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《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1977,195(4277):465
Some insight into Secretary of Defense Harold Brown's views on deterrence may be gained from the following excerpts from an address titled "Strategic Force Structure and Strategic Arms Limitations" he delivered at the Institute of U.S. Studies of the Soviet Academy of Science in Moscow in March 1975.  相似文献   

In spite of a number of difficulties and shortcomings, this international meeting was relatively effective for this group of respondents. They benefitted from the informal interaction of participants, from information that pertained to current and planned work, and from the prospects of continued exchange with colleagues in other countries. That the meeting could have been even more valuable was also the consensus. Additional data on another such meeting reinforce these findings and suggest that the results obtained are probably not peculiar to one social science or to this specific meeting. Reports of a small group of sociologists, who received grants from the National Institute of Mental Health to attend the Sixth World Congress of Sociology at Evian in September 1966, showed marked concurrence with those of the psychologists who attended the Moscow congress. For both groups there was the same preponderence of United States and Russian presentations on the program, informal interaction was more productive of useful information than were formally scheduled events, and the main type of information obtained was a broader knowledge of research activity and effort in various countries. The sociologists emphasized even more than did the psychologists the importance of acquiring new points of view and perspectives. More than half the sociologists planned to use information obtained in their current or future work, and a fourth planned international collaborative research efforts; in both these respects they surpassed the percentages found in the data on the psychologists. Finally, all the criticisms voiced by Moscow respondents appeared also among the Evian group, though not in sufficient numbers to constitute a trend. These data suggest that international meetings can and do fill certain information needs in spite of organizational difficulties and the problems attendant upon any large gathering in an environment unfamiliar to most of those who participate.  相似文献   

Different preirrigation soil moisture levels under drip irrigation in the soil and climatic conditions of the Moscow oblast against the background of the recommended mineral nutrition have significantly affected the key growth force indicators in pear seedlings (leaf surface area, volume of the root system, and stem diameter). Irrigation is ascertained to greatly affect the growth force indicators in seedlings (approximately 70%) in the first year of their development and to decrease, on average, by 10—15% in the next year.  相似文献   

Walsh J 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1983,219(4588):1047-1048
Institute of Medicine members Alfred Gellhorn and Robert Lawrence visited El Salvador in January as observers for the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the National Academy of Sciences, the New York Academy of Sciences, and the International League for Human Rights. Their findings paralleled those of an earlier delegation--"a virtually complete breakdown of the health system" and continuing violence against health professionals. A number of scientific organizations in the U.S. are reported to be exploring ways to channel private aid from health professionals and to protect the rights of patients and health personnel without antagonizing the government of El Salvador.  相似文献   

猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗——半个世纪的回顾   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
 猪瘟是一种严重危害养猪业的毁灭性传染病。20世纪50年代中国首创了举世闻名的猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗(即C株),随后创制了不同的疫苗制造工艺,如细胞培养苗、乳兔组织苗和牛体反应组织苗等。C株是一株非常安全的弱毒疫苗,对各种年龄和品种的猪都没有副作用,并且有良好的免疫效力,它能同时诱导体液免疫和细胞免疫应答,对不同基因型的猪瘟病毒株均能提供有效的免疫保护。免疫母猪通过母乳可对仔猪提供被动免疫保护,但过高水平的母源抗体会影响仔猪对C株疫苗的主动免疫应答。目前已经完成了包括C株及其亲本株在内的几十株猪瘟病毒的全基因组序列测定和注释,建立了猪瘟病毒的反向遗传操作系统,初步解析了猪瘟病毒主要基因的结构与功能,并构建了不同的反向遗传操作标记疫苗,赋予了C株疫苗新的生命和内涵。C株疫苗可以用于猪瘟的控制和根除,借助于C株疫苗密集接种和综合控制措施,有关国家有效地控制了猪瘟,甚至消灭了猪瘟。尽管如此,要在全球范围内根除猪瘟,今后依然有漫长的路要走,这可能有赖于对C株进行进一步改造和利用。  相似文献   

Although making liquid nitrogen-temperature superconductors is easy enough that high school science projects already feature them, researchers still have little idea how the new ceramic oxides work and therefore little guidance for improving them. At the International Workshop on Novel Mechanisms of Superconductivity, held from 22 to 26 June in Berkeley, California, theorists reviewed a host of competing explanations of how these materials come by their remarkable properties, but they could not, get far in sifting through the candidates for the best one. One cause of the unsettled situation is that theorists have not yet pushed their models far enough to make many specific predictions about physical properties and therefore to provide a reason to choose one theory over another. But experimental data for comparison with theory are lacking, too. For example, experimentalists are just now succeeding in being able to grow single crystals and thin films of the ceramic oxide superconductors, whose properties were shown at the workshop to be highly anisotropic. Measurements already made on the polycrystalline sintered material available up to now are difficult to interpret and therefore need to be repeated on good-quality crystals and films, where the variation of properties with crystallographic orientation can be mapped out. Given the high level of Japanese activity in the field, it was surprising that no researchers from industrial laboratories in Japan presented their findings at the workshop. In the light of a budding international competition in commercializing superconductors, some American scientists interpreted the absence as an attempt to protect proprietary advances. A more pleasant surprise was the attendance of a delegation of six Soviet scientists, although one of the fathers of superconductivity theory, Vitaly Ginzburg of the P.N.Lebedev Institute of Physics in Moscow, who was expected, did not come.  相似文献   

2014年1—10月,国内原料奶收购价格总体呈下行走势,鲜奶零售价格高位平稳运行,原料奶收购价格和鲜奶零售价格均高于2013年同期水平,奶粉零售价格稳中略涨,国产奶粉涨幅快于进口奶粉。受国内消费需求刺激,乳品进口继续大幅增加,奶粉进口国家仍以新西兰为主,但是从新西兰进口奶粉的比重明显下降。全球乳制品供应增加,俄罗斯禁止进口,需求下降,国际市场乳制品价格持续下滑。预计国际乳制品价格继续低迷,乳制品进口量则进一步增加,这使得国内原料奶收购价格将面临下行压力。  相似文献   

The Stirling Range Formation of southwestern Australia contains discoidal impressions and trace-like fossils in tidal sandstones. The various disks have previously been linked to the Ediacaran biota, younger than 600 million years old. From this unit, we report U-Th-Pb geochronology of detrital zircon and monazite, as well as low-grade metamorphic monazite, constraining the depositional age to between 2016 +/- 6 and 1215 +/- 20 million years old. Although nonbiological origins for the discoidal impressions cannot be completely discounted, the structures resembling trace fossils clearly have a biological origin and suggest the presence of vermiform, mucus-producing, motile organisms.  相似文献   

Patients who have received many transfusions become highly sensitized and develop antibodies against almost all HLA alloantigens, so that finding a cross-match negative kidney donor is difficult. A survey of those patients showed that 50 percent did not form antibodies against the noninherited maternal HLA antigens. Apart from the obvious clinical implications, the data indicate that a human equivalent of murine neonatal or actively acquired tolerance has now been identified.  相似文献   

我们要想进一步加强学生的素质教育,保证教育质量,首先必须提高教师的自身素质。充分认识教师素质对教育质量的影响,认真分析目前教师素质状况,多渠道地加强教师的专业知识培训和职业道德、思想品德的教育等。只有业务水平高、思想品德好的教师,才能担当得起“教书育人”之重任,才能为社会主义建设事业培养出政治合格、业务过硬的高素质接班人。  相似文献   

以云产卷烟14个研发新品在10个城市的市场调研数据为基础,采用多序列相关分析了卷烟产品包装特性与市场前景态度的相关性。结果表明,卷烟包装的总体印象评价得分基本由色彩得分和构图得分决定,且色彩和构图得分对总体印象具有协同作用;色彩、构图和总体印象评分越高其市场前景态度有明显偏向于看好的趋势,而评分越低其市场前景态度有明显偏向于不好的趋势。  相似文献   

On being sane in insane places   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
It is clear that we cannot distinguish the sane from the insane in psychiatric hospitals. The hospital itself imposes a special environment in which the meanings of behavior can easily be misunderstood. The consequences to patients hospitalized in such an environment-the powerlessness, depersonalization, segregation, mortification, and self-labeling-seem undoubtedly countertherapeutic. I do not, even now, understand this problem well enough to perceive solutions. But two matters seem to have some promise. The first concerns the proliferation of community mental health facilities, of crisis intervention centers, of the human potential movement, and of behavior therapies that, for all of their own problems, tend to avoid psychiatric labels, to focus on specific problems and behaviors, and to retain the individual in a relatively non-pejorative environment. Clearly, to the extent that we refrain from sending the distressed to insane places, our impressions of them are less likely to be distorted. (The risk of distorted perceptions, it seems to me, is always present, since we are much more sensitive to an individual's behaviors and verbalizations than we are to the subtle contextual stimuli that often promote them. At issue here is a matter of magnitude. And, as I have shown, the magnitude of distortion is exceedingly high in the extreme context that is a psychiatric hospital.) The second matter that might prove promising speaks to the need to increase the sensitivity of mental health workers and researchers to the Catch 22 position of psychiatric patients. Simply reading materials in this area will be of help to some such workers and researchers. For others, directly experiencing the impact of psychiatric hospitalization will be of enormous use. Clearly, further research into the social psychology of such total institutions will both facilitate treatment and deepen understanding. I and the other pseudopatients in the psychiatric setting had distinctly negative reactions. We do not pretend to describe the subjective experiences of true patients. Theirs may be different from ours, particularly with the passage of time and the necessary process of adaptation to one's environment. But we can and do speak to the relatively more objective indices of treatment within the hospital. It could be a mistake, and a very unfortunate one, to consider that what happened to us derived from malice or stupidity on the part of the staff. Quite the contrary, our overwhelming impression of them was of people who really cared, who were committed and who were uncommonly intelligent. Where they failed, as they sometimes did painfully, it would be more accurate to attribute those failures to the environment in which they, too, found themselves than to personal callousness. Their perceptions and behavior were controlled by the situation, rather than being motivated by a malicious disposition. In a more benign environment, one that was less attached to global diagnosis, their behaviors and judgments might have been more benign and effective.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to analyze the productivity and ecological functions of birch and oak stands growing under various anthropogenic influences. The objects of the study are birch and oak stands in permanent test plots of the Forest Experimental District of the Russian State Agrarian University—Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. It is revealed that oak stands are more productive than birch stands in the conditions of the city of Moscow. The contribution of both tree species to the formation of a positive oxygen balance of cities is approximately the same. Analysis of leaf surface index values shows that crowns of birch stands are capable of retaining more solids suspended in the air than oak stands. To maintain the ecological, aesthetic, sanitary-hygienic, and oxygen-producing functions of stands in the conditions of the city of Moscow, it is necessary to carry out economic measures aimed at the formation of mixed, uneven-aged coniferous- deciduous forests.  相似文献   

Attempts to understand the personal characteristics of others, in interactions with them, are complicated by the fact that one tends to find what one expects. This happens not only because processing of information is selective, but also because expectancies cause one to act in ways that elicit behavior interpretable as confirming those expectancies, even when the expectancies might have been mistaken. Studies provide ample evidence of such self-fulfilling prophecies in social interaction and are beginning to spell out the crucial steps in the process for confirming expectancies. Such studies help link the psychology of first impressions to the psychology of long-term relationships by showing how expectancies are sustained or modified through behavioral sequences that are partially determined by initial expectancies.  相似文献   

农业院校经济管理类大学新生逆境心理探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业院校经济管理类大学新生作为大学新生群体中的一个特殊层次,既有大学新生心理发展的共性趋势,又有其专业定向的个性特征。逆境心理在农业院校经济管理类新生中普遍存在,在对其逆境心理成因分析的基础上,试图提出抗逆境心理的对策。  相似文献   

When South African President Thabo Mbeki rose to address the opening ceremony for the XIII International AIDS Conference here last Sunday, the thousands of researchers packed into Kingsmead Stadium hoped he would say three simple words: HIV causes AIDS. He didn't. Mbeki's failure to acknowledge directly that HIV causes AIDS has angered the country's AIDS researchers; many visiting scientists also expressed their dismay.  相似文献   

In a recent decision, Commonwealth v. Kobrin, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that a psychiatrist being investigated for possible Medicaid fraud did not have to turn over all of his notes concerning therapy sessions. The Court said that portions of the records reflecting feelings and impressions or the substance of the diagnosis could be withheld; however, information regarding drugs prescribed, electroshock therapy, or notes on the patient's condition and progress should be disclosed. Since increased access to medical records by insurers, investigators, hospital staff, and others has already eroded the right to privacy, the issues raised by this case are disturbing to psychiatrists who fear that wholesale disclosure of records may be mandated. They believe that such disclosure would adversely affect the doctor patient relationship and the psychotherapeutic process.  相似文献   

本罪旨在将使用欺诈手段骗取银行贷款,致使银行贷款的安全回收产生了具体性危险,又难以证明借款人主观上具有非法占有目的行为,纳入刑法规制的范畴,从而将预防金融风险的防线前移。本罪采用的是具体危险犯与实害犯折中的立法模式。骗取银行贷款后用于生产经营等正当目的,以造成重大损失为成立该罪的条件,否则,即便按期还本付息,只要骗贷行为使银行贷款的回收产生了具体性危险,也有可能评价为“其他严重情节”而构成本罪。  相似文献   

【目的】研究农民田间学校培训对农民环境友好型技术采用的影响。【方法】以北京市农户设施番茄生产为例,通过对农民田间学校农户的随机抽样调查,采用probit模型估计农民田间学校培训对农民环境意识影响的净效果。【结果】目前条件下,北京市农民在番茄生产上采用环境友好型技术的比例还不足20%。在控制其它因素的条件下,农民田间学校培训使田间学校学员采用环境友好灌溉技术的比例比非田间学校村农户高14.7%,而采用环境友好施肥技术农户的比例比非田间学校村农户高8.3%。【结论】农民田间学校培训显著提高了农民的环境保护意识,使其在生产上较多地采用了环境友好型灌溉和施肥技术。  相似文献   

The emergence of applied mathematics as a discipline in the United States is traditionally associated with World War II. Hungarian-born Theodore von Kármán was among those who had waged a long and vigorous campaign well before the war to make applied mathematics respectable to engineers and mathematicians. While advocating the use of mathematics and physics to solve applied problems, he challenged the prevailing philosophy of engineering programs, locked horns with recalcitrant journal editors, and generally encountered the obstacles to building a discipline that cuts across conventional boundaries.  相似文献   

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