全血)。采血时根据供血畜的体质每次可采1000~2000ml抗凝血,放普通冰箱备用。  相似文献   

1990年以来,笔者采用民间验方,用五种植物叶水煎外洗涂擦治疗家畜皮肤病120例,治愈108例,疗效满意,介绍如下. 1 方药及用法取新鲜桑叶、椿树叶、花椒叶、侧柏叶、艾叶各100g,捣烂置于药罐中用3 000ml水煎20分钟,取煎液1 000~1 500ml,趁热取出药渣,用布包好湿敷家畜皮肤患部10分钟,再用药汁外洗涂擦,每天2次,3天为一个程,一般用药2个疗程即可病愈.治疗时对广泛感染的患畜,要分区分次外洗涂擦药物,1次涂药面积不应超过体表面积的1/4,并将患畜拴好,防止舔咬.笔者用上述方药治疗患畜120例,治愈108例,治愈率为90%,未发现中毒现象.  相似文献   

本病根据创伤史及该病的症状特征很容易确诊,确诊后应及时治疗。治疗原则:消除病原;中和毒素;镇静解痉,加强护理。1消除病原一经发现,当即用烧红的断尾铲把尾端化脓灶连同化脓烂稍上方的正常组织一同烙去,以求病原在该处的彻底消除,然后用5%的碘酒对创面消毒。2中和毒素在消除病原的同时即用精制破伤风类毒素注射,即每只病羔皮下注射2ml精制破伤风类毒素。3镇静解痉,加强护理把病羔置于干燥安静的室内,并对室内用10%的漂白粉乳剂消毒。治疗第二天开始用25%的硫酸镁注射液10~15ml静脉注射,每天一次,连用三天。…  相似文献   

《中兽医医药杂志》1984年第1期中有宋长龄《水胶试治家畜破伤风的效果》一文。我们用该方治疗破伤风5例,用药1次的3例,用药2次的2例;治愈4例,死亡1例(病至后期)。  相似文献   

家畜口腔炎是由于食物不清洁,粗、硬、尖、锐异物损伤,或经口服刺激性药物以及牙齿不良等而损害口腔粘膜引起发炎。患畜采食、咀嚼障碍,流大量唾液或带泡沫状附于嘴唇边缘、呈丝状流下。口腔检查见口腔粘膜有弥漫性潮红、肿胀或溃疡,口温有时增高。用以下简易方法治疗126例,其中牛96例、猪20例、兔10例,均用药4~6次痊愈:①对患畜要加强护理,喂给柔软无刺激性的饲料,多给饮水。②先用1%食盐水或2%碳酸氢钠溶液洗涤口腔,每天2次;口腔臭味大时,用0.1%高锰酸钾溶液冲洗口腔;冲洗后用碘甘油(碘酊3份、甘油7份)涂抹破溃面,或用1%磺胺甘油乳液,每天涂抹2~3次。  相似文献   

笔者在临床上遇到患有破伤风的三例病畜 (二驴一骡 )。根据有关资料及我站老同志多年的经验 ,采用如下治疗方法 :1 将病畜拴在安静无风 ,保温 ,黑暗 ,干燥的圈内 ,圈内生炉增温 ,让病畜出汗。把麻袋放在病畜肚底 ,四角系上绳子 ,悬吊于梁上 ,以防摔倒。2 进出圈门要轻声 ,操作用手电 ,以防病畜受惊 ,减少强光刺激。3 伤口用 3%的高猛酸钾溶液冲洗干净。4 肌注 30 %安乃近注射液 30ml(山西芮城兽药厂制 ) ,每日早、晚各 1次。用 5%葡萄糖溶液 50 0ml,30 %安乃近 4 0ml,1%Vc 50ml混合静脉滴注 ,每日 1次。5 病畜易惊不安时 ,注射…  相似文献   

绵羊分娩前1~2个月皮下注射破伤风类毒素0.5ml/只,对所生羔羊可获得坚强的免疫;剪毛前1个月皮下注射破伤风类毒素0.5ml/只,一年内注射2次(一生只注射2~3次),经连续17年的观察可获得终生免疫。  相似文献   

用自制生物素标记兔抗马IgG(简称Bio—IgG)及辣根过氧化物酶与亲和素蛋白偶联物(E—avi),以间接AB酶标染色方法检测马传染性贫血特异性抗体,获得了满意结果。此法比免疫荧光法敏感76信,对照、阻抑试验及类症病马血清均呈阴性结果,43例马传贫血清全部阳性。本试验表明,该方法具有特异、敏感、快速和简便等特点,有实用价值。  相似文献   

为了对采集自北京平谷某养殖场发病鸡中出现心包积液综合征症状的病料进行病毒分离和鉴定,将病料接种LMH细胞进行病毒分离,并在LMH上连续传代,取C5和C15代细胞毒分别接种3周龄SPF鸡进行致病性试验。根据分离病毒在LMH上的CPE特征、病毒血清中和试验、Hexon基因序列比对分析、SPF鸡致病性回归试验,表明从发病鸡病料中分离的一株病毒为血清4型禽腺病毒;病毒在LMH细胞盲传3代后,就能很好地适应细胞培养,出现禽腺病毒典型的CPE;培养至第10代,病毒在接种后72 h,病毒含量即可达到107.4TCID50/0.1m L的峰值滴度;接种细胞毒的SPF鸡出现4型禽腺病毒导致的典型临床症状和特异性剖检病理变化,两组接种鸡的死亡率分别为100%和70%。结果表明,研究分离到的4型禽腺病毒毒株对SPF鸡具有高致死率,但病毒经过细胞连续传代后对鸡的致死率降低。  相似文献   

For lack of relevant data of the literature, the tetanus immunisation results obtained in the two sexes were compared in an animal model. Complete immunisation series of weaned, adult and aged guinea-pigs (20-25 animals/group) were performed with aluminium phosphate (AlPO4) adsorbed purified tetanus toxoid (PTAP) as well as with typhoid-tetanus vaccine (TY-TE) containing lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Both vaccines contained 5.0 Lf (limes flocculans, Ramon) per single dose of tetanus toxoid, purity degree: 1500 Lf/mg protein nitrogen (PN). Tetanus antitoxin titres (TAT) were measured after the first shot, and subsequently before and after booster. Compared to TAT of male animals, significantly lower titres were found in female animals after basic immunisation with PTAP in all the three age groups: 1.03 vs. 0.57, 8.75 vs. 5.64, and 0.27 vs. 0.15 IU (international units, related to the Copenhagen International Standard) per ml (sex-chromosome-dependent differences?), as well as in adult animals immunised with TY-TE, before booster: 0.07 vs. 0.02 IU/ml (hormone-dependent differences?). In the latter case the TAT results after booster were 14.49 vs. 12.89 IU/ml. Thus, the lower female prebooster titres were counterbalanced by a quick and effective increase of titres following booster. These results are in accordance with our previous observations in humans (Réthy and Réthy, 1986). From our observations with tetanus immunisation series on guinea-pigs it can be concluded that TAT may be influenced by the effects of sex chromosomes as well as of sexual hormones. During active anti-tetanus immunisation with LPS-containing vaccine (TY-TE) the lower adult female prebooster titres are presumably counterbalanced by the better functionality of the female immune memory.  相似文献   

In two experiments with milk cows with permanent rumen fistula it was investigated whether, apart from urea being unpalatable, further physiologic parameters are responsible for the reduced feed intake. In experiment I the cows received 2, 3 resp 4% urea orally with barley coarse meal, or an equivalent amount was given continuously from the beginning of the feeding over a period of three hours through the fistula. When 2, 3 resp. 4% urea were given orally, the consumption went down in the first 30 min to 58, 52 resp. 40%. When urea was given rumenally, no depression of the consumption could be observed. There were distinct relations with the NH3-concentration in the rumen fluid. At 20 to 35 mg per 100 ml there was no resp. a slight depressioon only and at 40 mg a significant depression. When the concentration rose to greater than 50 mg, consumption was stopped. In experiment II the rumenal application of urea began two hours before the feeding. The high NH3-level shortly after the beginning of feeding (58 mg/100 ml) caused a stop in the feed consumption. No relation could be observed between the urea concentration in veinous blood and the feed intake.  相似文献   

氯霉素间接竞争ELISA(ciELISA)检测方法的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以人工合成的氯霉素-牛血清白蛋白(CAP-BSA)为包被抗原,氯霉素(Chloramphenicol,CAP)为竞争的半抗原,两者与一定量的抗CAP单抗(CAP-McAb)反应。实验结果表明,理想的包被抗原浓度为1.25μg/ml,抗CAP-McAb工作浓度为1:12000,酶标二抗工作浓度为 1: 5000,可测最适范围为 1ng/ml-100ng/ml,最小检测量为0.1ng/ml,批内和批间变异系数分别为3. 62%和 5. 19%。得到回归方程 y =1.2730- 0.6745x(r2= 0. 9779)和标准曲线,从而建立了快速定量测定 CAP含量的间接竞争酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)。整个测定时间为6小时。  相似文献   

本试验对注射马传贫弱毒疫苗后的马(骡)50匹,分别进行了体温、血液学、血清抗体及血液中T淋巴细胞等项目的检测。在此基础上,探讨了注苗后马(骡)免疫反应及其动态规律。提出注苗马(骡)在T细胞恢复到正常水平前,仍有感染强毒的可能,因此对马(骡)仍需进行监控。  相似文献   

: Tetanus with hiatal hernia was diagnosed in a four-month-old female sheepdog pup. The animal was treated with tetanus antitoxin, antibiotics, fluids and intensive nursing care for three weeks and subsequently made a full recovery.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to evaluate the oestrus behaviour and to determine the timing of ovulation in relation to onset of oestrus and the pre-ovulatory LH surge in mithun (Bos frontalis). For this purpose, the blood samples collected at 15-min intervals for 9 h period following onset of oestrus and thereafter, at an interval of 2 h till 4 h post-ovulation for three consecutive cycles from 12 mithun cows were assayed for plasma LH and progesterone. Ovulation was confirmed by palpation of ovaries per rectum at hourly intervals. Various signs of behavioural oestrus were also recorded. The common signs of oestrus and their frequency of occurrence in mithuns were following and mounting by male mithuns (100%), standing to be mounted (100%), frequent urination (62.33%), raising of tail (65.23%), swelling of vulva (54.26%) and congestion of vulvar mucous membrane (69.87%). The pre-ovulatory LH surges consisted of several pulses (2.92 +/- 0.26 pulses/animal; range, 1-4). The mean (+/-SEM) peak level of LH for individual mithun varied from 6.99 +/- 0.44 to 12.69 +/- 2.10 ng/ml and the mean pooled LH peak concentration was 9.10 +/- 0.60 ng/ml. The highest peak (highest amplitude of LH during LH surge) was 10.83 +/- 0.76 ng/ml (range, 8.07-16.49 ng/ml). The duration of LH surge was 6.98 +/- 0.22 h (6-8 h). Onset of LH surge was at 1.23 +/- 0.17 h post-oestrus onset (range, 0.25-2.25 h). Mean plasma progesterone stayed low (<0.24 ng/ml) during the entire duration of sampling. Ovulation occurred at 26.92 +/- 0.31 (range, 26-29 h) after the onset of oestrus and 18.63 +/- 0.35 h (range, 17-20.75 h) after the end of LH surge. The occurrence of the highest LH peaks within a narrow time frame of 2- to 5-h post-oestrus onset in mithuns could have contributed to the animals ovulating within a narrow time interval. These results are very promising from a practical standpoint of potential success when AI program in this species is implemented in a big way. Furthermore, the results of the occurrence of LH pulses during pre-ovulatory LH surges, which are required for ovulation in this species of animals, is unique and species specific.  相似文献   

One hundred and eighteen isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa obtained from clinical material were tested for susceptibility to antimicrobial agents. Regardless of species of animal from which the isolate was obtained, 75% of the isolates were inhibited by ≤ 4 μg of gentamicin/ml, 100% by ≤ 4 μg of tobramycin/ml, 97% by ≤ 128 μg of carbenicillin/ml, and 2% by ≤ 64 μg of chloramphenicol/ml.  相似文献   

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