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Data are presented on the duration of survival of 228 platypuses at six Australian zoos between 1934 and 1988. Only 22.4% of all platypuses survived more than 1 year in captivity. Of 15 living platypuses, 3 had been held in captivity for less than 1 year, 5 for between 1 and 5 years, 6 for between 5 and 10 years and 1 for 21 years. Of 213 platypuses that died in captivity, 81.7% had died within 1 year; most within the first month. The duration of survival was unrelated to the age of animals at acquisition or to sex. The survival rate of animals donated to zoos, including "refugees", was similar to that of purpose-caught animals. Clearly, only a small proportion of platypuses adapted to captive husbandry. The cause of death of most platypuses was not established. However, infectious disease did not appear to be significant. Approximately 28% of deaths were related to inadequate husbandry. Recommendations are made to improve the survival of platypuses in captivity. Research has commenced in zoos to facilitate this goal.  相似文献   

The magnitude of perinatal mortality in 50 species of captive wild ungulates born at the Zoological Society of London's collections at Regent's Park and Whipsnade between 1975 and 1985 is reviewed. Thirty-five per cent of 2471 ungulates born during this 11 year period died before six months old and most deaths occurred in the first week after birth. Similar findings have been reported at other zoos and in the wild. The seasonal distribution of births is described in 43 species. Significantly higher perinatal mortality was found in species which breed throughout the year (notably axis deer and sitatunga) than in seasonal breeders, and differences associated with system of management were apparent in some species (eg, mouflon and scimitar-horned oryx) kept at Regent's Park and Whipsnade. Considerable advances have been made in the management of captive wild ungulates in recent years but it is likely that perinatal mortality rates could be further reduced by improved management and veterinary care of the dams and neonates.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is a coccidian parasite that causes disease in captive and domesticated animals and has been found in wild animals such as cervids. Sera from 150 cervids of the genus Mazama, were collected from 31 captive herds and 16 zoos from different Brazilian regions and analyzed by indirect fluorescent antibody test for anti-N. caninum antibodies. Positive reactions were found in 42% (63) of the samples and the titers varied from 50 to 51,200. Of the 86 cervids from the captive herds, 38 (44.2%) had anti N. caninum antibodies and of the 64 samples from the zoo, 25 (39.1%) were positive. No significant difference (p>0.05) was found for the occurrence values observed between the animals from captive herds and zoos as well as within the values documented for each one of the species analyzed. Therefore, the results indicate that the agent is prevalent from cervids in captivity in Brazil.  相似文献   

Mycobacteria were isolated from 263 of 474 specimens submitted from captive exotic (nondomesticated) animals over a 5-year period. Mycobacterium avium was isolated from 128 animals originating in 13 states and the District of Columbia; serotype 1 accounted for 65 of the isolations. Mycobacterium bovi was isolated from 74 animals in 7 zoos, 7 game parks, and 4 primate colonies in 1, states: Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated from 29 animals originating 9 stats; and Mycobacterium fortuitum, Mycobacterium chelonei, Mycobacterium scrofulaceum, and Mycobacterium spp. The widespread occurrence of tuberculosis in exotic animals maintained in captivity emphasizes the public health importance of these infections.  相似文献   

Venomous snakes may be maintained as captive animals and are commonly exhibited in both zoos and private zoological collections. Veterinarians who treat reptile species may be asked to provide medical care to venomous snakes. The addition of venomous snakes to the practice can be exciting and rewarding. Training and experience handling venomous snakes are required before treating these animals in a veterinary practice. Both training and experience with handling venomous snakes are important not only to protect hospital personnel but the owner and patient as well. Veterinarians who wish to provide care for venomous snakes need to be familiar with the many tools used to make restraint and handling venomous animals as safe as possible.  相似文献   

姚启远 《野生动物》2013,(4):190-191
岩羊具有较强的耐寒性和适应恶劣环境的本领,不怕寒冷,不畏风雪,耐干旱,多在海拔4 000~6 000 m雪线以上的不毛之地生活,喜群居。学者对岩羊的野外行为研究较多,但对岩羊圈养的研究文章不多。2009~2012年,在长春动植物公园岩羊馆内对6只成年岩羊进行观察,在非原产地的平原地区通过圈养的方式对岩羊的饲养、食物组成、防疫、繁殖进行分析总结,为以后岩羊在非原产地的饲养提供了理论基础和实践经验。  相似文献   

Livers from 54 snow leopards, 4 days to 23 years old, that had died in 23 US zoos, were evaluated histopathologically to determine if the hepatic fibrosis, which has been noted to be prevalent in this species, was due to chronic active hepatitis from hepadnaviral infection, Ito cell proliferation, or hemosiderosis. Forty-two of 54 snow leopards had subintimal vascular fibrosis with partial or total occlusion of central and sublobular veins (veno-occlusive disease) of unknown origin. All 21 leopards older than 5 years were affected. Four leopards had chronic active hepatitis, and 12 leopards had cholangiohepatitis; but these lesions were not connected anatomically to central and sublobular venous fibrosis. Hepatocellular and Kupffer cell siderosis and Ito cell proliferation were prevalent and often coexisted with perisinusoidal, central, and sublobular venous fibrosis; but fibrosis was present in leopards without siderosis or Ito cell proliferation. The pattern and prevalence of veno-occlusive disease in these leopards was similar to that reported in captive cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), suggesting that a common extrinsic factor may cause the majority of hepatic disease in these large felid animals in captivity.  相似文献   

王兴金 《野生动物》2012,33(1):48-50
野生动物的移地保护和保护教育是现代动物园的主要功能,兽医在保障野生动物健康方面承担着重要的使命。动物园兽医在本质上是医学的一个特殊分枝,由于野生动物及其疾病种类的复杂性和个人精力、能力的局限性,动物园兽医的职业化和专业化是提高野生动物健康保障能力的根本出路;应激因素对圈养动物的健康造成很大的威胁,而适度驯化则可以最大限度地减少应激的发生;在国内建立区域动物园兽医服务网络、建立兽医行业内部信息交流平台是提高动物园兽医行业整体水平的基本思路:正确的疾病诊断和规范的处方,以及全面关注动物的基本需求、积极主动的疾病防疫等在兽医日常工作中占有同等重要的地位。由于兽医掌握了动物发病和死亡的第一手资料,动物园应当为兽医参与动物管理提供条件。  相似文献   

中国黑叶猴圈养种群现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高喜凤 《野生动物》2014,(3):267-270
应用种群管理软件SPARKS 1.6及PMX对中国黑叶猴圈养种群的现状进行了统计分析。截至2012年12月31日,黑叶猴谱系记录了574只个体,目前种群存活个体数量为318只,分布在34家动物园或机构中。圈养种群野外捕获个体主要来源于20世纪70-90年代,目前保持稳定状态。圈养出生个体数则一直保持上升状态,是维持黑叶猴圈养种群增长的主要来源,2012年圈养出生数量占种群总数的87.4%。种群周期增长率λ=1.042,性比M:F=1:1.04,目前种群中能够繁殖的个体共1 10只(♂48只,♀62只),显示为一个增长的种群;黑叶猴国内圈养种群有58个建立者,基因多样性GD=96.67%,平均近亲系数F=0.0207。建议增加各机构之间的合作繁殖,避免小种群的近亲繁殖,保证黑叶猴圈养种群的自我维持和健康发展。  相似文献   

The amount of space available to animals in zoos is always limited by a range of factors that has little to do with animal biology. Most zoos exist on confined sites, their absolute boundaries are usually fixed. The starting point in a discussion about an animal's perceived needs is necessarily immediately to be considered in terms of other demands on the space available. Nonetheless, a detailed scientific understanding of the wild biology of a species has come to be regarded as essential to the determination of what constitutes appropriate captive conditions of zoos for that species. An examination of how zoos have confined animals through the last 2 centuries shows a trend away from the closest forms of confinement in cages, toward larger spaces, often with open viewing for visitors. Elephants represent an anomaly. They continue to be maintained in zoos according to traditions involving extraordinarily close human control, as if they were working animals. Looking at traditional captive elephant management practices, however, does not provide any reasonably complete view of elephant needs. Wild biology suggests that zoo elephants should enjoy a naturalistic social life and live more independently than they traditionally have done in zoos. For this, zoo elephants need far more extensive living spaces than those with which they are currently provided.  相似文献   

近年来,随着中国动物园圈养野生动物管理理念、饲养技术、设施设备和人才队伍的不断发展,基于生殖内分泌学基础进行的对人工圈养下野生动物繁殖生理的科学探讨得到越来越多从业者的重视,涉及的野生动物种类也逐渐增加,获得了非常宝贵的初始数据,为动物园行业更加科学规范管理打下了坚实基础。同时,在生殖激素检测的实际操作过程中也凸现出一些现实问题。结合现阶段中国动物园行业具体情况,着重综合近年来部分相关文献资料,回顾国内动物园相关工作进展,对生殖激素分析检测在动物繁殖监测实践中的细节工作进行分析,探讨在日常饲养管理中应用的可行性,提出解决对策,为实践工作提供参考。  相似文献   

郭文利 《野生动物》2011,32(1):18-19,35
对上海动物园笼养羚牛种群20 a间的繁殖记录进行了统计分析,并将笼养羚牛和野生羚牛的各项繁殖指标进行了比较分析。结果表明:笼养条件下出生的雌性和雄性羚牛个体的首次成功繁殖年龄分别为4岁和5岁;笼养条件下出生的羚牛包括26只雌性和11只雄性,雌雄性比为2.36:1;羚牛的出生主要集中在1~4月,3月出生的个体最多;笼养羚牛首次繁殖年龄和幼仔出生季节与野生羚牛不存在显著差异。上述研究结果表明,影响羚牛繁殖的因素主要包括气候、环境、温度和湿度等。  相似文献   

Serum samples (n = 1,146) representing 100 species of exotic ruminants now captive in United States zoos were assayed for neutralizing antibody to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus (bovine herpesvirus 1). Thirty-four animals (3%) of 11 species had antibody to IBR virus. Because of the low prevalence of IBR antibody found, it was concluded that vaccination against IBR virus probably is not necessary for captive wild ruminants in United States zoos.  相似文献   

The prevalence of blowfly strike in rabbits in southwest England and Wales was investigated using a retrospective postal survey of small animal and mixed veterinary practices. Questionnaires were sent to 474 practices; 219 were returned completed, giving a response rate of 46.2%. The prevalence of blowfly strike was estimated as the percentage of veterinary practices that reporting having treated at least one rabbit for strike between May and September 2005. Overall, 94.5% (+/-2.21) of practices treated at least one case of rabbit strike. Almost half, 49.3% (+/-11.3) of practices reported treating only 1-5 rabbits for blowfly strike in the study period; 32.8% (+/-4.56), 13% (+/-3.27) and 4.8% (+/-2.08) treated 6-10, 11-15 and more than 15 struck rabbits, respectively. In 46.3% (+/-4.84) of the practices most infested rabbits survived. For 40.4% (+/-4.77) of practices, about half the struck rabbits survived. However, for 13.3% (+/-3.30) of practices most struck rabbits were reported to have died. The practices reporting that most animals died were those that saw significantly fewer rabbits and fewer struck rabbits than practices where more animals survived. This suggests that training and experience in the appropriate care of infested rabbits may be critical in ensuring a favorable outcome.  相似文献   

Objective To review the present position of the western swamp tortoise ( Pseudemydura umbrina ) as an endangered species and significant health issues affecting efforts to save it from extinction.
Procedure A retrospective analysis of the husbandry, hospital and pathology records of the western swamp tortoise captive breeding program at Perth Zoo.
Results In 1987 a captive breeding project was developed to prevent the extinction of the western swamp tortoise but an outbreak of a necrotising dermatitis in 1989 threatened the survival of the captive bred hatchlings. Less severe outbreaks occurred in 1990 and 1993, with isolated cases in between. Of 283 tortoises that were born in captivity or came into captivity from the wild, 37 (13.1%) were affected, comprising 37% of all males, 26% of all females and 13% of animals of unknown gender. Of the affected animals, 70% were less than 2 years of age and 29% were older. Males were 1.6 times more likely to be infected than females but this difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.27). Culture of the lesions consistently yielded unidentified Pseudomonas sp.
Conclusion Improved husbandry, such as strict maintenance of water quality and temperature conditions similar to that of the animal's natural habitat, and monitoring the health of individual tortoises have successfully controlled skin disease in the captive breeding of the western swamp tortoise.  相似文献   

Forty-two cats underwent craniotomy for removal of a meningioma between 1985 and 1991. Median duration of clinical signs before examination was 1.25 months. All cats had inappropriate demeanor: 48% were dull and 38% were lethargic. Neurological deficits included impaired vision in 93%, paresis in 83%, and seizures in 19%. Computed tomography (CT) showed solitary masses in 86% and multiple masses in 14%. Intraoperative complications included hemorrhage and difficulty excising deep or adherent masses. Anemia in 13 of 42 cats was the most common immediate postoperative complication. Ten of 42 cats had no improvement or a more severe neurological status after surgery. Eight of 42 cats died immediately after surgery; 6 of these were anemic. Of the cats that survived the immediate postoperative period, evaluation 10 to 14 days after surgery showed that 97% (33 of 34) were alert and 79% (27 of 34) had returned to normal behavior. Neurological deficits, except for vision impairment, had resolved in most cats. The duration of follow-up varied from 1.3 months to 55.1 months. Ten cats developed neurological abnormalities from 1 month to 44.2 months after surgery; of these, 6 had tumor recurrence or new growth confirmed by CT scan or necropsy. Overall survival was 71% at 6 months, 66% at 1 year, and 50% at 2 years. Age of cat and location of tumor did not significantly affect survival ( P = . 1034 and .1851, respectively). There were too few precise measurements of tumor size to make a valid statistical comparison of the effect of size on survival. Location or presence of multiple tumors did not affect final outcome. Results of this study indicate that surgical excision is a beneficial method of treatment of cranial meningioma in cats.  相似文献   

As part of an ongoing study to determine the basis for high prevalences of veno-occlusive disease, glomerulosclerosis, and chronic lymphoplasmacytic gastritis in cheetahs, a retrospective pathology survey of captive cheetahs in the Republic of South Africa (RSA) was conducted. The RSA population was selected because its genetic composition and captive management were similar to those of the cheetah population in U.S. zoos, in which these diseases are common. For this study, archived pathology materials at the University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Sciences in Onderstepoort and the Faculty of Veterinary Science, MEDUNSA, from 69 cheetahs that died between 1975 and 1995 were reviewed, and prevalences of common lesions were compared with those in the U.S. population. Gastritis associated with Helicobacter-like organisms was the most prevalent disease, accounting for close to 40% of the mortalities, including several cheetahs < 3 yr old. Glomerulosclerosis and veno-occlusive disease also were major causes of mortality in RSA cheetahs. RSA cheetahs also had adrenal cortical hyperplasia, cardiac fibrosis, lymphocytic depletion of the spleen, systemic amyloidosis, and splenic myelolipomas. The presence in the captive RSA cheetah population of the same unusual diseases that are common in U.S. cheetahs suggests a species predilection to develop these diseases in captivity.  相似文献   

A visual health assessment and survey questionnaire was conducted on 81 Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) housed in 10 animal facilities throughout India between November 2004 and February 2005. The survey questionnaire consisted of 10 questions that evaluated the health of the elephants, and they were completed after visually assessing each individual elephant. The information collected was ranked on a scale that was used to statistically compare the health among the study subjects. This study documented that 43.21% of the captive elephants surveyed exhibited hyperkeratosis. A significant proportion of the elephants owned by tourist camps had poor skin condition when compared with elephants from zoos and at a forest camp. Similarly, captive-born individuals were found to have better skin condition than animals that were caught from the wild. Sixty (74.1%) of the captive elephants that were observed during this study had fissures in their footpads, 20% of which were severe. The prevalence of foot fissures was significantly higher in females. A greater proportion of elephants owned by tourist camps displayed vertical and horizontal toenail cracks in comparison with the forest camp and zoo elephants. It was noted that 76.9% of the wounded animals and 80% of those having abscesses were housed at temples and tourist camps. Also, approximately 8.5% of the captive elephant population observed during this study had eye-related problems, and they were all housed at temples and tourist camps. In conclusion, it was evident that elephants housed at temples or tourist camps exhibited poor skin condition with wounds and abscesses. These findings suggest that the overall condition of the elephants housed at tourist camps was poor compared with elephants housed at zoos and at the forest camp.  相似文献   

This article discusses the history of the field of zoo and wildlife pathology, training opportunities for veterinary students and graduate veterinarians, and current and future job opportunities. The niches occupied by veterinarians in this field and their contributions to animal and human health are also highlighted. The field of zoo and wildlife, or "non-traditional" species, pathology has its roots in comparative anatomy, zoology, wildlife biology, and medical pathology in the mid- to late nineteenth century. The initial emphasis was on comparisons between animal and human diseases or on management of game animals. Veterinarians became increasingly involved during the twentieth century, gradually changing the emphasis to improvement of conservation strategies, captive care, and elucidation of diseases of concern for the animals themselves. Currently there are several zoos and wildlife agencies in the United States employing full-time veterinary pathologists. Private and government diagnostic laboratories, veterinary schools, and other academic institutions in the United States with pathology departments are other employers. The field requires post-DVM training by means of a residency program leading to board certification, graduate school (MS or PhD degrees), or both. Veterinary students can gain valuable experience in the field through externships and, at some schools, through elective courses in the curriculum. Current concerns about ecosystem health, bioterrorism, and the recognition that captive and free-ranging wildlife can serve as sentinel species will increase the demand for veterinary pathologists choosing this very rewarding career path specializing in non-traditional species.  相似文献   

Pinnipeds have evolved enlarged ocular bulbs to catch fish in the dark. However, their large protruding eyes are easily damaged, which increases the risk of blindness and death in these animals. In captivity, ophthalmic disorders, manifested as keratitis and cataracts, are common among pinnipeds. In this study, we investigated symptoms of ophthalmic disorders in pinniped species using a questionnaire distributed to 32 zoos and aquariums throughout Japan. We conducted this study in cooperation with the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums. The survey included 295 pinnipeds from four otariid species, five phocid species, and one odobenid species. Of these, 43.1% of the pinnipeds had diseases affecting the lens, cornea, and/or other eye parts. Age was positively associated with lens disorders in California sea lions, South American sea lions, and spotted seals. Conflicts and public appearances were also associated with corneal and/or lens disorders in California sea lions. Treatments were evaluated as effective for corneal disorders and conjunctivitis. The results of this study indicate that ophthalmic disorders in pinnipeds are related to the conditions of their captive environment. Aquariums and zoos should be encouraged to share information regarding optimal maintenance practices to improve the living conditions of pinnipeds.  相似文献   

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