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嵩山景区旅游活动对土壤组成和性质的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
马建华  朱玉涛 《土壤学报》2009,46(1):164-168
旅游活动对景区土壤的影响研究始于20世纪70年代。众多学者研究了游客踩踏对景区土壤的影响,指出景区土壤板结、雨水下渗减少[1~5]。Joy等[6]提出了旅游活动对土壤-植被系统可能带来的种种冲击,如硬度增大、土壤结构破坏、植被覆盖度下降等。Sun[7]和Douglas[8]指出,旅游活动可使地面径流增加,引起水土流失。Cilimburg[9]研究发现,旅游活动可导致景区局部土壤有机质含量减少,病原体增多,微生物活性降低。Eden等[10]研究发现,旅游活动使景区土壤含水量下降,硬度增大,有机质含量减少,植物种类及覆盖度明显降低。Cer-man[11]和Willian[12]的研究也发现,旅游活  相似文献   

我国长大客运专线建设工程的水土流失影响指数比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以武广客专、郑西客专和京沪高铁3条长大客运专线建设工程为例,通过水土流失影响指数评价模型来定量分析、评判客运专线建设工程的水土流失影响程度.结果表明:武广客专、郑西客专和京沪高铁建设项目的水土流失影响指数值分别为0.205,0.176,0.244,均低于全国铁路建设项目水土流失影响指数的平均值.这说明与传统的铁路建设工程相比,当前的客运专线建设工程造成的水土流失影响程度相对较小.其主要原因是平均工程占地(3.05hm2/km)和影响面积(0.485 hm2/km)较小、总土石方量较少(5.32万m2/km)、水土流失总量(269.27 t/km)不大.针对不同的客运专线建设项目,可通过缩短施工期、减少工程弃方量和增加水土流失治理面积,来进一步减弱工程建设的水土流失影响.  相似文献   

三峡库区(重庆段)水土流失的社会经济驱动机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水土流失的驱动因子及其作用程度表现出一定的区域差异.三峡库区是我国典型的生态脆弱区,水土流失是本区重要的生态环境问题.因此,揭示本区域水土流失变化的主要自然和社会经济驱动力的基本特征具有重要意义.本文借助社会经济统计数据、国土数据以及其他辅助数据,运用统计分析方法,选取人口、经济发展、土地利用、农业发展4个层面的社会经济因子,分别分析了各类社会经济因子对水土流失的驱动机制.结果表明,人口压力和农业发展仍然是区域水土流失的主要驱动力,经济发展和土地利用方式也对本区域的水土流失面积和强度产生着重要影响.水土流失总面积的社会经济驱动机制较为复杂,而高强度水土流失的社会经济驱动因子的特征更为突出.受数据获取的限制本文研究还有待进一步深入,但本文仍在一定程度上能够为本区域水土流失的防治提供一定参考与依据.  相似文献   

为研究可拓理论在水土流失严重程度分区中的应用,在建立科学合理的边坡水土流失评价指标基础上,将层次分析法与可拓评价法相结合,建立了水土流失严重程度分区评价的物元模型。根据各影响因子建立层次分析判别矩阵,得出各因子的权重与影响度。并以河南省焦作市不同地区的水土流失问题为例,在分析研究区7个水土流失影响因素和危害后果的基础上,提出了边坡水土流失严重程度分区评价指标及分级标准。结果表明,水利部土壤侵蚀强度分级结果与本文分级方法所得结果一致,基于层次分析的可拓评判方法运用于水土流失严重程度分区的评价是合理可行的,能够较好地反映各因素对该地区边坡水土流失问题的影响程度并且判别其危害等级。该文将可拓层次分析法(EAHP)首次应用到水土流失的严重程度分区评价上,为水土流失危险性分区研究提供了一条新的分析思路。  相似文献   

农户是水土流失的承受体,也是水土保持的受益体。为研究不同区域的贫困农户生计行为对水土流失的影响,以粤北山区与闽西山区农户为研究对象,采用参与式农村评估(PRA)调查贫困农户生计行为对水土流失的影响,建立了压力—状态—响应(PSR)模型,分析了对水土流失的影响。研究表明:(1)粤北山区与闽西山区的纯农户对水土流失影响的PSR值高于兼业农户,粤北山区农户行为对水土流失影响的压力值高于闽西山区,但状态值与响应值低于闽西山区,使PSR值低于闽西山区;(2)闽西山区水土流失治理时间长,政府对水土保持宣传力度大,使农户参与水土保持的积极性高,造成PSR值高于粤北山区;(3)粤北山区贫困农户生计行为对水土流失影响的压力大,农户对水土流失认知程度不足,水土保持意识低;闽西山区贫困农户行为对水土流失影响压力相对较小,农户对水土流失具有一定的认知程度,且具有一定的水土保持意识。  相似文献   

何吉成 《水土保持研究》2012,19(6):64-67,76
以秦巴山区的3条铁路增建二线工程为例,通过水土流失影响指数评价模型来定量分析、评判山区铁路增建工程的水土流失影响程度.结果表明:襄安线、西康线和安渝线增建二线工程的水土流失影响指数分别为0.240,0.184,0.202,均低于全国铁路建设项目水土流失影响指数的平均值,这说明与新建铁路工程相比,增建二线工程造成的水土流失影响程度相对较小.其主要原因是工程平均占地面积较小(2.54hm2/km)、工程总土石方量(6.99万m3/km)较轻、工程水土流失总量(9 028t/km)不大.在施工过程中,可通过移挖作填、减少弃方、控制施工影响范围、缩短施工期等措施来进一步减弱山区铁路增建工程的水土流失影响,更好地保护山区铁路沿线的生态环境.  相似文献   

泰山景区土壤重金属污染及其对土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
从泰山著名景区红门、斗母宫、中天门、南天门、碧霞祠、玉皇顶采集土壤样品,进行了旅游活动对土壤重金属污染的影响研究,并分析了景点土壤重金属含量对土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明:随着旅游业的快速发展旅游活动已经造成了泰山景区重金属的污染,从重金属综合污染指数看,污染最严重的景点是中天门(3.75),其次是碧霞祠;从重金属污染分级指数看污染最严重的两种元素是Pb和Zn。旅游活动对土壤酶活性造成了显著影响,影响程度随旅游强度和干扰类型有不同的变化,但土壤酶活性均表现为下降的趋势。土壤酶活性与重金属含量之间有较好的相关性,各重金属通过直接或间接作用影响酶的活性,酶活性的高低可以作为重金属复合污染的指标。  相似文献   

赣南地区水土流失时空变化和评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于CSLE模型,在构建适合赣南地区侵蚀环境的该模型各因子算法的基础上,利用现有的基础数据,对该地区30年来不同时期的水土流失进行了评价。结果表明:近30年来尤其是近10年来,赣南地区水土流失治理迅速,效果明显,但目前水土流失依然比较严重,尤其是强烈以上的侵蚀面积所占比重较大;各因子在不同时期对水土流失影响的主导程度不同,随着治理程度的提高,影响水土流失的主导因子逐渐减少;通过水土流失预测,在未来的10年和30年里,赣南地区的水土流失面积将会进一步减小,尤其是强烈以上的面积减小迅速,但该区水土流失潜在可治理面积比较大,还需要进一步加强综合治理。  相似文献   

高速公路项目水土流失影响指数的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
运用水土流失影响指数(SWII)对106个高速公路水土保持方案进行了定量计算和评价,通过专家咨询法对9个指标的权重进行专家意见调查。运用层次分析法,计算得出每个水土流失影响指标的权重。然后采用SPSS主成分分析法,分析不同侵蚀类型区水土流失的主要影响因子。参照水土流失影响指数计算结果,将高速公路类项目按照影响等级分为三类,即水土流失影响指数大于0.387的属于重度影响类;水土流失影响指数在0.258~0.387之间属于中度影响类;水土流失影响指数小于0.258为轻度影响类。针对高速公路项目水土流失影响程度,主要从水土流失防治标准,水土保持工程等级,水土保持措施配置要求和施工工艺要求等方面提出了相应的技术要求。  相似文献   

武广客运专线建设工程的水土流失影响程度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
铁路建设工程中的路基修筑、隧道开凿、取土弃渣均会导致大量的水土流失,对铁路沿线生态环境造成不利影响。本文以武广客运专线工程为例,通过水土流失影响指数评价模型来定量分析、评判该工程的水土流失影响程度。结果表明,该项目的水土流失影响指数值为0.21,仅为全国铁路建设项目水土流失影响平均水平的70%,这表明与传统铁路建设工程相比,武广客运专线建设工程的水土流失影响程度相对较低。其主要原因是工程单位长度占地面积(3.19 hm2/km)及影响面积(0.17 hm2/km)较小、工程单位长度总土石方量(7.00万m3/km)较少、工程单位长度水土流失总量(343.85 t/km)不大、水土流失治理面积比例较高(0.916)。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the impacts of recreation on freshwater plants and animals. A distinction is made between water- and shore-based activities, and between physical and chemical effects. The impacts of water-based recreation, which result mainly from boating, are discussed in terms of wash, turbulence and turbidity, propeller action, direct contact, disturbance to animals, pollution from outboard motors and sewage. Those resulting from shore-based activities, such as angling and swimming, include trampling and associated effects, as well as sewage and other chemical impacts. The effects of management for recreation are also considered. There is relatively more information on the effects of recreational activities on plants than on animals, but the authors consider that further research is required in both fields. Some possible approaches are presented.  相似文献   

Human recreation has immediate and long-term impacts on wildlife, and exposure to recreational activities might be particularly high in urban systems. We investigated the relationship between human recreation and the spatial and temporal activity patterns of large mammals in an urban nature reserve. Data from remotely triggered infra-red cameras (1999-2001) were used to assess activity for bobcat, coyote, mule deer, humans, and domestic dogs along paths in the Nature Reserve of Orange County (NROC), California. Forty-nine camera sites established across the NROC yielded 16,722 images of humans, dogs, and our three target large mammal species during 4232 observation nights. Results suggest that bobcats, and to a lesser degree coyotes, exhibited both spatial and temporal displacement in response to human recreation. Bobcats were not only detected less frequently along trails with higher human activity, but also appeared to shift their daily activity patterns to become more nocturnal in high human use areas; negative associations between bobcat and human activity were particularly evident for bikers, hikers, and domestic dogs. In general, both bobcats and coyotes displayed a relatively wide range of activity levels at sites with low human use, but a lower and markedly restricted range of activity at those sites with the highest levels of recreation. Although we did not find a clear and consistent pattern of avoidance of human recreation by deer, the probability of detecting deer during the day was lower with increasing levels of human recreation. Future studies that experimentally investigate the impacts of recreationists on wildlife, as well as relate behavioral responses to survival and reproduction, will allow further insight of the effects of urban recreation on large mammal populations.  相似文献   

以甘肃省莲花山国家级自然保护区为对象,采用样地调查的方法研究了游憩对莲花山植被的影响.研究表明,游憩活动对植被的冲击程度依次为:紫霄宫>保护区管理局>唐坊滩--沙河滩>莲花宝殿.在这4个调查节点中,紫霄宫与其它3个节点存在较大差异.调查发现,游憩对甘肃省莲花山国家级自然保护区部分景点和地段的植被造成冲击,但对保护区整体生态环境影响不大.  相似文献   

In large Moscow forest parks the characteristics of the mesopedobionts of the natural forests are preserved in the territories that do not undergo direct human impacts. Under the influence of the recreational load the abundance, biomass, and diversity of the soil invertebrates is decreased over distances of 50–100 cm and more from footpaths and the rate of their development defines the level of changes and width of the impact zone. As compared to the properties of the soils, the mesopedobionts are a more sensitive and informative indicator of recreation; when monitoring the effects of this impact the diagnostics of the mesofauna diversity are informative.  相似文献   

Human‐caused trampling that results from excessive recreational use has caused damage to soil and vegetation in forest ecosystems in the Belgrad Forest of Istanbul. The objectives of this study were to examine effects of exclosure on selected soil properties and to determine the recovery time required for soil characteristics in a broadleaf forest recreation site. Litter biomass and topsoil (0–15 cm) were sampled in the forest, exclosure and recreational sites, and soil samples were analysed for saturation capacity, permeability, bulk density, total porosity, organic matter, root biomass, electrical conductivity and soil pH. Results showed that saturation capacity, permeability, total porosity and organic matter increased whereas bulk density decreased significantly in the topsoil under the exclosure, and all these soil properties in the topsoil of the exclosure were greater than those of recreational site. When effects of main factors were compared, averaging over sampling year and soil sampling depth, soils from the exclosure had significantly greater saturation capacity, permeability, total porosity, organic matter and litter biomass and lower bulk density values than the soils from recreational site. Six years of exclosure was effective in improving most of the soil properties in the topsoil. When topsoil and subsoil are considered together, it is obvious that a longer time period is needed for soil recovery in the forest recreational sites. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recreational activities can have significant impacts on geomorphic and hydrologic processes in drainage basins, often out of proportion to their areal extent. With increased stress on hiking trails nationwide, there is a need to characterize the impacts of human trampling on soil properties. We examine an 810 m segment of Hawai'iloa Ridge Trail (O'ahu, Hawai'i, USA). Soil compaction and surface erosion on moderate to steeply sloping sites have degraded the trail environment. Bulk density, penetration resistance, and vane shear strength were significantly higher on the trail than in adjacent undisturbed areas, with median differences ranging from 29 to 120 per cent. With compaction and exposure of subsoil on the trail, void ratio, air‐filled porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity, effective and preferential porosity were significantly lower, with relative change values ranging from 23–93 per cent. No significant changes were noted in meso‐ or micro‐porosity, but macropores with a radius of >110 μm decreased significantly by 58 per cent for on‐trail locations. This comprehensive dataset indicates that hiking stress is deleterious to the soil–hydrologic system. Data point to a trail system that would be dominated by Hortonian overland flow and this was supported by field evidence during a storm event. Increased runoff has incised rills on some trail segments and there is evidence that run‐on to adjacent side slopes has lead to accelerated erosion. Management on most trails in Hawai'i, including the one studied, is limited, but from our data it is apparent that on‐trail sites directly influenced by an overhanging canopy of rapidly growing (aggressive) exotics were least impacted due to increased organic contributions to the surface and root network development. These data will allow land managers to more effectively address the potential geomorphic and hydrologic impacts of recreational land use. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of disturbance by human trampling on ecosystem processes is essential for the management of recreational areas. Discussions on recreational impacts are based either on data from trampling experiments or on field survey data from sites subjected to long-term recreational use, but rarely on a combination of both. We examined whether results from a short-term trampling experiment reflect the impact of long-term trampling around frequently used fire places. We compared short- and long-term effects of human trampling on above-ground forest vegetation and soil physical, chemical and microbial characteristics. We found both similarities and differences in short- and long-term trampling effects. Both short- and long-term trampling reduced plant cover, plant height and species density, though long-term effects were more pronounced than short-term effects. In both approaches, leaf litter biomass decreased, whereas soil density increased with trampling intensity. Other soil characteristics including soil moisture, total soil organic matter content and total organic nitrogen content were not or only marginally affected by short- and long-term trampling. Furthermore, soil microbial biomass and the activity of dehydrogenase did not change in both approaches. In contrast, the activity of β-glucosidase was only reduced by short-term trampling, whereas activity of phosphomonoesterase was reduced only by long-term trampling. Soil compaction was one factor reducing microbial activities at low and medium trampling intensities in our experiment and in the highly compacted area around the fire rings. We conclude that it could be problematic to use the results of short-term trampling experiments to predict general long-term trampling effects. Our results imply also that the restoration of degraded sites might be hampered by the low nutrient turnover resulting from the reduced litter layer and changes in enzyme activities, mitigating a successful re-establishment and growth of plants.  相似文献   

为了了解南京市土地利用变化对土壤侵蚀的响应,基于气象、土壤、地形、遥感等多源数据,运用GIS和统计方法分析了南京市1986—2013年的土地利用/覆被时空动态变化特征,并运用RUSLE模型定量评估了南京市的土壤侵蚀时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)全市土壤侵蚀呈现先增加后减少的趋势:1986—1996年南京市土壤侵蚀面积增加了132.95 km2,由324.11 km2增加到457.06 km2; 1996—2013年土壤侵蚀面积比从7.46%减少到2.45%,由457.06 km2减少到150.11 km2。空间分布结果表明南京市土壤侵蚀主要发生在生产建设活动较为频繁的丘陵山区。(2)全市不同等级侵蚀面积与对应的侵蚀量呈明显的倒挂现象,较高等级侵蚀区应当是重点治理区域。(3)土地利用类型是影响南京市土壤侵蚀的因素之一,87%以上的土壤侵蚀量动态变化集中在林地和耕地。值得注意的是,水域、居民点及建设用地和其他用地变化对土壤侵蚀无明显影响,而耕地变化对土壤侵蚀具有明显的负面影响,林地和草地变化对土壤侵蚀既具有负影响也具有正影响,以正面影响为主,主要是因为林地既转变成耕地也转变成居民点及建设用地和水域,不同时期其主要影响也不同。综上,该研究结果可为南京市土地资源配置及水土流失防治提供科学参考和理论依据。  相似文献   

研究农业流域土壤侵蚀—沉积对土壤养分和酶活性的影响可为土壤侵蚀退化评价提供重要科学依据。选择典型薄层黑土区的宾州河流域为研究区,在流域上游、中游和下游各选取2个代表性坡面,基于137Cs示踪技术估算土壤侵蚀—沉积速率,分析流域和坡面尺度土壤侵蚀—沉积对土壤养分(有机质、全氮和速效磷)和土壤酶活性(转化酶、脲酶和碱性磷酸酶)的影响。结果表明:(1)土壤侵蚀速率在流域上游最大,分别是流域中游和下游的1.9,11.2倍;坡面尺度上土壤侵蚀速率在坡中部最大,分别是坡上部和坡下部的1.3~2.6,2.8~12.2倍。(2)在流域尺度上,土壤有机质空间分布与土壤侵蚀速率空间分布呈相反的变化趋势,土壤全氮和速效磷含量在流域下游皆大于流域中游;坡面尺度上土壤有机质、速效磷含量、转化酶、脲酶和碱性磷酸酶活性均表现为坡下部>坡中部,说明农地土壤侵蚀降低土壤养分含量和酶活性。(3)流域沉积区土壤沉积速率对土壤有机质、速效磷含量、脲酶和碱性磷酸酶活性有显著影响。(4)土壤有机质和速效磷含量对土壤脲酶和碱性磷酸酶活性有显著影响,表明土壤侵蚀—沉积引起的土壤养分再分布是造成土壤酶活性空间分异的重要原因。  相似文献   

The use of the countryside for recreation has increased dramatically in recent years. This has led to concern amongst conservationists about the effects increased human disturbance may have on important wild animal populations. In the UK, recent legislation has widened the level of access to upland habitats, which support internationally important breeding bird populations. Determining the extent to which recreational disturbance affects upland breeding birds is therefore a conservation priority. We used data collected over 13 years to investigate the impact of recreational disturbance on the distribution and reproductive performance of golden plovers breeding in close proximity to the Pennine Way, an intensively used long-distance footpath. Importantly, the Pennine Way was resurfaced in 1994 to prevent further erosion of the surrounding vegetation. We were therefore able to examine if the response of golden plovers to recreational disturbance was influenced by changes in the intensity and extent of human activity resulting from the resurfacing work. Before the Pennine Way was resurfaced, golden plovers avoided areas within 200 m of the footpath during the chick-rearing period. At this time over 30% of people strayed from the footpath and the movement of people across the moorland was therefore widespread and unpredictable. Following resurfacing, over 96% of walkers remained on the Pennine Way, which significantly reduced the impact of recreational disturbance on golden plover distribution; golden plovers only avoided areas within 50 m of the footpath at this time. Despite the clear behavioural responses of golden plovers to the presence of visitors, there was no detectable impact of disturbance on reproductive performance. In many countries, a conflict arises between the use of the countryside for recreational purposes and the protection of habitats or species of high conservation value. However, this study suggests that the implementation of simple measures to influence visitor behaviour can dramatically reduce the impact of recreational disturbance on wild animal populations.  相似文献   

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