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A three-year-old male neutered crossbred dog was referred for investigation of acute onset quadriparesis, which had occurred following an oropharyngeal stick injury. Myelography revealed a right-sided extradural lesion overlying the C5/6 intervertebral disc space. A dorsolateral hemilaminectomy was performed at this site and two fragments of wood were removed from the vertebral canal adjacent to the spinal cord. The dog was ambulatory with right-sided forelimb monoparesis within a week of surgery and improved further following discharge. Three months following surgery, the dog was exercising freely with only mild right forelimb lameness.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the use of computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis of chronic nasal disease in dogs. METHODS: A retrospective study of 85 dogs with chronic nasal discharge due to primary nasal disease, which had undergone nasal CT and biopsy, was carried out. Medical records were reviewed for signalment, clinical signs, CT findings, endoscopic findings and histopathology. The results obtained via CT were correlated with nasal histopathology and gross anatomical observations were recorded at the time of rhinoscopy. RESULTS: Neoplasia was diagnosed in 37 dogs for which CT typically revealed a soft tissue density associated with extensive turbinate destruction. Inflammatory rhinitis was diagnosed in 40 dogs. CT disclosed either normal turbinate structures or mild to moderate turbinate destruction, with or without the presence of soft tissue densities (mucopus) within the nasal passages. Fungal rhinitis was diagnosed in seven dogs for which CT disclosed extensive turbinate destruction with hyperlucency of the nasal passages. One dog had normal CT and histopathology findings. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: CT greatly enhanced the ability to diagnose chronic nasal disease in dogs, providing detailed Information regarding the extent of the disease, accurate discrimination of neoplastic versus non-neoplastic diseases, and identification of areas of the nose to examine rhinoscopically and suspicious regions to target for biopsy.  相似文献   

Four dogs with clinical evidence of hyperadrenocorticism were evaluated by use of x-ray-computed tomography (CT). Adrenal masses were identified accurately and localized. Unilateral adrenal masses were diagnosed accurately in dogs 1, 2, and 3 and were removed surgically via a paracostal retroperitoneal approach to the adrenal gland. Using CT and IV contrast medium, the adrenal mass in dog 3 also was accurately diagnosed as being highly vascular. The histopathologic diagnosis was adrenal adenoma in dogs 1, 2, and 3. In dog 4, the CT-roentgen diagnosis was asymmetric bilateral adrenal enlargement. Necropsy examination of dog 4 indicated moderate enlargement of the left adrenal gland and severe enlargement of the right adrenal gland. Results of microscopic examination indicated chronic inflammation of the left adrenal gland and adenocarcinoma of the right adrenal gland. Use of CT facilitated localization of adrenal masses and fulfilled the needs of a localizing technique. A unilateral mass can be removed surgically via a limited exposure, retroperitoneal incision on the affected side of the animal instead of removal via abdominal laparotomy, which is more invasive. Advantages of CT can reduce the needs of other imaging modalities for the localization of adrenal masses.  相似文献   

Abstract— —The intention of this paper is to show how simple, plain radiography of the thorax can be a useful aid to the diagnosis of heart disease in the dog. The only radiographic changes that will be discussed are those that can be demonstrated on lateral and dorso-ventral radiographs of the thorax which are easily obtainable by any veterinary surgeon with a reasonable X-ray machine. The use of intravascular and intracardiac contrast media and other of the more complex techniques which have been evolved to demonstrate cardiac structure and function in detail will not be discussed. Résumé— —Le but de ce compte-rendu est de démontrer que la simple radiographie du thorax peut être une aide utile à la diagnose de maladie de coeur chez le chien. Les seuls changements radio-graphiques qui seront discutés sont ceux qui peuvent être démontrés sur des radiographies latérales et dorso ventrales du thorax qui sont facilement obtenables par un chirurgien vétérinaire avec une machine moyenne de Rayons-X. L'emploi du moyenne de contraste intavasculaire et intracardiaque et d'autres techniques plus complexes qui sont issues pour démontrer la structure et la fonction cardiaque en détails ne sera pas discuté. Zusammenfassung— —Der Zweck dieser Abhandlung ist vorzuführen, wie einfache, unkomplizierte Röntgenphotographie des Brustkorbes einen nützlichen Beitrag zue Diagnose von Herzfehlern bei Hunden leisten kann. Es werden nur solche röntgenologischen Veränderungen besprochen, die auf seitlichen und dorsoventralen Röntgenbildern des Brustkorbes nachgewiesen werden können und deren Aufnahme ganz leicht von jedem tierärztlichen Chirurgen mit einem passablen Röntgen-apparat gemacht werden können. Die Verwendung von intravaskulären und intrakardiologischen Kontrastmitteln und anderen komplizierteren Methoden, die für eine ausführliche Demonstration der Herzstruktur und Funktion entwickelt wurden, wird nicht besprochen.  相似文献   

During an eighteen month period, thirty-four equine athletes competing at international levels of dressage, 3-day eventing, jumping and competitive driving were studied as to the amount and distribution of impact energy and vibration associated with their activity, and the nature and extent of current or preexisting injury. The group was then evaluated as to recovery and returned to service after the use of a visco-elastic polymer foot pad. They were followed throughout an entire competition season, and further analyzed for recurrence of injury. In the group studied, 94% had relief of locomotor abnormality and returned to competition. There were no recurrence of injury in any horses studied during this season.  相似文献   

Coarctation of the aorta has been described previously as either a post-mortem or angiographic finding in three dogs with clinical signs related to the aortic coarctation. A 10-year-old dog was presented for evaluation of suspected laryngeal paralysis. On physical examination, femoral pulses were absent bilaterally, with an indirect systolic blood pressure difference of 60 mmHg between the ipsilateral thoracic and pelvic limbs. Coarctation of the aorta was detected on a thoracic computed tomographic angiography study. The coarctation was pre-ductal in position, with extensive dilation of the descending thoracic aorta. Characteristic rib changes that are seen in humans with coarctation were not apparent in this dog. 3D reconstructions of the thorax provided high vascular definition with exact localization of the aortic narrowing.  相似文献   

A 5 yr old female intact English setter with a 17 day history of a penetrating oropharyngeal wound was referred for cervical swelling and pain. Physical examination revealed swelling at the left lateral aspect of the cranial cervical region. Pain was elicited upon flexion, extension, and leftward movement of the neck. Neurologic deficits were not identified. Cervical ultrasonography showed a 0.4 cm × 2.3 cm linear, hyperechoic structure in the soft tissues ventrolateral to the first (C1) and second (C2) cervical vertebrae. MRI demonstrated a linear structure 2 cm in length adjacent to the cranial aspect of C2. The foreign material was isointense to hyperintense on precontrast T1-weighted images, isointense on postcontrast T1-weighted images, and hypointense on T2-weighted images relative to adjacent muscle. Abnormalities within the spinal canal were not identified. Upon surgical exploration, a reed foreign body was identified deep to the serratus ventralis muscle. The patient was normal on follow-up evaluations 4 wk postsurgically.  相似文献   

A case of chronic fistula associated with foreign body penetration of the soft tissues was diagnosed in the skull of a dog by fistulography. Radiographic technique and diagnostic features are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Sixty-five dogs were examined and treated for stick penetration wounds of the pharynx. Dysphagia, pain, pyrexia and local cellulitis were common presenting signs amongst recently injured dogs. Injuries involving the oesophagus resulted in subcutaneous emphysema and dyspnoea associated with pneumomediastinum. Longstanding wounds presented with discharging sinuses of the head, neck or cranial thoracic region. Wooden foreign bodies were recovered from 37 dogs (57 per cent) with subsequent resolution of their clinical signs. No foreign body was retrieved from a further 18 dogs (28 per cent) but their clinical signs resolved after appropriate wound management. Four dogs (6 per cent) died shortly after the injury from major oesophageal tears which allowed mediastinal contamination. Six dogs (9 per cent) had no foreign body recovered at surgery and the discharging sinuses persisthed. The need for vigorous management of the fresh injury in order to preclude the development of chronic complications is emphasised.  相似文献   

A 14-week-old male unilaterally cryptorchid Clumber spaniel was presented for acute lethargy. Physical examination revealed abdominal pain, and a single testis was palpated in the scrotum. Abdominal ultrasound and computed tomography (CT) revealed a poorly vascularized, ovoid structure immediately caudal to the left kidney with scant regional peritoneal effusion. Left intra-abdominal testicular torsion was confirmed at surgery, and routine cryptorchidectomy was performed. The patient recovered uneventfully from anesthesia and surgery.Key clinical message:The most common CT characteristics of testicular torsion were present in this case and correlated well with sonographic findings to allow for rapid, accurate diagnosis and surgical planning of unilateral, non-neoplastic, intra-abdominal cryptorchid testicular torsion in a juvenile dog. Contrast enhanced CT facilitated accurate localization of the undescended testis and evaluation of testicular perfusion and may be a useful alternative to ultrasound for diagnosing testicular torsion, especially in indeterminate cases.  相似文献   

An eight-year old, Rottweiler was presented with a chronic non-weight bearing right pelvic limb -lameness and a discharging sinus at the right stifle joint. Fifteen weeks previously a diagnosis of bacterial infective arthritis had been made, presumed attributable to haematogenous spread. Failure to respond to appropriate surgical and medical management resulted in severe joint dysfunction. The poor prognosis for restoration of limb function resulted in limb amputation. Subsequent exploration of the sinus tract and the stifle joint revealed a stick within the craniolateral aspect of the joint. This penetrating stick injury had been responsible for the persistent bacterial infective arthritis.  相似文献   

An eight-year-old female Belgian shepherd dog was referred for investigation of chronic neck pain. The dog had sustained a pharyngeal injury 12 weeks previously while catching a stick. Radiographs of the cervical spine revealed signs consistent with a septic arthritis of the atlanto-occipital joint and osteomyelitis of both occipital condyles and the atlas. A foreign body was identified ultrasonographically in the retropharyngeal soft tissues, and a stick was surgically removed from a site ventral to the right side of the atlanto-occipital joint. The signs of neck pain started to resolve within a week of surgery.  相似文献   

A 4‐year‐old Border collie was presented with one episode of collapse, altered mentation, and a suspected pharyngeal stick injury. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography showed a linear foreign body penetrating the right oropharynx, through the foramen ovale and the brain parenchyma. The foreign body was surgically removed and medical treatment initiated. Complete resolution of clinical signs was noted at recheck 8 weeks later. Repeat MRI showed chronic secondary changes in the brain parenchyma. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of the advanced imaging findings and successful treatment of a penetrating oropharyngeal intracranial foreign body in a dog.  相似文献   

An AB programme restricted to 14 days through the use of mated, 135 were treated after selection on pre-mating oestrus dates or rectal examination. Treatment was administered on the 6th day of mating. Untreated cows were inseminated, on detection of oestrus, throughout the 14 days. Nine of 135 treated cows were inseminated within 48 hours, 50 at 72 hours only, 75 at both 72 and 96 hours and one at 96 hours after treatment. All cows in season were inseminated, irrespective of recent insemination. Prolonged and split heats, and short cycles (less than 14 days), occurred in treated and untreated cows.

AB conceptions confirmed in those cows retained in the herd were 623% of untreated cows (66.9% of those which were inseminated) and 69.1% of treated.

The conceptions achieved in this abbreviated AB programme are equal to those normally achieved after 7 weeks of AB. Mating management is discussed; the release of labour from AB involvement 4 weeks earlier than usual is a major advantage of this technique.  相似文献   

A 5 year-old female Lhasa Apso was diagnosed with a large right pulmonary artery thrombus, multiple smaller pulmonary thrombi, and pulmonary hypertension. In addition, thoracic computed tomography angiography revealed numerous periesophageal arterial vessels, tortuous and dilated bronchial arteries, and an enlarged tortuous left phrenic artery, consistent with systemic bronchial and non-bronchial collateral arterial circulation development. These features of chronic pulmonary arterial thrombi have not been described in dogs but are recognized in people. One year after the diagnosis, the dog was still alive and there were no clinical signs reported.  相似文献   

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