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Eucalyptus urophylla, Acacia mangium, and Pinus caribaea are the primary species for the wood industry in Vietnam. Wood residues of these species were used to reinforce high-density polyethylene(HDPE) composites. The flexural or bending property, impact strength and surface color were evaluated after exposure to accelerated ultraviolet weathering up to 2000 h. The weathered surface was characterized by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) spectroscopy. The results indicate that A. mangium/HDPE composites had the lowest color change and least fading,and remained stable after 1500 h exposure. FTIR spectroscopy showed that the oxidation of the composites increased in parallel with duration of exposure by assessing the concentration of carbonyl groups on the surfaces. SEM showed that all three species reinforced composites exhibited similar severe cracks after 1000 h;however, at the end of the weathering test, E. urophylla and P. caribaea composites were more severely cracked than A. mangium composites. A. mangium also had the highest flexural strength, impact strength and crystallinity duringweathering. A. mangium is the most preferable among the three species to reinforce HDPE.  相似文献   

Air temperature and photoperiod play an important role in the seedling development for tropical forest species.Both variables are sensitive to climate,and so evaluating thermal and photoperiodic effects on seedling development is fundamental,especially for climate change studies.Methods to quantify thermal time and the energy required for plants to reach a development stage include air temperature and cardinal temperatures.The photoperiod will also affect physiological reactions of a plant and t...  相似文献   

<正>How to effectively meet the globally increasing demands for forest products and meanwhile put forest resources and eco-environment under better protection for achieving the balance between protection and growth is a long-term challenge in face of the international community.China is the largest country in world forest products import/export.In such sense,the realistic state and future orientation of China's forest product procurement policy will impose considerable impacts on and play a significant role in forestry industry development in China as well as the global sustainable forestry development.In view of the state and trend of forest product procurement by Chinese enterprises,the paper analyzed the problems and challenges facing China's green procurement of forest product based on the results of field survey carried out for different types of forest product processors,including customers' weak awareness of green consumption,deficient green procurement resources of forest products,high prices of green procured products,limited list of forest products under green procurement,lack of laws and regulations for green public procurement and lack of policy support and green market planning.At the same time,by comparing and learning the experiences and lessons of the UK,Japan,France, Netherland and other countries in green public procurement of forest products,the paper,in line with the national and forest conditions in China,proposed some policy recommendations,e.g. strengthening dissemination and education for raising the awareness of green consumption, updating laws and regulations for government green procurement,adopting marketing means to encourage green enterprises development,updating green product lists to incorporate more green procurement enterprises into government green procurement programs,establishing monitoring and execution mechanism for green procurement and enhancing the oversight of green procurement,with the aim to facilitate China's green procurement process of forest products and quicken China's pace of green socioeconomic transition.  相似文献   

Ireland has implemented a large afforestation program in recent decades, with much of this taking place since the mid 1980s. This presents Ireland with the opportunity to offset carbon emissions through carbon sequestration in forests, as the latter are known to sequester a large amount of carbon into the tree biomass. However, the effects of afforestation on soil organic carbon in the Irish humid temperate climate are not well understood. In this study we use the paired site methodology to assess the impact of afforestation on the soil organic carbon density (SOCD) of 21 * 2 sites across Ireland. We found that afforestation of Irish soils (0-30 cm depth) resulted in no significant change in SOCD. However, the low number of sites within the study is a source of uncertainty and more work must be done to assess SOCD change before any firm conclusions can be made. This work provides baseline data and future work estimating soil C changes due to land use or management changes should use the equivalent soil mass (ESM) correction method instead of the volume based method. The latter can over- or underestimate SOCD change due to variability in soil bulk density after afforestation. The large afforestation programmes to be implemented in Ireland in the next decade provides an opportunity to greatly improve estimates of Irish SOCD change. We suggest implementing a large number of resampling studies, measuring the change in SOCD following afforestation for a number of factors for a number of years.  相似文献   

Cork oak forests in Morocco are rich in resources and services thanks to their great biological diversity,playing an important ecological and socioeconomic role.Considerable degradation of the forests has been accentuated in recent years by significant human pressure and effects of climate change;hence,the health of the stands needs to be monitored.In this study,the Google Engine Earth platform was leveraged to extract the normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) and soil-adjusted vegetation...  相似文献   

Daxing'anling is a key region for forest fire prevention in China.Assessing changes in fire risk in the future under multiple climatic scenarios will contribute to our understanding of the influences of climate change for the region and provide a reference for applying adaptive measures for fire management.This study analyzed the changes in fire weather indices and the fire season under four climate scenarios(RCP2.6,RCP4.5,RCP6.0,RCP8.5)for 2021–2050 using data from five global climate models together with observation data.The results showed that the analog data could project the average state of the climate for a given period but were not effective for simulating extreme weather conditions.Compared with the baseline period(1971–2000),the period 2021–2050 was predicted to have an increase in average temperature of 2.02–2.65 °C and in annual precipitation 25.4–40.3 mm,while the fire weather index(FWI) was predicted to increase by6.2–11.2% and seasonal severity rating(SSR) by5.5–17.2%.The DMC(Duff moisture code),ISI(initial spread index),BUI(build-up index),FWI and SSR were predicted to increase significantly under scenarios RCP4.5,RCP6.0,and RCP8.5.Furthermore,days with high or higher fire danger rating were predicted to be prolonged by 3–6 days,with the change in the southern region being greater under scenarios RCP4.5,RCP6.0,and RCP8.5.  相似文献   

The competition and dynamics of dominant trees species in the forest ecotone between the broad-leaved/Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) mixed forest and the spruce-fir forest (also known as dark conifer forest) in Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province in Northeast China were studied by using Lotka-Volterra model, based on the data from twenty-eight sample plots with area of 20 mx90 m for each one. Results showed that under natural condition, differentiation of communities followed two directions: one would be Spruce (Picea jezoensis and few P. koraiensis) and fir (Abies nephrolepis) co-dominant conifer forest, and at the equilibrium fir was absolutely preponderant (77.1% of relative dominance (RD)); the other would be the conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest, and at equilibrium, the broad-leaved tree species was 50% of RD in the broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest and 66% of RD in the broad-leaved and spruce-fir mixed forest. The study demonstrated that both broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest and dark conifer forest were climax community, the ecotone had transitional characteristics, and the diversification of the forest communities suggested that the direction of succession was affected by local habitat.  相似文献   

To quantitatively assess future change of evergreen broad-leaved tree species’ distributions in human-disturbed landscapes of the Korean Peninsula under climate change, potential habitats (PHs) were projected for four important evergreen broad-leaved tree species (Quercus acuta, Castanopsis sieboldii, Machilus thunbergii, and Neolitsea sericea) by species distribution models (SDMs). The distribution data (presence/absence) of the target species in Korea and Japan were used as response variables for SDMs, and climatic data were used as explanatory variables. Three general circulation models under A2 emission scenarios were used as future climate scenarios for the years 2070–2099. Potential habitats masked by land-use data (PHLUs) were projected to assess the impact of anthropogenic activities. Highly accurate SDMs were obtained for all the target species. The current PHs were decreased to 21–35 % by the anthropogenic activities. Future PHLUs for all the target species were projected to increase by 2.0–18.5 times of current PHLUs. These results suggest that all the target species are applicable as indicator species for monitoring in the Korean Peninsula, even if anthropogenic effects are incorporated. Variation of the increasing rate was caused by the differences in the response to temperature changes. M. thunbergii responded sensitively to the increase of minimum temperature of coldest month and had a largest increase in PHLUs under future climate. Therefore, M. thunbergii is considered to be most appropriate species for monitoring the changes of horizontal distributions above all focal evergreen broad-leaved tree species.  相似文献   

The Great Xing’an Mountains boreal forests were focused on in the northeastern China.The simulated future climate scenarios of IPCC SRES A2a and B2a for both the baseline period of 1961-1990 and the future scenario periods were downscaled by the Delta Method and the Weather Generator to produce daily weather data.After the verification with local weather and fire data,the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System was used to assess the forest fire weather situation under climate change in the study region.An increasing trend of fire weather severity was found over the 21st century in the study region under the both future climate change scenarios,compared to the 1961-1990 baseline period.The annual mean/maximum fire weather index was predicted to rise continuously during 2010-2099,and by the end of the 21st century it is predicted to rise by 22%-52% across much of China’s boreal forest.The significant increases were predicted in the spring from of April to June and in the summer from July to August.In the summer,the fire weather index was predicted to be higher than the current index by as much as 148% by the end of the 21st century.Under the scenarios of SRES A2a and B2a,both the chance of extremely high fire danger occurrence and the number of days of extremely high fire danger occurrence was predicted to increase in the study region.It is anticipated that the number of extremely high fire danger days would increase from 44 days in 1980s to 53-75 days by the end of the 21st century.  相似文献   

Industrial spatial agglomeration is an important feature of modern industry development; however, little academic attention has been paid to the impact of industrial spatial agglomeration on the export of enterprises. Based on a large sample from a Chinese industrial enterprise database, this paper applies the EG index method to measure the spatial agglomeration level of forest products’ manufacturing and further explores its impact on exports. The results show that the spatial agglomeration level improved slightly in China’s forest products’ manufacturing during 1999–2009. However, the spatial agglomeration level of China’s forest products’ manufacturing is lower than is the average level of the total manufacturing industry. The regression results show that the level of spatial agglomeration has a significant positive impact on the export of enterprises in China’s forest products’ manufacturing industry. This may imply that the spatial agglomeration effect has not yet been fully exploited, and the level of spatial agglomeration in China’s forest products’ manufacturing industry needs to be further improved.  相似文献   

The rapid rate of deforestation in Cote d'Ivoire has led to loss of plant species diversity and also threatens some commercial tree species with extinction.Some reforestation and afforestation has been completed.However,for some species,the numbers of surviving transplants has declined.Hence,it is necessary to develop properly adapted and resilient genotypes that can effectively support the programs of forest restoration.In this context we evaluated the effects of the provenances of seeds and of various treatments on the germination rates and on plant growth of four commercial trees species(Pycnanthus angolensis,Terminalia superba,Mansonia altissima and Pterygota macrocarpa).We analyzed these parameters for seeds of three provenances(Daloa,Akoupe and Daoukro) of four species and for thirty plants aged 6 months per provenance.Time to begin germination and time to reach maximum germination were similar among species,and were not influenced by either treatment or provenance.Untreated seeds and those soaked for 24 and 48 h in water at room temperature yielded the highest germination rates,irrespective of species or provenance.The one exception was P.angolensis, for which no germination was recorded.Within species,some provenances produced higher germination percentages than did others.No clear relationship was computed between the germination rate and the morphometric characteristics of the seeds which varied significantly between provenances.Plant growth and morphological variability also depended greatly on provenance.Genetic factors might be implicated,therefore provenance trials should be undertaken and evaluated.Furthermore,molecular analysis should be undertaken to confirm the implications of genetic factors and allow for genetic selection.  相似文献   


Key message

Segregating stands and logs based on internal wood properties is likely to lead to improvements in value for forest and mill owners, but some situations were found where no segregation was the best alternative. Where segregation was the best alternative, segregating logs at the landing, or stands based on pre-harvest inventory assessments, led to the greatest value improvements.


The benefits of segregating stands, stems and logs based on wood properties are not clear due to the high variability of wood properties, poor market signals for wood with superior properties and poor understanding of the costs across the value chain.


The aim of this study was to determine if the benefits of segregating stands and logs outweighed the additional costs.


A techno-economic model (SEGMOD) was constructed that allowed comparisons of segregation at different approaches in the supply chain. The model was populated with Pinus radiata (D.Don) stand, cost and price data from companies operating in four forestry regions of New Zealand. A total of 255 segregation scenarios were modelled, which included variations in segregation approach, stand type, stand location, terrain type, market focus and market horizon.


Segregating logs based on internal wood properties led to improvements in stumpage and mill door value for most of the scenario sets evaluated. The No Segregation option was found (infrequently) to be best in unpruned stands. Segregating logs based on pre-harvest inventory assessments or at the landing would appear to be the best approach.


The economic benefits of segregating stands and logs for forest and mill owners outweighed the additional costs in most of the scenarios evaluated.

Introduction Bangladesh is a land hunger country having about 14.4 million hectares of land with a population of 133 million (BBS 2003). Of the total land area, about 1.48 ×106 hm2 are designated as government forest land, 0.72 million hectares are of Un…  相似文献   

The global spread of the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus, an urban pest as well as a vector for arboviruses, is a threat for public health. As control measures include the use of insecticides such as the pyrethroid λ-cyhalothrin, it is crucial to assess their efficiency and their potential impact on the biodiversity especially under climate change conditions. To evaluate the environmental risk, biotests are well established for non-target organisms but not yet for mosquitoes. We therefore developed a full-lifecycle biotest for mosquitoes kept under quarantine conditions based on the OECD guideline 219. Therewith we tested the effect of temperature and nutrition on the ecotoxicological response to λ-cyhalothrin on the mosquitoes Ae. albopictus and Culex pipiens by assessing sublethal and life history parameters. The efficiency of λ-cyhalothrin decreased in both mosquito species with increasing temperature and changed with feeding protocol. At effective concentrations for potential mosquito control in surface waters, λ-cyhalothrin poses a high risk for indigenous aquatic key role species inhabiting the same microhabitats. Those aspects should to be taken into account in vector control strategies.  相似文献   

A method of determining the Young’s modulus of timber using the stress wave propagation velocity without knowing the timber density was developed in our previous study. This method enables the estimation of Young’s modulus by Monte Carlo simulation using an existing database of the Young’s modulus versus density relationship as reference. Here, in Part II, we consider the effect of the reference distribution database on the accuracy of the estimated Young’s modulus by the developed method. Twelve different reference distribution databases were used in this study, containing Young’s modulus versus density data for more than 13 000 real-size timber specimens of ten different species. We obtained the following results: (1) the distribution of Young’s modulus estimated using an arbitrary stress wave propagation velocity depends on the reference distribution database employed, (2) the most important factor is not that the reference database has data on the same species as the timber in the test, but rather that the reference distribution database covers the foreseeable range of timber densities within the test, and (3) the estimation accuracy is higher than about 80% when the database covers many species and has wide ranges of densities and Young’s moduli. This estimation method was developed in order to measure the Young’s modulus of timber whose density cannot be measured. Considering that the quality of lumber has a large variation, such estimation accuracy will be useful for practical applications.  相似文献   

A new visual inspection method for the classification of wooden plates used in pencil manufacturing is presented. Darker regions in wooden plates indicate the presence of growth rings which are regions of hard wood. Pencils manufactured with these plates are more difficult to sharpen and have a tendency to bend and crack; therefore, these plates are classified as not being adequate for pencil manufacturing. The proposed method is based on the extraction and analysis of the features of the wooden plates using gray level images. The method classifies the plates using the results obtained by an automatic threshold determination based on Shannons entropy. The method was idealized aiming at low computational complexity, i.e., algorithm calculations involving only simple operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division which could be implemented in hardware using VLSI technology or programmable logic devices. The wooden plate is mapped in an optimal number of regions; each region is pre-classified considering some relevant features based on the entropy gray level distribution of the pixels. Information from all regions is combined based on heuristic decision rules, arriving in a pre-classification stage where the regions are labeled in four classes (A, B, C and X). Two decision algorithms have been investigated for the final classification: one based in a co-occurrence matrix considering only a uni-directional horizontal neighborhood of the regions and the second is based on a heuristic method of information reduction considering combinations of the pre-classified regions. The final results obtained by the two algorithms were compared with the classification made by a human expert, demonstrating that the proposed method had very good performance.  相似文献   

Silvicultural treatments creating large canopy openings failed to restore regeneration of balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) due to browsing pressure from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimmermann). Consequently, we tested two alternative silvicultural treatments aimed at improving balsam fir establishment on Anticosti Island (Québec, Canada). In 1998 and 1999, we set up shelterwood seed cutting using three harvest intensities (0, 25 and 40% of basal area) and strip clearcutting with scarification using three different strip widths (15, 30 and 45 m), both with fenced and unfenced regeneration plots, in balsam fir stands. After 8 years, shelterwood seed cutting did not allow the establishment of new balsam fir seedlings, nor the development of unbrowsed balsam fir seedlings. In the strip clearcutting, deer browsing suppressed growth of palatable species in all strip widths. This favoured the development of unpalatable species, especially white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss). Our study demonstrates that the use of silvicultural treatments alone is unlikely to restore balsam fir regeneration on Anticosti Island, as long as the deer population remains higher than 20 deer/km2.  相似文献   

The short-term effects of selection cutting of different intensities on the forest structure and species diversity of evergreen broad-leaved forest in northern Fujian Province were investigated and analyzed. The results showed that selection cutting of low and medium intensities caused little variation in the forest structure. After cutting, the dominant species retained their leading status in the community. However, the community structure changed significantly following selection cutting of high and extra-high intensities; the status of the dominant species of the community declined dramatically. Some tree species began to disappear from the sampling plots. Except for extra-high intensity cutting, the diversity of tree species did not change significantly for the other three cutting intensities. However, the evenness of the stands was very different among the four kinds of cutting plots. For low and medium intensity selection cutting, the evenness declined slightly. For extra-high intensity selection cutting, the evenness increased to some extent, which might be due to a more even distribution of tree species after cutting. Cutting operations resulted in some adverse reactions to development of arborous species diversity of evergreen broad-leaved forest, particularly serious damage to the forest canopy. But the rational selection cuttings, which may benefit the restoration and maintenance of species diversity over a long period and may come about from the variations in environmental factors such as sunlight, temperature and humidity.  相似文献   

DNA was extracted from wood samples of six representativeCyclobalanopsis species (Fagaceae) growing in Japan that cannot be distinguished from one another by conventional microscopy. A part of the intergenic spacer region betweentrnT andtrnT 5 exon was amplified and sequenced. The sequences obtained from wood samples were grouped into three DNA types by a single nucleotide polymorphism as reported previously in leaf samples: I (Quercus acuta, Q. sessilifolia, Q. salicina), II (Q. myrsinaefolia, Q. glauca), and III (Q. gilva). Thus,Q. gilva can be distinguished from the otherQuercus species, and the others are separated in two subgroups based on DNA polymorphism. The present findings support the possibility of wood identification based on DNA polymorphism.  相似文献   

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