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Utilization of exotic and diverse germplasm is needed to enhance the genetic diversity of cultivars. Genetically diverse lines provide ample opportunity to create favorable gene combinations, and the probability of producing a unique genotype increases in proportion to the number of genes by which the parents differ. Representative core collections (10% of the entire collection) have been suggested as a means to identify useful parents for crop improvement programs. The chickpea core collection (1956 accessions) was evaluated for 14 agronomic traits in two seasons to identify diverse agronomically superior chickpea germplasm. Season (year) and genotypic effects were significant for 13 of the 14 traits, while genotype × season effect was significant for 8 traits. The desi, kabuli, and intermediate type chickpeas differed significantly for days to maturity, basal secondary branches, pods per plant, seed yield, and 100-seed weight. In comparison to controls, 12 accessions flowered early, 15 produced greater seed yield, and 29 had greater 100-seed weight. Based on days to 50% flowering, pods per plant, seed yield, and 100-seed weight, 19 desi, 15 kabuli and 5 intermediate type chickpea germplasm lines originating from 10 countries were selected. The selected desi accessions produced 8.5% more seed yield and had 32% larger seeds than the control cultivar Annigeri while the selected kabuli accessions yielded at par with control L 550 but had 84% larger seeds. The 39 selected accessions and two control cultivars (Annigeri and L 550) were grouped by their first five principal components (PCs) into three clusters. Cluster 1 consisted of early maturing large-seeded kabuli types, cluster 2 early and late maturing desi types, and cluster 3 late maturing intermediate and kabuli types. Clusters 2 and 3 accessions had small to medium sized seeds. These accessions can be used in chickpea breeding programs to develop high yielding desi and kabuli cultivars with a broad genetic base.  相似文献   

Strobilanthes crispus (Acanthaceae) has been used traditionally as antidiabetic, diuretic, antilytic, and laxative and has been proven scientifically to possess high antioxidant activity, anti-AIDS, and anticancer properties. It is commonly consumed in the form of herbal tea. The ethnopharmacological value of this plant, such as the development of nutraceutical S. crispus herbal tea (fermented and unfermented) and assessment of their antihyperglycemic properties were investigated. The antidiabetic properties of S. crispus fermented and unfermented tea was carried out in normal and streptozotocin-induced hyperglycaemic rats for 21 days. Glucose and lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol) were determined at day 0 (baseline), day 7, and day 21. The results showed that the hot water extract of both fermented and unfermented S. crispus tea reduced blood glucose in hyperglycaemic rats. S. crispus unfermented tea also reduced glucose level in normal rat. Both fermented and unfermented S. crispus tea also showed to improve lipid profile. Antioxidant and polyphenol content that present in the extracts might contribute to the antihyperglycemic and antilipidemic properties. Further study is needed to be carried out in pre-clinical and clinical environment to prove its efficacy in human.  相似文献   

The prediction of both food intake and milk production constitutes a major issue in ruminants. This article presents a model predicting voluntary dry matter intake and milk production by lactating cows fed indoors. This model, with an extension to predict herbage intake at grazing presented in a second article, is used in the Grazemore decision support system. The model is largely based on the INRA fill unit system, consisting of predicting separately the intake capacity of the cows and the fill value (ingestibility) of each feed. The intake capacity model considers potential milk production as a key component of voluntary feed intake. This potential milk production represents the energy requirement of the mammary gland, adjusted by protein supply when the protein availability is limiting. Actual milk production is predicted from the potential milk production and from the nutritional status of the cow. The law of response of milk production is a function of the difference between energy demand and actual energy intake, modulated by protein intake level. The simulation of experimental data from different feeding trials illustrates the performance of the model. This new model enables dynamic simulations of intake and milk production sensitive to feeding management during the whole lactation period.  相似文献   

A seven-parameter regression model was developed to determine changes in the shape of the Brabender extensograph curve as a result of supplementation of wheat dough with carob fibre and oat wholemeal. The shape of the curve, close to an inverted parabola, was well described by a cubic polynomial function. The exceptions were the initial and final sections of the curve, for the representation of which two exponential functions were used. Under the effect of the fibre-rich additions, the strongest variation was observed in the polynomial function parameters describing the slope and deflection of parabolic arms of the extensograph curve and the position of its peak, while the parameters showing the final course of the curve were subject to only slight changes. The reactivity of the additions during dough proving had a much stronger effect on the model parameters than on the variation of the maximum resistance and extensibility of the dough. The results indicate that the proposed model can be a useful tool for improving the analysis of extensional behaviour of bread dough.  相似文献   

Decision support tools to help dairy farmers gain confidence in grazing management need to be able to predict performance of grazing animals with easy‐to‐obtain variables on farm. This paper, the second of a series of three, describes the GrazeIn model predicting herbage intake for grazing dairy cows. The model of voluntary intake described in the first paper is adapted to grazing situations taking account of sward characteristics and grazing management, which can potentially affect intake compared to indoor feeding. Rotational and continuously stocked grazing systems are considered separately. Specific effects of grazing management on intake were quantified from an extensive literature review, including the effect of daily herbage allowance and pre‐grazing herbage mass in rotational grazing systems, sward surface height in continuously stocked grazing systems, and daily time at pasture in both grazing systems. The model, based on iterative procedures, estimates many interactions between cows, supplements, sward characteristics and grazing management. The sensitivity of the prediction of herbage intake to sward and management characteristics, as well as the robustness of the simulations and an external validation of the GrazeIn model with an independent data set, is presented in a third paper.  相似文献   

GrazeIn is a model for predicting herbage intake and milk production of grazing dairy cows. The objectives of this paper are to test its robustness according to a planned arrangement of grazing and feeding scenarios using a simulation procedure, and to investigate the precision of the predictions from an external validation procedure with independent data. Simulations show that the predicted effects of herbage allowance, herbage mass, herbage digestibility, concentrate supplementation, forage supplementation and daily time at pasture are consistent with current knowledge. The external validation of GrazeIn is investigated from a large dataset of twenty experiments representing 206 grazing herds, from five research centres within Western Europe. On average, mean actual and predicted values are 14·4 and 14·2 kg DM d?1 for herbage intake and 22·7 and 24·7 kg d?1 for milk production, respectively. The overall precision of the predictions, estimated by the mean prediction error, are 16% (i.e. 2·3 kg DM d?1) and 14% (i.e. 3·1 kg d?1) for herbage intake and milk production, respectively. It is concluded that the GrazeIn model is able to predict variations in herbage intake and milk production of grazing dairy cows in a realistic manner over a wide range of grazing management practices, rendering it suitable as a basis for decision support systems.  相似文献   

The inclusion of peas (Pisum sativum L.) as the source of protein in the diet of growing rats brings about a reduction in growth rate as well as the impairment in the liver, muscle and spleen weights as compared with casein fed controls. Also, a fall in plasma glucose, triglycerides and protein was observed in the legume fed animals, while no changes in cholesterol levels were found. Furthermore, the rats fed on the diet containing peas showed lower levels of plasma insulin, corticosterone, IGF-I and T4 as compared with casein controls. Liver and muscle total protein (mg) and total DNA (mg) were markedly decreased in the legume fed animals, but DNA/g, protein/DNA and RNA/protein ratios were similar in both dietary groups. Likewise, liver and muscle fractional synthesis rates were similar in the casein and legume groups, while the whole body protein synthesis is assumed to be lower in the legume fed animals due to differences in body weights. It is concluded that animals fed on a diet containing peas (Pisum sativum L.) as the only source of protein showed less adverse effects than those found with other legumes such asVicia faba L. orPhaseolus vulgaris L., in which protein quality, antinutritional factors and nutrient availability could be involved.  相似文献   

The cookie making properties of dough made from blends of commercial wheat starch and gluten were determined. Higher gluten levels decreased dough piece weight, its density, stickiness and hardness. The largest spread was obtained when no gluten was added. However, this resulted in cookies of unacceptable structure. Higher gluten contents increased spread onset time, decreased cookie spread but generally had little impact on set time while additional water lowered spread onset time and likewise had no statistically significant impact on set time. The results showed that the final cookie diameter is quite dependent on the spread onset time which itself depends on the amount of water available to the non-gluten constituents in the system. Size-exclusion high performance liquid chromatography showed that during baking, proteins aggregated. This indicated that during the process the added gluten acquired the necessary mobility for interaction. However, because increasing levels of gluten increasingly decreased the relative level of water available to itself, and because the set time, and, hence, the set temperature, did not depend on the gluten level, we concluded that cookie dough setting was not determined by an ‘apparent’ glass transition. Furthermore, more protein aggregation went hand in hand with less spread.  相似文献   

The cookie making properties of dough made from blends of commercial wheat starch and gluten were determined. Higher gluten levels decreased dough piece weight, its density, stickiness and hardness. The largest spread was obtained when no gluten was added. However, this resulted in cookies of unacceptable structure. Higher gluten contents increased spread onset time, decreased cookie spread but generally had little impact on set time while additional water lowered spread onset time and likewise had no statistically significant impact on set time. The results showed that the final cookie diameter is quite dependent on the spread onset time which itself depends on the amount of water available to the non-gluten constituents in the system. Size-exclusion high performance liquid chromatography showed that during baking, proteins aggregated. This indicated that during the process the added gluten acquired the necessary mobility for interaction. However, because increasing levels of gluten increasingly decreased the relative level of water available to itself, and because the set time, and, hence, the set temperature, did not depend on the gluten level, we concluded that cookie dough setting was not determined by an ‘apparent’ glass transition. Furthermore, more protein aggregation went hand in hand with less spread.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine theeffects of country liquor Toddy and its equivalentquantity of ethanol on lipid metabolism duringgestation in rats. Female rats weighing an average of125 g were exposed to Toddy (24.5 ml/body weight/day)and ethanol (0.52 ml/kg body weight/day) for 15 daysbefore conception and throughout gestation. On the19th day of gestation, altered liver function andhyperlipidemia was seen in both the treated groups.Altered liver function was evidenced by the increasedactivity of alcohol dehydrogenase, aldehydedehydrogenase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase oraspartate amino transferase (GOT), glutamic pyruvictransaminase or alanine amino transferase (GPT) andgamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT). Hyperlipidemiawas caused by increased biosynthesis and decreaseddegradation of lipids. The incorporation of 14Cacetate in lipids and activities of HMG CoA reductaseand lipogenic enzymes were elevated and activity ofLPL and bile acids contents were decreased. Toddytreated rats were more severely affected than thosereceiving an equivalent quantity of ethanol. Toddyseemed to potentiate the toxicity induced by alcoholindicating the role of the nonethanolic portion.Hepatic functions were also affected.  相似文献   

The effect of the structure of a tropical pasture, based on Dichanthium spp., on the ingestive behaviour, in vivo digestibility of the diet and herbage intake by eight Creole tethered heifers was studied. Two levels of nitrogen fertilizer (0 and 50 kg ha?1) were applied to plots after each grazing cycle and there were 28 d between each of the three grazing cycles. Four heifers grazed individual subplots daily on each plot for 14 d in each of the successive grazing cycles. Simultaneous measurements of bite depth, bite mass, biting rate, short‐term intake rate and daily grazing time were made in two 4‐d periods at the end of each 14‐d period. The in vivo organic matter digestibility (OMD) and daily herbage organic matter intake (OMI, expressed on a kg LW0·75 basis) were also measured at the same times. Relationships among pasture characteristics and ingestive behaviour were similar to those reported in other short‐term studies: pasture height was highly correlated with bite depth, bite mass and biting rate (r = 0·91, r =0·79 and r = ?0·68, respectively, P < 0·001). Pasture variables had lower correlations with grazing time and short‐term intake rate than with bite depth, bite mass and biting rate. Pasture structure was more highly correlated with OMD than OMI: leaf mass and length and also the extended tiller length were highly correlated with OMD (r = 0·77, r = 0·76 and r = 0·72, respectively, P < 0·001) whereas the crude protein concentration of the herbage was correlated with OMI and digestible OMI (r = 0·50 and r = 0·69, respectively, P < 0·001). Ingestive behaviour variables, as well as OMD, were correlated more with pasture characteristics than was OMI.  相似文献   

An experiment was undertaken to examine the effect of supplement type on herbage intake, total dry matter (DM) intake, animal performance and nitrogen utilization with grazing dairy cows. Twenty‐four spring‐calving dairy cows were allocated to one of six treatments in a partially balanced changeover design with five periods of four weeks. The six treatments were no supplement (NONE), or supplementation with either grass silage (GS), whole‐crop wheat silage (WS), maize silage (MS), rapidly degradable concentrate (RC) or slowly degradable concentrate (SC). Cows were rotationally grazed with a mean herbage allowance of 20·5 kg DM per cow per day, measured above 4 cm. Forage supplements were offered for approximately 2 h immediately after each morning milking, with cows on NONE, RC and SC treatments returning to the grazing paddock immediately after milking. Cows on treatment MS had a significantly higher supplement DM intake than the other treatments but a significantly lower grass DM intake than the other treatments, resulting in no significant difference in total DM intake when compared with cows on treatments WS, RC and SC. Concentrate type had no significant effect on herbage intake, milk yield, milk composition or yield of milk components. The yield of milk fat and milk protein was significantly higher on treatments MS, RC and SC compared with treatments NONE, GS and WS. The results indicate that despite a relatively high substitution rate, maize silage can be a useful supplement for the grazing dairy cow.  相似文献   

A dairy system simulator, Dairy_sim, was designed to assess the interactions between climate and management in spring‐calving milk production systems based on the grazing of grass pastures. The simulator comprises three main components: a grass herbage growth model, an intake and grazing behaviour model, and a nutrient demand model. The simulator was initially parameterized using the Irish National Dairy Blueprint. Sensitivity analysis indicated that the simulator was most sensitive to stocking rate, milk output per cow and nitrogen fertilizer inputs, but less sensitive to other variables. Field data from four grazing systems were used to test the simulator and it was concluded that Dairy_sim was suitable for evaluating the interaction of climate and management for rotational grazing dairy systems based on perennial ryegrass pastures with Friesian cows. The simulator, Dairy_sim, was then used to evaluate the effects of the regional climates of Ireland on system management. The results indicated that, between regions, herbage production at the same input of nitrogen may vary proportionally by 0·10 and that the length of the grazing season may vary by 0·25. It was concluded that the simulator could be a useful tool for developing region‐specific dairy production blueprints.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus buchneri was investigated as a silage inoculant and as a probiotic on feed intake, apparent digestibility, and ruminal fermentation and microbiology in wethers fed low‐dry‐matter (DM) whole‐crop maize silage. Maize forage (279 g/kg DM) was ensiled without inoculant (untreated) and with L. buchneri CNCM I‐4323 at 1 × 10cfu/g fresh forage (inoculated). Six cannulated wethers were arranged in a double 3 × 3 Latin square and assigned to one of three diets: (i) untreated maize silage (untreated), (ii) inoculated maize silage (inoculated), and (iii) untreated maize silage with a daily dose of L. buchneri (1 × 10cfu/g supplied silage) injected directly into the rumen (LB‐probiotic). Wethers fed the inoculated diet had a higher (= .050) DM intake (1.30% body weight [BW]) than wethers fed untreated and LB‐probiotic diets (1.17% and 1.18% BW respectively). The relative proportion of Ruminococcus flavefaciens (proportion of total estimated rumen bacterial 16S rDNA) in the rumen of wethers fed inoculated and LB‐probiotic diets (both 0.42%) tended (= .098) to be lower than in the untreated diet (0.83%). Lactobacillus buchneri as a silage inoculant or as a probiotic had little effect on the variables measured in wethers.  相似文献   

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