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The results of soil studies performed in 2005–2009 at the first experimental plot of the Arshan’-Zelmen Research Station of the Institute of Forest Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences are discussed. The post-reclamation state (about 55 years after reclamation) of the soils under forest shelterbelts and adjacent croplands in the rainfed agriculture was studied. The long-term efficiency of forest reclamation and crop-growing technologies developed in the 1950s by the Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute and the Institute of Forest to reclaim strongly saline solonetzic soils was proved. In 55 years, strongly saline sodic solonetzes with sulfate-chloride and chloride-sulfate composition of salts were replaced by agrogenic soils with new properties. Under forest shelterbelts, where deep (40–60 cm) plowing was performed, the soils were transformed into slightly saline solonetzic agrozems with slight soda salinization in the upper meter and with dealkalized plowed and turbated horizons (0–20(40) cm). Under the adjacent cropland subjected to the influence of the shelterbelts on the soil water regime, strongly saline solonetzes were transformed into solonchakous agrosolonetzes with slight soda salinization in the upper 50 cm. In the plow layer, the content of exchangeable sodium decreased to 4–12% of the sum of exchangeable cations. An increased alkalinity and the presence of soda were found in the middle-profile horizons of the anthropogenically transformed soils.  相似文献   

The study of post-irrigated and virgin soils at the Kislovsk irrigation system has shown that the salt regime of the post-irrigated soils is determined by the (1) depth and salinity of the groundwater, (2) the litho-logical structure of the soil and subsoil, (3) the local microtopography, (4) the presence or absence of a solonetzic horizon in the post-irrigated solonetzes, and (5) the portion of solonetzes in the soil cover. The post-irrigated soil complexes on the Privolzhsk sand ridge with a groundwater depth of more than 4 m do not undergo secondary salinization. At the groundwater depth of 2.0–2.6 m, post-irrigated meadow-chestnut soils remain nonsaline, chestnut soils and solonetzes with an artificially destroyed (due to deep tillage) solonetzic horizon undergo desalinization, and solonetzes with a preserved solonetzic horizon undergo salinization in the subsolonetzic layers. The post-irrigated soils of the Khvalyn undrained sea plain used for rainfed farming have become saline in the deep part of the profile, and their plow layers remain nonsaline.  相似文献   

Unique experiments performed since the 1950s at the Arshan’-Zel’men Experimental Station have formed the basis for afforestation in the dry steppe and semidesert zone without irrigation on the salt-affected soils of solonetzic soil complexes of the Ergeni Upland. Ameliorative measures favored the accumulation of productive moisture in the upper 2-m-thick soil layer, which ensured the growth of trees and the partial leaching of soluble salts to a depth of 1–1.4 m. However, no complete desalinization of the soil profiles took place. The degree of removal of exchangeable sodium from the exchange complex (soil dealkalization) was smaller. The monitoring of changes in the salt status of the soils upon agroforest reclamation was performed until the early 1980s. Our investigations of 2005–2006 showed that the soil amelioration is still in progress: the salt maximum in the profile of the solonetzes descended to a depth of 2.2 m, and the exchangeable sodium was lost from the plow layer (0–40 cm). Plowed soils between forest shelterbelts were also subjected to desalinization and dealkalization of their soil profile, though less intensely than those under the shelterbelts.  相似文献   

The effect of digging activity of little souslik (Spermophilus pygmaeus Pall.) on the microtopography and soils was studied in the areas with shallow saline groundwater developing under continental conditions for 10.5–12.7 ka. The portion of microtopographic features related to the digging activity was quantified. It was found that the micromounds formed by sousliks appear on recently dried surfaces with shallow saline groundwater. However, their portion in this case is less than 3% because of the poor vegetation and shallow groundwater. Then, with the lowering of the base of erosion and aging of the territory, the zoogenic effect becomes more pronounced. On the first terrace of Khaki Sor (salt lake), the digging activity of sousliks creates the initial heterogeneity of soils and vegetation. The soil cover is composed of the virgin quasigleyed solonchakous solonetzes under the Atriplex-Artemisia santonica association (Gypsic Salic Solonetz (Albic, Ruptic, Oxiaquic, Siltic)) and of the zooturbated solonetzes under the Artemisia santonica-A. lerchiana association (Endosalic Hypogypsic Gypsisol (Sodic, Siltic, Novic)). A comparative analysis of morphology and some chemical properties of virgin and zooturbated soils is given. The soils of souslik-made mounds are strongly mixed, and the structure of their horizons is completely disturbed. They are characterized by an increased total content of salts mainly due to gypsum accumulation. At the same time, the content of toxic salts in the soil profile remains rather high because of their ascending migration from the strongly saline groundwater. On the first terrace, the process of zoogenic amelioration of solonetzes by sousliks is limited and does not affect deep soil layers.  相似文献   

滨海盐碱地是滨海地区重要的土地资源,随着滨海地区城镇化进程及生态文明建设的发展,迫切需要低成本、快速、可持续的滨海盐碱地原土植被构建技术。针对滨海盐碱地原土建植与咸水/微咸水资源的利用,该研究以月季(Rosa chinensis)为例,采用微咸水滴灌技术进行滨海盐碱地水盐调控植被构建。试验在渤海湾曹妃甸区吹沙造田形成的典型沙质滨海盐渍土上进行,设计了灌溉水电导率(ECiw)为0.8、3.1、4.7、6.3、7.8 dS/m的5个处理,研究滴灌水盐调控对土壤盐分淋洗及月季根系生长和分布特征的影响。结果表明:在渤海湾滨海地区气候条件下,先进行淡水滴灌盐分强化淋洗和缓苗灌溉,随后采用7.8 dS/m的微咸水滴灌,0~100 cm土层土壤盐分得到了有效的淋洗,尤其是根层0~40 cm土壤盐分经过一个月左右,由初始28.33 dS/m降低到均小于4 dS/m,一个低盐适生的土壤环境得到快速营造;随着ECiw的增加,0~40 cm土层土壤最终趋于稳定的盐分呈增加趋势,土壤脱盐过程可以被logistic方程描述,脱盐过程可划分为快速脱盐、缓慢脱盐和盐分趋于稳定3个阶段;94%以上的月季根系主要分布在0~20cm的表层土壤中,随着ECiw的增加,根系生物量显著降低,根系受盐分胁迫生理干旱影响向土壤深处生长以扩大水分空间。研究认为,采用短期淡水滴灌盐分强化淋洗和缓苗淡水滴灌、随后进行微咸水滴灌的方法,可以实现土壤盐分的快速淋洗并维持在较低水平,但受盐分对根系生长的影响会作用于植物地上部分生长及植物存活,因此需要结合植物耐盐性及生产目标(产量、景观)确定适宜灌溉水矿化度阈值。  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of saline soils under vineyards in the south of Taman Peninsular is discussed. The Paleogene–Neogene clays of the Komendantskaya Mount serve as the source of salts. Vineyards were planted on an inclined plain at the foot of this mount. At present, their state on salt-affected soils worsens. In the upper part of the plain, solonchakous or deep-solonchakous slightly saline and nonsaline (within the upper 2 m) dark quasigley vertic soils (Vertisols) are formed. The salts are of the sulfate–sodium composition. Their vertical distribution has an eluvial pattern with a quick rise in the salt content from the surface layer to the depth of 50–100 cm and with a gradual increase in the salt content in the deeper layers. The absence of chlorides in the soils of flat areas within the slope attests to the predominance of lateral leaching of salts down the slope over their vertical leaching in the soil profiles. In the lower part of the slope, soil salinization mainly takes place in the hollow crossing the plain and the vineyard from the north to the south. In the middle part of the slope, nonsaline (to a depth of 2 m) agrohumus quasigley soils (Haplic Chernozems (Clayic, Aric, Stagnic)) are formed. Slight chloride–sulfate sodium salinization is only seen in the soils of the hollow, which contain fine-crystalline gypsum in the solid phase and display the accumulation of sodium chlorides in the middle part of the soil profile (in the 60–150-cm-thick layer). Heavy loamy agrochernozems with migrational and segregational forms of carbonates (Haplic Chernozems (Loamic, Aric, Pachic) are developed in the lower part of the slope; they are nonsaline to the depth of 2.5 m. In the area of transition from the humusquasigley soils to chernozems, specific horizons are formed in the hollow at the depth of more than 250 cm. Their soil solutions contain sodium, calcium, and magnesium chlorides against the background of the presence of fine-crystalline gypsum in the solid phase, which is typical of secondary salinization.  相似文献   

微咸水灌溉条件下含黏土夹层土壤的水盐运移规律   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
黏土夹层影响着土壤水盐运移及分布,为了研究在含黏土夹层的土壤中进行微咸水灌溉时土壤的水盐运移规律,进行了春小麦微咸水灌溉大田试验,并在此基础上运用数值模型对土壤盐分累积趋势进行了模拟预测。结果表明,黏土夹层对土壤水盐运移具有显著的阻碍作用,黏土夹层以上土壤平均含水量、含盐量呈随灌溉水矿化度增大而增加的趋势,黏土夹层以下各处理土壤水盐分布几乎不受微咸水灌溉的影响;大定额冬溉洗盐后,各处理0~70 cm土层最大积盐率仍高达65.7%,部分盐分滞留在黏土夹层以上;土壤盐分分布预测结果表明,微咸水连续灌溉5 a后,灌溉水矿化度为4和5 g/L的处理土壤盐渍化倾向明显,不宜在含黏土夹层地区长期使用矿化度>3 g/L的微咸水进行灌溉,否则将对土壤环境产生严重危害。  相似文献   

The initial stage of the development of the complex soil cover pattern in the Caspian Lowland was studied. The obtained data made it possible to reveal the specific features of the morphological and chemical properties of the soils on terraces of the Khaki playa and the role of burrowing animals in the formation of the microtopography and complex soil cover patterns on the youngest surfaces. The soil cover of the studied area consists of three-component complexes: light-humus quasi-gley solonetzes on relatively flat background surfaces, zooturbated solonetzes on microhighs, and humus quasi-gley soils in microlows. The layered deposits of the Khaki playa terraces and the shallow depth of the saline groundwater are responsible for the specificity of the modern salinization of the studied solonetzes. The distribution of the salts in their profiles has a sawshaped patter, which is related to the nonuniform texture of the deposits. On the microhighs composed of the earth extracted from 5- to 7-year-old suslik burrows, specific zooturbated solonetzes are formed. The known age of these formations makes it possible to determine the rate of the desalinization of the gypsum- and salt-bearing material extracted onto the soil surface and the rate of the salt accumulation in the lower part of the solonetzic horizon and in the subsolonetzic horizons in comparison with the data on the solonetzes of the background flat surfaces. The specific features of the soils in the closed microlows suggest that these soils have a polygenetic origin. The features of the recent hydromorphism predetermine the specificity of their morphology.  相似文献   

Soil salinization arises due to the build up of soluble salts at or near the soil surface. Salts accumulate by primary and secondary processes that alter the soils physicochemical properties and lead to direct and indirect soil degradation. Results are presented here from the study of three contrasting salt‐affected landscapes. The Chott el Fedjadj, Tunisia, is a naturally salt‐affected basin containing saline sediments deposited during a marine incursion. The endoreic conditions lead to salt recirculation, concentration and reprecipitation. In the Guadalentin Valley, Spain, increased irrigated agriculture has led to aquifer overexploitation releasing gas and salts. Irrigating with the resultant contaminated groundwater has induced soil salinization. The salt accumulation and translocation is dictated predominantly by irrigation method, water quality and quantity. Hungary has the largest expanse of naturally salt‐affected soil in Europe, with the dominant soil type being solonetz. In Hungary the type of salt‐affected soil development is related to the salts present, hydraulic properties of the soil and depth and quality of the watertable. In Tunisia a catenary relationship of increased water and soil salinity towards the centre of the chott is found, whereas in Spain the highest salinities were found under flood irrigation with the valley displaying a complex spatial distribution of soil salinity. The sediment distribution in Hungary dictates that solonchak soils are found mostly in the Danube–Tisza interfluve and solonetz soils in the Tisza floodplain, with localized variations in soil type related to watertable characteristics. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A digital version of the map of salt-affected soils on a scale of 1 : 2.5 M has been used to calculate the areas of these soils in the four federal okrugs (the Southern, Central, Volga, and Northwestern) of European Russia. The total area of soils with soluble salts in the upper meter reaches 23.3 million ha. More than half of them are solonchakous soils (with soluble salts in the layer deeper than 30 cm), and about 25% are saline from the surface. Soils of sulfate and chloride-sulfate salinization predominate (>50% of the area of salt-affected soils). Alkaline soda-saline soils and soils with the participation of soda comprise about 6%. We consider this value to be underestimated and requiring refinement, because soils of solonetzic complexes with neutral salts in the upper horizons may also contain soda in the solonetzic and subsolonetzic horizons, which was not always taken into consideration upon assessing the chemical composition of the salts. Solonetzes proper and solonetzic soils predominate among the salt-affected soils in the European part of Russia. The area of solonetzes is up to 9.4 million ha. The area of solonetzic soils (including solonetzic soils with salts in the layers of 0–100 and/or 100–200 cm) is 15.5 million ha. The highest percentage (32.2%) of salt-affected soils is in the Southern federal okrug.  相似文献   

封丘县土壤盐分的演变特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李开丽  陈杰  檀满枝  密术晓 《土壤》2010,42(6):966-971
世界上影响灌溉农业最大的问题是盐渍化问题。中国是受土壤盐渍化影响的大国。盐碱化曾是限制封丘县农业生产的四大自然灾害之一。本文基于40个土壤剖面数据,结合第二次土壤普查的盐土数据,对封丘县的土壤盐分的时空特征进行了系统研究。结果表明:27年来封丘县土壤盐分含量大幅下降,盐碱土作为土壤发生类型只存在于极个别微域景观;土壤含盐量较高的区域集中分布在东南部,与地下水埋深趋势相吻合,但只有东南角部分地区含盐量超过0.293dS/m为盐化土。地下水位下降是土壤盐分降低的主要原因。盐分聚集在40cm以下,并未脱离土体。封丘县存在土壤盐碱化的自然条件,一旦水文地质条件发生变化,土壤盐渍化仍然可能发生。  相似文献   

Soil salinity and hydrologic datasets were assembled to analyze the spatio-temporal variability of salinization in Fengqiu County, Henan Province, China, in the alluvial plain of the lower reaches of the Yellow River. The saline soil and groundwater depth data of the county in 1981 were obtained to serve as a historical reference. Electrical conductivity (EC) of 293 surface soil samples taken from 2 km × 2 km grids in 2007 and 40 soil profiles acquired in 2008 was analyzed and used for comparative mapping. Ordinary kriging was applied to predict EC at unobserved locations to derive the horizontal and vertical distribution patterns and variation of soil salinity. Groundwater table data from 22 observation wells in 2008 were collected and used as input for regression kriging to predict the maximum groundwater depth of the county in 2008. Changes in the groundwater level of Fengqiu County in 27 years from 1981 to 2008 was calculated. Two quantitative criteria, the mean error or bias (ME) and the mean squared error (MSE), were computed to assess the estimation accuracy of the kriging predictions. The results demonstrated that the soil salinity in the upper soil layers decreased dramatically and the taxonomically defined saline soils were present only in a few micro-landscapes after 27 years. Presently, the soils with relatively elevated salt content were mainly distributed in depressions along the Yellow River bed. The reduction in surface soil salinity corresponded to the locations with deepened maximum groundwater depth. It could be concluded that groundwater table recession allowed water to move deeper into the soil profile, transporting salts with it, and thus played an important role in reducing soil salinity in this region. Accumulation of salts in the soil profiles at various depths below the surface indicated that secondary soil salinization would occur when the groundwater was not controlled at a safe depth.  相似文献   

A comparative assessment of pedogenetic processes in solonetzes (Calcic Gypsic Salic Solonetzes (Siltic, Albic, Cutanic, Differentic)) developing on terraces of lake depressions within the Volga–Ural interfluve of the Caspian Lowland has been performed on the basis of data on their macro- and micromorphological features and chemical, physicochemical, and physical properties. The studied soils have number of common characteristics shaped by the humus-accumulative, solonetzic, eluvial–illuvial, calcification, and gypsification processes. However, it is shown that macro- and micromorphological indicators of solonetzic processes (the development of clay–humus coatings and the character of structural units in the solonetzic (B) horizon) do not always agree with the modern physicochemical conditions of the development of this process. This is explained by differences in the degree and chemistry of the soil salinization and the depth and salinity of the groundwater. Solonetzes developing on the second terrace of Playa Khaki are distinguished by the highest water content and maximum thickness of the horizons depleted of soluble salts. They are characterized by the well-pronounced humus-accumulative process leading to the development of the light-humus (AJ) horizon. In other solonetzes, the accumulation of humus is weaker, and their topsoil part can be diagnosed as the solonetzic-eluvial (SEL) horizon. Active solodic process and illuviation of organomineral substances with the development of thick coatings and infillings in the B horizon are also typical of solonetzes on the second terrace of Playa Khaki. Micromorphological data indicate that, at present, layered clayey coatings in these soils are subjected to destruction and in situ humification owing to the active penetration of plant roots into the coatings with their further biogenic processing by the soil microfauna. The process of gleyzation (as judged from the number of Fe–Mn concentrations) is most active in solonetzes developing on the first terrace of Playa Khaki. These soils are also characterized by the highest degree of salinization with participation of toxic salts. The maximum accumulation of gypsum is typical of the heavy-textured horizons.  相似文献   

The relationships between soil salinization and the zonal and provincial bioclimatic conditions, the lithological composition of the sediments, and the geomorphic features of the territory have been analyzed for the Southern federal okrug of Russia. It is shown that the lithological and geomorphic conditions (relief, salinity of parent materials, degree of drainage, and the depth of saline groundwater) play an important role in the distribution of salt-affected soils against the background of the more general regularities specified by the climate. The participation of salt-affected soils in the soil cover of the Southern federal okrug increases in the eastward direction from the forest-steppe zone to the semidesert zone in agreement with an increase in the aridity and continentality of the climate. The chemical composition of soil salts also changes: the sulfate and soda-sulfate types predominate in the forest-steppe zone; the sulfate type or the sulfate type with the participation of soda, in the steppe zone; the sulfate-chloride type, in the dry steppe zone; and the chloride type, in the semidesert zone. The lithological and geomorphic conditions within the particular zones and provinces affect the distribution pattern of the salt-affected soils and the degree and chemistry of the soil salinization. The areas of salt-affected soils were calculated with the use of a digital version of the Map of Salt-Affected Soils of Russia (1: 2.5 M scale) with due account for the participation of these soils in the soil cover of the particular delineations and the data on the depth of the upper boundary of the salt-bearing horizons, the degree and chemistry of the soil salinization, and the area of solonetzes and solonetzic soils.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in soil chemical and nutritional properties were evaluated in a long-term experiment conducted on Alfisols in West Africa. Effects of land use and cropping duration on soil chemical properties at 0–5 cm and 5–10 cm depths were evaluated for five treatments: (1) alley cropping with Leucaena leucocephala established on the contour at 4-m intervals; (2) mucuna (Mucuna utilis) fallowing for 1 year followed by maize (Zea mays)-cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) cultivation for 2 years on severely degraded land; (3) fallowing with mucuna on moderately degraded soils; (4) ley farming involving growing improved pastures for 1 year, grazing for the second year, and growing maize-cowpea for the third year on severely degraded land; (5) ley farming on moderately degraded soils. Soil chemical properties were measured once every year from 1982 through 1986 during the dry season, and included pH, soil organic carbon (SOC), total soil nitrogen (TSN), Bray-P, exchangeable cations, and effective cation exchange capacity (CEC). Regardless of the cropping system treatments, soil chemical quality decreased with cultivation time. The rate of decrease at 0–5 cm depth was 0·23 units year−1 for pH, 0·05 per cent year−1 for SOC, 0·012 per cent year−1 for TSN, 0·49 cmol kg−1 year−1 for Ca2+, 0·03 cmol kg−1 year−1 for Mg2+, 0·018 cmol kg−1 year−1 for K+, and 0·48 cmol kg−1 year−1 for CEC. Although there was also a general decrease in soil chemical quality at 5–10 cm depth, the trends were not clearly defined. In contrast to the decrease in soil properties given above, there was an increase in concentration at 0–5 cm depth of total acidity with cultivation time at the rate of 0·62 cmol kg−1 year−1, and of Mn3+ concentration at the rate of 0·081 cmol kg−1 year−1. Continuous cropping also increased the concentration of Bray-P at 0–5 cm depth due to application of phosphatic fertilizer. Trends in soil chemical properties were not clearly defined with regards to cropping system treatments. In general, however, soil chemical properties were relatively favorable in ley farming and mucuna fallowing treatments imposed on moderately degraded soils. Results are discussed in terms of recommended rates of fertilizer use, in view of soil test values, expected yields, and critical limits of soil properties.  相似文献   

Solonetzes of experimental trials established in 1981 and 1986 in the Baraba Lowland were examined. It was found that gypsum-based ameliorants improve the soil and lead to a decrease in the content of soluble salts in the soil profile. Exchange processes between cations of the soil adsorption complex and calcium of gypsum were particularly intensive in the first years after gypsum application. This resulted in a sharp rise in the content of soluble salts that migrated down the soil profile to the groundwater. In the following years, the reclaimed solonetzes were desalinized under the conditions of relatively stable groundwater level. On the 30th year after single gypsum application, the groundwater level sharply rose (to 50 cm), and the soil was subjected to the secondary salinization; the contents of bicarbonates, carbonates, and sodium in the soils increased. Spring leaching caused some desalinization, but the content of soluble salts in the upper soil meter increased again in the fall. A close correlation between the salt compositions of the groundwater and the reclaimed solonetzes was revealed.  相似文献   

银川平原土壤盐分及盐渍土的空间分布格局   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:11  
系统认识和掌握盐渍土的空间分布特征,是治理改良盐渍土的基础。在总面积约6 184.9 km2的银川平原引黄灌区布设101个采样点,分层(0~180 cm)测定了土壤全盐量,应用地统计学方法结合GIS技术对其空间分布特征进行了研究。结果表明,银川平原各层土壤盐分的分布类型均比较复杂,呈高度的偏态分布。土壤盐分的变异属于中等变异强度。0~120 cm土层盐分的空间相关距离一般在20~28 km;而深层(>120 cm)土壤的空间相关距离较大,约34 km。银川平原表层土壤属于非盐化土、轻度、中度、重度盐渍土和盐土的土地面积分别为0、1 508.8、3 614.9、982.6和78.6 km2,总体属于中度和轻度盐化土类型,且呈现一定的盐分表聚趋势。重度盐渍土和盐土主要分布在银北的石嘴山市、平罗县、惠农县一带和银南的部分地区。总体来说,银川平原的土壤盐渍化现象依然严重,应加强研究与治理改良。  相似文献   

解决节水灌溉与控制土壤次生盐渍化的矛盾,对干旱内陆绿洲灌区农田节水、防止土壤次生盐渍化和保证绿洲农业稳定持续发展具有重要意义。本研究以传统翻耕(CT)、垄作沟灌(FRB)、固定道保护性耕作(PRB)和固定道平作(ZT)4种耕作方式为研究对象,研究了固定道耕作模式下的土壤盐分特征。结果表明:与播前相比,收获后FRB处理0~20 cm、20~40 cm、40~60 cm和60~100 cm土层土壤含盐量分别提高83.3%、77.2%、47.6%和84.0%,PRB处理分别提高62.6%、46.3%、28.2%和103.6%。ZT和CT处理0~200 cm土壤含盐量呈"脱盐"和"聚盐"交替变化趋势,0~60 cm各土层土壤含盐量随灌水显著降低,而60~200 cm各土层土壤含盐量随灌水显著增加。0~20 cm、20~40 cm和40~60 cm土层是PRB和FRB处理土壤盐分的主要累积区,ZT和CT处理土壤含盐量随灌水最终积累在100~160 cm土层。从头水后至收获各个时期,PRB处理0~200 cm各土层土壤含盐量均高于FRB处理,且差异显著。ZT处理0~20 cm、20~40 cm、40~60 cm和60~100 cm土层土壤含盐量均显著高于CT处理。垄床不同位置土壤盐分运动水平方向上均呈"垄边向垄中"迁移特点,但PRB处理迁移能力强于FRB处理。垂直方向上,FRB处理在土壤60~80 cm处形成积盐峰,而PRB处理在土壤40~60 cm处形成积盐峰。随灌溉水分入渗再分布后FRB处理土壤盐分向垄沟中部和垄床表层迁移,PRB处理土壤盐分在垄床40~60 cm土层处形成一个积盐层。结果说明,垄作方式能显著增加土壤剖面盐分累积。随着垄作年限增加,盐分向垄床中部积累的能力和含量均增强,由此垄作种植应考虑适时漫灌以达到淋洗土壤盐分的目的。  相似文献   

以塔克拉玛干沙漠公路沿线防护林植物及土壤为研究对象,综合研究咸水灌溉对植物根系及风沙土演变的作用。结果表明,柽柳的根系较深,达到200 cm,而梭梭和沙拐枣根系为100~150 cm。林地表层土壤出现显著的土壤盐分(8 m S cm-1)和养分聚集现象。但在植物根系分布最多的40~60 cm的土壤层中并没有出现土壤盐渍化现象(1.0 m S cm-1)。防护林地土壤养分含量显著高于流沙地,且土壤的黏粒和粉粒以及土壤团聚体和团聚体稳定性均显著增加。综上所述,地下咸水灌溉并未对植物的正常生长产生盐害或毒害,同时有利于沙漠风沙土的演变。  相似文献   

不同利用方式的苏打盐渍土剖面盐分组成及分布特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过野外调查、采样和室内分析,研究了松嫩平原不同利用方式的苏打盐渍土剖面形态特征及可溶盐含量与组成在土壤剖面中的变化。结果表明,土壤的利用方式不同,土壤剖面腐殖质层厚度、耕层和腐殖质层的有机质含量等有明显差异。在围栏草原、旱田、新水田及老水田4个剖面中,土壤可溶盐总量、pH与ESP均是在剖面中部最高,上部和下部较低;可溶盐组成均以K++Na+和HCO 3-、CO23-为主。表明草原围栏、旱田及水田利用均有抑制苏打盐分表聚的作用。放牧草原剖面的可溶盐含量自下向上逐渐增多,盐分表聚非常显著。开垦20余年的水田剖面中,表层土壤的可溶盐总量、pH和ESP值分别降至0.21%、7.56和9.1%,表明苏打盐碱地种稻较草原和旱田利用更有利于土壤脱盐脱碱。  相似文献   

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