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江永才 《科学养鱼》2006,(11):69-70
河豚鱼肉洁白如霜,滑腻似脂,滋味腴美。河豚鱼肉好吃,早有定论。随着市场和外贸的发展,河豚鱼的身价在增长。龙海市每年加工冻河豚鱼出口3000多吨,最高达6000多吨,年创汇千万美元。河豚鱼除鲜活、冷冻出口外,还可加工成烤鱼片,其味道鲜美,香酥上口,深受消费者的喜爱。其加工品种只限于棕斑腹刺鲀和暗鳍腹刺鲀。  相似文献   

福建省河豚鱼产业现状的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,福建省的河豚鱼养殖面积约有7 000 hm2,年养殖总产量约5 000 t。养殖采用"对虾、花蛤、河豚"混养模式;养殖的种类主要是菊黄东方鲀和双斑东方鲀。漳浦县的佛昙、前亭两个乡镇不仅是河豚鱼养殖主产区,也是全省养殖河豚鱼产品的销售集散地。福建省河豚鱼的加工和出口管理已经非常规范,河豚鱼烤鱼片产量占全国总产量的90%,而且每年出口到日韩的加工产品稳定在6 000 t左右。由于国内市场限售,而出口仅日韩两个目的国,所以产品价格受到严重压制,质优价廉。调查认为当前应该有条件地开放河豚鱼的市场销售和食用。本文还为河豚鱼产业的健康发展提出若干建议。  相似文献   

《养殖暗纹东方毒素分布及安全食用研究》课题在南通通过鉴定  以江苏中洋集团为主承担的《养殖暗纹东方毒素分布及安全食用研究》国家级科研课题取得实质性进展 ,日前在南通通过了科技成果鉴定。卫生部门早在 10年前就开展了河豚鱼的试食研究 ,以特种水产养殖见长的中洋集团瞄准河豚鱼的潜在市场 ,着眼河豚鱼的人工养殖和控毒 ,于 1993年与国家卫生部门共同开展了河豚鱼的相关研究 ,建成了世界上最大的控毒河豚鱼规模化无公害养殖基地。“养殖暗纹东方毒素分布及安全食用研究”课题对养殖暗纹东方毒素分布及安全食用已进行了 8年…  相似文献   

运用HACCP方法对河豚鱼安全食用的管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、河豚鱼安全食用流程图(一)河豚鱼安全食用的知识体系 1、河豚鱼生物学知识(1)河豚鱼在生物学中的分类地位;(2)河豚鱼的种类及分类依据;(3)河豚鱼在世界范围内的分布;(4)我国河豚鱼的种类及其分布;(5)我国河豚鱼可食用种类与不可食用种类的区别特征;(6)我国批准的可试食用河豚鱼种类的特征及可食用部位;(7)经处理确认对人体健康无害的河豚种类和部位。2、河豚毒素的性质及产生机制(1)河豚毒素的来源;(2)河豚毒素的分子结构;(3)河豚毒素的理化性质及检测方法;(4)河豚鱼含有河豚毒素在各个方面表现出的多样性;(5)河豚鱼食用中毒的诊治。…  相似文献   

为了让味道极其鲜美、但又素有“毒鱼”之称的河豚鱼成为安全的美味佳肴,福建省海洋与渔业局在全国首次制定了《河豚鱼安全加工规范》和《棕斑腹刺豚、暗鳍腹刺豚加工品》地方标准并于日前通过专家审定。但福建省卫生部门拒绝派专家参加审定会,质监部门批准了加工规范但表示加工品地方标准目前还不会批准。据介绍,河豚鱼毒性很强,一条河豚鱼的毒素可导致二三十人死亡。由于缺乏科学的管理标准和加工方法,民间经常发生食用河豚鱼中毒事件。福建省海洋与渔业局加工流通与质量监督处副处长王奇欣表示,福建省此次制定的安全加工规范和加工品地方…  相似文献   

河豚鱼是毒鱼的代表,的确年年因吃河豚鱼而中毒死亡者没有绝迹。因为河豚鱼有毒,所以在日本有这样一句谚语“吃河豚鱼者是傻瓜”。然而,因为河豚鱼的肉质又嫩又鲜又滑而视为极品美食,如似美食不吃太可惜了,  相似文献   

<正> 河豚鱼是一种肉味鲜美,但含有剧毒的鱼类。有史以来曾夺去了无数人的生命,以至被罩上了可怕的衣冠,使人望而生畏。其实,只要我们认识了它,就会对它产生新的看法和兴趣。我国人民对于河豚鱼的食用及药用,历史悠久。早在公元前二千六百多年前的《神农本草经》、战国时期的《山海经》及李时珍的《本草纲目》等历代有关著作中都有关于河豚鱼的记载。可是到了近代,由于文化科学的落后,对河豚鱼的研究也处于劣势。解放后,特别是  相似文献   

河豚鱼认识上的几个误区   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
误区一:河豚鱼是一种鱼的名称一般老百姓都认为,河豚鱼是一种鱼,事实上,河豚鱼不是一种鱼,而是一类鱼的总称。广义上河豚鱼指硬骨鱼纲、辐鳍亚纲、鲈形总目、豚形目中箱豚亚目、鳞豚亚目、翻车豚亚目、豚亚目中所有种类河豚鱼的统称,狭义上的河豚鱼是指与我们的食用、文化、历史密切相关的一类带毒却又味道鲜美的经济鱼,主要集中在豚亚目中的豚科和刺豚科。河豚鱼有某些共性,大多数河豚鱼为特有的豚形,体表有白点或白斑。所有的河豚鱼都带有河豚毒素,一部分河豚鱼肌肉中所含河豚毒素较低,河豚毒力<10MU,通常称之为无毒级别,经安全加工后可…  相似文献   

若论天下第一毒鱼,可能应首推河豚鱼,因为河豚鱼的毒性是氰化钾的十二倍。若在食用河豚鱼时感到嘴唇发麻,舌尖火辣,那表明已经中毒,瞬间便会一命乌呼。所以在中国,人们一听河豚鱼就有一种谈虎色变之感,但在日本却有许多专门经营河豚鱼的料理店,厨师都是经过专业培训,通过考核取得执照的专门人才,河豚鱼不仅是美味佳肴,且食客众多,价格不菲。在日本,人们爱到下关吃河豚鱼。下关不仅盛产河豚鱼,还是食用河豚鱼的起源地。下关位于本州岛的最西端,它东濒周防滩,西临日本海,是一个风光嫣族、且有异国情调的著名渔港。每天,挂着…  相似文献   

河豚鱼是毒鱼的代表,的确年年因吃河豚鱼而中毒死亡者没有绝迹。因为河豚鱼有毒,所以在日本有这样一句谚语"吃河豚鱼者是傻瓜"。然而,因为河豚鱼的肉质又嫩又鲜又滑而视为极品美食,如似美食不吃太可惜了,  相似文献   

In vitro accumulation of tetrodotoxin (TTX) and paralytic shellfish toxin (PST) in tiger puffer fish Takifugu rubripes was investigated using liver tissue slices. When T. rubripes liver slices were incubated with Leibovitz’s L-15 medium containing 0.13 mM TTX at 20 °C in air with saturated humidity, they accumulated 21.5 ± 7.3 μg TTX g?1 liver after the incubation for 12 h and increased to 55.3 ± 8.2 μg TTX g?1 liver at 48 h. In the incubation of T. rubripes liver slices with 0.13 mM PST-containing medium, PST was detected 6.3 ± 0.9 μg g?1 liver at 12 h and reached a plateau thereafter. These results reveal the difference between TTX and PST in accumulation in T. rubripes liver tissue slices. To examine the variation in PST accumulation among fish species, the liver tissue slices from tiger puffer fish T. rubripes, parrot-bass Oplegnathus fasciatus and green ling Hexagrammos otakii were incubated at a concentration of 0.027 mM PST. The toxin contents of 3.0 μg g?1 liver were observed at 8 h regardless of fish species but were not increased subsequently, showing no variety among these three species as to accumulation patterns of PST. It is noted that the tiger puffer fish T. rubripes liver specifically accumulate TTX in preference to PST.  相似文献   

In vitro accumulation of tetrodotoxin (TTX) and paralytic shellfish toxin (PST) in tiger puffer fish Takifugu rubripes was investigated using liver tissue slices. When T. rubripes liver slices were incubated with Leibovitz’s L-15 medium containing 0.13 mM TTX at 20 °C in air with saturated humidity, they accumulated 21.5 ± 7.3 μg TTX g−1 liver after the incubation for 12 h and increased to 55.3 ± 8.2 μg TTX g−1 liver at 48 h. In the incubation of T. rubripes liver slices with 0.13 mM PST-containing medium, PST was detected 6.3 ± 0.9 μg g−1 liver at 12 h and reached a plateau thereafter. These results reveal the difference between TTX and PST in accumulation in T. rubripes liver tissue slices. To examine the variation in PST accumulation among fish species, the liver tissue slices from tiger puffer fish T. rubripes, parrot-bass Oplegnathus fasciatus and green ling Hexagrammos otakii were incubated at a concentration of 0.027 mM PST. The toxin contents of 3.0 μg g−1 liver were observed at 8 h regardless of fish species but were not increased subsequently, showing no variety among these three species as to accumulation patterns of PST. It is noted that the tiger puffer fish T. rubripes liver specifically accumulate TTX in preference to PST.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of tetrodotoxin (TTX) administration on artificially raised tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes juvenile survival after release into a mesocosm with predators to clarify the ecological significance of TTX. Pellets containing three different concentrations of TTX [0 as the control, 7 and 14 mouse units (MU)/g diet] were fed to non-toxic artificially raised T. rubripes juveniles for 10 days. TTX accumulation in the various tissues of fish was detected except for in the control diet group. TTX administration did not affect survival or growth of the fish. One hundred fish from each diet group were released together after TTX administration into a salt pond mesocosm (2650 m2) with predators (Lateolabrax sp.) for 5 days. Survival after release was significantly higher in both the fish fed with the 7 MU TTX/g diet (62%) and the 14 MU TTX/g diet (74%) than in the control fish (32%).  相似文献   

To confirm the toxicity or the tetrodotoxin (TTX) content of cultured puffer fish in China, 565 specimens of cultured puffer fish (Takifugu rubripes, Takifugu fasciatus or Takifugu obscurus, Takifugu flavidus and Takifugu bimaculatus) were collected from five provinces from November 2007 to November 2008. The toxicity of the skin, muscle, liver and testis/ovary was examined using methods based on a mouse assay for TTX. The results indicated that the skin, muscle, liver and testis of specimens were ‘non‐toxic’ in both of the mouse assays [<10 mouse unit (MU) g?1 or 2.2 μg g?1] from the viewpoint of food hygiene. However, TTX was detected from an ovary sample of the cultured T. rubripes collected from the Shandong province in March 2008, which was 125.43 MU g?1 tissue. The average TTX contents in the muscle, liver and skin of T. rubripes from Hebei and Shandong provinces were the highest in May or July (1.31, 0.90 and 0.62 MU g?1, respectively, in Hebei, and 1.57, 0.32 and 0.16 MU g?1, respectively, in Shandong) and the lowest in January (<0.1 MU g?1 or 0.02 μg g?1). Thus, non‐toxic cultured puffer fish could be produced successfully in mainland China.  相似文献   


We evaluated whether bearing tetrodotoxin (TTX) affects salinity stress in the juvenile tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes. Juveniles of hatchery-reared non-toxic T. rubripes [body weight (BW): 1.7?±?0.2 g, n?=?120] were divided into six tanks and acclimatized to salinity (8.5 ppt) that is equivalent to blood osmolality. Fish in three tanks were fed non-toxic diet, and those in the other three tanks were fed a TTX-containing diet (356 ng/g diet) three times a day until satiation. In each diet treatment, salinity of one tank was kept at 8.5 ppt, and the other two tanks were adjusted to either 1.7 or 34.0 ppt, and fish were reared for another 33 days. Then, we compared survival, growth, TTX accumulation, plasma osmolality, plasma cortisol, and glucose levels among treatments. We detected TTX only in the fish in the TTX-diet groups. Survival was highest at 8.5 ppt (70%) and lowest at 1.7 ppt in the TTX-diet group (20%). The BW was greater at 8.5 ppt, and plasma osmolality was significantly higher at 34.0 ppt than at any other salinities. Plasma cortisol level was significantly higher but glucose level was lower at 1.7 ppt. Possessing TTX at a low salinity may be lethal to tiger puffer juveniles.


The food chain has been postulated as one pathway for tetrodotoxin (TTX)-producing bacteria to enter into fish. However, the background composition of the bacterial community in puffer fish is unclear. Using 16S rDNA PCR denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) technology, we investigated the composition of bacterial communities in the skin, intestines, and TTX-accumulating organs (ovary, liver) of the striped puffer fish Takifugu obscurus. A total of 38 species of different culture-independent bacteria were isolated and classified according to phylogenetic analysis. Of these species, those belonging to the class γ-Proteobacteria dominated the microbial community in the puffer fish, while others belonged to the group of low DNA G + C content, CytophagaFlavobacteriumBacteroides (CFB) group, α-Proteobacteria, β-Proteobacteria, ε-Proteobacteria and Spirochaetales. Gram positive bacteria of the group of low DNA G + C content were seen as the dominant component in the intestine, while γ-Proteobacteria was the dominant group in the skin or TTX-accumulating organs. The TTX-accumulating organs were found to contain bacteria from all TTX-producing genera reported previously. We also observed large differences in the bacterial assemblages in the intestines of fish fed natural and artificial diets.  相似文献   

暗纹东方鱼屯俗称河豚,属江海洄游性鱼类。生殖季节,雌、雄个体副性征差异不明显,不能采用常规鉴别方法进行性别鉴定。作者根据体征、体态特征,采用综合指标判别法对1995年3月15日至5月30日在江苏仪征—泰州60km江段渔获的1038尾暗纹东方鱼屯进行了雌、雄性别判定,正确率达95.4%。该方法操作简单,不伤鱼体,仅凭眼观即可判定自由游动状河鱼屯的雌、雄。文中有关利用行为差异来判定鱼类雌、雄的方法,国内外尚未见诸报道。该项工作为鉴别鱼类性别提供了一种新方法,在鱼类人工繁殖和规模化生产中具有一定应用价值  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Rearing experiments were conducted to investigate the essential fatty acid requirements in the early developmental stages of river puffer Takifugu obscurus and tiger puffer T. rubripes using two n-3 series unsaturated fatty acids, α-linolenic acid (18:3n-3, α-LNA) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3, DHA), under salinity of 30 and 18.5–20.3°C. River and tiger puffer larvae used in this study were 15 and 14 days old after hatching, and their average body weights were 30.1 and 20.8 mg, respectively. The results on fatty acid requirements of these two species were evaluated from fish growth, survival, fatty acid composition of the fish body and activity test results. The DHA groups of both river and tiger puffer exhibited better survival and weight gain. However, there was no difference in the mean final body weights of river puffer between two dietary groups. Also, the DHA group of tiger puffer showed better results in the recovery test from anesthetic condition than that obtained in the LNA group. In an examination of the fatty acid compositions of the whole body, the LNA group containing no dietary DHA resulted in 0.5% DHA in tiger puffer and 1.1% DHA in river puffer . These results suggest that α-LNA from Artemia converted to eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3, EPA) and to DHA successively by their fatty acid metabolism. Symptoms following essential fatty acid deficiency were not observed in any experimental groups. As river puffer did not represent a significant difference in the dietary effects between α-LNA and DHA treatment groups, its essential fatty acid requirement was assumed to be somewhat closer to that of the freshwater fishes in comparison with that of marine fishes, including tiger puffer.  相似文献   

Lipid contents and fatty acid compositions were compared among 110 muscle samples of Japanese wild, Japanese cultured, and Chinese cultured ocellate puffer Takifugu rubripes. The effects of diet on muscle lipids in cultured ocellate puffer were also investigated. There was no noticeable difference between the wild and cultured fish with regard to the lipid content, but there were significant differences in the fatty acid composition ratio such as C16:0, C16:1n-7, and C20:4n-6. Moreover, the percentages of the fatty acids C18:2n-6 and C22:5n-3 were correlated with those in the diet. These results suggest that the muscle lipid content was not affected by diet, whereas fatty acid composition was affected. There were significant differences in fatty acid composition among Japanese wild fish, Japanese cultured fish, and Chinese cultured fish. The results suggest that the fatty acid composition is applicable as a tool to distinguish between wild and cultured ocellate puffer as well as those cultured in Japan and China.  相似文献   

Availability of environmental and dietary calcium in tiger puffer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tiger puffer, Takifugu rubripes, juveniles were fed with four semi-purified experimental diets containing 0.2% Ca from Ca-lactate (diet 1), no supplemental Ca (diet 2) and 0.2% and 2.5% Ca from tricalcium phosphate, TCP (diets 3 and 4), respectively. After a 10 week rearing period, growth and feed utilization were significantly lower in the fish group fed on diet 2 than in the fish group fed on diet 1. Fish groups fed on diets 3 and 4 also showed poor growth performances compared with group 1. It appears that Ca intake from seawater is not sufficient for the normal growth of tiger puffer. Furthermore, Ca in dietary TCP appeared to be unavailable to this species. Dietary TCP strongly inhibited the bone mineralization of Zn and Mn. The findings indicate that easily digestible Ca supplementation is indispensable in a diet of tiger puffer for normal growth, feed utilization and bone mineralization. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

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