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Five dogs of varying breeds and ages were presented for evaluation of medial patellar luxation that was unresponsive to conservative treatment. Arthroscopy of each affected stifle was performed, and adequacy of the femoral trochlea and patellar tracking in the trochlea were assessed. Medial femoropatellar ligament release was then performed using a bipolar radiofrequency electrosurgical system with or without a tibial tuberosity transposition. The procedure resulted in good to excellent outcomes for four dogs and a fair outcome for a fifth dog.  相似文献   

在禁毒人民战争中,公安边防部队全面出击,公开查缉与设伏堵卡双管齐下,缉毒工作取得辉煌的战果。在这场正义与邪恶的较量中,警犬,这支特殊的查缉力量脱颖而出,在缉毒战场的前沿阵地,一个个狡猾的毒贩在警犬灵敏的嗅觉下原形毕露,一起起大案、要案成功告破。警犬,就像一把高举的  相似文献   

A 2-year-old Thoroughbred colt was referred for evaluation of effusion within the tarsal sheath and associated lameness of the right hind limb. Conservative treatment consisting of needle aspiration and pressure bandaging had been unsuccessful. Radiography of the right tarsus revealed proliferative periosteal reaction along the distal caudal border of the sustentaculum tali and medial aspect of the calcaneus. The owners elected conservative treatment, using a local injection of corticosteroid and pressure bandaging the tarsus. Five months later, the severity of the effusion and lameness had increased. Radiography revealed increased reactive bone along the sustentaculum tali and mineralization of the plantar tarsal ligament and tarsal sheath. Surgical exploration revealed fibrous adhesions between the medial aspect of the calcaneus and the flexor tendon and associated soft tissue mineralization. The adhesions were broken down and the reactive bone along the calcaneus was removed. The mineralized soft tissue within the tarsal sheath was excised. Five months after surgery, the horse was sound at the trot, with only minimal tarsal sheath effusion. The response to treatment for tarsal sheath effusion and lameness caused by bony changes of the sustentaculum tali is often unsatisfactory. After responding poorly to conservative treatment, the horse in this report had a favorable outcome to the surgical intervention of this condition.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of medial meniscal release (MMR) and medial, caudal pole hemimeniscectomy (MCH) on pressure distribution in the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) deficient canine stifle, and with tibial plateau levelling osteotomy (TPLO). ANIMALS: Twelve adult dogs. METHODS: In experiment one, six pairs of cadaveric canine stifles with an intact CCL were axially loaded with a servo-hydraulic material testing machine and pressure distributions were mapped and quantified using pressure sensitive films. Axial loading of each joint was then repeated following MMR, and again after MCH. In experiment two, six pairs of cadaveric canine stifles with or without TPLO were tested before and after CCL transection, and each MMR and MCH procedure using the same methods of experiment 1. RESULTS: In experiment one, MMR and MCH had significant effects on the pressure distribution resulting in a 2.5-fold increase in the percentage of surface area with pressure higher than 10 MPa. In experiment two, CCL transection resulted in a significant change in pressure distribution only in the stifle without TPLO (P<0.05). Both MMR and MCH resulted in a 1.7-fold increase in the percentage of area with peak pressure in the stifle with TPLO (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Meniscal surgery results in a change in pressure distribution and magnitude within the medial compartment of the stifle. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Compromised function of the meniscus by either MMR or MCH result in stress concentration which may predispose to osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

波德代公羊繁殖性能的季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以从新西兰首次引入的波德代成年公羊为研究对象,对其繁殖性能进行了为期一年的试验研究。结果表明,波德代羊射精量(mL)在11月份最高(1.81),5月份最低(1.29);秋季低(1.41),冬季高(1.61)。原精活率最低值和最高值分别出现在5月份(0.70)和1月份(0.79),夏季较低(0.70),冬季较高(0.77);最低、最高原精密度(亿个/mL)分别在5月份(27.20)和3月份(42.60);冬季密度高(40.37),夏季密度低(35.57)。畸形率在10月份最低(8.94%),5月份最高(18.05%);春季高(14.99%),秋季低(10.46%)。冻精解冻活率最高值都在9月份,最低值在5月份。春季制作的冻精解冻活率低,秋季制作的冻精解冻活率则较高;性反应时间最高值都出现在春季。精清中睾酮含量(pg/mL)最高、最低值分别在8月份(2217.7)和10月份(331.2);夏季低(451.6),冬季高(1510.3)。  相似文献   

边界病(border disease,BD)是由边界病毒(BDV)引起绵羊和山羊的一种病毒性疾病,临床症状表现为母羊不孕、流产和死胎,以及羔羊体型异常,多毛,震颤,因此又称"多毛震颤病","茸毛症".该病的主要传播途径是垂直传播,持续性感染的羔羊是该疾病在绵羊中传播的潜在主要传染源.山羊相对绵羊感染症状相对较轻,主要表...  相似文献   

An 8-year-old Dutch warmblood gelding was presented with a mechanical lameness (2/10) because of the presence of a soft tissue injury on the top of the right tuber calcanei. Plain radiographs of the tarsus demonstrated the presence of soft tissue swelling caudal to the right tuber calcanei, without osseous involvement, and ultrasonography revealed excessive scar tissue within and around the superficial digital flexor tendon. Extra-corporeal shock wave therapy was applied on the right hock to decrease the amount of scar tissue. One month after the therapy the lameness was greater (3/10) and a marginal increase in the size of the swelling was found. Periosteal new bone formation associated with an ill-defined radiolucent area and two bony fragments were detected radiographically at the caudo-proximal aspect of the right tuber calcanei. A blister containing oil of croton, camphor, pine and thyme, turpentine and cantharides was applied on the right calcaneus. Twenty days after blister application, the size of the swelling had been reduced by 50% and the degree of lameness had also been decreased (1/10). On clinical re-evaluation 6 months after treatment, the degree of lameness was stable (1/10) and flexion test of the limb was negative.  相似文献   

Fracture of the plantar process of the central tarsal bone together with a dorsomedial displacement of the body of the bone was seen in six border collies. All injuries occurred during free exercise, with no extrinsic trauma. Three dogs had concomitant tarsal fractures. Primary treatment was by lag screwing the central tarsal bone to the fourth tarsal bone. All cases eventually made an excellent recovery. The superficial radiographic appearance was of a luxation of the bone as reported in a previous series, but appraisal of the radiographs showed evidence of fracture in all cases. A cadaver study to assess the mechanism of luxation showed that it is unlikely to occur naturally.  相似文献   

Medical records of 28 horses with osteomyelitis of the calcaneus were reviewed to evaluate signalment, history, diagnostic and treatment methods, outcome, and long-term follow-up information. Trauma was the most commonly reported cause (24). Physical examination revealed lameness in 27 horses, and 22 (79%) had a wound or draining tract over the plantar aspect of the calcaneus. Radiography of all horses was done prior to the initiation of treatment, and follow-up radiography was done on 20 horses. The most common radiographic findings were soft tissue swelling (25), bony lysis of the calcaneus (17), bone fragments or sequestra from the tuber calcis (13), and periosteal new bone production or bony lysis of the sustentaculum tali (5). Association could not be found between initial radiographic findings and eventual outcome of the case. Positive bacterial cultures were obtained from 13 horses. A wide variety of gram-positive, gram-negative, and anaerobic organisms were isolated. Fourteen of the 15 isolates, for which susceptibilities were reported, were susceptible to penicillin, gentamicin, or trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole. Twenty-six of the 28 horses diagnosed as having osteomyelitis of the calcaneus were treated; 16 horses were treated with surgical debridement in addition to antimicrobial treatment, and 10 horses were treated with antimicrobial agents, anti-inflammatory drugs, or supportive wound care. There was no significant difference in survival rate of horses treated surgically and those treated conservatively. Six horses that were treated were later euthanatized for problems associated with chronic osteomyelitis, and 2 horses died or were euthanatized for unrelated problems. Eighteen horses (64%) were alive at last follow-up.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Avulsion of the medial epicondyle of the humerus is described in five dogs. In four cases the injury followed recent trauma while in the other, it appeared as a chronic problem.  相似文献   

Cryostat sections of lambs with Border disease (BD) were stained with the direct fluorescent antibody technique and examined by fluorescent microscopy. In young lambs fluorescence was observed in almost every organ, demonstrating a generalised infection with BD-virus. Although the number of fluorescing tissues decreased with age, fluorescence was still present in a lamb examined at 22 weeks of age. BD-virus was isolated in tissue culture from six out of seven lambs and was shown to persist for as long as five months.  相似文献   

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