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Termite mounds form islands of fertility in savanna landscapes and create foraging hotspots for herbivores, but the magnitude and spatial extent of these influences is unknown. We mapped terrain, termite mound and woody vegetation three-dimensional (3-D) structure at 56 cm resolution across a large-scale (254 ha), long-term (34 years) herbivore exclusion experiment in the Kruger National Park, with the Carnegie Airborne Observatory (CAO). We compared vegetation 3-D structure in areas protected from herbivores with those accessible to herbivores, both on termite mounds and in the landscape matrix between termite mounds. Termite mound density was 1.1 ha−1 across the study area and mound size did not differ between protected and accessible areas. Woody vegetation canopy cover was ∼100% greater on protected than accessible mounds, but was only ∼20% greater in the protected inter-mound matrix when compared to the accessible matrix. Woody canopy height class distributions differed significantly between protected and accessible areas, with the tallest vegetation (>10 m) occurring on protected termite mounds. The impacts of herbivore browsing were evident at distances of up to 20 m from termite mound centres. Spatial analysis of mound distribution revealed that the sphere of termite mound influence constitutes ∼20% of the total landscape. Termite influences on herbivore browsing operate at scales much larger than the spatial extent of their mound building activities.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of cloned 16S rRNA gene fragments from Cornitermes cumulans (T) and its termite mound soil (TM) from the Brazilian Cerrado (Brazilian Savannah) revealed a great diversity of sequences. The bacteria detected in T and TM samples were associated with the following major lineages: Spirochaetes (T), Firmicutes (T), Synergistetes (T), Cyanobacteria (T), Fibrobacteres (T), Elusimicrobia (T), Chloroflexi (TM), Verrucomicrobia (TM), Gemmatimonadetes (TM), Armatimonas (TM), Proteobacteria (T and TM), Actinobacteria (T and TM), Bacteroidetes (T and TM), Planctomycetes (T and TM), and Acidobacteria (T and TM). All archaeal sequences only obtained from TM sample were associated with uncharacterized Crenarchaeota. The high values that were obtained for the diversity indices and evenness are indicative of high bacterial diversity from T and TM libraries, whereas the TM archaeal library exhibited low diversity. Therefore, our findings revealed differences between the bacterial communities from termite mounds and those from C. cumulans, the latter of which represents a specific bacterial composition when compared to other termite species.  相似文献   

Soil degradation is a major source of ecological dysfunction in both natural and agricultural landscapes. Termites are key mediators of tropical soil structure and function, but there has been little experimental evaluation of their potential in soil rehabilitation. This study investigated if termite activity can be used as a tool to improve the properties and function of degraded soil in tropical Australia, through mulch addition. A 2 × 2 randomised block design was used, with mulch (bare [B] or mulched [M] plots) and termiticide (termite [T] or non-termite [NT] plots) as factors. Over 4.5 years I tested the hypothesis that the MT plots would show greatest increase in (i) soil macroporosity, (ii) total soil surface carbon and nitrogen, (iii) litter decomposition, (iv) soil water storage and (v) plant cover, and (vi) greatest reduction in soil strength. MT treatment plots showed a 46% and 45% increase in soil macroporosity and plant cover, respectively, and a 25% reduction in soil strength compared with MNT plots. Compared with B treatments (BT, BNT), macroporosity and plant cover were 98% and 60% higher, respectively and soil water storage increased by up to 15%. Termites contributed to 58% of litter loss in MT plots over the transitional/dry season period. Mulching doubled soil carbon and nitrogen levels. This research demonstrates termite-mediated processes can be initiated and maintained in degraded soil, thereby improving soil structure and key ecosystem functions. Termites may represent a valuable biological resource for promoting tropical soil restoration, through incorporating techniques that promote their activity into tropical soil rehabilitation management.  相似文献   


The reactivity of bulk precipitation moving into the soil of a bush island Trachypogon savanna throughout a forest grove and the herbaceous layer was analyzed during four consecutive years. In the forest grove, there was a significant decrease of annual hydrogen (H+) content (meq/ha) of 44–75% as rainfall leached through the canopy, whereas the bulk throughfall pH in the grass layer was similar to the bulk precipitation pH. As throughfall passed throughout the soil profile of the grove, the H+ content decreased 87–70%. Results evidenced a buffering capacity of the system when bulk precipitation was acid during the last measured year. The savanna system retained 92–93% of H+ input from the bulk precipitation indicating that a redistribution of H+ ocurred instead of a net input or net loss. Canopy neutralization of bulk precipitation appears to take place in the grove canopy mainly by organic and bicarbonate salts.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations were determined in sediment samples along the bed of Catatumbo river in both Colombian and Venezuelan territories until the river outlet in Maracaibo lake. Total phosphorus was determined by digestion with HCl followed by analysis using the ascorbic acid method and total nitrogen was done using the standard microkjeldahl method plus nitrate-nitrite. Ammonium, orthophosphate and nitrate were determined using standard methods after extraction steps. The mean concentrations along the river bed were found in an interval of 0.035 and 1.492 mg g-1 dry sed. for nitrogen and 0.027 and 1.039 mg g-1 dry sed. for phosphorus at 95% confidence level. The mean molar ratio N/P in the river bed was 4.42 and 3.46 for river outlet zones in the lake, which indicates that nitrogen is the limiting nutrient. For comparison with previous results of lake sediments from sites near the river outlet it was concluded that Catatumbo river is a significant source of nutrients to the Maracaibo Lake system because sediment nutrients concentrations from Catatumbo river were higher than the ones in Maracaibo Lake. Statistic studies showed significant differences between countries, zones and similar behaviour in the river bed as related to the affluent rivers.  相似文献   

Even if termites are often considered as a pest due to the damage they cause to agriculture and architecture, they contribute to the soil humification process in the tropics. This impact on the soil organic matter humification process is due to the most important feeding habit in terms of species diversity, the soil feeding termites (∼1 200 species). Unlike other termites, their diet is not based on lignocellulosic plant degradation, but on the consumption of the mineral-containing horizons for the acquisition of nutrients. They are mostly distributed in humid forest or savannah equatorial zone. High structure and compartment with steep radial and axial gradients of O2, H2 and pH characterize their gut and create a patchy biotope. Furthermore, the humic compounds ingested are submitted, during a sequential transit, to different chemical (alkaline hydrolysis) and microbial degradation processes (fermentation, anaerobic respiration and mineralization). During this gut transit, the soil organic matter is strongly modified in terms of nature (organic matter concentration, fulvic and humic acid ratio) and organization (formation of organo-mineral complexes with clay). The soil organic matter ingested is further included as faeces in the nest and the galleries which, as a whole, constitutes the termitosphere. Compared to the control soil, the soil organic matter in the termitosphere is more stable and protected from the intense mineralization, which occurs in the tropics. These shifts of the organic matter into long turnover pool generated by the termite gut transit and deposition in the termitosphere indicate that besides the earthworm, the soil feeding termite has a positive impact on the overall organic matter cycling in the tropics.  相似文献   

The role of mounds of the fungus-growing termite Macrotermes bellicosus (Smeathman) in nutrient recycling in a highly weathered and nutrient-depleted tropical red earth (Ultisol) of the Nigerian savanna was examined by measuring stored amounts of selected nutrients and estimating their rates of turnover via the mounds. A study plot (4?ha) with a representative termite population density (1.5?mounds?ha?1) and size (3.7?±?0.4?m in height, 2.4?±?0.2?m in basal diameter) of M. bellicosus mounds was selected. The mounds were found to contain soil mass of 9249?±?2371?kg?ha?1, composed of 7502?±?1934?kg?ha?1 of mound wall and 1747?±?440?kg?ha?1 of nest body. Significant nutrient enrichment, compared to the neighboring topmost soil (Ap1 horizon: 0–16?cm), was observed in the nest body for total nitrogen (N) and exchangeable calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K), and in the mound wall for exchangeable K only. In contrast, available (Bray-1) phosphorus (P) content was found to be lower in both the mound wall and the nest body than in the adjacent topmost soil horizon. Consequently, the mounds formed by M. bellicosus contained 1.71?±?0.62?kg?ha?1 of total N, 0.004?±?0.003?kg?ha?1 of available P, 3.23?±?0.81?kg?ha?1 of exchangeable Ca, 1.11?±?0.22?kg?ha?1 of exchangeable Mg and 0.79?±?0.21?kg?ha?1 of exchangeable K. However, with the exception of exchangeable K (1.2%), these nutrients amounted to less than 0.5% of those found in the topmost soil horizon. The soil nutrient turnover rate via M. bellicosus mounds was indeed limited, being estimated at 1.72?kg?ha?1 for organic carbon (C), 0.15?kg?ha?1 for total N, 0.0004?kg?ha?1 for available P, 0.15?kg?ha?1 for exchangeable Ca, 0.05?kg?ha?1 for exchangeable Mg, and 0.06?kg?ha?1 for exchangeable K per annum. These findings suggest that the mounds of M. bellicosus, while being enriched with some nutrients to create hot spots of soil nutrients in the vicinity of the mounds, are not a significant reservoir of soil nutrients and are therefore of minor importance for nutrient cycling at the ecosystem scale in the tropical savanna.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated how the community of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in roots of Centrosema macrocarpum responded to different doses and sources of phosphorus (40 kg ha−1 of P as rock phosphate, 150 kg ha−1 of P as rock phosphate and 75 kg ha−1 of P as diammonium phosphate together with 75 kg ha−1 of P as rock phosphate) in a Venezuelan savanna ecosystem. We also related AMF diversity to soil parameters (total N, total P, available P, extractable K, total Ca, total Mg, total Fe, total Cu, total Zn, total Mn, glomalin-related soil protein, microbial biomass C, dehydrogenase, urease and acid phosphatase activities, water-soluble carbon and carbohydrates and aggregate stability) at different doses of P. The AM fungal small-subunit (SSU) rRNA genes were subjected to PCR, cloning, SSCP, sequencing and phylogenetic analyses. Nine fungal types were identified: six belonged to the genus Glomus and three to Acaulospora. The majority of fungal types showed high similarity to sequences of known glomalean isolates: Aca 1 to Acaulospora mellea, Aca 2 to Acaulospora rugosa, Aca 3 to Acaulospora spinosa, Glo 1 to Glomus intraradices and Glo 3 to Glomus fasciculatum. The control treatment was dominated by species belonging to the genus Acaulospora. However, when the soil was fertilised with low doses of P, the colonisation of roots increased and there was a change in the AMF diversity, the genus Glomus dominating. The AM development and the abundance of AM fungal types in roots were decreased dramatically by the fertilisation with high doses of P, without differences between the sources of P used. The available P in soil was negatively correlated with the AMF diversity. In conclusion, the application of low doses of P as rock phosphate stimulated mycorrhization and enhanced the soil quality parameters except water-soluble carbohydrates, helping to offset a loss of fertility in P-poor tropical savanna soils.  相似文献   

Rhizospheric soils from 13 nodulated legume species were collected at two contrasting savanna sites. Site 1 (S-1) was characterized by 2.6 µg available P g-1 soil, 2.5% Al saturation and a pH of 5.9. Site 2 (S-2) presented a pH of 4.0, 1.0 µg available P g-1 soil and 40% Al saturation. For all legume species and at both sites, acid phosphatase (AP) and dehydrogenase (Dh) activities were significantly higher in rhizospheric than in non-rhizospheric soils. Between sites, the highest significant rhizospheric and non-rhizospheric AP and Dh activities were recorded at S-1, indicating a negative effect of S-2 properties on soil enzymatic activity. Among species, the highest significant AP activity was detected in the rhizosphere of Aeschynomene hystrix at S-1 and Galactia jussieuana and Mimosa pudica at S-2. The Dh activity was significantly higher in the rhizosphere of Calopogonium mucunoides at S-1 and Chamaecrista flexuosa and G. jussieuana in S-2. Dh activity was below detectable values in the rhizosphere of Chamaecrista rotundifolia, C. mucunoides and Phaseolus gracilis at S-2. Glucose amendment (GA) of soils did not enhance AP activity in all rhizospheric and non-rhizospheric S-1 and S-2 soils. In contrast, GA increased the Dh activity in all soils, regardless of the site and legume species. Nevertheless, Dh activity in GA S-2 rhizospheric and non-rhizospheric soils did not reach the values detected in non-amended rhizospheric and non-rhizospheric S-1 soils, respectively. The non-response of AP to glucose amendment can be considered as an indicator of its plant origin.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the effect of a native anecic species on phosphorus availability in an Oxisol characterised by a low chemical fertility. Experiments were carried out at Carimagua research station in a representative site of the isohyperthermic savannas on the Colombian Orinoco basin. One field study and two laboratory/incubation studies were performed in a natural herbaceous savanna and a Brachiaria decumbens and Pueraria phaseoloides pasture. In the laboratory, experiment pots were prepared containing soil collected from the respective field paddock's topsoil. Total P content was higher in earthworm casts than in the surrounding soil in field samples, 50% in native savanna soil and more than 100% in pasture soil. In casts produced under laboratory conditions this increase was relatively low (10-20%). Under field conditions, almost without exception, all P fractions were increased in casts relative to the original soil (corresponding to the increase in total P content), being relatively greater in the labile inorganic P fractions. In addition, samples from the natural savanna showed that pH of casts was higher (5.2) than that of soil (4.6) in both field and laboratory samples. Except in the native savanna under field conditions, the phosphatase activity was reduced in casts by 16.7 to 44%. From our results we conclude that earthworms in the field incorporate P from litter or other organic sources (i.e. undecomposed plant and root material, earthworm faeces) which is not normally measured in the analysis of bulk soil.  相似文献   

Over-fertilization has caused significant phosphorus(P) accumulation in Chinese greenhouse vegetable production(GVP) soils. This study, for the first time, quantified profile P accumulation directly from soil P measurements, as well as subsoil P immobilization, in three alkaline coarse-textured GVP soil profiles with 5(S5), 15(S15), and 30(S30) years of cultivation in Tongshan, Southeast China. For each profile, soil samples were collected at depths of 0–10(topsoil), 10–20, 20–40, 40–60, 60–80, and 80–100 cm. Phosphorus accumulation was estimated from the difference in P contents between topsoil and parent material(60–100 cm subsoil). Phosphorus mobility was assessed from measurements of water-soluble P concentration(PSol). Finally, P sorption isotherms were produced using a batch sorption experiment and fitted using a modified Langmuir model. High total P contents of 1 980(S5), 3 190(S15), and 2 330(S30) mg kg~(-1) were measured in the topsoils versus lower total P content of approximately 600 mg kg~(-1) in the 80–100 cm subsoils. Likewise, topsoil PSol values were very high, varying from 6.4 to 17.0 mg L~(-1). The estimated annual P accumulations in the topsoils were 397(S5), 212(S15), and 78(S30) kg ha~(-1) year~(-1). Sorption isotherms demonstrated the dominance of P desorption in highly P-saturated topsoils, whereas the amount of adsorbed P increased in the 80–100 cm subsoils with slightly larger P adsorption capacity. The total P adsorption capacity of the 80–100 cm subsoils at a solution P concentration of0.5 mg L~(-1) was 15.7(S5), 8.7(S15), and 6.5(S30) kg ha~(-1), demonstrating that subsoils were unable to secure P concentrations in leaching water below 0.5 mg L~(-1) because of their insufficient P-binding capacity.  相似文献   

Morales  J. A.  Albornoz  A.  Socorro  E.  Morillo  A. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2001,128(3-4):207-221
In order to make an estimation of thewet deposition levels of the major nitrogen compoundsin Lake Maracaibo system, the precipitation wascollected by events at five sites located on shorearound the Lake from 1991 to 1994. Also the phosphorusconcentrations were determined in rain samples. RainpHs averaged about 5 to 6. NH4 + levels weresignificantly higher (up to 1.44 mg L-1NH4-N) than NO3 -plus NO2 -ions which resulted in the highest pHs values in thestrait Maracaibo. The strait is the nearest zone toAmmonia Plant located upwind at the TablazoPetrochemical Complex. At the strait, theinorganic-nitrogen ((NH4 + NO3 +NO2)-N) concentrations were greater than organicnitrogen levels, but at the other sites were lower.Phosphorus levels were low, ranging from undetectableto 1.5 mg L-1; organic-P was estimated to accountfor about 40% of total-P. Total mean nitrogen wetdepositions were 6.93 kg ha-1 yr-1 (≈59% asNH4-N) at the strait and 9.85–16.84 kg ha-1yr-1 (≈55% as organic-N) around the lakeshore.Inorganic and organic nitrogen account for about equalportions of the total nitrogen loading. These amountsrepresents ≈24% of the annual total-N inputsby the tributary rivers to the lake and aresubstantially higher than those reported in the shoreof Lake Valencia (north-central part of Venezuela) andother tropical areas. The contribution ofprecipitation to P in lake is very small; ≈0.6 kg ha-1 of total-P are added annually. The N and Pinputs were greater than the sewage contributions. Themean molar ratio N/P is ≈22 at the straitsite whilst at lake sites the N/P ratio isconsistently >22 (about 35~1 to 100~1). The results of this preliminary study show that the atmosphere represents a significant factor for the total nitrogen loading to Lake Maracaibo system.  相似文献   

P fractions and sorption processes were studied in samples taken from the organic surface layer and in the underlying mineral soil of a forest-savanna sequence consisting of: (1) tall primary forest (TPF), (2) tall secondary forest (MSF), (3) low secondary forest (LSF), and (4) open savanna (S) in la Gran Sabana, South Venezuela. The organic surface layer in the TPF and MSF showed the highest P concentrations in all analysed P fractions. P in this organic layer was mainly associated with inorganic forms, suggesting that this layer is an important source of bio-available P. The organic surface layer was not present in LSF and S probably because of the occurrence of recurrent surface fires. The conversion of forest to savanna influenced the distribution of the different forms of P in the soil. While non-occluded (resin-+NaOH-P extractable) and organic (NaHCO3-+NaOH-+HCl-Po) P declined from the forest to savanna, occluded (concentrated HCl-extractable+residual P) forms increased. The correlation between sorption maxima and soil organic C was not significant; however, organically bound forms of Al were the main component that explained the adsorption capacity of these soils. The above findings suggest that the organic surface layer and the soil organic matter are important for maintaining P fertility in the undisturbed and little disturbed forests. However, when the system is heavily perturbed by fire the organic surface layer, the main P source, disappears and the patterns of P cycling change.  相似文献   

山西省菜园土壤磷素积累特征及流失风险分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解山西省不同区域菜园土壤磷素积累以及流失情况, 本文分析了菜园土壤磷饱和度(DPS)、Mehlich3-P、Olsen-P与水溶性磷(Pw)的积累特征.结果表明: 山西各地菜园土壤4种磷素(土壤全磷、水溶性磷、Olsen-P和 Mehlich3-P)积累明显, 已经远远超过作物需求量; 土壤表层水溶性磷含量随着土壤磷饱和度(DPS)、Olsen-P、Mehlich3-P含量的增加而增加; 且Mehlich3-P与Olsen-P、水溶性磷与Olsen-P、水溶性磷与Mehlich3-P之间具有极显著相关性, 相关系数分别为0.976 6、0.923 2、0.962 0 (P<0.01); 当磷饱和度大于46.64%、Olsen-P大于81.88 mg·kg-1、Mehlich3-P大于164.59 mg·kg-1时, 水溶性磷含量上升幅度迅速增大, 由此将土壤磷饱和度为46.64%、Olsen-P 为81.88 mg·kg-1、Mehlich3-P为164.59 mg·kg-1和水溶性磷为8.05 mg·kg-1初步确定为山西省菜园土壤磷素流失的临界值.该结果将为探讨山西农田土壤磷素的养分管理和环境风险评估提供重要的理论依据.  相似文献   

Greenhouse experiments were conducted to study the P and Mo interactions during uptake by burley tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L., cv. ‘Ky 14') and the effect of their interactions on plant dry matter and Mo concentration. In Experiment 1, plants were grown in an intermittently irrigated gravel culture system. The nutrient variables were Mo (0–0.63 μeq/L) and P (0 to 1.8 meq/L). Experiment 2 was conducted in soil‐sand mixtures. The soil types used were Shelbyville silt loam (Mollic Hapludalf) and Baxter silt loam (Typic Paleudalf) each containing, respectively, 36 and 368 kg P/ha by the Bray 1 soil test. Treatments consisted of four rates of P (0, 84, 168, and 336 kg/ha) and five rates of Na2MoO4‐2H2O (0, 0.56, 1.12, 2.24, and 4.48 kg Mo/ha).

In gravel culture a significant synergistic Mo × P interaction occurred for dry weight, but singly the effect of P was greater than Mo. Similarly, significant positive Mo × P interactions occurred for Mo concentrations in both gravel and soil culture. As contrasted to adding no P or Mo, adding the highest levels of P and Mo together increased Mo concentrations in leaves four, five, and 10 fold, respectively, in gravel culture, Shelbyville, and Baxter soils. The rate of accumulation of Mo was much greater at plant Mo concentrations above 1 μg Mo/g tissue than below, suggesting two mechanisms of Mo × P interaction were involved.  相似文献   

Termites play a significant role in soil-forming processes of the tropics. The influence of termites on pedogenesis as affected by the toposequence, however, has rarely been explored. We investigated the soil physicochemical and morphological characteristics of epigeal mounds constructed by Macrotermes bellicosus (Smethman) compared with those of surrounding pedons along a toposequence (bottom, fringe and upland sites) of an inland valley in central Nigeria. The physicochemical and morphological properties of the mound soils varied according to structural units but were generally different from those of the adjacent pedons. The differences included finer texture, higher electrical conductivity, total N, exchangeable bases (Ca, Mg and K) and effective cation exchange capacity and lower C/N ratio and exchange acidity in the mound than the pedon at each toposequence position. This tendency to modify the soil properties was more prominent in the nest body where the termites actually live, that is, in the hives, royal cell and base-plate, than in the soils below the nest and the other mound parts, that is, the external wall, internal wall and pillars. We found this trend to a greater or lesser degree at all toposequence positions. Our findings suggest that: (1) M. bellicosus can manipulate the mound soils according to functional applications of structure units or environmental requirements for its livelihood, regardless of local soils; (2) M. bellicosus makes ecological patches (hot spots) at all toposequence positions in the same measure; (3) the influence of M. bellicosus on the pedogenesis is reduced in the lowlands compared with the uplands because the number and volume of the mounds were substantially lower in the bottom and fringe sites compared with the upland site.  相似文献   

The effects of 25 years of annual applications of P fertilizer on the accumulation and migration of soil Olsen‐P, and the effects of soil residual P on crop yields by withholding P application for the following 5 years, were evaluated in a subtropical region. Annual application of P fertilizer for 25 years to crops in summer (groundnut), winter (wheat, mustard or rapeseed) or in both seasons raised the Olsen‐P status of the plough layer (0–15 cm) from initially very low (12 kg P ha?1) to medium (18 kg P ha?1) and very high levels (40–59 kg P ha?1), depending on the amount of P surplus (amount of fertilizer applied in excess of removal by crops) (r = 0.86, P 0.01). However, only 4–9% of the applied P fertilizer accumulated as Olsen‐P to a depth of 15 cm (an increase of 2 mg kg?1per 100 kg ha?1 surplus P) in the sandy loam soil. In the following 5 years, the raising of 10 crops without P fertilizer applications decreased the accumulated Olsen‐P by only 20–30% depending upon the amount of accumulated P and crop requirements. After 29 years, 45–256 kg of residual P fertilizer had accumulated as Olsen‐P ha?1 in the uppermost 150 cm with 43–58% below 60 cm depth; this indicates enormous movement of applied P to deeper layers in this coarse textured soil with low P retention capacity for nutrients. Groundnut was more efficient in utilizing residual P than rapeseed; however, for both crops the yield advantage of residual P could be compensated for by fresh P applications. These results demonstrated little agronomic advantage above approximately 20 mg kg?1 Olsen‐P build‐up and suggested that further elevation of soil P status would only increase the risk of environmental problems associated with the loss of P from agricultural soils in this region.  相似文献   


Termites play a significant role in soil-forming processes of the tropics. The influence of termites on pedogenesis as affected by the toposequence, however, has rarely been explored. We investigated the soil physicochemical and morphological characteristics of epigeal mounds constructed by Macrotermes bellicosus (Smethman) compared with those of surrounding pedons along a toposequence (bottom, fringe and upland sites) of an inland valley in central Nigeria. The physicochemical and morphological properties of the mound soils varied according to structural units but were generally different from those of the adjacent pedons. The differences included finer texture, higher electrical conductivity, total N, exchangeable bases (Ca, Mg and K) and effective cation exchange capacity and lower C/N ratio and exchange acidity in the mound than the pedon at each toposequence position. This tendency to modify the soil properties was more prominent in the nest body where the termites actually live, that is, in the hives, royal cell and base-plate, than in the soils below the nest and the other mound parts, that is, the external wall, internal wall and pillars. We found this trend to a greater or lesser degree at all toposequence positions. Our findings suggest that: (1) M.?bellicosus can manipulate the mound soils according to functional applications of structure units or environmental requirements for its livelihood, regardless of local soils; (2) M.?bellicosus makes ecological patches (hot spots) at all toposequence positions in the same measure; (3) the influence of M.?bellicosus on the pedogenesis is reduced in the lowlands compared with the uplands because the number and volume of the mounds were substantially lower in the bottom and fringe sites compared with the upland site.  相似文献   

  【目的】  探究长期秸秆全量深翻还田后玉米磷素累积特征及产量变化,以期为确定秸秆全量还田条件下的磷肥适宜用量提供理论依据。  【方法】  本试验于2017—2019年在吉林省公主岭市和朝阳坡镇进行,双因素设计,主因素为磷肥水平,P2O5用量分别为0 kg/hm2 (P0)、45 kg/hm2 (P45)、90 kg/hm2 (P90)、135 kg/hm2 (P135)和180 kg/hm2 (P180),副因素为玉米品种,分别为富民985 (Fumin 985)和翔玉211 (Xiangyu 211)。测定开花期及成熟期各部位磷素吸收量、产量及其构成。  【结果】  地点、年份和磷处理3个因素及其交互作用对玉米产量、收获穗数、穗粒数和百粒重均有极显著影响 (P<0.01);P90处理的产量、收获穗数和百粒重均最高,较P0处理分别增加了14.4%、6.15%和5.78% (P<0.05)。与P0处理相比,2017—2019年两地的花前磷累积比例均有一定程度的增加,以P90处理的增幅最大,其中朝阳坡2018和2019年P90处理的花前磷累积比例较P0处理分别显著增加24.5%和15.5% (P<0.05)。玉米的磷吸收量特别是秸秆中的磷累积量较为稳定,受施磷水平的影响较小,但籽粒的磷累积量呈先升后降的趋势;与P0处理相比,2017年公主岭P90和P135两处理籽粒磷素吸收量增幅显著,分别为22.3%和14.6% (P<0.05);2017—2019年朝阳坡P90处理的籽粒磷素吸收量显著提高,增幅为7.03%~12.5% (P<0.05)。当施磷水平为90 kg/hm2时,磷转运量、转运率和对籽粒的贡献率达到较高水平。通过一元二次方程将3年两点数据进行拟合,得出公主岭和朝阳坡最高产量分别为12161和12435 kg/hm2,对应的最佳经济施磷量分别为77.2和71.9 kg/hm2;两地拟合后的最佳经济施磷量为74.6 kg/hm2。  【结论】  当施磷水平小于90 kg/hm2时,增施磷肥对提高花前的磷累积比例、籽粒磷素吸收量、转运量、转运率和对籽粒的贡献率有积极作用。在多年秸秆全量深翻还田背景下,玉米施磷(P2O5)量在71.9~77.2 kg/hm2,可达到12 t/hm2的产量水平。  相似文献   

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