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鸡鸣一声三省听的冠县,地处冀鲁豫三省交界处。冠县具有悠久的历史和光荣的革命传统。春秋系晋国冠氏邑,元升冠州,明改冠县。清末农民起义领袖宋景诗和行乞办义学的千古奇丐武训都诞生在这块土地上。抗日战争时期,这里是晋冀鲁豫根据地的重要组成部分,被誉为“鲁西北的小延安”,为中国革命作出了重大贡献和牺牲,培养锻炼出一大批干部。  相似文献   

鸡鸣一声三省听的冠县,地处冀鲁豫三省交界处。冠县具有悠久的历史和光荣的革命传统。春秋系晋国冠氏邑,元升冠州,明改冠县。清末农民起义领袖宋景诗和行乞办义学的千古奇丐武训都诞生在这块土地上。抗日战争时期,这里是晋冀鲁豫根据地的重要组成部分,被誉为“鲁西北的小延安”,为中国革命做出了重大贡献和牺牲,培养锻炼出一大批干部。  相似文献   

金寨县位于鄂豫皖三省交界处(行政划分属安徽省),旧有“鸡叫狗咬听三省”之说。民主革命时期,金寨人民曾为解放事业做出重大贡献,属革命老区,被誉为“将军县”。  相似文献   

正马桂国是山东冠县易林苗木专业合作社负责人,虽然年龄不大,但在冠县这个传统苗乡却有着较高的知名度。不少人都说他是"三好苗人",即人品好、苗子好、生意好。近日,记者来到冠县,采访了马桂国。"我就是一个普通苗木人,并没有什么过人之处。之所以能把生意做得比较好,是因为做到了内外兼修。"马桂国谦虚地  相似文献   

为明确中国东北地区水稻品种品质的特点,以2007年辽宁、吉林、黑龙江三省水稻区域试验品种(品系)为试材,在栽培管理水平高、有代表性的沈阳、公主岭、五常区试点,对三省穗上不同部位碾磨及外观品质进行比较.结果表明,辽宁省品种糙米率和整精米率均居于三省之首;辽宁省品种精米率较高,略高于黑龙江和吉林,但三省之间差异不显著;粒长和长宽比呈现黑龙江>辽宁>吉林的趋势;吉林白度高于辽宁,显著高于黑龙江;垩白度和垩白率均为吉林略高于辽宁,二省均极显著高于黑龙江.  相似文献   

关于开发大别山地区红色旅游资源的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
万青 《中国农学通报》2006,22(6):505-505
大别山地区横跨三省三市26个县(区),是全国著名的贫困山区、落后地区,同时又是中国著名的革命老区,是中国红色文化的发源地之一,流传着可歌可泣的革命事迹。在大力开发红色旅游的今天,大别山地区如何抓住这一机遇,是值得研究的问题。本论文在回顾大别山地区红色旅游资源的基础上,分析大别山红色旅游资源开发的有利条件和制约因素,提出开发大别山地区红色旅游资源的一些构想:加强区域旅游合作;加大基础设施建设的步伐;加大旅游人才的培训力度;推出精品,实施可持续发展的道路;加大对外宣传的力度等。  相似文献   

<正>魏占华是山东冠县华星园林的总经理,当过兵,在父亲的引导下进入了苗木行业。在当地很多业内人士看来,魏占华能吃苦,肯钻研,有非常强的执行力。而魏占华认为,他能在事业上小有成就,一是得益于父亲和朋友们的支持,二是得益于部队大熔炉的锻炼。在魏占华的苗圃里,株株丝棉木像列兵一样,横纵一条线,树干笔直,树冠圆整,主枝、侧枝层次清晰,棵棵苗子都是经过仔细雕琢。冠县资深苗木经纪人马桂国告诉记者,魏占华培育的丝  相似文献   

@@夏玉米是冠县的主要粮食作物之一,常年种植5万 hm2左右。近几年来积极开展玉米高产创建活动,充分挖掘玉米生产潜力,制定了适合本县实际的夏玉米高产栽培技术,在全县积极推广应用,玉米单产不断提高,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

1.山东冠县读者蔡鸣一问:3月里哪些观赏植物可行嫁接繁殖? 答:3月份可行嫁接繁殖的木本观赏植物有:五针松、白皮松、锦松、龙柏、翠柏、铺地柏、洒金柏、广玉兰、桂花、红叶李、碧桃、郁李、榆叶梅、紫叶桃、樱花、垂丝海棠、龙爪槐、红花毛刺槐、二乔玉兰、含笑、红枫等;蟹爪兰、菊花也可在3月份进行嫁接。  相似文献   

从冀、鲁、豫三省2004年农业总体概况出发,研究了冀、鲁、豫三省从1980—2004年间粮食生产态势、粮食生产的综合比较优势,剖析了三个省粮食生产中存在的主要问题,并提出积极的解决对策。  相似文献   

To achieve global food security by 2050 primary production must almost be doubled, at least to 80 % by increasing production per unit land. The challenge to plant breeding is tremendous. It is necessary to convince the public of this challenge, who are already dealing with concerns about climate change, a scarcity of good arable land, the demands placed on land with regard to biomass production, scarcity of water and phosphorous as well as increasing consumption of meat. In terms of breeding, concerns are the very small number of major crops and low rates of breeding progress in self-pollinating cereals. Society and politicians can be easily distracted from the dire need to invest in basic breeding research and breeding applications when so many environmental concerns are being emphasized. A holistic approach to these problems is essential. The focus here is on both the obstacles to be overcome and the opportunities to ensure global food security by producing excellent germplasm by 2050. This can be achieved by new technologies and genomics as well as the continuing development of more traditional breeding methodologies.  相似文献   

T. Hoshino  H. Seko 《Euphytica》1996,89(2):215-221
Summary Wheat breeding efforts for a half century in Japan were investigated by using of 129 varieties registered in MAFF from 1929 to 1984 in the view point of case history for three years. Varieties released in each breeding station are classified apparently by growth habit associated closely with duration of the cold requirement. Heading date is earlier in varieties released in southwest breeding stations (southern varieties) than in varieties released in northern breeding stations (northern varieties). Culm length is higher and the pre-harvest sprouting is more sensitive in northern varieties. In quality characters, northern varieties has the higher milling rate, lower apparent amylose content and larger particle size of flour. In varieties released in the Tohoku district, trend of breeding direction with time is smaller ear numbers and larger 1,000-grain weight and greater resistance to powdery mildew. In varieties released in the Kyushu district, a significant correlation with released year was clearly observed with regard to early maturity, short culm length, less grain crude protein content, less apparent amylose content and higher milling rate on breeding advancement.  相似文献   

新世纪中国种业发展的新形势   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
新世纪伊始,恰遇种子法颁布和实施,又喜逢中国加入世贸组织,从中央到地方各级育种科研部门和种子公司,都面临体制改革、机构重组和经济全球化的挑战.有人认为,20世纪80年代种子企业的主题是质量,就是品质管理;90年代种子企业的主题就是企业塑造;但在2000年信息化时代,种子企业的主题就是速度,改革是速度,发展也是速度,要靠速度赢得市场份额,时间就是金钱的特征表现得越来越突出.业界认为新世纪中国种子市场竞争有5个特点:种子市场逐步结束恶性竞争,告别暴利走向微利时代;消费层次分化加剧,加速优质品牌品种走俏市场;种子产业雏形开始出现,种业竞争优势聚焦在细分市场上;种业竞争焦点转移,集中在人本、成本、资本上;种子产业进入规模竞争时代,联合并购成为潮流,资本营运和资本重组成为种业发展的一次机遇.上个世纪人们把企业之间的并购称为"大鱼吃小鱼",今天中国种业老板们面临的是"快鱼吃慢鱼"的处境.紧急行动起来,在体制、营销、管理等多方面进行重大的改革和调整;不改革不行,早改早受益,晚改就落后,不改就停滞.要抓紧改革,谁改革的步子快,谁就能在种业市场上强占一席之地.  相似文献   

In the Dutch List of Varieties of 25 years ago many varieties occurred which are no longer grown now. By a change-over from the use of line-selection in local varieties to the application of artificial crossing, much progress was made in self-fertilizing plants (wheat, barley, oats, flax, etc.).Great improvements were also attained in the field of grasses. Many new grass strains from Dutch breeders now figure in the List.By paying more attention to disease resistance a number of resistant varieties have been obtained and important vistas have been opened. Increasingly and on a much larger scale than 25 years ago, use is made of the gene stock of other countries.In sugar beet, polyploid varieties have come to the fore, while everywhere attempts are being made to raise tetraploid fodder beets. In other crops also the prospects of polyploid varieties are encouraging.In the last 25 years many breeding establishments have been modernized. Many have glasshouses and use them to good advantage in their breeding work.The establishment of the Foundation for Agricultural Plant Breeding (S.V.P.) rendered it possible to pay more attention to extension while private breeders are provided with good parent plants and selected hybrid populations.The Plant Breeder's Decree became a protection of the breeder's property. As a result the number of breeders increased considerably in the last 25 years, especially those in the field of potato breeding.

Adapted from an article in Dutch, published in the Memorial volume Tussen ras en gewas (Amidst crops and varieties) of the N.A.K. (3).  相似文献   

Prospects and promise of wheat breeding in the 21st century   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S. Rajaram 《Euphytica》2001,119(1-2):3-15
Globally speaking, the world would require one billion metric tons ofwheat in the year 2020 as compared to the current production of 600million metric tons. These figures, when translated into productivityparameters, mean that the current wheat global average yield of 2.5 t/ha.must shift to roughly 4 t/ha, in the 2020. Can this be achieved?Optimistically speaking, this projection can be met provided there iscontinuous support and investment in agricultural science and research,especially in conventional plant breeding, integrated pest managementincluding soil health, improved seed multiplication and distribution, system,optimum and efficient use of inputs. Furthermore, mechanization of farmingsystems and supporting pricing policies to farmers are necessary forcontinuing production increases. I believe that, an invigorated research program on redesigning of wheatplant, discovery and assembly of hybrid vigour, efficient management ofwater and drought, genetically superior system of uptake and translocationof nutrients, suitable germplasm adapted to conservation tillage practices,durable and multiple disease resistance in wheat and transgenics wouldinsure a superior germplasm base from which future cultivars with high andstable yield potential would be made available to the farmers. Germplasmand genetic resources would remain paramount. However, every precautionis warranted to preserve the natural resource base and soil nutrient balance,so that the future agricultural system is guaranteed with minimum hazardto environment.  相似文献   

Abstract: The papers collected in this volume were originally presented at a conference in February 2004, on the theme ‘Beyond MIRAB: The Political Economy of Small Islands in the Twenty‐First Century’. Several of the papers in the collection point towards the emergence of a new three‐way taxonomy of small‐island socioeconomic formations, comprising MIRAB, PROFIT and SITE ideal‐types. The key economic flows in the first are remittances and aid; in the second, jurisdictionally‐related flows such as tax‐haven and money‐laundering transactions; and in the third, tourism revenues. All three ideal‐types correspond to potentially sustainable temporary equilibria, but in all cases the existing set‐up is path‐dependent, and subject to regime switch if disturbed. Conceptualisation of the small‐island world as a field of multiple equilibria and path dependence points to the future importance of event studies by island researchers. The collection includes also new research on the theory of remittances, and case studies of the MIRAB process and the transnational migrant diaspora.  相似文献   

21世纪我国种业销售渠道浅析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文面对我国种子市场现状.剖析了传统种业营销渠道存在的问题,提出了竞争背景下种子市场营销新渠道构成模式。  相似文献   

21世纪优质小麦新品种产业化开发战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 优质小麦新品种产业化开发的必要性符合国家利益 小麦是我国最主要的粮食作物之一 ,常年种植面积 3 0 0 0万 hm2 左右 ,产量和消费量约占全国粮食总量的 1 /4。近年来 ,我国小麦生产连年丰收 ,然而优质专用小麦尤其是强筋优质小麦严重短缺 ,大量依赖进口。随着改革开放的深  相似文献   

The persistence or inertia of net migration rates in the United States during the twentieth century is measured. A set of basic migration data for states, counties, and state economic areas is described, and manipulations of these data are discussed. "The manipulated data are [then] analyzed graphically and by regression. The report concludes with a few remarks on the use of demographic extrapolations for planning and policy purposes."  相似文献   

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