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Summary Microgeographic differentiation was investigated at the phenotypic level for 10 agronomic traits between 24 pairs of adjacent populations of perennial ryegrass from Ireland. None of the univariate or multivariate statistical tests succeeded in finding any relationship between ecological characteristics of the contrasting sites and agronomic traits, which could have been interpreted as a result of directional selection.Complementary studies of isozyme loci on 12 populations indicated some genetic divergence for neutral genes in 3 out of 6 pairs. These genetically differentiated populations also differ for agronomic traits, and notably for heading date, which could lead to reproductive isolation.The possible influence of random drift, selection and reproductive isolation are discussed, as well as the consequences for collecting natural populations as genetic resources for breeding use.  相似文献   

A collection formed from 53 accessions of white clover stolonswas carried out in naturalized populations from Argentina betweenparallels 26° and 37° South latitudes and 58° to 62°West longitude. Almost half of them (43%) wereobtained from grazed sites. Collected samples were grown in the fieldat Pergamino Experimental Station and compared with a local cultivar.Attributes scored or measured were petiole length, width and lengthof central leaflet, relation width/length, height, growing habit,leaf mark, stolon thickness and density, days to flowering,cyanogenesis, seed yield and winter herbage yield. There weresignificant correlations among seven pairs of characters. Allpopulations were cyanogenic within a range from 40 to 100%.Populations from grazed sites had prostrate habit and lower canopyheight than those from non grazed sites. The collection was clusteredin seven groups. Differences among groups were attributed toagroecological differences in sites of collection. Results obtainedencouraged in Argentina further collection missions for naturalizedpopulations of white clover.  相似文献   

Summary Ryegrass shoot residues, labelled with 35S, were added to an S-deficient soil. The transfer of S to the microbial biomass, to the soil S pool extractable by NaHCO3 and to growing ryegrass when present was followed over 34 weeks. After 2 weeks 16% and 15% of the S residue was found in the biomass and in the extractable S pool, respectively. Where plants were grown, they became S-deficient (shoot S <0.2%) simultaneously with the biomass showing a marked increase in C:S ratio. This eventually reached 262 from an initial value of 59. Concurrently, the extractable S pool, which included some labile organic S, decreased to <0.2 g g–1 soil. After 34 weeks 27% of the S residue was found in the growing plant, 7% in the biomass and 2% in the extractable S pool. Some mineralization of unlabelled soil organic S was observed during the period of greatest plant growth (8–14 weeks), but not in the absence of plants. A second phase of mineralization occurred between weeks 22 and 34, concurrent with a rise in mean temperature, which was unaffected by the presence of plants or by the size of the microbial biomass. This may have been due to biochemical mineralization of ester sulphate. The amount of unlabelled soil S involved in active cycling was estimated to be 11%–13% of the total soil S.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the impact of high carbon dairy factory effluent application on the growth of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), plant nutrient uptake, soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, populations of soil-microorganisms, root colonising fungi and the microbial functional diversity. The effluent was added at rates of 0, 100,000, 200,000 and 300,000 l ha–1. These rates are equivalent to 0, × 1, × 2 and × 3 normal field application rates. The added effluent contained (g l–1), C; 19.42, total P; 0.65; S, 0.75, K; 1.33, Na; 4.55, Mg; 0.11, NH4; 0.073, total N; 0.073 and had a pH of 4.33. Replicate pots (incubated in a controlled-environment room at 20 °C, with 16 h light/8 h dark) were harvested at 32, 61, and 130 days after setting up of the experiment. In the first sampling, shoot dry matter levels declined significantly (P < 0.01) with increased effluent. By the third sampling the trend was reversed with treated pots having greater amounts of shoot dry matter. The initial depression of growth was possibly due to a combination of factors including excess levels of available carbon (C) for microbes leading to immobilisation of nutrients, particularly nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S). Shoot N and S concentrations were lower (P < 0.001) and the phosphorus concentrations were higher in effluent-treated samples. Soil microbial biomass-C (480 and 770 μg g−1 of biomass C in untreated and treated soil, respectively) and microbial-N (81 and 123 μg g–1 of microbial-N in untreated and treated soil, respectively) were significantly (P < 0.001) greater in effluent-treated pots at all times. Populations of total culturable bacteria were higher (P < 0.01) in the treated pots in the first sample (log10 populations g–1 were 7.3 in untreated pots compared to 8.0 averaged across three treatments) but there were no differences in the subsequent two samples. Effluent also increased yeast populations (log10 numbers g–1 were 0.6 in untreated pots and 3.1 in treated pots averaged across treatments and times P < 0.01) at all three sampling times. The Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index of root fungi decreased with increasing effluent application (P < 0.01) while the species richness decreased with effluent as well as with time (P < 0.1). Potential root pathogens Fusarium oxysporum, total Fusarium spp. and Pythium spp. significantly increased (P < 0.05) in treated samples but in the final sampling, Codinaea fertilis significantly (P < 0.05) decreased with effluent treatment. The microbial functional diversity pattern and the average well colour development (AWCD) in soil were significantly changed by the effluent application but effects were not detectable after 130 days.  相似文献   

A microcosm study was conducted to investigate the effect of continuons plant defoliation on the composition and activity of microbial populations in the rhizosphere of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and white clover (Trifolium repens). Continuons defoliation of ryegrass and clover resulted in sigmficant (P <0.01) increases in soil microbial biomass, although whilst increases were measured from day 2 in soil sown with clover significant increases were only seen from day 21 in soil sown with ryegrass. These increases were paralleled, from day 10 onwards, by increases in the numbers of culturable bacteria. Numbers ofPsendomonas spp. also increased in the later stages of the study. No influence on culturable fungal populations was detected. Whilst shifts in the composition of the microbial populations were measured in response to defoliation there was little effect on microbial activity. No changes in either dehydrogenase activity or microbial respiration in the rhizosphere of ryegrass or clover were measured in response to defoliation, but both dehydrogenase activity and microbial respiration were greater in ryegrass than clover when values over the whole study were combined. Continuous defoliation resulted in significant (P <0.001) reductions in the root dry weight of ryegrass and clover, of the order 19% and 16%, respectively.  相似文献   

Influence of sewage sludge and heavy metals on nematodes in an arable soil   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The abundance of nematodes was investigated in agricultural plots treated in three different ways, the first with no treatment, the second with 300 m3 ha-1 a-1 raw sewage sludge and the third with 300 m3 ha-1 a-1 sewage sludge with the addition of heavy metals. The nematodes were determined down to the genus and were assigned to five feeding groups. Total nematode numbers were highest in the site treated with sewage sludge and heavy metals. The smallest total numbers were found in the control site. The plant-feeding nematode genera showed different patterns of abundance depending on the sludge treatment and heavy metal content. For the mycophagic and bacteriophagic nematodes, numbers increased with the amount of sludge, especially in the sites with a higher heavy metal content. The family Rhabditidae was the most numerous group in the sludge plus heavy metals treatment. In contrast to these findings, the omnivorous nematodes were very rare in the sludgetreated plots and were completely absent in plots treated with sludge plus heavy metals, whereas predatory nematodes were numerous only after the application of sludge alone.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of roots on microbial growth and N immobilization was investigated in a pot experiment with barley, Italian ryegrass, and white clover. We used a silty subsoil with a low soil organic matter content (0.16%C and 0.012%N), which allowed us to measure N immobilization as an increase in total soil organic N (planted versus unplanted). At sampling, the soil was easily removed from intact roots by gentle washing, with a negligible loss of root material. Plant growth and extra mineral N (in planted soil only) gave increased total counts (fluorescence microscopy) and viable counts (plate dilution) of bacteria, a higher proportion of larger cells, and increased viable counts as a percentage of total counts. Under monocots, 12–17% of the added fertilizer N was recovered as soil organic N. Although this N immobilization was attributed to microbial assimilation, less than 1/4 was actually recovered as microbial biomass N, as measured with the chloroform fumigation/N-extraction method or calculated from total bacterial counts. The white clover accumulated substantial amounts of N due to N2 fixation. However, microbial N immobilization represented only 3% of the total N accumulation, showing that the microorganisms obtained a smaller share of biologically fixed N2 than of the N applied as fertilizer. Extra additions of mineral N (monocots) enhanced microbial N assimilation, partly due to increased plant growth. The results also strongly indicated, however, that the microbial growth under monocots was N-limited in the latter part of the experiment and that fertilizer N had a direct effect on microbial growth. In the early phase of plant growth, N immobilization ranged from 33 to 58 mg N g-1 root C. This level of immobilization required a release of organic C into the soil representing a minimum of 60–100% of that found in intact roots.  相似文献   

Mesotrione is a carotenoid biosynthesis inhibiting herbicide, which is being evaluated for use in turfgrass. Carotenoids are important light harvesting and photoprotecting pigments that dissipate and quench excess light energy. The effects of mesotrione on carotenoid concentrations in turf and weed species, such as perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), are poorly understood. Mesotrione injury to perennial ryegrass has been reported, and symptomology may differ due to postapplication environmental factors such as irradiance and temperature. Research was conducted to investigate the effects of mesotrione on perennial ryegrass under varying irradiance (600, 1100, or 1600 micromol/m (2)/s) at three different temperatures (18, 26, and 34 degrees C). Postapplication irradiance and temperature levels did not affect visual injury symptoms in perennial ryegrass. Bleaching of treated plants was highest 7 days after treatment (DAT; 8%) and recovered to nontreated levels by 21 DAT. Mesotrione applications did not decrease perennial ryegrass foliar biomass accumulations. Carotenoid concentrations of nontreated plants were similar to those reported in creeping bentgrass and many green leafy vegetable crops. However, chlorophyll a and b, beta-carotene, lutein, and violaxanthin concentrations decreased due to mesotrione applications, while phytoene and zeaxanthin, a photoprotecting carotenoid, increased. The photochemical efficiency (F v/ F m) of treated plants was lower than nontreated plants at 3 and 7 DAT; however, treated plants recovered to nontreated levels 21 DAT. Results indicate that postapplication irradiance and temperature levels may not affect mesotrione efficacy in perennial ryegrass. Preferential accumulation of zeaxanthin following mesotrione applications may be a stress-related response, which may reduce light harvesting complex size and directly quench excess light energy.  相似文献   

Summary Rye-grass (Lolium perenne) is known to be a strong competitor to red clover (Trifolium pratense) for soil K+ under conditions of low K availability in the soil. The objective of this study was to clarify whether this competitive behaviour of the two species can be explained by root morphology. Total K+ uptake ofL. perenne andT. pratense was studied under field conditions in relation to root fresh weight, root density, root cation exchange capacity, root surface and root length. The soil was an Alfisol, Udalf. All root parameters, when calculated per unit soil surface (M2), were higher inL. perenne than inT. pratense. In addition,L. perenne had longer root hairs and a denser root hair system thanT. pratense. The greatest difference in root morphology between species was root length, withL. perenne roots averaging 4–6 times longer than those ofT. pratense.Significant correlations were found between the total K+ uptake and all root parameters examined, with highest correlationsforroot fresh weight (r,0.92***T. pratense; 0.94***L. perenne) and root length (r, 0.91***T. pratense;r, 0.93***L. perenne). Potassium uptake per unit root fresh weight, root surface and root length were all significantly higher forT. pratense than for L. perenne. Differences in the rate of K+ uptake between species were particularly high when expressed per unit root length. Because of its greater root length and surface area,L. perenne can take up more soil K+ thanT. pratense, particularly where there is a low K supply in the soil. Under such conditionsL. perenne will be a particularly strong competitor toT. pratense.  相似文献   

Abstract. Correlation analysis was used to determine the main factors related to soil pH and to yield of white clover in a range of hill soils. Results for 109 Northern Ireland pasture soils showed that pH (H2O) was significantly correlated with exchangeable Ca, total exchangeable bases, base saturation, P, exchangeable Al and Al saturation, but not with exchangeable Mn. Clover yield (dry weight of shoots) in 12 acid soils from Northern Ireland, Scotland and the Falkland Islands was significantly correlated with exchangeable Ca, total exchangeable bases and Al saturation. The results support the use of Al saturation rather than exchangeable Al, soil solution Al or pH when calculating lime requirements to overcome these limiting factors in hill soils.  相似文献   

Summary Chickpea cultivars (Cicer arietinum L.) and their symbiosis with specific strains of Rhizobium spp. were examined under salt stress. The growth of rhizobia declined with NaCl concentrations increasing from 0.01 to 2% (w : v). Two Rhizobium spp. strains (F-75 and KG 31) tolerated 1.5% NaCl. Of the 10 chickpea cultivars examined, only three (Pusa 312, Pusa 212, and Pusa 240) germinated at 1.5% NaCl. The chickpea — Rhizobium spp. symbiosis was examined in the field, with soil varying in salinity from electrical conductivity (EC) 4.5 to EC 5.2 dSm-1, to identify combinations giving satisfactory yields. Significant interactions between strains and cultivars caused differential yields of nodules, dry matter, and grain. Four chickpea — Rhizobium spp. combinations, Pusa 240 and F-75 (660 kg ha-1), Pusa 240 and IC 76 (440 kg ha-1), Pusa 240 and KG 31 (390 kg ha-1), and Pusa 312 and KG 31 (380 kg ha-1), produced significantly higher grain yields in saline soil.  相似文献   


Water-soluble carbohydrates and fibre fractions are important traits that influence forage utilization by the ruminant. Little is known about the quality variation among perennial ryegrass genotypes within the same maturity group or between near-isogenic diploids and tetraploids. The current study was carried out in the form of two experiments on two successive years (2006–2007) in three sites in Northern Germany. The main aim was to investigate the variation in nutritive value that could be attributed to differences in maturity among 20 intermediate heading perennial ryegrass genotypes or to differences in ploidy between near-isogenic diploids and tetraploids. Results of the first experiment revealed significant variation among the 20 tested genotypes in the investigated quality parameters that were consistent with the discovered variation in the maturity of the genotypes determined in terms of their Mean Stage by Count (MSC). In the second experiment, few but consistent significant differences were detected between near-isogenic diploids and tetraploids. The tetraploid derivatives had always significantly higher water-soluble carbohydrate content and lower neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) than their near-isogenic diploid parents.  相似文献   

Seed crops of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) are usually established with a cover crop. Provided sufficient light, white clover may compensate for low plant density by stoloniferous growth. Our objectives were (1) to compare spring barley or spring wheat used as cover crops for white clover and (2) to find the optimal seeding rate/row distance for white clover. Seven field trials were conducted in Southeast Norway from 2000 to 2003. Barley was seeded at 360 and 240 seeds m?2 and wheat at 525 and 350 seeds m?2. White clover was seeded perpendicularly to the cover crop at 400 seeds m?2/13 cm row distance or 200 seeds m?2/26 cm. Results showed that light penetration in spring and early summer was better in wheat than in barley. On average for seven trials, this resulted in 11% higher seed yield after establishment in wheat than in barley. The 33% reduction in cover crop seeding rate had no effect on white clover seed yield for any of the cover crops. Reducing the seeding rate/doubling the row distance of white clover had no effect on seed yield but resulted in slightly earlier maturation of the seed crop.  相似文献   

Enzymatic survey of eight loci in 22 populations of Trifolium fragiferum L. sampled in three regions in Poland showed regional differences with regard to five genetic parameters describing genetic polymorphism and variability. Differences were attributed to the following climatic variables: annual precipitation, temperature and solar radiation. Continental climatic conditions were favorable for accumulation of genetic polymorphism and variability. Vegetative reproduction versus sexual reproduction had a higher incidence rate under milder climatic conditions. This former mode of reproduction also affected patterns of distribution of variation within regions, by reducing the intra-populational component of total variability.  相似文献   

Summary There was no correlation between the quantity of exopolysaccharide produced and acetylene reduction activity by Rhizobium spp. or by Bradyrhizobium spp. (Cajanus). The exopolysaccharide-defective mutants of Rhizobium sp. strain P 116 either failed to nodulate or showed a decrease in effectiveness. The deficiency in exopolysaccharide production was corrected by the addition of purified exopolysaccharide from the parent strain, or from Bradyrhizobium sp. strain P 149 or S24 isolated from pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) and mungbean (Vigna radiata), respectively. However, the nodules so formed were not fully effective compared to those formed by the parent strain.  相似文献   

Summary In the 25-year-old vineyard of a farm near the Maremma National Park (Central Italy), replicate plots were established with a mulch of Trifolium subterraneum L. or cultivation and two levels of fertilizer. The mai objective of this research was to analyse responses by soil invertebrates and nutrients after introducing a herbaceous component into the system; the yield was also considered. The greater availability of organic substrate and the reduced cultivation as a result of green mulching increased the soil mesofauna biomass, especially detritivores. With time, a significant difference became evident between the populations of invertebrates present in the mulched plots and those in the cultivated plots. Over 2 years, most nutrients (Ca, K, P, and N) were significantly increased in the mulched plots compared to the cultivated plots. Grape yields were consistently higher in the bare plots. No significant differences were found in fertilizer effects.  相似文献   

Summary A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the comparative efficiency of urea as an N fertilizer with and without the addition of different urease inhibitors. Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was used as the test plant and the N balance technique with 15N was applied. Three urease inhibitors, hydroquinone, phenyl phosphorodiamidate (PPDA), and N-(n-butyl) phosphorothioic triamide (NBPT), were evaluated for their effects on urea-N uptake as well as on grass yield. The addition of urease inhibitors, except for hydroquinone in the later growth period, did not significantly influence the dry matter weight. Throughout the whole growth period, only NBPT significantly increased the total urea-N uptake. In the uninhibited system, the major fertilizer N loss occurred during the first period of grass growth, presumably via NH3 volatilization, since the environment did not favour the other pathways of N loss. However, an appreciable amount of urea N was lost during the later growth period in all inhibited systems, especially in the hydroquinone-treated system. This indicates that the application of urease inhibitors could not eliminate the urea N loss. The greater N loss in the hydroquinone-treated soil appears to be related to the inhibition by hydroquinone of nitrification.  相似文献   

An incubation study with fresh, frozen, and dried clover and rye-grass shoots gathered in autumn was performed in the laboratory (43 days). The aim was to study inorganic and organic phosphorus (P) release from plant material during decomposition without soil. Plant materials (2?cm size) were mixed with small glass beads and placed in large syringes for consecutive water extractions on 7 occasions. Leachates were analysed for inorganic and total P. At the first leaching event, 8% of total crop P was released from fresh, 24% from frozen and 27% from dried plant material. During decomposition, both inorganic and organic P was released following first order kinetics, with grass releasing mostly inorganic P and clover mostly organic P. After 43 days, 42%–50% of total crop P from fresh, 49%–51% from frozen and 57%–69% from dried material was released, with significant differences between treatments. Using the results in calculations on field scale showed that P released from overwintering crops under cold climate conditions can amount to several kg P ha?1. Thus, senescence of overwintering aboveground biomass can be a significant source for P leaching from soils.  相似文献   

Summary Fifty-six isolates of Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium spp. (Cajanus) were studied for their plasmid profile and N2-fixation efficacy. One to three plasmids were reproducibly detected in all the Rhizobium spp. strains but no plasmid was detected in the Bradyrhizobium spp. strains. Rhizobium sp. strain P-1 was mutagenized by Tn5 and three nod and six nod+fix were screened for symbiotic parameters. Neomycin-sensitive mutants were isolated by elevated temperatrue (40°C) from tranconjugants carrying Tn5 insertions. The high temperature cured these mutants from the single large plasmid present in the parent strain P-1. All these cured mutants were nod, indicating that the genes for nodulation were present on this plasmid, which is readily cured at a high temperature (40°C). The high temperature in the semi-arid zones of Haryana could be responsible for the low nodulation of pigeonpea because the plasmid carrying the nodulation genes is cured at 40°–45°C giving rise to non-nodulating mutants.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to study the effect of white clover (var. Milka and Donna), red clover (var. Fanny) and ryegrass (var. Tove) undersown in winter wheat on a succeeding oat crop. Under the climatic conditions prevailing in Sweden, growing a catch crop after winter cereals is of particular interest because the latter are usually followed by a spring sown crop, leaving the ground bare during autumn and winter. Field trials were carried out during three growing seasons in an integrated farming system and for one year in an organic farming system. Competition from the dense wheat crop in the integrated farming system had a negative effect on the undersown species, and at harvest of the wheat they showed quite poor growth in all three years, with nitrogen contents under 5 kg ha?1. No significant yield increase was measured without added nitrogen when the averages for all three years were calculated. On average, the grain yields were improved by 750 kg ha?1 (14% moisture content) for the treatments with undersown clover for all three years when 90 kg N ha?1 were added. The experiment within the organic system showed a different pattern with a better development of the undersown clover species, with nitrogen contents approximately 25 kg ha?1 and an improvement in oat grain yield, from around 2?000 kg ha?1 for the control to almost 3?500 kg ha?1 with clover undersown the previous year.  相似文献   

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