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景宁山地无性系良种茶园高效扦插与种植技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王建林 《中国茶叶》2009,31(2):19-20
浙江省景宁畲族自治县通过多年探索研究,形成了一套山地无性系良种茶园高效扦插与种植技术,并推广应用于生产,从而使景宁惠明茶产业得以迅速发展。2001~2007年累计开发良种新茶园2.06万亩,从而使全县茶园面积达3.96万亩;其中无性系良种茶园面积2.46万亩,占茶园总面积的62%,名列全省前茅。产业效益大幅提升,2008年产茶1230t,产值1.1亿元。  相似文献   

茶叶是浙江省富阳市六大农业主导产业之一,现有茶园面积5.75万亩,茶叶产值达1.81亿元,以生产龙井茶为主。自上世纪八十年代以来,富阳茶叶以家庭式分散经营为主,茶树病虫害防治也相应地转为家庭分户防治。  相似文献   

英德积庆里茶业有限公司是一家集茶叶种植、生产加工、贸易销售、电子商务、茶园旅游与茶文化推广于一体的综合型企业,是广东省名特优新农产品(英德红茶)区域公共品牌核心企业。积庆里茶叶种植加工基地—英德积庆里红茶谷,位于英德市横石塘镇,占地面积1万多亩,其中有3000多亩生态茶园,以种植英红九号为主,是目前华南地区连片面积最大的英红九号种植加工基地,可年产优质茶青200万斤。  相似文献   

斯里兰卡茶叶种植经历了两次重大变革和多次政策调整,形成了如今相对高效的产业经营和销售模式,在国际茶叶市场上赢得了竞争力。同时,斯里兰卡茶叶附加值较低,出口茶类还是以散装茶为主,亟待转型升级。本文对斯里兰卡茶叶种植和市场运行机制发展历程进行分析,着重探讨了斯里兰卡茶叶供给链和销售渠道以及科技创新尝试,以期比较客观清晰地揭示斯里兰卡茶产业发展面貌,为国内政策制定者、茶叶从业者、研究者和消费者提供参考材料。  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine the pathogenic and the genetic diversity of the isolates of M.oryzae collected from the wet,intermediate and dry zones of Sri Lanka with a view to develop rice varieties conferring durable resistance to rice blast.No significant morphological or growth variations existed amongst the isolates studied.The genetic diversity of isolates determined by carrying out Pot2 transposable element based on repetitive-PCR revealed that the majority of isolates (92%) clustered into a single group with 45.4% similarity.The existence of nine pathotypes was identified by observing the reaction type of isolates on 16 different rice lines.Pathotype 1 which was distributed in all zones affected only one differential line.Pathotype 2 which was able to infect six lines was restricted only to the dry zone of Sri Lanka.Of the 16 rice lines,seven lines,K3 (Pik-h),C101A51 (Piz5),K1 (Pita),C105TTP2L9 (Pita),K59 (Pit),Shin (Pish) and WHD-1S-75-1-127 (Pi9) had highly effective blast resistance.None of the isolates of the fungus showed any virulence against the seven lines.These seven blast resistant lines can be used in the breeding programmes in Sri Lanka for development of lines conferring durable resistance to rice blast.  相似文献   

我国红碎茶与斯里兰卡红碎茶比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王汉生 《茶叶科学》1997,17(2):207-212
通过对我国海南通什、云南凤庆、广东英德2号茶和出口拼配红碎茶、斯里兰卡高地、中地和低地红碎茶同年样品的分析,结果表明,我国上述三地的大叶种红碎茶主要品质成分含量及内质化学鉴定分数均高于斯里兰卡红碎茶,仅香气次之。但出口样拼配红碎茶的主要品质成分含量和内质化学鉴定分数均显著低于斯里兰卡红碎茶。文中对我国与斯里兰卡红碎茶品质的差异原因进行了讨论,并建议我国大叶种红碎茶直接并且及时出口。  相似文献   

Phosphorus(P) deficiency in soil is a major constrain for rice production. An important set of rice genotypes(landraces, old improved and new improved varieties) were screened for P deficiency tolerance in two major cropping seasons of Sri Lanka, in 2012. The Ultisol soil, which was collected from a plot cultivated with rice without fertilizer application for past 40 years(P0) at the Rice Research and Development Institute(RRDI), Bathalagoda, Sri Lanka, was used as the potting medium for greenhouse trials. Two field trials were conducted in the same plots at RRDI. Both P0 and P30(30 mg/kg P2O5) conditions were used in the two greenhouse trials. At the early vegetative(three weeks after transplanting), late vegetative(six weeks after transplanting) and flowering stages, plant height and number of tillers per plant were recorded. At the flowering stage, shoots were harvested and shoot dry weight, shoot P concentration, shoot P uptake and P utilization efficiency were measured. All data were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance, regression and cluster procedures. The measured parameters were significantly different between P0 and P30 conditions(P < 0.05). Higher shoot dry weight was reported by the rice genotypes H4 and Marss under P0 conditions. The regression analysis between shoot dry weight and P utilization efficiency revealed that the studied rice genotypes could be categorized to three P deficiency tolerance classes. A total of 13 genotypes could be considered as highly tolerant and 4 genotypes as sensitive for P deficiency. These results could be used to select parental genotypes for breeding and genetic studies and also to select interesting varieties or landraces for organic rice production.  相似文献   

Analysis of return flows in a tank cascade system in Sri Lanka   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In Sri Lanka, irrigation reservoirs (tanks) are usually connected sequentially and form cascades along the landscape. A study was carried out in the Anuradhapura District in the dry zone of Sri Lanka to understand the role of return flows in such tank cascade systems. The water balance of a tank cascade system was estimated using hydrological data collected over a one-year period. The system was extended about 25 km along a river composed of three small reservoirs having the command area of 31, 55, and 55 ha, respectively. In this system, about 46% of seepage water from tanks entered the paddy fields of the command area. The crop consumed part of the water and the rest returned to the downstream tank through the drainage canals. Percolation loss in the command areas was low (3.6 mm/day) since a considerable portion of the percolation returned to the downstream tank. These results showed that return flows, which are generally disregarded in the water budget, contributed considerably to the water supply of the tank cascade system.  相似文献   

根据测算,夏暑茶约占年茶叶总量的35-40%,大多是低档茶,经济效益极低,有的甚至连采工成本都不能相抵。因此,夏暑茶生产是茶区极感头痛的问题,采则可能是亏本买卖,不采又影响秋茶的生产,犹如遇到鸡肋,弃之可惜,拾之又无利可图.因此若能利用好夏暑茶,对提高茶叶生产的经济效益具有现实意义。 一、采取适宜的栽培技术措施 种植栽培上采取一些措施,少采或不采夏暑茶,提高春茶的年产比例,提高年经济效益。 1、品种:品种选择春茶萌发早的优质品种,增加春茶的产量比例,使夏暑茶产量的相对比例减少,如种植品种可多选择─…  相似文献   

汤记高山茶和平地茶品质的对比研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
杨勇  杨贤强  洪高洁 《茶叶》2004,30(2):91-92,97
测定比较了汤记高山茶与平地茶的滋味成分的含量,采用SDE法提取了高山茶与平地茶的香气,气相色谱-质谱分析二者香气在组成和含量上的差别。结果表明,高山茶与平地茶的滋味成分茶多酚、咖啡碱和水浸出物含量相差不大,但高山茶氨基酸含量较高,酚氨比较小;高山茶的香精油总量比平地茶的高34.5%,但高山茶和平地茶之间香气组分差异小,而在香气组分的相对含量上差异较大,高山茶中庚醛及雪松醇的峰度较大,这可能是形成高山茶香气馥郁的主要原因,其含量的高低可作为高山茶品质鉴定的一个辅助指标。  相似文献   

瑞叶连古今 海峡架金桥——闽台地缘与茶缘关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严利人 《中国茶叶》2009,31(4):37-39
能以一叶之轻,牵众生之口者,惟茶是也;能以一叶连接古今及未来,在海峡间架起金桥者,非茶莫属!  相似文献   

Lack of science-based knowledge on responses of tea bushes to nitrogen (N) in ageing tea plantations hampers the development of ecologically sound and economically profitable N-management strategies. It is hypothesized that ageing of tea plantations lowers productivity and weakens the yield response to N application. To establish insight into the relationship between ageing, productivity and N-use efficiency, seasonal and annual responses to N were studied in field experiments superimposed on a chronosequence of tea plantations (14, 29, 43, and 76 years). The two youngest plantations comprised of a clonal cultivar planted at a density of 10,766 and 13,448 plants ha−1 and the two oldest plantations of seedlings at a density of 6730 and 7179 plants ha−1, respectively. N was applied as urea at 0, 50, 100, 200, and 400 kg N ha−1 year−1.Mean annual made tea (mt) yields were higher for the clonal tea compared to the seedling tea and increased with age within genotypes. The clonal bushes out-yielded the seedlings by about 800 kg mt ha−1 under favourable weather conditions in 2003/2004, while yield differences between the genotypes were minimal under stress conditions in 2002/2003. The yields of the clonal 29- and 14-year-old plantations responded positively to N fertilizer, whereas the 43- and 76-year-old plantations did not. Within the clonal cultivar made tea yield and N uptake were closely associated. Apparent shoot N-recovery (ASNR) based on N uptake by ‘two leaves and a bud’ was higher in clonal than in seedling tea plantations. A simple N-balance sheet showed that N excess was strongly associated with the rate of N application and N uptake.The effect of plant genotype on productivity was greater than the effect of age. The genotypes (seedlings or a clonal cultivar) to a great extent determined the yield response to N. In a well-managed mature tea plantation of up to 80 years, ageing did not lower the yielding ability within the same genotype. Thus, planting improved genotypes and implementing appropriate N-management strategies are key factors to avoid the risk on decline of productivity and profitability associated with ageing and bush degradation. N-management strategies should be based on the yielding potential of tea bushes in the target environment as defined by plant genotype and age of plantations.  相似文献   

Major, trace and selected high field strength element geochemistry of fresh-water sediments from the Malagane tank, Deduru Oya basin, Sri Lanka, has been investigated in this study. Sediment samples were collected from 13 locations and analyzed for their elemental distribution using the X-ray fluorescence technique. The sediments were characterized by relatively low organic matter, ranging from 4.8 to 16.9%. The elemental distributions were compared with those of the average upper continental curst, and it was found that, with a few exceptions, most of the studied elements are either comparable or depleted. Correlation and principal component analyses were applied to identify the relationships among studied elements. Major elements, most trace and light rare earth elemental distribution show strong positive correlation with Al2O3 and TiO2, which indicate that the phyllosilicates and heavy minerals in the sediments are the probable hosts for these elements. The results also indicate that the sediments in the Malagane tank are representative of the materials from the metamorphic rocks in the watershed and were subjected to changes within the tank ecosystem. The results obtained from this study are vital for future pollution management of tank ecosystems in Sri Lanka, since information on elemental distribution within the sediments of tank ecosystem is lacking.  相似文献   

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