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白菜型冬油菜品比试验初报   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在天水市进行的白菜型冬油菜品比试验结果表明,12-258、12-298、12-305等3个品系籽粒折合产量较高,分别为3 575.7、3 463.3、3 455.8 kg/hm2,较对照增产3.67%~7.12%;综合表现突出,符合育种目标。  相似文献   

冬油菜密度试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在环县海拔1 417.70 m塬区条件下,试验观察了冬油菜不同种植密度,对冬油菜产量、单株生产力影响明显,产量相对表现好的为3万株/667㎡、2万株/667㎡、4万株/667㎡,可以大面积推广。  相似文献   

开展玉米栽培不同密度比较试验,结果表明:种植密度在6.00万~7.50万株/hm2,植株长势、抗逆性都表现较好,产量高,适宜推广使用。  相似文献   

水稻不同栽培密度试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代科学技术不断提高的背景下,为了有效提高水稻的产量,开展了水稻不同密度栽培试验,主要对水稻不同密度栽培情况进行分析。试验结果表明,水稻在生长的过程中能够根据实际情况调节群体的功能。随着水稻栽培密度的不断提高,减弱了处理水稻《穗生长分《的功效,但是有利于形成大穗和有效穗,从而能够提高水稻的产量。  相似文献   

白菜型冬油菜全膜覆土穴播密度试验初报   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
在庄浪县旱地梯田进行了冬油菜全膜覆土穴播栽培密度试验,结果表明,冬油菜产量随种植密度的减小呈先增加后降低的趋势,密度为33.30万穴/hm2时折合产量最高,为2 109.38 kg/hm2。建立密度与产量间的一元二次回归方程,对方程求解得出理论最佳密度为34.35万穴/hm2,此密度下理论最高产量为2 095.42 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

白菜型冬油菜天油8号山旱地适宜密度试验初报   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
在半干旱山区研究了密度对白菜型冬油菜天油8号的越冬率、农艺性状和产量的影响。结果表明,在试验设计密度范围内,天油8号适宜的种植密度为37.5万株/hm2,产量为2452.80 kg/hm2,越冬率高,农艺性状优良。  相似文献   

在甘肃农业大学试验田布置14个田间试验处理,研究不同氮磷钾含量配比对陇油7号冬油菜产量的影响.结果 表明:在施氮比例(磷钾施用量一致)和施磷比例(氮钾施用量一致)较高时,冬油菜长势良好,表现为干物质积累量含量较高,籽粒产量增加;而施钾比例对冬油菜的产量影响较小;供试13种氮磷钾配比处理中,以N2P2K3处理10的籽粒产...  相似文献   

皖油18号不同栽培密度试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵俊 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(6):1623-1623,1632
通过对皖油18号不同稀植密度试验,研究油菜种植密度与群体产量及产量结构的关系.结果表明:皖油18号在60 000株/hm2时产量最大,达2 301 kg/hm2,随着种植密度的增加或减少,单产呈递减趋势;单位面积有效角果数对产量影响较大;每角粒数与千粒重变化较小.探索出了油菜高产栽培最佳群体结构,为大面积推广栽培提供可靠的理论依据.  相似文献   

合理的群体密度是冬油菜高产的重要因素之一[1],本文研究了新疆油菜主产区拜城县冬油菜群体密度对冬油菜越冬率、产量及经济性状的影响。结果表明:适宜的群体密度能提高冬油菜越冬率、促进植株个体发育及增加籽粒产量。本试验表明拜城县冬油菜合理的群体密度应为4-7万株/666.7m^2。  相似文献   

研究不同栽培密度对锥栗产量的影响,结果表明:株行距4m×5m、每667m2种植33株处理的栽培效果最好,挂果前7年平均单株年产量达4.48kg。  相似文献   

Direct-sowing establishment method has great significance in improving winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) production and guaranteeing edible oil security in China. However, nutrient responses on direct sown winter oilseed rape (DOR) performance and population development dynamic are still not well understood. Therefore, five on-farm experiments were conducted in the reaches of the Yangtze River (RYR) to determine the effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) deficiencies on population density, dry matter production, nutrient uptake, seed yield, and yield components of DOR plants. Four fertilization treatments included the balanced NPK application treatment (NPK, 180 kg N, 39.3 kg P, 100 kg K, and 1.8 kg borax ha–1) and three nutrient deficiency treatments based on the NPK treatment, i.e., –N, –P, and –K. The results indicated that DOR population density declined gradually throughout the growing season, especially at over-wintering and pod-development stages. Nutrient deficiency decreased nutrient concentration in DOR plants, limited dry matter production and nutrient uptake, and thereby exacerbated density reduction during plants growth. The poor individual growth and reduced population density together decreased seed yield in the nutrient deficiency treatment. Averaged across all the experiments, seed yield reduced 61% by N deficiency, 38.3% by P deficiency, and 14.4% by K deficiency. The negative effects of nutrient deficiency on DOR performances followed the order of –N>–P>–K, and the effects were various among different nutrient deficiencies. Although N deficiency improved DOR emergence, but it seriously limited dry matter production and nutrient uptake, which in turn led to substantial plants death and therefore resulted in a very low harvested density. The P deficiency significantly reduced initial density, limited plants growth, and exacerbated density reduction. The K deficiency mainly decreased individual growth and yield, but did not affect density dynamic. Our results highlighted the importance of balanced NPK application in DOR production, suggesting that management strategy of these nutrients should be comprehensively considered with an aim to build an appropriate population structure with balanced plant density and individual growth.  相似文献   

为探明安徽省直播冬油菜种植中适宜的氮肥用量、氮肥种类和施氮方式,通过田间小区试验,研究尿素不同用量及等氮量尿素和控释尿素不同施用方式对直播冬油菜产量、氮肥累积量及氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明:施氮水平和施氮方式对直播冬油菜产量具有显著影响,成株率与产量之间呈显著正相关,施氮量180 kg N·hm-2条件下,尿素分次施用处理(N180)和控释尿素一次性施用处理(CRU180)在生育中后期能有效提高直播冬油菜密度。施氮量240 kg N·hm-2、尿素分次施用处理(N240)角壳和茎秆氮素累积量分配比例增加,籽粒分配比例减少,氮肥表观利用率、氮肥农学效率、氮肥生理效率和氮肥偏生产力显著降低,籽粒产量不增反降,较CRU180和N180分别降低2.87%和9.67%。各施氮处理中,N180处理产量最高,较其他施氮处理显著增产7.53%~82.15%。施氮量180 kg N·hm-2条件下,相比尿素一次性施用处理(U180),CRU180和N180显著增产8.53%和16.69%,籽粒氮素累积量显著增加8.80%和16.02%,氮肥表观利用率显著增加11.68%和14.30%,氮素农学效率显著增加12.53%和24.46%,氮素生理效率增加0.74%和9.13%,氮肥偏生产力显著增加8.59%和16.76%。综合本试验直播冬油菜产量、氮素累积量和氮肥利用率结果来看,合理的氮肥用量和氮肥品种可以有效增加直播冬油菜的成株率和氮素累积量,进而增加产量、提高氮肥利用率。安徽省直播冬油菜施氮量180 kg N·hm-2,尿素分次施用和控释尿素一次性施用,均能达到产量和氮肥利用率的双向提升。考虑到直播冬油菜轻简化发展大趋势,建议采用控释尿素一次性基施。  相似文献   

Here we present a study on the genetic effects of agronomic and seed quality traits in double haploid (DH) populations, which were developed by microspore culture from reciprocal F1 hybrids produced between cultivar Californium and DH W-15. Each of the populations consisted of 25 DH lines. The field experiments were conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications during three growing seasons. Field observations were recorded on seed yield and its structure: the number of branches and pods per plant, the number of seeds per pod, the 1000-seed weight, the content of fat in the seeds, and three unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, linolenic) in the seed oil. In order to investigate the influence of cross direction on the studied traits, parental effects were evaluated on the basis of differences between reciprocal DH populations. The maternal effect was revealed on the number of seeds per pod and the effect of the paternal form on linolenic acid content. The occurrence of transgression effects also depended on the direction of crossing and this was particularly noticeable in terms of the number of seeds per pod. The use of multivariate statistical methods allowed for the simultaneous characterization and grouping of tested lines in terms of several traits. Graphic images of the distribution of DH lines in the space of the two first canonical variates showed a great variation between the two reciprocal populations, both in terms of yield and its components, as well as fat and those unsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

油菜高产规律研究与应用   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
在一定条件下,油菜冬前生长愈好,春后产量愈高,这是冬油菜的重要高产规律。回顾这一规律的研究与应用过程:通过大量的田间调查研究发现规律,通过小区控制试验和统计分析方法进一步证实,并在指导各地大面积高产实践中加以验证。揭示该规律内部各事物之间的本质联系及内在的生物学基础。  相似文献   

Oilseed rape is one of the most important oil crops globally. Attaining the appropriate cultivation method(planting pattern and nitrogen level) is necessary to achieve high yield, quality and resource utilization efficiency. However, the optimal method for oilseed rape varies across countries and regions. The objective of the present study was to determine an appropriate cultivation method, including planting pattern and nitrogen application, for winter oilseed rape in northwestern China. Two planting patterns: ridge film mulching and furrow planting(RFMF) and flat planting(FP), and six nitrogen(N) amounts: 0(N0), 60(N60), 120(N120), 180(N180), 240(N240), and 300(N300) kg N ha–1 were applied across three growing seasons(2014–2017). Three comprehensive decision analysis methods: principal component analysis, grey correlation degree analysis and the combined entropy weight and dynamic technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution method were used to evaluate the growth and physiological indicators, nutrient uptake, yield, quality, evapotranspiration, and water use efficiency of winter oilseed rape. Planting pattern, nitrogen amount and their interaction significantly affected the indicators aforementioned. The RFMF pattern significantly increased all indicators over the FP pattern. Application of N also markedly increased all the indicators except for seed oil content, but the yield, oil production and water use efficiency were decreased when N fertilizer exceeded 180 kg N ha–1 under FP and 240 kg N ha–1 under RFFM. The evaluation results of the three comprehensive decision analysis methods indicated that RFMF planting pattern with 240 kg N ha–1 is an appropriate cultivation method for winter oilseed rape in northwestern China. These findings are of vital significance to maximize yield, optimize quality and improve resource use efficiencies of winter oilseed rape.  相似文献   

从营造氛围、科学布置、财政扶持、基地建设、配套服务、督查落实等几个方面总结了新干县充分利用优越的环境条件发展冬种油菜生产的成功经验,提出发展不平衡、播种偏迟、品种单一是当前存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

缺硫条件下油菜对镉毒害的敏感性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了不同浓度 (0 ,10 ,2 0 ,30和 4 0 μmol·L-1)镉对油菜油研 8号在缺硫和供硫状态下的毒害作用。结果表明 :镉促进油菜对硫的吸收 ,缺硫则加重镉对植株的毒害 ;缺硫处理阻碍了镉向地上部的运输 ,而使根部镉的积累量增加 ;在地上部和根部 ,镉均以蛋白质结合态占优势 ,缺硫处理可增加地上部和根部蛋白质结合态镉的量。  相似文献   

用6个硫浓度的[(NN_4)_2 ̄35SO_4]营养液,在砂培条件下培养移栽一个月后的油菜苗,标记后两周收获植株.放射性测定结果表明,在硫浓度为10mg·L ̄(-1)和25mg·L ̄(-1)时,油菜对硫的吸收率约87%;在50,100,200mg·L ̄(-1)时的吸收率为60%左右;在400mg·L ̄(-1)时下降为43%.供硫浓度(mg·L ̄(-1))从10增加到25时,油菜植株中的SO形态硫增加最多,硫苷态硫增加的比例最小;供硫浓度(mg·L ̄(-1))从25增加到200时们以SO形态硫增加最明显,氨基酸硫增加幅度最小;供硫浓度(mg·L ̄(-1))从200到400时,植株中的各种形态的硫增加比例更小.供硫浓度10mg·L ̄(-1)时,植株内以蛋白质和硫苷为主,随着供硫浓度增加,二者的相对含量减少并趋于平衡,而后转以S0形态的硫占优势,氨基酸硫的含量与供硫浓度的关系不明显.  相似文献   

不同栽培方式对油菜根系形态构型和产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus L.)常规种"华双5号"和杂交种"华油杂10号"为试验材料,采用田间小区试验考察直播、直接拔苗移栽和锄头辅助拔苗移栽方式下油菜全生育期根系形态构型、地上部生物量和产量的差异。结果表明,在播种时间和种植密度相同的条件下,同一生育期2个品种直播油菜的根系形态指标(根干质量、主根长、主根直径和根体积等)显著高于锄头辅助拔苗移栽,锄头辅助拔苗移栽油菜的根系形态指标显著高于直接拔苗移栽;地上部生物量和产量各处理间具有显著差异,表现为直播锄头辅助拔苗移栽直接拔苗移栽。同一处理,相同时期华油杂10号根系形态指标、地上部生物量和产量均显著高于华双5号。油菜地上部生长和产量均与根系性状密切相关,干质量大、主根粗,粗壮一级侧根多的根系有助于吸收养分和水分,地上部生长好,产量高。  相似文献   

野芥菜向抗除草剂转基因油菜基因流动的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用人工授粉的方法,分别以转基因抗草丁膦和抗草甘膦油菜为母本,野芥菜为父本,研究野芥菜的基因流动到转基因油菜中的可能性。结果表明,野芥菜和抗草丁膦及抗草甘膦油菜的亲和性指数明显低于其自交授粉的亲和性指数,只有0.44和0.54。经除草剂筛选和PCR检测证明,所有F1都携带了相应的抗性基因并表现出对相应除草剂的抗性。对F1的适合度研究表明,两种F1种子萌发率及营养生长情况和野芥菜没有明显差异,但结实明显下降,携带抗草丁膦基因的F1和携带抗草甘膦基因的F1每个角果饱满种子粒数分别是0.50和0.61。分别以两种F1为母本,野芥菜为父本进行回交,结实仍然很低,携带抗草丁膦基因的F1和携带抗草甘膦基因的F1与野芥菜回交每个角果饱满种子粒数分别只有0.35和0.33。上述结果表明,野芥菜基因流动到两种抗性油菜的可能性均比较小。  相似文献   

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