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The present study was conducted in a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement in a randomized complete block (RCB) design to compare the effects of a commercial inorganic Se source (sodium selenite, SS) with a commercial organic Se source (Se-enriched yeast, SY) on tissue Se distribution and blood and whole-egg Se concentrations in laying hens. Both Se sources were added into the basal diet at 0, 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/kg of Se. Seven hundred 68 week old Rohman laying hens were fed with a basal diet containing 0.15 mg/kg DM (dry matter) of Se for 2 weeks, and then, they were allocated randomly into seven groups and were investigated for 28 days. Each group was replicated five times with five cages of four hens per cage in each replicate. During the experiment, two eggs per replicate from each treatment were collected every 7 days and blood was sampled on days 0, 14, and 28 for whole-egg and whole-blood Se analyses. At the end of the experiment, two hens per replicate from each treatment were slaughtered, and muscle (cardiac and breast muscles), liver, spleen, and kidney were sampled for the determination of Se concentrations. The results showed that the addition of Se from either source caused a significant increase in whole-egg and whole-blood Se concentrations (p < 0.01) and Se concentrations in liver, kidney, spleen, and cardiac and breast muscles (p < 0.05) of hens in comparison to the control. Both Se sources and Se levels significantly influenced (p < 0.01) Se concentrations in egg, blood, and the above-mentioned tissues. There was a more significant increase in the Se concentrations in egg (p < 0.01), spleen (p < 0.05), and breast muscle (p < 0.01) and a decrease (p < 0.01) in whole-blood and kidney from hens fed SY than those from hens fed SS. The order of Se distribution was liver > kidney > spleen > cardiac muscle > egg > blood > breast muscle, irrespective of the addition level or source. It was concluded that meat and eggs from hens fed commercial SY are a potential source of Se for humans.  相似文献   

【目的】研究对硒 (Se) 不同敏感性蔬菜对天然富硒土 (Se ≥ 0.4 mg/kg) 中硒的吸收和转化差异,为富硒土壤生产富硒蔬菜提供理论与技术指导。【方法】以大蒜、芥菜和菠菜三种蔬菜为试验材料,在全硒含量为0.29、0.58、0.98、2.07 mg/kg的四种土壤上进行了盆栽试验 (依次标记为Se0.29、Se0.58、Se0.98、Se2.07),并测定四种土壤中不同形态硒的含量。芥菜和菠菜于生长40 d、53 d、68 d和82 d后取样,测定蔬菜可食部分硒含量;于生长97 d后收获,分为根部和地上部。大蒜于生长42 d、68 d、82 d、120 d后取样,测定地上部硒含量;于生长165 d后收获,分为根部、鳞茎和叶。测定供试蔬菜总硒含量、有机硒含量,计算不同硒含量土壤上蔬菜对硒的吸收和转化系数。【结果】三种蔬菜中芥菜的生长对土壤硒最为敏感,芥菜可食部位生物量鲜重以Se0.29处理最高,菠菜和大蒜均以Se0.58处理最高,与Se2.07处理均达显著差异。三种蔬菜地上部硒含量在整个生育期总体呈现增加的趋势,不同生育期均表现为大蒜 > 芥菜 > 菠菜。收获期三种蔬菜各部位的硒含量随着土壤硒含量 (0.29~2.07 mg/kg) 的增加而增加,表现为Se2.07 > Se0.98 > Se0.58 > Se0.29,Se2.07处理的菠菜地上部和地下部硒含量分别是其Se0.29处理的8.63倍和7.10倍,芥菜是12.25倍和23.29倍,Se2.07处理大蒜鳞茎和叶部硒含量是Se0.29处理的39.92倍和4.90倍;可食部位硒含量为大蒜 (7.25~289 μg/kg) > 芥菜 (1.22~14.9 μg/kg) > 菠菜 (0.73~6.30 μg/kg),均表现为地下部 > 地上部,Se2.07处理菠菜根部硒含量是茎叶的4.80倍,芥菜是12.06倍,大蒜是8.22倍。在富硒土壤Se0.98和Se2.07处理条件下,大蒜和芥菜能从土壤中富集硒,吸收系数是菠菜的3.06~8.47倍和1.58~5.8倍,均达到了富硒蔬菜标准 (≥ 0.01 mg/kg)。三种蔬菜可食部位有机硒含量占总硒比例为73.5%~84.7%,并随土壤硒含量的增加而增加,其中Se2.07与Se0.29处理差异显著;蔬菜硒含量不但与土壤总硒含量相关,而且与有效态硒含量呈显著正相关。【结论】蔬菜种类和土壤硒含量均影响蔬菜硒的吸收、转化和富集。三种蔬菜对土壤硒的敏感性以芥菜最强。蔬菜硒含量和可食用部位有机硒的转化率均随着土壤硒含量的增加而增加,与土壤总硒含量和有效态硒含量呈显著正相关。富硒能力为大蒜 > 芥菜 > 菠菜,在天然富硒土壤上生长的大蒜和芥菜硒含量易达到富硒蔬菜标准,而菠菜未显示出富硒能力。因此,虽然土壤硒含量高影响了大蒜和芥菜的生长,但大蒜和芥菜具有较强的将硒转移到可食部位的能力,可作为富硒蔬菜生产。  相似文献   

A recent human intervention trial showed that daily supplementation with selenized yeast (Se-yeast) led to a decrease in the overall cancer morbidity and mortality by nearly 50%; past research has also demonstrated that selenized garlic (Se-garlic) is very effective in mammary cancer chemoprevention in the rat model. The goal of this study was to compare certain biological activities of Se-garlic and Se-yeast and to elucidate the differences based on the chemical forms of selenium found in these two natural products. Characterization of organic selenium compounds in yeast (1922 microg/g Se) and garlic (296 microg/g Se) was carried out by high-performance liquid chromatography with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry or with electrospray mass spectrometry. Analytical speciation studies showed that the bulk of the selenium in Se-garlic and Se-yeast is in the form of gamma-glutamyl-Se-methylselenocysteine (73%) and selenomethionine (85%), respectively. The above methodology has the sensitivity and capability to account for >90% of total selenium. In the rat feeding studies, supplementation of Se-garlic in the diet at different levels consistently caused a lower total tissue selenium accumulation when compared to Se-yeast. On the other hand, Se-garlic was significantly more effective in suppressing the development of premalignant lesions and the formation of adenocarcinomas in the mammary gland of carcinogen-treated rats. Given the present finding on the identity of selenomethionine and gamma-glutamyl-Se-methylselenocysteine as the major form of selenium in Se-yeast and Se-garlic, respectively, the metabolism of these two compounds is discussed in an attempt to elucidate how their disposition in tissues might account for the differences in cancer chemopreventive activity.  相似文献   

为研究叶面喷施氨基酸螯合硒对水稻籽粒硒含量及形态的影响,以水稻品种百香 139 为材料,通过大田试验,在水稻破口期叶面喷施不同用量的氨基酸螯合硒,并在水稻拔节孕穗期、始穗期、扬花授粉期、灌浆期、蜡熟期 5个不同生育期叶面喷施 13.5 g/hm2(以硒计)的氨基酸螯合硒,在水稻成熟期测定、分析各处理组水稻地上部不同组织器官硒含量和籽粒硒形态。结果表明,喷施外源氨基酸螯合硒可提高水稻各器官硒含量,在适量范围内水稻植株各器官硒含量随着喷硒浓度的增加而提高;水稻籽粒中硒主要以硒代蛋氨酸存在,水稻籽粒中硒代蛋氨酸含量与总硒含量的变化规律相一致。喷施氨基酸螯合硒用量为 6.75、13.5、27.0 g/hm2 时水稻籽粒中硒含量分别为 0.168、0.431、0.439 mg/kg,均达到《富硒农产品硒含量分类要求》(DB45/T 1061-2014)的要求。拔节孕穗期至灌浆期喷硒处理水稻籽粒硒含量呈现增高趋势,灌浆期喷硒处理的水稻籽粒总硒含量最高,达到 0.320 mg/kg;水稻籽粒中硒代蛋氨酸含量占总硒含量的比例为 43% ~ 91%,硒代蛋氨酸含量占总硒含量的比例由大到小依次为:拔节孕穗期 >始穗期>扬花授粉期=灌浆期>蜡熟期,硒代蛋氨酸比例随着施硒时期越靠近水稻成熟期越低,表明水稻叶片中硒的转化时间对稻米中硒形态有显著影响,提早喷施硒有利于有机态硒的形成,提高稻米中有机态硒的比例。在硒的生物强化生产富硒水稻中,水稻破口期叶面喷施氨基酸螯合硒的最佳用量为 13.5 g/hm2,在 5 个不同生育期喷施 13.5 g/hm2 的氨基酸螯合硒均能生产出富硒大米,且最佳喷施外源硒的时期为灌浆期。  相似文献   


Three thermal power plants in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia of the Western Balkan region were expected to be metal polluting sources, and this study was performed to investigate the bioavailability and chemical speciation of trace metals in soils and soil water extracts, respectively. Surface (0–15 cm) soil samples along with maize and grass samples were collected at a gradient from the pollution source. The chemical speciation of metals was conducted using the Windereme Humic Aqueous Model (WHAM)/Model VI for water, whereas the Diffusion Gradient in Thin Films (DGT) technique was used to estimate plant availability. The chemical speciation indicated that more than 99% of all four metals in soil water extracts were complexed to fulvic acid. This is connected to relatively high soil pH (> 6.5) and high contents of soil organic matter in these soils. The accumulation of trace metals by DGT was not correlated to plant uptake. This is connected to the very low partitioning of free ions in solution, but also to the low variation in metal solubility and metal concentration in plant tissue between sites. In spite of active thermal power plants located in the areas, hardly any differences in concentration of soil metals between sites were seen and the partition of metals in soil waters was insignificant. The latter indicates that these soils have a large metal-retaining capacity. The only significant soil chemical variable affecting the variation in metal solubility was the soil pH. In a time with large infrastructure and industrial expansion in these areas, this investigation indicates the importance of protecting these high-quality soils from industrial use and degradation. High industrial activity has so far had insignificant effect on soil quality with respect to bioavailability of trace metals in these soils.  相似文献   

Soil-solid phase associations of Se in seleniferous soils of Punjab were investigated by following sequential extraction procedures involving multiple extractions with 0.2 M K2SO4 (2 times), 0.1 M Na2SeO3 (4 times), 0.05 M NH4OH (4 times), 6 M HCl (2 times) and 9 M HNO3 (2 times) vis-a-vis single extractions with 0.25 M KCl, 0.1 M KH2PO4, 4 M HCl and concentrated HCl. Soil samples were equilibrated with 75Se (as Na2SSeO3) @ 9.25 kBq g - 1 soil by incubating at field capacity moisture regime and subjecting to alternate wetting and drying cycles. Following multiple extraction procedure, out of total 75Se added, 8.8 - 26.1% was present in readily available form (0.2 M K2SO4 extractable); 27.6 - 49.0% as isotopically exchangeable (0.1M Na2SeO3 extractable) and 5.3 - 12.0% as organic Se (0.05 M NH4OH extractable). Selenium extractable in K2SO4 was significantly correlated with free iron (r = - 0.774, p < 0.05) and CaCO3 (r = 0.670, p <0.10) content of the soils. Negative relationship was observed between Se uptake by maize (Zea mays L.) and ammonium hydroxide extractable (r = - 0.752, p <0.05) as well as residual Se (r = - 0.726, p <0.05) in soils. Highly positive coefficients of correlation between isotopically exchangeable Se and Se content (r = 0.851, p <0.01) as well as its uptake by maize (r = 0.841, p <0.01) indicated that the isotopically exchangeable form of Se may be considered as an index of bioavailable Se in seleniferous soils of Punjab. None of the fractions defined by following single extraction procedure was correlated with either the soil characteristics or Se uptake by maize plants. Multiple extraction procedure could, thus, better explain the distribution of Se in different fractions and uptake by plants.  相似文献   

A 35-day experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of selenium-enriched probiotics (SP) on laying performance, egg quality, egg selenium (Se) content, and egg glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity. Five hundred 58-week-old Rohman laying hens were randomly allotted to 5 dietary treatments of 100 each. Each treatment had 5 replicates, and each replicate had 5 cages with 4 hens per cage. The SP was supplemented to a corn-soybean-meal basal diet at 3 different levels that supplied total Se at 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/kg. The basal diet served as a blank control, while the basal diet with supplemental probiotics served as a probiotics control. The results showed that dietary SP supplementation not only increased (p < 0.05) the rate of egg laying, day egg weight, mean egg weight, egg Se content, and egg GPX activity but also decreased (p < 0.05) the feed:egg ratio and egg cholesterol content. The egg Se content was gradually increased (p < 0.05) along with the increasing level of dietary Se. The SP supplementation also slowed down (p < 0.05) the drop of Haugh units (HU) of eggs stored at room temperature. The egg GPX activity had a positive correlation (p < 0.01) with egg Se content and a negative correlation (p < 0.01) with egg HU drop. These results suggested that Se contents, GPX activity, and HU of eggs were affected by the dietary Se level, whereas the egg-laying performance and egg cholesterol content were affected by the dietary probiotics. It was concluded that this SP is an effective feed additive that combines the organic Se benefit for hen and human health with the probiotics benefit for laying hen production performance. It was also suggested that the eggs from hens fed this SP can serve as a nutraceutical food with high Se and low cholesterol contents for both healthy people and patients with hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, or cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Foliar selenium (Se) treatment of garlic at concentrations of 10, 50, and 100 μg of Se/mL was carried out in open field conditions in 2008 and 2009 in Estonia. Bulb weight and yield structure, content of total Se, S, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg, ascorbic acid content (AAC), pungency, total phenolics, and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were determined. The highest level of Se decreased total S, K, and Ca in both years; no negative impact on bulb weight was observed. In 2009 Se10 treatment had significantly more bulbs with the largest diameter compared to the other treatments. In 2008, the AAC was decreased by Se50 and the content of total phenolics by all Se treatments; however, TAC was increased. Foliar Se fertilization of garlic at rates of 10-50 μg of Se/mL can be recommended to increase the number of large bulbs and increase bulb antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of southern Italian samples of three species of the genus Allium L. belonging to the section Allium, were analyzed using Feulgen staining and C-banding techniques. Karyomorphological affinities and C-banding patterns clearly denote close phyletic relationships between A. commutatum Guss., A. ampeloprasum L. and A. atroviolaceum Boiss. Nevertheless, the karyotypes of the two tetraploid species revealed notable differences in the amount and distribution of C-banded heterochromatin. Marker chromosomes were identified which helped tracing evolutionary relationships among the three taxa considered. The results of morphological and karyological examinations allow the proposition of a possible phyletic pathway between the diploid species A. commutatum and the tetraploid ones A. ampeloprasum and A. atroviolaceum. The latter species seems to be particularly well adapted to southern Italian environments and might therefore contribute useful traits to closely related crops, such as leeks.  相似文献   

It was previously found that the bioavailability of Se from Se-rich spirulina (SeSp) was lower than that from selenite or selenomethionine when fed to Se-deficient rats. The present study examined the bioavailability of Se from SeSp subfractions: a pellet (P) issuing from the centrifugation of a suspension of broken SeSp and a retentate (R) resulting from ultrafiltration of the supernatant through a 30 kDa exclusion membrane. Animals were fed a torula yeast based diet with no Se (deficients) or supplemented with 75 microg of Se/kg of diet as sodium selenite (controls) for 42 days. Se-deficient rats were then repleted for 56 days with Se (75 microg/kg of diet) supplied as sodium selenite, SeSp, P, or R. During this period, controls continued to receive sodium selenite. Speciation of Se in subfractions showed that the majority was present in the form of high molecular weight compounds; free selenomethionine was only a minor constituent. Gross absorption of Se from sodium selenite, P, and R was not different and was higher than from SeSp. Only retentate allowed full replenishment of Se concentration in liver and kidney (as did sodium selenite) and glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activity in liver, kidney, plasma, and erythrocytes. The bioavailabilities of Se in retentate, as assessed by slope ratio analysis using selenite as a reference Se, were 89 and 112% in the tissue Se content and 106-133% in the GSHPx activities. SeSp and P exhibited a gross bioavailability of <100%. These results indicate that Se in retentate is highly bioavailable and represents an interesting source of Se for food supplementation.  相似文献   

兰州碱性土壤与农产品中硒分布及形态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对兰州市主要农业区表层土壤总硒有效硒调查和部分农产品总硒有机硒测定,研究了兰州市碱性农田土壤与农产品中硒的积累特征和分布规律。结果表明,兰州市农田表层土壤pH 8.39±0.26,总硒含量为(0.179±0.066)mg/kg(n=473),处于全国中等水平。全市土壤总硒含量区域性差别较大,市辖区明显低于三县,榆中县居全市之首。土壤有效硒与总硒含量显著正相关,有效硒占比为4.63%~15.8%,平均8.27%。农产品中玫瑰(Rosa rugosa),部分西兰花(Brassicaoleracea var.italica)和芹菜(Apium graveolens)样品硒含量高于0.015 mg/kg,为该市天然富硒农产品。农产品中有机硒占总硒比例较高,均值为73.4%。从区域整体来看,土壤硒含量较高的县区农产品硒含量相对也较高,适合富有机硒优质农产品开发。  相似文献   

The uptake and speciation of Hg and Se were assessed for the edible portion of 16 different vegetable crops grown on a garden plot which had been exclusively treated with residential compost for 6 yr. This study was conducted under actual field conditions typical of residential gardening and utilized organic gardening techniques. Crops had methylmercury levels averaging 12.8 % of the total edible tissue Hg content, divalent inorganic Hg being the only other element form identified. An average of 20.0% of the total Se content was present as hexavalent Se, the remainder being divalent and tetravalent Se forms. In terms of plant/soil concentration factors, Se was more readily assimilated by crops than Hg.  相似文献   



Successful phytoremediation depends mainly on the bioavailability of heavy metals in the soil. Recently, soil microbes possess several mechanisms that are able to change metal bioavailability in the soil, which provides a new strategy for investigating biogeochemical cycling of metals in contaminated soils. Three metal mines soils with elevated concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Zn from China were applied in this column study to (1) evaluate the effects of metal tolerant bacterial inoculation (Burkholderia cepacia, accession number: AB051408) on metal release, (2) monitor the migration of metals in the rhizospheric horizon (0–20 cm), and (3) investigate metal speciation and sequential fractions in soil.  相似文献   

The presence of ethylenediamine-N-(o-hydroxyphenylacetic)-N'-(p-hydroxyphenylacetic) acid (o,p-EDDHA) as the second largest component in commercial EDDHA iron chelates has recently been demonstrated. Here is reported the speciation of o,p-EDDHA by the application of a novel methodology through the determination of the complexing capacity, protonation, and Ca(2+), Mg(2+), Cu(2+), and Fe(3+) stability constants. The pM values and species distribution in solution, hydroponic, and soil conditions were obtained. Due to the para position of one phenol group in o,p-EDDHA, the protonation constants and Ca and Mg stability constants have different values from those of o,o-EDDHA and p,p-EDDHA regioisomers. o,p-EDDHA/Fe(3+) stability constants are higher than those of EDTA/Fe(3+) but lower than those of o,o-EDDHA/Fe(3+). The sequence obtained for pFe is o,o-EDDHA/Fe(3+) >/= o,p-EDDHA/Fe(3+) > EDTA/Fe(3+). o,p-EDDHA/Fe(3+) can be used as an iron chelate in hydroponic conditions. Also, it can be used in soils with limited Cu availability.  相似文献   

Volatile components were isolated from Chinese chive and rakkyo by simultaneous steam distillation-solvent extraction and analyzed by GC and GC-MS. Sulfur compounds account for 88 and 94% of the total volatiles in the isolated extract of Chinese chive and rakkyo, respectively. In addition to the sulfur compounds commonly reported in the genus Allium, 27 novel volatile sulfur-containing components were found in the isolated extracts of both species. Among them were a sulfide, disulfides, trisulfides, and tetrasulfides with ethyl, butyl, and pentyl groups.  相似文献   

长期秸秆还田对德阳地区稻田土壤镉赋存形态的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
明确长期秸秆还田对稻田土壤Cd污染阻控或促进效应,有利于制定针对性的农田Cd污染治理措施,对保障粮食安全生产具有重要意义。以四川省德阳市旌阳区Cd污染稻田为研究对象,通过田间实地调查与采样分析,探讨了秸秆还田不同年限(0 a、1 a、4 a、8 a)对农田土壤Cd赋存形态及其生物有效性的影响。结果表明,研究区稻田土壤Cd形态含量分布为:残渣态铁锰氧化物结合态有机结合态碳酸盐结合态可交换态;秸秆还田(4 a以上)显著增加了土壤有机质含量,进而促进了稻田耕作层(0~20 cm)土壤有机结合态Cd含量水平显著上升(以秸秆还田4 a,其含量增加了45%为最高),对土壤可交换态Cd含量略有增加效应;土壤p H则随秸秆还田年限的延长呈先升高后缓慢下降趋势,主要影响土壤碳酸盐结合态Cd含量水平的变化。从土壤Cd形态的生物利用性角度评价,随秸秆还田年限延长(1~4 a),能减轻稻田耕作层(0~20 cm)土壤有效态Cd的分配,促进其向潜在态Cd转移;而对犁底层(20~40 cm)土壤Cd形态的生物有效利用性的影响未达显著水平。总体来看,秸秆还田(1~4 a)提高了土壤有机质含量,显著增加了耕作层(0~20 cm)土壤有机结合态Cd含量水平,促进了耕作层(0~20 cm)稻田土壤Cd由有效态向潜在态转化,降低稻田土壤Cd污染状况;持续长期的秸秆还田(连续秸秆还田8 a以上),则可能因土壤p H下降而促进土壤Cd由潜在态向有效态转化,增加稻田土壤Cd的生物吸收累积效率。  相似文献   

Kappaphycus alvarezzi, an edible seaweed from the west coast of India, was analyzed for its chemical composition. It was found that K. alvarezzi is rich in protein (16.24% w/w) and contains a high amount of fiber (29.40% w/w) and carbohydrates (27.4% w/w). K. alvarezzi showed vitamin A activity of 865 mug retinal equivalents/100 g of sample. It contained a higher quantity of unsaturated fatty acids (44.50% of the total), in which relative percentage of oleic acid was 11%, cis-heptadecanoic acid 13.50%, and linoleic acid 2.3% and 37.0% of saturated fatty acids (mainly heptadecanoic acid). K. alvarezziwas also found to be good source of minerals, viz 0.16% of calcium, 0.033% of iron, and 0.016% of zinc, which are essential for various vital biological activities. Bioavailability of iron by in vitro methods showed a higher efficiency in intestinal conditions than in stomach conditions. Ascorbic acid influenced higher bioavailability of iron. Successive extracts of n-hexane, acetone, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and direct extractables of chloroform/methanol (1:1 and 2:1) were screened for antioxidant activity using a beta-carotene linoleic acid model system (B-CLAMS), DPPH (alpha,alpha-diphenyl-beta-picrylhydrazyl) model system and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity. The chloroform/methanol (2:1) extract has shown 82.5% scavenging activity at 1000 ppm. Acetone fraction extracts at the 1000 ppm level showed 63.31% antioxidant activity in beta-carotene linoleic acid system. The acetone extract showed 46.04% scavenging activity at 1000 ppm concentration. In the case of hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, all the extracts showed better activity at the concentrations of 25 and 50 ppm, where at the 50 ppm level ethyl acetate extract showed 76.0%, acetone 75.12%, and hexane 71.15% activity, respectively. Results of this study suggest the utility of K. alvarezzi (Eucheuma) for various nutritional products, including antioxidant for use as health food or nutraceutical supplement.  相似文献   

Absorption, distribution, excretion, and metabolism of clothianidin [(E)-1-(2-chloro-1,3-thiazol-5-ylmethyl)-3-methyl-2-nitroguanidine] were investigated after a single oral administration of [nitroimino-(14)C]- or [thiazolyl-2-(14)C]clothianidin to male and female rats at a dose of 5 mg/kg of body weight (bw) (low dose) or 250 mg/kg of bw (high dose). The maximum concentration of carbon-14 in blood occurred 2 h after administration of the low oral dose for both labeled clothianidins, and then the concentration of carbon-14 in blood decreased with a half-life of 2.9-4.0 h. The orally administered carbon-14 was rapidly and extensively distributed to all tissues and organs within 2 h after administration, especially to the kidney and liver, but was rapidly and almost completely eliminated from all tissues and organs with no evidence of accumulation. The orally administered carbon-14 was almost completely excreted into urine and feces within 2 days after administration, and approximately 90% of the administered dose was excreted via urine. The major compound in excreta was clothianidin, accounting for >60% of the administered dose. The major metabolic reactions of clothianidin in rats were oxidative demethylation to form N-(2-chlorothiazol-5-ylmethyl)-N'-nitroguanidine and the cleavage of the carbon-nitrogen bond between the thiazolylmethyl moiety and the nitroguanidine moiety. The part of the molecule containing the nitroguanidine moiety was transformed mainly to N-methyl-N'-nitroguanidine, whereas the thiazol moiety was further metabolized to 2-(methylthio)thiazole-5-carboxylic acid. With the exception of the transiently delayed excretion of carbon-14 at the high-dose level, the rates of biokinetics, excretion, distribution, and metabolism of clothianidin were not markedly influenced by dose level and sex.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to estimate the levels of total, organic, inorganic-Hg, total Se and the interaction between both elements in the muscle and other body organs of bouri (Mugil cephalus). The results showed that strong closeness of correlation between length of fish and each of. (a) total, inorganic, organic Hg, and total Se in muscle, (b) total and organic Hg in backbone, (c) total and inorganic Hg in viscera.  相似文献   

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