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为掌握德宏州陆生野生动物资源现状及其动态变化状况,分析德宏州当前野生动物繁育及经营利用存在的问题,以提出做好野生动物繁育及经营利用的建议,达到野生动物保护与开发利用共赢的目的,德宏州野生动物收容救护中心成立调查组,协同德宏州林业局保护办及芒市、梁河县、盈江县、陇川县、瑞丽市保护办对全州野生动物繁育情况进行了详细调查。经过调查,德宏州共有野生动物养殖户102户,养殖野生动物25种119 687头(条、只),从业人数307人;总固定资产1. 18亿元,养殖场(厂)总面积151. 9 hm^2;野生动物产品加工企业3户,主要产品有熊胆干粉、熊胆胶囊和鲜鹿茸;野生动物年平均交易额3 864. 3万元。目前主要存在野生动物养殖技术落后、较少使用野生动物保护标识、资金缺乏保障等问题,本文根据存在的问题提出了发展对策。  相似文献   

Our objective was to assess the status of the large native rangeland mammals in the eastern and southern African countries focusing on conservation strategies that will benefit the animals, their rangeland habitats, and the people who live in this region. Eastern and southern African rangelands are renowned for supporting a globally unique diversity and abundance of large mammals. This wildlife legacy is threatened by changing demographics, increased poaching, habitat fragmentation, and global warming, but there are reasons for optimism. After sharp declines from 1970 to 1990 across Africa, wildlife populations in some countries have subsequently increased due to incentives involving sport hunting and ecotourism. National parks and protected areas, which have been critically important in maintaining African wildlife populations, are being increased and better protected. Over the past 50 years, the number of parks has been doubled and the areas of several parks have been expanded. The major problem is that no more than 20% of the national parks and reserves set aside for wildlife are adequately protected from poaching. The southern African countries where wildlife has recently thrived have robust hunting and ecotourism programs, which economically benefit private landowners. Considerable research shows rural communities dependent on rangelands can be incentivized to participate in large mammal conservation programs if they can economically benefit from wildlife tourism, sport hunting, and the legal sale of animal by-products. Community-based wildlife conservation programs can be economically and ecologically effective in sustaining and enhancing African wildlife biodiversity, including rhinos, elephants, and lions. Low-input ranching wild ungulates for meat and hunting may be an economically viable alternative to traditional range livestock production systems in some areas. However, in many situations, common-use grazing of livestock and wildlife will give the most efficient use of rangeland forages and landscapes while diversifying income and lowering risk.  相似文献   

时坤 《草地学报》2007,15(5):491-499
在过去几十年中,由于人口和牲畜数量的增加以及各种社会变化的影响,内蒙古北部草原传统的游牧方式逐步被定居放牧所取代。这种放牧体系的根本性变化的结果是,定居放牧村落周围的过度放牧现象日趋严重,植被严重毁坏;同时,由于放牧抗性较强的植物的侵入,许多原生植物已经被这些外来种所取代。这种植被退化和环境干扰造成了放牧草原和采草草原鸟类多样性和种群数量的减少以及群落结构的改变;自然鸟类群落只存在于未被利用的天然草原中,在该地区人口与牲畜数量快速增加的社会背景下,这类草原提供了良好的野生动物栖息地。然而,这些重要的野生动物栖息地正随着草原私有化和人类活动区的不断扩大而逐渐消失。论文论述了该地区建立草原自然保护区以及促进生态旅游建设,有效保护草原生态系统,实现人类与野生动物的和谐共存的必要性和实施办法。  相似文献   

王小伦 《野生动物》2007,28(6):41-44,50
征服自然的思想在美国一直占主流,自然资源的开发是美国繁荣的基础。野生动物的猎杀是美国历史中的重要一幕,并产生了深远的影响。19世纪末20世纪初出现的动物保护活动是对滥杀动物所造成的恶果的反省,此后,社会对野生动物的态度有所转变,但动物保护仍面临严峻挑战。本文介绍美国历史中野生动物被猎杀的过程,提出一些值得思考的问题,如美国野生动物保护的局限性、野生动物猎杀与工厂化动物饲养的关系,以及伦理学在动物保护中的重要性。  相似文献   

In recent years wildlife diseases (infectious and non-infectious) have played a relevant role in both wildlife conservation and public health. Global environmental changes have determined a bimodal evolution of wildlife. On one side a huge loss of biodiversity has been observed leading to the increasing of threatened or endangered species. In contrast few opportunistic taxa increased their aboundances and ranges. The above scenarios claim the intervention of wildlife veterinarians. In conservation the understanding of the ecological role of the host parasite relationship and the perturbations on the host population dynamics have to be assessed and eventually modified. In public health the increased overlapping among wildlife, livestock, pets and human beings represents a risk for diseases spread (no matter in which directions). Serious limits are, still now, observed in the acceptance of this 'new world' by veterinary academics. As a consequence curricula often fail in providing adequate skill at both undergraduate and graduate levels. An addressed approach towards wildlife diseases should be promoted as an essential component of environmental management.  相似文献   

Limited funds for wildlife conservation require difficult choices about allocation of resources. One consideration is public preferences. While traditional attitudinal approaches can provide information about preferences for conservation efforts aimed at individual species, stated choice models offer a more suitable approach for exploring the complexity of public support across multiple species, through an examination of individuals’ choices in tradeoff situations. Using a survey in the American Southwest, we explored residents’ preferences for allocating funds for species based on factors that describe those species; species status, origin, and use. Species origin (native or non-native) and use (game or non-game) were more important as a whole than species status (declining, common, or extirpated). Further, respondents generally prioritized native (over non-native), game (over non-game), and declining (over common or extirpated). We discuss the implications of these findings for communication efforts aimed at generating public support and conservation decisions with complex tradeoffs.  相似文献   

城市发展过程中面临的困境引发了生态意识的觉醒,生态城市已成为现代国际城市发展的目标。“生态城市”建设模式的提出体现了人与自然和谐发展的科学发展观。城市野生动物是指生活在城区及其周边地区,并对人类活动产生了适应的野生动物。城市野生动物可以指示城市生态系统的健康状况,野生动物产业对城市社会经济的发展具有巨大的推动作用,同时城市中存在的野生动物也可以唤醒城市居民的生态意识,提高社会伦理道德水平。生态城市概念的提出将人与自然的关系提高到了一个新高度,同时也为城市野生动物的研究、管理工作提供了一个前所未有的发展机会。生态城市善待环境,崇尚自然的理念有助于提高人们的动物保护意识,从而提高城市野生动物管理水平。  相似文献   

Wildlife management increasingly incorporates public participation to be more inclusive and reduce tensions between management and the general public in the decision-making process. There is also a need, however, to include spatial data since most wildlife biological and biophysical data are stored spatially in geographic information systems (GIS). This article presents a method for integrating this information using public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS). We asked stakeholders to identify specific places on a map that they would like to see maintained for the conservation of particular threatened species. This information is useful for identifying public wildlife management preferences and for allowing comparisons between public and expert opinions. We found high levels of public accuracy in identifying suitable habitat for threatened species conservation. We also identified places of potential conflict due to incompatible stakeholder preferences, but found little conflict between public conservation and development preferences.  相似文献   


Carrying capacity models and financial data from study group farmers were used to derive attainable net revenue per ha on veld in good, moderate and poor condition. From these data, minimum farm sizes required for a reasonable standard of living (R20 000 net personal income per annum) were estimated for each veld condition class. These minimum sizes were compared with actual farming unit sizes determined from a farm survey.

Most farming units are large enough to provide a reasonable standard of living, on condition that the farmer has little debt and does not have to incur costs of land development. However, most farmers cannot afford to implement the development required for currently recommended conservation practices. If conservation is required by society, subsidization of conservation practices should be considered.  相似文献   

Rangelands are areas used primarily for grazing by domestic livestock; however, because they support native vegetation and fauna, their potential role in conservation should not be overlooked. Typically, “off-reserve” conservation in agricultural landscapes assumes a trade-off between maintaining the ecological processes that support biodiversity and successful food production and profitability. To evaluate this potential biodiversity trade-off in rangelands, we need to understand the effect of different livestock grazing strategies on biodiversity, in relation to their performance in terms of profitability and land condition. We monitored reptile community responses to four cattle-grazing strategies (heavy, moderate, and variable stocking rates and a rotational wet season spelling treatment) in a replicated, long-term grazing trial in north Queensland, Australia. Simultaneously, measures of profitability and land condition were collected for the different grazing strategies. Overall, reptile abundance was not negatively impacted by the more sustainably managed treatments (moderate, variable, and rotational) compared with heavy stocking, although the effect of grazing treatment alone was not significant. Profitability and land condition were also higher in these treatments compared with the heavy stocking rate treatment. As drought conditions worsened over the 3 yr, the negative impact of the heavy stocking treatment on both profitability and biodiversity became more pronounced. Heavy stocking negatively impacted reptiles and was also the least profitable grazing strategy over the long term, resulting in the worst land condition. This suggests that in this tropical savanna rangeland there was no trade-off between economic performance and reptile abundance and diversity. Grazing regimes with a moderate stocking rate or flexible management strategies were better able to buffer the effects of climate variability. The consequence was a more resilient reptile community and better economic outcomes in dry years.  相似文献   

动物物种价值评价标准的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
进行野生动物物种价值评价标准的研究,必须确立两个基本理论前提,即承认包括动物物种在内的整个自然界具有自身的价值;承认不同物种之间存在着价值大小和高低的差别。物种的价值有两个方面,一是物种自身的价值;二是物种对人的价值。物种自身的价值标志着物种与环境,物种与物种之间的需求和满足关系,要用五个评价指标去衡量,即营养级标准、自然生产力标准、稀有程度、进化程度和自然历史标准。对物种价值的评价,应该根据这五个标准进行综合分析评价;并考虑到物种对人的多方面价值,制定出相应的价格,以提高物种资源的保护水平和科学管理、法制管理水平。  相似文献   

由媒体对野生动物狩猎权拍卖批评引发的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
窦宝艳 《野生动物》2007,28(5):44-46
中国首次对野生动物狩猎权进行拍卖引起了社会各界的强烈反响。就媒体的批评,提出一些观点,公众对狩猎权拍卖引发的争论确实体现了民众对野生动物保护意识的增强,这无疑会有利于我国今后野生动物保护事业的顺利发展。但从中也应看到,一些民众片面强调绝对保护的观点存在一定误区。事实上,合理、适度地利用野生动物资源,不仅不会破坏野生动物种群的增长,相反会有利于野生动物保护。  相似文献   

野生动物保护与利用关系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对公众对野生动物保护和利用关系所持的不同看法,提出对种群中超过环境容纳量的老、弱、病、残个体进行适当的利用;修改《野生动物保护法》和国家的相关规定:加强对查获野生动物产品的管理;加大对犯罪分子的惩处,从而达到既保护野生动物,又能合理利用野生动物及其产品的目的。  相似文献   

协调人与野生动物矛盾的法律探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄锡生  关慧 《野生动物》2006,27(1):35-37
野生动物保护意识的增强,生物多样性保护工作的推进,为野生动物的栖息繁衍提供了有利的条件。与此同时,野生动物肇事屡有发生,人与野生动物矛盾日益突出。确立有效协调人与野生动物的矛盾的新机制,在保护国家珍稀野生动物的同时保护群众合法利益,才是野生动物保护事业和可持续发展的长久之计。  相似文献   

广东大峡谷自然保护区社区公众野生动物保护意识调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2008年6月,对广东大峡谷自然保护区社区公众野生动物保护意识进行了问卷调查。结果表明:(1)公众对野生动物保护知识匮乏,缺乏野生动物保护法制意识;(2)公众普遍对野生动物面临的威胁有较明确的认识,具有保护意愿,但缺乏保护野生动物的积极性和主动性;(3)公众接受野生动物保护教育的主要途径是电视。本文针对广东大峡谷自然保护区公众野生动物保护意识现状及其存在的问题,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

野生动物旅游产品在总体的旅游产品中占有很大的市场份额,也有越来越多的旅游爱好者对此拥有购买动机与欲望。根据目前旅游市场现状,本文对野生动物旅游产品的种类进行了归类,提出了野生动物旅游产品可分为观赏型、参与型、工艺品型、食用型和药用型等5种表现形式。结合中国在野生动物旅游产品方面的开发现状,从生态保护、增强体验性与真实性、社区共管、科普教育、法制建设和科学投资方面提出了合理开发的建议。  相似文献   

开展生物多样性动态长期监测,了解生态系统结构与功能变化,探明生物多样性变化过程及影响因素是制定有效保护措施的重要基础。本研究在内蒙古赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区开展10年野生动物多样性动态监测,新发现保护区分布哺乳动物7种、鸟类98种,内蒙古鸟类新纪录2种,内蒙古蛇类新纪录1种。但也未发现一些以往有记录的物种,需要进一步强化野生动物多样性监测,探明物种变化的原因。后续监测工作引入了非损伤采集动物粪样提取DNA技术,从而深入了解保护区野生动物种群长期稳定的遗传学和空间分布特征,为有效管理自然保护区珍稀野生动物提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

Our knowledge of diseases in New Zealand wildlife has expanded rapidly in the last two decades. Much of this is due to a greater awareness of disease as a cause of mortality in some of our highly threatened species or as a limiting factor to the successful captive rearing of intensely managed species such as hihi (Notiomystis cincta), kiwi (Apteryx spp.) and kakapo (Strigops habroptilus). An important factor contributing to the increase of our knowledge has been the development of new diagnostic techniques in the fields of molecular biology and immunohistochemistry, particularly for the diagnosis and epidemiology of viral and protozoan diseases. Although New Zealand remains free of serious exotic viruses there has been much work on understanding the taxonomy and epidemiology of local strains of avipox virus and circoviruses. Bacterial diseases such as salmonellosis, erysipelas and tuberculosis have also been closely investigated in wildlife and opportunist mycotic infections such as aspergillosis remain a major problem in many species. Nutritional diseases such as hyperplastic goitre due to iodine deficiency and metabolic bone disease due to Ca:P imbalance have made significant impacts on some captive reared birds, while lead poisoning is a problem in some localities. The increasing use of wildlife translocations to avoid the extinction of threatened species has highlighted the need for improved methods to assess the disease risks inherent in these operations and other intensive conservation management strategies such as creching young animals. We have also become more aware of the likelihood of inbreeding suppression as populations of many species decrease or pass through a genetic bottleneck. Climate change and habitat loss, however, remain the greatest threats to biodiversity and wildlife health worldwide. Temperature changes will affect our wildlife habitats, alter the distribution of disease vectors and wildlife predators, or directly harm threatened species in vulnerable localities.  相似文献   

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