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Substituting the nuclear genome of Brassica rapa into the cytoplasmic background of Enarthrocarpus lyratus through backcross substitution helped in developing cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). Alloplasmic male sterile plants had pale green leaves, small flowers with narrow petals and rudimentary anthers. Female fertility, low initially, improved considerably with advanced backcross generations. Male sterility expression was stable throughout the growing season. Except for EC 339014, all B. rapa accessions (38) evaluated were partial maintainers of the male sterility. Introgression of gene(s) for fertility restoration from the cytoplasm donor species was facilitated by homoeologous pairing between B. rapa and E. lyratus genomes, as was apparent from the very frequent occurrence of a trivalent in the monosomic addition plants (2n = 10 II + 1 I). Backcrossing of fertile monosomic addition plants with B. rapa led to the recovery of male fertile plants possessing the stable euploid chromosome number (2n = 20). These plants restored male fertility in crosses with different (lyr) CMS B. rapa genotypes, confirming the introgression of fertility restorer gene(s) from E. lyratus, the cytoplasm donor species.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a synthetic detergent (Surf Excel) as a potential chemical hybridizing agent in Brassica juncea was studied. Foliar sprays with various concentrations of the detergent caused reductions in plant height, number of branches and leaves per plant, size of leaves, anther size, pollen per flower, ovules per flower, pollen fertility, fruits per plant, fruit size, seeds per fruit, total yield per plant and 100 seed weight as compared with those of untreated plants. The style in the floral buds of plants sprayed with different concentrations of Surf Excel elongated and so the receptive stigma protruded from the buds which facilitated cross‐pollination by honey bees. The plants sprayed once with 2% Surf Excel exhibited an elongated style with a raised receptive stigma and 100% pollen sterility without causing a significant reduction in total yield.  相似文献   

Intergeneric hybrids involving a wild crucifer, Diplotaxis siifolia (2n = 20; DsDs), and two crop Brassica species, namely Brassica rapa (2n = 20; AA) and B. juncea (2n = 36; AABB), were developed through sequential ovary/ovule culture. Hybridization was successful only when D. siifolia was used as the female parent, indicating unilateral cross incompatibility. Hybrids were intermediate between the parents for morphological characteristics but had low male as well as female fertility. Meiotic studies of hybrids revealed partial homoeology between Ds and A/B genomes.  相似文献   

To select superior seed parents for vegetable hybrid seed production, we conducted interspecific crosses between male sterile Brassica juncea (2n = 36, AABB) and eight inbred lines of Brassica rapa (2n = 20, AA). Alloplasmic lines of B. rapa with the cytoplasm of B. juncea were developed from B. juncea × B. rapa hybrids by repeated backcrossing using B. rapa as the recurrent male parent until the BC3 generation. Seed fertility, male sterility and chlorophyll content were investigated in these plants cultivated under four different temperature conditions (5, 10, 12 and 20°C). At 10°C, the alloplasmic lines of B. rapa with the cytoplasm of B. juncea were male sterile with partly chlorotic leaves. The alloplasmic B. rapa had lower chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid contents than those of the original B. rapa. The leaves recovered from chlorosis when the plants were cultivated at 20°C. An alloplasmic line of B. rapa (A6) is available as a seed parent for vegetable hybrid seed production and contributes seed fertility, slight chlorosis and stable male sterility.  相似文献   

Z. Liu    C. Guan    F. Zhao  S. Chen 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(1):5-8
A novel cytoplasmic male sterility‐fertility restoration system has been developed in rapeseed (Brassica napus). The cytoplasmic male sterile line 681A was derived from a spontaneous male sterile mutant in a newly released double‐low rapeseed cultivar ‘Xiangyou 13′. The restorer line 714R was identified in the interspecific progeny from a B. napus×B. juncea‐cross. Genetic analysis showed that fertility restoration for 681A cytoplasmic male sterility was controlled by a single dominant nuclear gene which might originate from B. juncea. The RAPD marker S1039‐520 was found to be linked to the restorer gene in F2 progeny of 681A × 714R with a recombination frequency of 5.45%.  相似文献   

Six cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) systems, viz. moricandia, ogura, oxyrrhina, siifolia, tournefortii and trachystoma of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) were characterized for agronomic and floral characteristics. Introgression of alien cytoplasm caused alterations in different floral traits in ogura, siifolia, tournefortii and trachystoma CMS systems. Varied response to different genetic backgrounds of CMS lines indicated the presence of cytoplasmic–nuclear interaction in alteration of floral traits. On the basis of floral characteristics, CMS systems could be grouped into distinct classes. Siifolia, tournefortii and trachystoma CMS lines had narrow petals, while moricandia, ogura and oxyrrhina had wider petals, which were distinguishable on the basis of visual observations. The ratio between length and width of petals were >2.0 in wide petal group but <2.0 in narrow petal group. Further, the relative position of anther and stigma, which was estimated as the ratio between stamen and style length could differentiate the CMS systems. Stamens were longer than styles in oxyrrhina, equal in moricandia and shorter in ogura, siifolia, tournefortii and trachystoma male sterile lines. Non‐viable pollen grains were present in moricandia and oxyrrhina systems, but absent in other systems. In tournefortii and trachystoma, few flowers showed petaloid corolla. All male sterile lines, except trachystoma, which showed crooked siliqua formation were at par with their respective maintainers for flower initiation, plant height, primary branches, seeds per siliqua, seed yield, harvest index, oil and protein content. In general, flower senescence and maturity occurred earlier in male sterile lines than in their respective maintainer lines.  相似文献   

Z. X. Fan    W. X. Lei    D. F. Hong    J. P. He    L. L. Wan    Z. H. Xu    P. W. Liu    G. S. Yang 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(3):297-301
Over the past decade, the polima cytoplasmic male sterility ( pol CMS) three-line and two-line systems have been developed for the production of hybrid seed in Brassica napus oilseed rape in China. The discovery of the novel pol CMS restorer line FL-204 is described here. It restores male fertility of hybrid plants in the pol CMS system, but hybrid seed production can only be carried out under autumn sowing in Wuhan in south China under moderate temperatures at flowering. The restorer cannot be used as a male for hybrid seed production in northwestern China (Gansu) under spring sowing conditions, because there it is more or less male sterile due to high temperatures at flowering. Because of this behaviour, it is referred to as a fertility temperature-sensitive restorer (FTSR) in this paper. F2, BC1 as well as double haploid populations were constructed to determine the inheritance of fertility restoration of FL-204 in the autumn at Wuhan and under spring sowing conditions at Gansu, respectively. Deviations from Mendelian genetics were observed. It was hypothesized that the change of fertility was the result of the interaction between nuclear genes [restoring gene ( Rf ) and temperature-sensitive genes ( ts )] and the cytoplasm. The Rf gene in FL-204 was incapable of restoring male fertility of pol CMS lines under spring sowing conditions at Gansu where it is inactivated by the recessive ts gene present in FL-204. However, the ts gene(s) could be non-functional under moderate temperature conditions at flowering at Wuhan which allows full expression of male fertility in FL-204. The recessive ts gene(s) can only be expressed in plants containing the pol sterile cytoplasm. A method for the utilization of the FTSR pol CMS restorer FL-204 for the production of hybrid seed in B. napus oilseed rape is proposed.  相似文献   

L. Y. Yang    P. W. Liu    G. S. Yang 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(4):368-371
A novel Pol CMS named Polima temperature‐sensitive cytoplasmic male sterile (Pol TCMS) is sterile at high temperatures and partially fertile at low temperatures. Its temperature sensitivity is controlled by several minor genes, and probably influenced by the genetic background, making it quite difficult to breed a stable Pol TCMS line through the conventional breeding methods. The present study aimed to obtain stable homozygous Pol TCMS lines by microspore culture. The highest frequency of embryogenesis was induced from cultures of buds sampled at 4–7 days before first blossom. The second method of microspore cultures mentioned in this study could significantly increase the production of embryos. Analysis of fatty acid composition, glucosinolate content and genetic diversity by simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers indicated that microspore culture was effective for selecting Pol TCMS lines.  相似文献   

Y. Shen  Q. Cai  M. Gao  X. Wang 《Euphytica》1996,90(1):17-23
Summary A male fertile revertant was isolated from M1 of a cytoplasmic male sterile indica rice line II-32A, the dry seeds of which were treated with 60Co- rays at a dose of 290 Gy. The acquired revertant T24 was morphologically and agronomically similar to II-32B, the maintainer of II-32A. Testcrosses of the revertant with II-32A and Zhenshan 97A showed that the revertant was able to restore the fertility of CMS lines. Genetic analysis of the progenies between T24 and II-32A, Zhenshan 97A XieqingzaoA and DZhenshan 97A, which have different cytoplasms, showed that the fertility restoration of four CMS lines by T24 involved one nuclear gene, indicating that T24 was a result of the mutation of one nuclear gene. The mechanism of the restoration of CMS line by T24 was obviously different from other restorers such as Minghui 63 and 20964, which were shown to behave in two gene mode in fertility restoration. The discovery of the revertant T24 contributes to the understanding of CMS and fertility restoration of CMS in rice. The T24 and its parent II-32A may constitute a pair of near isogenic lines for the restoring gene, which should be valuable materials for molecular genetic analysis of CMS.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system based on the cytoplasm from Moricandia arvensis (mori) was investigated for fertility restoration and agronomic potential. Fertility restorer gene for mori CMS was introgressed from cytoplasm donor species as all the evaluated Brassica juncea genotypes (155) acted as sterility maintainers. The allosyndetic pairing between Ma and the A/B genome chromosomes in the monosomic addition plants (2n= 18II + 1Ma) facilitated the gene introgression. Partial fertility restoration (43–52% pollen grain stainability) in F1 hybrids and absence of segregation for male sterility in F2 progenies suggested gametophytic control of fertility restoration. The pollen fertility in the F1 hybrids was, however, sufficient to ensure complete seed set upon bag selfing. Introgression from M. arvensis also helped in correction of chlorosis associated with mori cytoplasm in CMS and fertile alloplasmic B. juncea plants. Yield evaluation of thirty F1 hybrids having the same nuclear genotype but varied male sterilizing cytoplasms (mori, oxy, lyr, refined ogu), in comparison to respective euplasmic hand bred control hybrids, allowed an estimate of yield penalty associated with different CMS systems. It ranged from 1.8% to 61.6%. Hybrids based on cytoplasmically refined ogu were most productive followed by those based on cytoplasmically refined mori CMS. The male sterility systems emanating from somatic hybridization were found superior than those developed from sexual hybridization.  相似文献   

Koji Murai 《Euphytica》2001,117(2):111-116
A `two-line system' using photoperiod-sensitivecytoplasmic male sterility (PCMS) caused by Aegilops crassa cytoplasm has been proposed as a newmeans of producing hybrid wheat. The PCMS line ismaintained by self-pollination under short-dayconditions (14.5 h light period), and F1 seedscan be produced by outcrossing of the PCMS line witha pollinator under long-day conditions (15 h lightperiod). As the levels of male sterility in PCMSlines under the long-day conditions is a crucialfactor in determining hybrid purity of the F1seeds, a study was conducted into the effect ofseeding rate on male sterility in PCMS lines. Threedifferent density levels were tested using analloplasmic line of Japanese wheat cultivar `Norin 26'which exhibits PCMS. Levels of male sterility of thePCMS line increased at sparse planting, because tiller(ear) number per plant increased at low seedingdensity and late-appearing ears tended to exhibithigher levels of male sterility than early-appearingears. On the other hand, male sterility levels of thePCMS lines depended on genotype, e.g., the PCMS`Fujimikomugi' was completely male sterile, whereasthe PCMS `Norin 26' showed partial male sterility. APCMS line showing complete male sterility, such as thePCMS `Fujimikomugi', should produce F1 seeds withhigh purity. However, the PCMS `Fujimikomugi' showeda lower female fertility. For practical use, it isnecessary to produce PCMS lines having high malesterility with high female fertility under long-dayconditions.  相似文献   

A Brassica juncea line carrying an introgression from Moricandia arvensis restored male fertility to two cytoplasmic male‐sterile (CMS) B. juncea lines carrying either M. arvensis or Diplotaxis catholica cytoplasm. Genetics of fertility restoration was studied in the F1, F2, F3 and backcross generations of the cross between CMS and fertility‐restorer lines. No male‐sterile plants were found in F1‐F3 generations of the cross between CMS [M. arvensis] B. juncea and the restorer. However, a 1: 1 segregation for male sterility and fertility was observed when the F1 was pollinated with non‐restorer pollen from a euplasmic line. These results clearly show that restoration is mono‐genic and gametophytic. In CMS lines carrying D. catholica cytoplasm, the restorer conferred male fertility to the F1 and showed 3: 1 and 1: 1 segregations for male fertility and sterility in F2 and BC1 generations, respectively, indicating a monogenic, sporophytic mode of fertility restoration. The results were also supported by pollen stainability in the F1 which was about 65% in M. arvensis‐based CMS and >90% in D. catholica‐based CMS. The above results are discussed in the light of previous molecular studies which showed association between CMS and atpA in both systems.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of alien cytoplasm and fertility restorer genes on agronomic and physiological traits in Brassica juncea, cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) and fertility restorer lines involving five alloplasms in three nuclear backgrounds were constituted through repeated backcrossing. These lines were evaluated along with euplasmic lines for agronomic traits in field experiments. Respiration efficiency of in vitro cultured hypocotyls, and chlorophyll content in leaves were also estimated. Significant adverse effects of trachystoma and catholica cytoplasms on yield‐contributing traits and yield were noticed. The restorer gene corrected the floral defects in CMS trachystoma and restored yield to the level of euplasmic line, while it did so only partly in CMS catholica. Restorer genes had no adverse effect on traits in any of the systems. On the contrary, the Rf gene of moricandia CMS system exerted a positive effect on leaf chlorophyll content. Likewise, in vitro assay indicated the moricandia CMS system as vigorous. The moricandia CMS plants gave higher seed yield perhaps due to overall better vigour and higher leaf chlorophyll content.  相似文献   

芥菜型油菜与甘蓝型油菜嫁接嵌合体的性状表现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
官春云  黄见良  李栒  田森林 《作物学报》2006,32(8):1244-1247
以芥菜型油菜(B. juncea)作砧木,以甘蓝型油菜(B. napus)作接穗,形成嫁接嵌合体(以下简称“甘+芥”嫁接嵌合体),对其植物学性状、农艺性状和32P标记的难溶性磷矿粉的吸收能力进行了研究。结果表明,“甘+芥”嫁接嵌合体除叶片出现紫色性状外,其他性状与甘蓝型油菜没有差异,但其农艺性状明显优于甘蓝型油菜和芥菜型油菜。其根系对肥料中难溶性磷吸收能力强,而且多数转移到地上部分,在体内分布较合理。  相似文献   

W. L. Wei    H. Z. Wang    G. H. Liu 《Plant Breeding》2009,128(4):426-428
It is very important for rapeseed hybrid production to develop and utilize a novel cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system concerning the possible risk because of a narrow cytoplasm background. Here the anatomy of anther development in the CMS system, named NCa , was observed using light microscope and transmission electron microscope, and the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses of mitochondrial DNA of NCa sterile line were also performed in comparison with the other rapeseed sterile lines, such as pol , nap , ogura , and tour . The anther abortion of this CMS line occurred at the later uninucleate microspore stage, and the anatomic aborting characteristics were obviously different from all the other rapeseed CMS lines reported before. The RFLP analyses revealed that five probe/enzyme combinations could distinguish the five CMS lines. The results of anatomic observations and mitochondrial DNA polymorphism indicated that the NCa CMS system is a novel one which differs from the pol , nap , ogura , and tour systems.  相似文献   

用白花突变体和白花不育突变体分别选育白花品系G95150和白花胞质不育系7600 A。遗传研究表明,白花对黄花由一对不完全显性基因控制。7600A在农艺性状上与其保持系G95150完全一致:叶色浓绿,植株较矮(163.5 cm)、生育期较长(243天)、抗寒能力较差(冻害率100%,冻害指数33.8)。7600A花色纯白、花瓣皱缩、花药小、低温存在微量花粉。G95150和7600 A的芥酸含量为0.8854 %,硫甙含量70.5461μmol/g。  相似文献   

To date, several cytoplasms of wild species have been introduced to Brassica juncea, for inducing cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). One of the causal genes of CMS is orf108, which is widely distributed in Brassicaceae including Brassica oxyrrhina. To further understand the origin of orf108, we assembled the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of B. oxyrrhina. We also determined the DNA sequences upstream of atp1 including orf108 for D. erucoides and five Sinapis species. The orf108 was definitively placed in the mitochondrial genome of B. oxyrrhina consisting of 247,936 bp. In S. alba, previously reported to possess orf108, the gene was not present, whereas Sinapis arvensis and Sinapis turgida contained orf108. The orf108 sequence in the two Sinapis species showed a novel nucleotide substitution compared to D. erucoides. Northern hybridization suggested, furthermore, that orf108 mRNA was processed in the two species similarly to that in B. oxyrrhina. The results clarified the interspecific differentiation of orf108apt1 region in Sinapis.  相似文献   

Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L) Czern & Coss) is naturally indeterminate. Plants with determinate inflorescence were first discovered in the self progenies of B. juncea (AABB; 2n = 36), resynthesized by combining A-genome from B. napus (AACC; 2n = 38) and B-genome from B. carinata (BBCC; 2n = 34). In the determinate plants, apical meristems were transformed into pods. In contrast, the inflorescence in the indeterminate plants continues to grow indefinitely while producing peripheral flowers. Genotyping and morphological characterization of newly developed determinate gene pool (A8) showed a rapid emergence and progression of genetic and phenotypic alterations which continued even after seven generations of selfing. A large number of determinate genotypes (125) were evaluated to establish agronomic potential of determinate B. juncea. A high proportion of determinate genotypes outperformed the best indeterminate checks, suggesting that critical productivity related traits like pod number, seed size and oil content were not a function of indeterminacy. As the gene for determinacy has also been introgressed in B. napus and B. carinata, the stage is now set for future breeding to aim at crop architectural modifications through determinacy in all three types of oilseed Brassicas grown in the world. Our studies emphasized the role of polyploidy as a major force of differentiation at both genotypic and phenotypic level. Although, there was no direct correlation between evolution of genetic and phenotypic diversities following polyploidization. We suggest the use of polyploidy as a plant breeding tool to benefit from de novo variation rather than restricting its use as a method to overcome sterility following wide hybridization alone.  相似文献   

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