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The morphological data for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees published by Burger (1953) were reanalyzed to examine the relationships between crown shape, needle and branch mass density of crown volume, needle efficiency in stemwood production, harvest index and stemwood production efficiency per unit of crown projected area. Production of stemwood per unit of crown projected area was higher in narrow-crowned trees than in broad-crowned trees because the narrow-crowned trees had (i) smaller horizontal space requirements for equal crown volumes, (ii) higher leaf area index due to both the geometrical crown shape and higher needle density per unit of crown volume, and (iii) higher harvest index indicating high allocation of dry matter production to stem.  相似文献   

The effects of genetic entry and competition on the above ground dry biomass production (i.e. stem wood, needles, branches and harvest index) was studied in 20 Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) clones grown in southern Finland. Furthermore, the measured above ground biomass components were compared against the corresponding estimations based on biomass models developed previously. The clones included both Finnish and Russian clones, as well as provenance-hybrids clones. Differences existed between clones in stem dry mass production, but not in harvest index or in crown dry mass. However, the competition caused by neighboring trees also significantly affected above ground dry biomass, as well as the biomass of crown and stem separately. Differences in competition between the clones could not be found. Unlike the dry mass of branches, the dry mass of needles and stem could be estimated well for individual sample trees with the available biomass models. Moreover, the clone with the largest above ground dry biomass production had nearly doubled production, on average, than the average over all clones. Thus, some of the clones showed especially high potential for biomass recovery in energy wood thinning.  相似文献   

Sample tree material was reanalyzed in order to study the relationships between horizontal crown projected area and components of above-ground biomass in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees growing in even-aged stands. The needle mass of dominant trees increased linearly with the increase in crown projected area, but in co-dominant and dominanted trees the increase in needle mass levelled off toward larger crown projected areas. The branch mass of dominant and co-dominant trees accumulated faster than linearly with increasing crown projected area, whereas in dominated trees an approximately linear relationship existed between these two variables. The increase in needle and branch mass per unit increase in crown projected area was highest in dominant trees and decreased to co-dominant and dominated trees, i.e. with tree position in the canopy. The stem mass accumulated obviously faster than linearly and similarly in all tree classes with the increase in crown projected area. The narrow crown shape indicated a high density of all components of above-ground biomass per unit of crown projected area.  相似文献   

Variations in fine root biomass of trees and understory in 16 stands throughout Finland were examined and relationships to site and stand characteristics determined. Norway spruce fine root biomass varied between 184 and 370 g m(-2), and that of Scots pine ranged between 149 and 386 g m(-2). In northern Finland, understory roots and rhizomes (< 2 mm diameter) accounted for up to 50% of the stand total fine root biomass. Therefore, the fine root biomass of trees plus understory was larger in northern Finland in stands of both tree species, resulting in a negative relationship between fine root biomass and the temperature sum and a positive relationship between fine root biomass and the carbon:nitrogen ratio of the soil organic layer. The foliage:fine root ratio varied between 2.1 and 6.4 for Norway spruce and between 0.8 and 2.2 for Scots pine. The ratio decreased for both Norway spruce and Scots pine from south to north, as well as from fertile to more infertile site types. The foliage:fine root ratio of Norway spruce was related to basal area and stem surface area. The strong positive correlations of these three parameters with fine root nitrogen concentration implies that more fine roots are needed to maintain a certain amount of foliage when nutrient availability is low. No significant relationships were found between stand parameters and fine root biomass at the stand level, but the relationships considerably improved when both fine root biomass and stand parameters were calculated for the mean tree in the stand. When the northern and southern sites were analyzed separately, fine root biomass per tree of both species was significantly correlated with basal area and stem surface area per tree. Basal area, stem surface area and stand density can be estimated accurately and easily. Thus, our results may have value in predicting fine root biomass at the tree and stand level in boreal Norway spruce and Scots pine forests.  相似文献   

Variability in short root morphology of the three main tree species of Europe's boreal forest (Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth)) was investigated in four stands along a latitudinal gradient from northern Finland to southern Estonia. Silver birch and Scots pine were present in three stands and Norway spruce was present in all stands. For three fertile Norway spruce stands, fine root biomass and number of root tips per stand area or unit basal area were assessed from north to south. Principal component analysis indicated that short root morphology was significantly affected by tree species and site, which together explained 34.7% of the total variability. The range of variation in mean specific root area (SRA) was 51-74, 60-70 and 84-124 m(2) kg(-1) for Norway spruce, Scots pine and silver birch, respectively, and the corresponding ranges for specific root length were 37-47, 40-48 and 87-97 m g(-1). The range of variation in root tissue density of Norway spruce, Scots pine and silver birch was 113-182, 127-158 and 81-156 kg m(-3), respectively. Sensitivity of short root morphology to site conditions decreased in the order: Norway spruce > silver birch > Scots pine. Short root SRA increased with site fertility in all species. In Norway spruce, fine root biomass and number of root tips per m(2) decreased from north to south. The differences in morphological parameters among sites were significant but smaller than the site differences in fine root biomass and number of root tips.  相似文献   

The production and allocation of aboveground biomass and the characteristics of tree architecture were examined in eight-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Considerable among-tree variation existed in tree architecture, total aboveground dry mass production, and dry mass partitioning among tree parts. A linear relationship existed between needle and branch mass. Stem mass was directly proportional to tree height, which in turn was directly proportional to the allocation ratio between stem mass and total needle + branch mass production. The architectural characteristics that were related to a high proportional allocation to stem and high stemwood production were a large mean shoot volume, large mean number of branches per whorl, long needle retention and a high crown length/crown width ratio. Individual trees were found that combined high stemwood production with both high harvest index and high stemwood specific gravity.  相似文献   

Crown architecture and growth allocation were studied in saplings of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.), a species classified as intermediate in shade tolerance. A comparison was made of 15 understory saplings and 15 open-grown saplings that were selected to have comparable heights (mean of 211 cm, range of 180-250 cm). Mean ages of understory and open-grown trees were 25 and 8 years, respectively. Understory trees had a lower degree of apical control, shorter crown length, and more horizontal branch angle, resulting in a broader crown shape than that of open-grown trees. Total leaf area was greater in open-grown saplings than in understory saplings, but the ratio of whole-crown silhouette (projected) leaf area to total leaf area was significantly greater in understory pine (0.154) than in open-grown pine (0.128), indicating that the crown and shoot structure of understory trees exposed a greater percentage of leaf area to direct overhead light. Current-year production of understory white pine was significantly less than that of open-grown white pine, but a higher percentage of current-year production was allocated to foliage in shoots of understory saplings. These modifications in crown structure and allocation between open-grown and understory white pine saplings are similar to those reported for more shade-tolerant fir (Abies) and spruce (Picea) species, but the modifications were generally smaller in white pine. As a result, white pine did not develop the flat-topped "umbrella" crown structure observed in understory fir and spruce, which approaches the idealized monolayer form that maximizes light interception. The overall change to a broader crown shape in understory white pine was qualitatively similar, but much more limited than the changes that occurred in fir and spruce. This may prevent white pine from persisting in understory shade as long as fir and spruce saplings.  相似文献   

The growth and structural development of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees growing at different spacing was simulated using a model based on the dry matter production per needle biomass unit and its allocation to needles, branches and stem. Special emphasis was given to the effect of stand density on the growth of the crown system and its implications on branchiness and timber quality. The simulations showed that the needle biomass culminates considerably earlier than the branch biomass with a time lag inversely related to the stand density. The lengths of living and dead crown were also inversely related to stand density. The resulting differences in branchiness were especially obvious in the early development of the tree stands. In the long run these differences tend to disappear, indicating equal external branchiness independently of the initial spacing for mature stands of Scots pine. The internal branchiness, however, was particularly sensitive to the initial spacing.  相似文献   

Water stress and fire disturbance can directly impact stand structure, biomass and composition by causing mortality and influencing competitive interactions among trees. However, open eucalypt forests of southwest Australia are highly resilient to fire and drought and may respond differently to increased fire frequency and aridity than forests dominated by non-eucalypt species. We measured the variation in stem density, basal area, stand biomass, sapwood area, leaf area and litterfall across 16 mixed jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and marri (Corymbia calophylla) forest stands along an aridity gradient in southwest Australia that had variable fire histories. Fire frequency was defined as the total number of fires over a ∼30-year period and aridity as the ratio of potential evapotranspiration to annual precipitation. Total stand biomass and sapwood area were predicted from diameter at breast height of individual jarrah and marri trees using allometric equations. Leaf area was estimated using digital cover photography. More arid and frequently burnt stands had higher stem density, especially of smaller trees, which were mainly jarrah. Overall, both standing biomass and leaf area decreased at more arid sites, while sapwood area was largely unaffected by aridity, suggesting that these stands respond to increased water limitation by decreasing their leaf area relative to their sapwood area. Biomass of marri was reduced at more arid and, to a lesser extent, at more frequently burnt stands. However, total stand biomass (jarrah and marri) and leaf area index did not vary with fire frequency, suggesting that less marri biomass (due to slower growth rates, higher mortality or less recruitment) was compensated by an increase in the density of jarrah trees (regeneration). We conclude that increased fire and drought shift tree species composition towards more fire-resistant species and result in denser stands of smaller trees. In contrast, total stand biomass declines with increasing aridity, but has no association with fire frequency.  相似文献   

Model computations were made on the critical combination of snow loading and windspeed for snow damage of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) and birch sp. (Betula sp.) at the newly formed stand edge with varying tree height and stem taper using the model developed by H. Peltola, S. Kellomäki and H. Väisänen (1996, HWIND: A Mechanistic Model for Wind and Snow Damage of Scotts Pine, Norway Spruce and Birch sp.) for the mechanism of wind and snow damage. In the computations, the total turning moment arising from the wind and snow load and from the bending of stem and crown was calculated along with the breaking stress of the stem and root anchorage. Windspeed variation within the crown and the vertical distribution of snow, stem and crown weight were also taken into account.According to computations, the critical combination of snow and wind loading for stem breakage and uprooting of trees was caused mainly by accumulation of snow on tree crowns, rather than by wind, which did, however, increase the risk of damage. The risk of damage increased along with stem taper decrease or tree height increase for all tree species studied. However, Scots pine and Norway spruce were found much more susceptible to snow damage than birch, which (being leafless) had much less crown area for snow attachment and wind loading.The trees most likely to suffer stem breakage were slightly tapering Scots pines and Norway spruces with tapers of 1:120 for varying tree heights of 12–20 m under short-term snow loading of 60 kg m−2, i.e. they would have suffered stem breakage under windspeeds of less than 9 m s−1 above the tree canopy top. Respectively, even Scots pine and Norway spruce with tapers of 1:100 were at risk of stem breakage through sustained snow loading of 60 kg m−2. In addition, even snow loads of 20–40 kg m−2 were found big enough to cause stem breakage of these trees with stem tapers of 1:120 during sustained snow loading. Correspondingly, similar pines and spruces with stem tapers of 1:120 were found to even more liable to be uprooted during conditions of unfrozen soil than of having their stem broken by short-term snow loading of 20–60 kg m−2, i.e. less windspeed was needed to cause uprooting. However, pines and spruces with tapers of 1:80 were not at risk for stem breakage and uprooting. This was because snow would have more probably been dislodged from the tree crowns by windspeeds greater than 9 ms−1 which are needed to worsen the damage. Nor would very slender birch without leaves have suffered stem breakage or uprooting under any circumstances with windspeeds of less than 9 ms−1.  相似文献   

For the period 2003–2006, fructification of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) was recorded at the Kranzberg forest site in Southern Germany by employing a crane with access to the canopy of more than 266 trees. For each tree, stem diameter and growth parameters were assessed annually as well as biomass of cones and seeds, number of seeds per cone, and proportions of empty seeds for a total of 371 trees with cone crop. Genotypes at 19 enzyme coding gene loci of 110 trees were included in the study of correlations between morphological and genetic traits. Re-scaling the observed values for a virtual pure Norway spruce stand of 1 ha, cone biomass including winged seeds (oven-dried at 38°C) varied between 706.8 kg/ha in 2006 (average value per tree was 3.6 kg) and values close to zero in 2005. Corresponding values for vegetative biomass increment of the coning trees in 2006 were 9,273.0 kg/ha and 10.8 kg/tree. A significant higher biomass investment was determined for dominant trees in terms of absolute cone mass as well as in terms of cone mass relative to vegetative biomass and fructification frequency. No trade-off effects in decreased vegetative biomass growth were found in the fructification year, compared to trees that did not grow cones. Although the dominant trees invested proportionally considerable biomass in cones, they showed no significant reduction in vegetative biomass growth. In the following year no decrease in vegetative growth was detected. Based on logistic regressions and homogeneity tests, respectively, significant genetic effect became evident with respect to the gene loci AAP-B and AAT-C concerning fructification probability in the year with maximum generative biomass investment. These and closely related loci also have been found to be indicative for growth and viability, respectively, in other species.  相似文献   

Although a good correlation has been found between the mean degree of damage and the increment trend of larger Norway spruce collectives, individual spruce trees often betray no relationship between crown damage and the development of the volume increment. Detailed investigations show that stem and crown dimensions, growing space as well as the competition of neighboring stems can substantially outweigh the influence of crown damage on the volume increment. Furthermore, current methods to determine crown parameters and needle loss are in many cases quite error‐prone. Use of more accurate techniques for measuring spruce trees produced a stronger relation between the volume increment per square meter crown surface area and the degree of crown damage (needle loss).  相似文献   

To facilitate future carbon and nutrient inventories, we used mixed-effect linear models to develop new generic biomass functions for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in Central Europe. We present both the functions and their respective variance-covariance matrices and illustrate their application for biomass prediction and uncertainty estimation for Norway spruce trees ranging widely in size, age, competitive status and site. We collected biomass data for 688 trees sampled in 102 stands by 19 authors. The total number of trees in the "base" model data sets containing the predictor variables diameter at breast height (D), height (H), age (A), site index (SI) and site elevation (HSL) varied according to compartment (roots: n = 114, stem: n = 235, dry branches: n = 207, live branches: n = 429 and needles: n = 551). "Core" data sets with about 40% fewer trees could be extracted containing the additional predictor variables crown length and social class. A set of 43 candidate models representing combinations of lnD, lnH, lnA, SI and HSL, including second-order polynomials and interactions, was established. The categorical variable "author" subsuming mainly methodological differences was included as a random effect in a mixed linear model. The Akaike Information Criterion was used for model selection. The best models for stem, root and branch biomass contained only combinations of D, H and A as predictors. More complex models that included site-related variables resulted for needle biomass. Adding crown length as a predictor for needles, branches and roots reduced both the bias and the confidence interval of predictions substantially. Applying the best models to a test data set of 17 stands ranging in age from 16 to 172 years produced realistic allocation patterns at the tree and stand levels. The 95% confidence intervals (% of mean prediction) were highest for crown compartments (approximately +/- 12%) and lowest for stem biomass (approximately +/- 5%), and within each compartment, they were highest for the youngest and oldest stands, respectively.  相似文献   

The foliage biomass–sapwood relationship (the pipe model) is critical for tree growth and is used in tree growth models for understanding the implications of this structural relationship on the allocation of resources. In this research, we compared this relationship for two commercially important and sympatric species, black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss). At locations in eastern Canada, 57 black and 50 white spruce trees were destructively sampled to obtain foliage biomass, crown structure, and tree stem measures. Using a model-based approach, we compared foliage biomass–branch basal area and foliage biomass–sapwood relationships at the tree and disk (i.e. along the tree stem) levels (i.e. pipe-model ratios) between these two species. We found that (i) branch foliage biomass–branch basal area was greater for black spruce than white spruce and (ii) pipe-model ratios along the tree stem given tree size were greater for black spruce than for white spruce. We attributed these differences to: (i) greater shade tolerance and leaf longevity of black spruce; (ii) slower growth rates of black spruce; and (iii) differing hydraulic strategies and mechanical requirements.  相似文献   

The stand density of a forest affects the vertical distribution of foliage. Understanding the dynamics of this response is important for the study of crown structure and function, carbon-budget estimation, and forest management. We investigated the effect of tree density on the vertical distribution of foliage, branch, and stem growth, and ratio of biomass increment in aboveground tissues; by monitoring all first-order branches of five trees each from thinned and unthinned control stands of 10-year-old Chamaecyparis obtusa for four consecutive years. In the control stand, the foliage crown shifted upward with height growth but the foliage quantity of the whole crown did not increase. In addition, the vertical distribution of leaf mass shifted from lower-crown skewed to upper-crown skewed. In the thinned stand in contrast, the foliage quantity of individual crowns increased two-fold within 4 years, while the vertical distribution of leaf mass remained lower-crown skewed. The two stands had similar production rates, numbers of first-order branches per unit of tree height, and total lengths of first-order branches. However, the mortality rate of first-order branches and self-pruning within a first-order branch were significantly higher in the control stand than in the thinned stand, which resulted in a higher ratio of biomass increment in branch. Thinning induced a higher ratio of biomass increment in foliage and lower in branch. The increased foliage quantity and variation in ratio of biomass increment after thinning stimulated stem growth of residual trees. These results provide information that will be useful when considering thinning regimes and stand management.  相似文献   

Harvest index is defined and its relationship with primary production, biomass partitioning and yield components in forest trees examined. As stand density has been found to have a major effect on harvest index, it is concluded that further development of the harvest index concept in forest trees will need to take account of density-yield relationships.  相似文献   

The effects of stand density on increment and branch properties were studied in three spacing experiments of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.]. The stand densities ranged from 350 stems ha−1, regarded as open-grown trees, up to 1,600 stems ha−1, corresponding to the density recommended for forestry practice. Properties of all the branches were measured from the stem apex downwards. The study material included a total of 5,661 branches from 45 trees. Increasing stand density resulted in a decrease in radial increment as well as shorter and narrower crowns, but it had no effect on height increment. The average number of spike knots per tree was 0.87, 0.27, and 0.33 in densities of 350, 700 and 1,600 ha−1, respectively. Additionally, in the widely spaced stands of 350 stems ha−1, the fraction of trees having spike knots was high (over 50%). At a density of 1,600 ha−1, the sample trees had somewhat less branches in a whorl compared with the more widely spaced plots. The most pronounced effect of stand density was the increase in branch diameter with decreasing stand density. At a density of 350 ha−1, the maximum branch diameter of all the sample trees exceeded the diameter limit of quality class B in the European quality requirements for round wood. The results give some indication that trees subjected to severe competition would produce smaller branches per unit of crown projection area. However, the possibilities for reducing branch dimensions relative to stem and crown size through competition appear quite restricted.  相似文献   

基于60株辽东山区日本落叶松样木生物量的实测数据,分析不同林龄条件下立木各部分生物量的变化情况,并应用度量误差方法建立立木相容性生物量模型。结果表明:树叶、树枝、树皮生物量占总生物量的比值随林龄增长呈下降趋势,干材占总生物量的比值随林龄增长呈上升趋势。在筛选出总生物量与各分量最优独立模型的基础上,应用三级控制的方法建立生物量相容性模型,并采用加权回归方法消除总量和各分量模型的异方差。建立的总量、地上部分、树干、干材、树皮生物量模型,其R2均大于0.9;树根、树冠、树叶和树枝生物量的R2略低,介于0.7 0.9之间。通过独立样本对模型的相容性和预测精度进行检验,各分量预测值所占总生物量的百分比之和为1,模型完全相容;根、冠、叶和枝的模型预测精度略低于90%,其他部位模型的预测精度都在95%以上,模型的预测精度较高。  相似文献   

Tropical forests play a critical role in mitigating climate change because they account for large amount o terrestrial carbon storage and productivity.However,there are many uncertainties associated with the estimation o carbon dynamics.We estimated forest structure and carbon dynamics along a slope(17.3°–42.8°)and to assess the relations between forest structures,carbon dynamics,and slopes in an intact lowland mixed dipterocarp forest,in Kuala Belalong,Brunei Darussalam.Living biomass,basa area,stand density,crown properties,and tree family composition were measured for forest structure.Growth rate,litter production,and litter decomposition rates were also measured for carbon dynamics.The crown form index and the crown position index were used to assess crown properties,which we categorized into five stages,from very poor to perfect.The living biomass,basal area and stand density were 261.5–940.7 Mg ha~(-1),43.6–63.6 m~2ha~(-1)and 6,675–8400 tree ha~(-1),respectively.The average crown form and position index were 4,which means that the crown are mostly symmetrical and sufficiently exposed for photosynthesis.The mean biomass growth rate,litter production,litter decomposition rate were estimated as11.9,11.6 Mg ha~(-1)a~(-1),and 7.2 g a~(-1),respectively.Biomass growth rate was significantly correlated with living biomass,basal area,and crown form.Crown form appeared to strongly influence living biomass,basal area and biomass growth rate in terms of light acquisition.However,basal area,stand density,crown properties,and biomass growth rate did not vary by slope or tree family composition.The results indicate that carbon accumulation by tree growth in an intact lowland mixed dipterocarp forest depends on crown properties.Absence of any effect of tree family composition on carbon accumulation suggests that the main driver of biomass accumulation in old-growth forests of Borneo is not species-specific characteristics of tree species.  相似文献   

新疆杨元素含量与生物量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
新疆杨(Populus bolleana Lauche)在我国新疆栽培最早,尤以和田、喀什地区生长最好。青海、甘肃、宁夏亦早有栽培,近十余年在陕西、内蒙、山西、辽宁、吉林诸省和北京市也有引种,是我国干旱、半干旱地区农田防护林及人工丰产林的优良树种。为进一步利用新疆杨资源,研究其生物量将具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

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