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Mature gilts classified by low (12 to 16 corpora lutea [CL], n = 6) or high (17 to 26 CL, n = 5) ovulation rate (OR) were compared for plasma follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone, estradiol-17beta, and inhibin during an estrous cycle. Gilts were checked for estrus at 8-h intervals beginning on d 18. Blood samples were collected at 8-h intervals beginning on d 18 of the third estrous cycle and continued for one complete estrous cycle. Analysis for FSH and LH was performed on samples collected at 8-h intervals and for ovarian hormones on samples collected at 24-h intervals. The data were standardized to the peak of LH at fourth (d 0) and fifth estrus for the follicular phase and analyzed in discrete periods during the periovulatory (-1, 0, +1 d relative to LH peak), early-luteal (d 1 to 5), mid-luteal (d 6 to 10), late-luteal (11 to 15), periluteolytic (-1, 0, +1 d relative to progesterone decline), and follicular (5 d prior to fifth estrus) phases of the estrous cycle. The number of CL during the sampling estrous cycle was greater (P < 0.005) for the high vs low OR gilts (18.8 vs 14.3) and again (P < 0.001) in the cycle subsequent to hormone measurement (20.9 vs 14.7). For high-OR gilts, FSH was greater during the ovulatory period (P = 0.002), the mid- (P < 0.05) and late-luteal phases (P = 0.01), and tended to be elevated during the early-luteal (P = 0.06), but not the luteolytic or follicular periods. LH was greater in high-OR gilts during the ovulatory period (P < 0.005), but not at other periods during the cycle. In high-OR gilts, progesterone was greater in the mid, late, and ovulatory phases (P < 0.005), but not in the follicular, ovulatory, and early-luteal phases. Concentrations of estradiol-17beta were not different between OR groups during the cycle. Inhibin was greater for the high OR group (P < 0.005) during the early, mid, late, luteolytic, and follicular phases (P < 0.001). The duration of the follicular phase (from last baseline estrogen value to the LH peak) was 6.5 +/- 0.5 d and was not affected by OR group. These results indicate that elevated concentrations of both FSH and LH are associated with increased ovulation rate during the ovulatory phase, but that only elevated FSH during much of the luteal phase is associated with increased ovulation rate. Of the ovarian hormones, both inhibin and progesterone are highly related to greater ovulation rates. These findings could aid in understanding how ovulation rate is controlled in pigs.  相似文献   

A heterologous radioimmunoassay developed to measure inhibin in rat plasma was validated and used to characterize changes in peripheral concentrations of immunoreactive inhibin (ir-inhibin) in relation to follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations during the estrous cycle of mares. The primary antiserum used in the assay was developed against a synthetic porcine inhibin -subunit [(1-26)-Gly-Tyr] fragment. The same synthetic peptide was used for preparation of standards and tracer. Slopes of the dose-response curves for pooled estrus and diestrus mare plasma and equine follicular fluid were similar to the slopes for the porcine inhibin -subunit standard curve and porcine follicular fluid dose-response curve. Twelve mares were bled once daily beginning when diameter of the largest follicle reached ≤25 mm and continuing until 3 days after the end of an interovulatory interval (ovulation=Day 0). Each of the 12 interovulatory intervals were normalized to the mean length of the interovulatory interval (22.2 days; range, 19 to 26). There was an effect of day for concentrations of ir-inhibin (P<0.001) and FSH (P<0.006). Significant mean changes were as follows: 1) ir-inhibin decreased between Days 0 and 1, whereas FSH increased between Days 0 and 5; and 2) ir-inhibin increased between Days 7 and 12, whereas FSH decreased between Days 11 and 14. Mean concentrations of ir-inhibin and FSH were negatively correlated (r=-0.548; P<0.002). In conclusion, mean peripheral concentrations of ir-inhibin and FSH were inversely related during the estrous cycle of mares.  相似文献   

We investigated the profiles of circulating levels of inhibin A and total inhibin in beef cows with follicular cysts in relation to the patterns of follicular development and circulating gonadotropins and steroid hormones. Turnover of follicular waves was monitored in five cows every 2 days for 70 days from 10 days after detection of estrus without ovulation. The mean interwave intervals were 19.6 ± 1.0 days (n = 18 waves with cysts from the five cows). Circulating levels of inhibin A were approximately 170 pg/ml before emergence of follicular waves with cysts and increased (P < 0.05) concomitantly with follicle emergence. High concentrations of inhibin A (greater than 300 pg/ml) were noted for 7 days during the growth phase of cystic follicles, but inhibin A levels decreased gradually when development of the cysts reached a plateau. This profile of inhibin A was similar to those of total inhibin and estradiol, but was inversely related to the changes in plasma FSH concentrations. LH pulse frequency and mean concentrations of LH in cows with cysts were higher than those observed in the luteal phase of normal cyclic cows. These results indicate that the capacity to secrete inhibin, as well as estradiol, is maintained in cystic follicles, the growth of which is extended by LH secretion at levels greater than those seen in the normal luteal phase. Inhibin A plays an important role in the extension of interwave intervals by suppressing recruitment of a new cohort of follicles.  相似文献   

Changes in consecutive estimates of milk progesterone concentrations and serum steroid hormone and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) concentrations in the postpartum period were examined in Finnish Ayrshire and Friesian dairy cows which were divided according to feeding into a hay group and a silage group. Milk progesterone concentrations rose above 10 nmol/l, indicating the start of ovarian luteal activity, slightly earlier in the silage group (28.4 +/- 8.7 (S.D.) days, n = 19) than in the hay group (33.4 +/- 10.3, n = 28) after calving. Likewise, the first normal oestrous cycles began slightly earlier in cows fed with silage. On the other hand, no differences in the beginning of ovarian luteal activity were observed between the breeds. Serum oestradiol-17 beta, oestrone, testosterone, 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5 alpha-DHT), pregnenolone and progesterone concentrations were fairly unchanged during postpartum anoestrus after uterine involution and before ovarian cyclic activity. After first ovulation, considerable increases in milk and serum progesterone concentrations were observed. The increase was accompanied by elevations in serum pregnenolone and 5 alpha-DHT concentrations. In the late luteal phase, progesterone, 5 alpha-DHT and pregnenolone concentrations rapidly declined, leading to low hormone levels in pro-oestrus. Thereafter, serum pregnenolone and 5 alpha-DHT concentrations slightly increased during the follicular phase. On the other hand, oestradiol-17 beta concentrations were elevated in pro-oestrus and decreased after that, being lowest at met-oestrous. Serum testosterone concentrations appeared to be unchanged during postpartum anoestrus and over the oestrous cycle. Serum SHBG concentrations were unchanged during postpartum anoestrus and over the oestrous cycle, as well as in pregnant animals. The serum SHBG concentrations were about double those found in women with normal menstrual cycles, whereas oestradiol concentrations were much lower. At present, it cannot be explained how the biological effects of oestradiol become evident under such conditions.  相似文献   

Plasma luteinising hormone (LH) concentrations were measured during the ovulatory cycle in lines of Australorps and White Leghorns selected for reduced oviposition interval and maintained under continuous light and noise.

2. Selection significantly increased plasma LH concentrations in mid‐sequence ovulatory cycles of Australorps but not in the White Leg‐horns.

3. Selection in the Australorps apparently increased the rate of ovarian follicular maturation, resulting in more frequent LH peaks.

4. The effect of selection on plasma LH concentrations is a function of the lighting condition to which the hens are exposed.  相似文献   

为了研究甘加藏羊发情周期血浆中促卵泡素(FSH)和促黄体素(LH)的分泌变化规律及其与藏羊繁殖力之间的关系,采用酶联免疫分析法(ELISA)测定发情期、发情后期、间情期和发情前期血浆中FSH和LH的含量,并分析其动态变化规律。结果显示,FSH和LH在发情期、发情后期和发情前期的分泌均呈现脉冲式变化,而间情期既有脉冲式分泌又有波动式分泌。FSH和LH在发情周期中先后均出现4个分泌峰,其中FSH和LH的第1个峰分别出现在发情的2h和0h;第2个峰分别出现在72h和69h;第3个峰分别出现在第10天和第9天;第4个峰分别出现在第13天和第12天。FSH和LH的分泌趋势相似,其特点是分泌量先在发情期升高,然后在发情后期和间情期降低,最后在发情前期又升高。结果表明,发情周期不同阶段FSH和LH的分泌方式明显不相同。在发情期和发情后期,FSH出现峰值的时间分别比LH晚2h和晚3h;在间情期和发情前期,FSH出现峰值的时间比LH晚1d,并且FSH和LH形成2个分泌峰的时间间隔不同。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of improved nutrition during calfhood on serum metabolic hormones, gonadotropins and testosterone concentrations, and on sexual development in bulls. Bulls received high (n = 17) or control nutrition (n = 16) diets from 10 to 30 week of age and the same control nutrition diet from 31 to 74 week of age. Improved nutrition during calfhood resulted in a more sustained period of elevated LH secretion (pulse frequency and total secretion in 10 h) during the early gonadotropin rise. GnRH-stimulated LH secretion was not affected by diet, indicating that pituitary responsiveness was not altered; therefore, improved nutrition had direct effects on GnRH secretion by the hypothalamus. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) concentrations were greater during calfhood in bulls receiving high nutrition, indicating that these metabolic hormones might be involved in regulating GnRH and LH secretion. Improved nutrition also resulted in increased testosterone secretion that was associated with greater circulating IGF-I concentrations, suggesting a role for this metabolic hormone in regulating Leydig cell number and function. Furthermore, improved nutrition during calfhood resulted in greater testicular weight and sperm production in mature bulls, indicating that increased LH secretion during calfhood, and increased IGF-I and testosterone concentrations during calfhood and peripubertal period were associated with greater testicular cell proliferation and enhanced function.  相似文献   

In this study, we measured plasma concentrations of progesterone, pregnenolone, estradiol, estrone, estrone sulfate, and cortisol and analyzed the correlations between these hormones during gestation in 13 Suffolk ewes, the main breed in Japan. Progesterone increased during gestation and decreased a few days before parturition; however, this pattern was different in samples with high progesterone concentrations (P4 spike samples). This P4 spike was associated with a high pregnenolone concentration. Apart from the P4 spike, the progesterone change was similar to that in other sheep breeds. Pregnenolone increased during gestation and decreased after parturition. A significant correlation between progesterone and pregnenolone was observed a few days before parturition. Estrone sulfate and estradiol concentrations increased during gestation, but estrone did not. They increased shortly before parturition, and then decreased immediately after parturition. At parturition, the correlation between estrone and estrone sulfate was significantly stronger. Moreover, a strong correlation between estrone sulfate and estradiol was observed after parturition. Cortisol did not change during gestation and increased shortly before parturition. The results showed steroid hormone dynamics in normal pregnant Suffolk ewes, which were mostly in line with those of other sheep breeds. It should be noted that high progesterone concentrations altered the typical patterns.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to characterize the effects of nutrition on circulating concentrations of metabolic hormones, gonadotropins, and testosterone during sexual development in bulls. Nutrition regulated the hypothalamus-pituitary-testes axis through effects on the GnRH pulse generator in the hypothalamus and through direct effects on the testes. Pituitary function (gonadotropin secretion after GnRH challenge) was not affected by nutrition. However, nutrition affected LH pulse frequency and basal LH concentration during the early gonadotropin rise (10-26 weeks of age). There were close temporal associations between changes in insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) concentrations and changes in LH pulse frequency, suggesting a role for IGF-I in regulating the early gonadotropin rise in bulls. The peripubertal increase in testosterone concentration was delayed in bulls with lesser serum IGF-I concentrations (low nutrition), suggesting a role for IGF-I in regulating Leydig cell function. Serum IGF-I concentrations accounted for 72 and 67% of the variation in scrotal circumference and paired-testes volume, respectively (at any given age), indicating that IGF-I may regulate testicular growth. Bulls with a more sustained elevated LH pulse frequency during the early gonadotropin rise (high nutrition) had greater testicular mass at 70 weeks of age relative to the control group (medium nutrition), despite no differences in metabolic hormone concentrations after 26 weeks of age. Therefore, gonadotropin-independent mechanism regulating testicular growth might be dependent on previous gonadotropin milieu.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate intermediate adrenal steroid hormones (ISH) in neutered dogs with hair cycle arrest (Alopecia X) during treatment with melatonin, and to see if hair re-growth is associated with sex hormone concentrations within the normal ranges. Twenty-nine neutered, euthyroid, and normo-cortisolemic dogs were enrolled in the study (23 Pomeranians, three keeshonds, two miniature poodles, and one Siberian husky). Coat assessment and an ACTH stimulation test were performed pre-treatment and approximately every 4 months for a year post treatment. Melatonin was administered initially at 3-6 mg, every 12 h. Based on clinical progression, each dog was continued on the current dose of melatonin, given an increased dose of melatonin or changed to mitotane. Partial to complete hair re-growth occurred in 14/23 Pomeranians, and partial re-growth in 3/3 keeshond and 1/2 poodle dogs. A Siberian husky dog failed to re-grow hair. Fifteen dogs had partial hair re-growth at the first re-evaluation. Melatonin dosage was increased in eight dogs but only one had improved hair re-growth. On mitotane treatment, partial to complete hair re-growth was seen in 4/6 dogs and no re-growth in 2/6 dogs. No significant decrease in sex hormone concentrations were seen during melatonin or mitotane treatment. Concentrations of ISH in dogs with hair re-growth did not differ significantly from pre-treatment values. At the completion of the study, androstenedione, progesterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone were still above reference ranges in 21, 64 and 36%, respectively, of dogs with partial to complete hair re-growth. In conclusion, 62% of dogs had partial to complete hair re-growth. However, not all dogs with hair re-growth had concentrations of ISH within the normal range.  相似文献   

1. Changes in the concentrations of plasma luteinising hormone (LH), prolactin, androgen and progesterone were measured during the ovulatory cycle of the turkey.

2. Single pre‐ovulatory peaks of plasma LH, androgen and progesterone were observed which took 8, 8 and 12 h respectively, to increase and return to base‐line values. The concentration of plasma prolactin tended to be elevated between 6 h before and 6 h after the LH peak with the maximum values occurring after the peak.

3. The changes in the concentrations of plasma LH and progesterone were 3‐ and 7‐fold respectively while 2‐fold changes were observed in the concentrations of plasma androgen and prolactin.

4. The pre‐ovulatory concentration of plasma progesterone and prolactin began to decrease 4 and 6 h respectively, after the pre‐ovulatory peak of LH.

5. Ovulation and oviposition occurred 6 to 8 h and 36.10+ 0.57 h (SEM) ( n= 11) respectively after the pre‐ovulatory peak of LH.

6. In birds kept on 14 h light/d, pre‐ovulatory peaks of LH were initiated only during a 10 to 11‐h period starting within 2 h after the onset of darkness.

7. A comparison between these data and those from the fowl suggest that the egg is retained in the turkey's oviduct for about 3 to 4 h longer than in the fowl.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize ir-IGF-I pattern and its relation to other hormones during the oestrous cycle in mares. Nine non-pregnant non-lactating pluriparous thoroughbred mares were used. The studied mares were examined ultrasonically and bled daily to follow the ovarian changes and the hormonal milieu for a complete Interovulatory interval (IOI). Two (minor and major) follicular waves were characterized per IOI in thoroughbred mares. The largest follicle of the first follicular wave (DF1) was firstly detected at D - 1.75 ± 0.47 with a growth rate of 2.78 ± 0.14mm/day and maximum diameter of 22.45 ± 0.75mm on day 6.65 ± 0.82. The largest follicle of the second follicular wave (DF2) had a growth rate of 2.15 ± 0.29 mm/day, reached a maximum diameter of 42.70 ± 2.63 mm on D 19.25 ± 0.43. Ir-IGF-I increased significantly prior to ovulation and had a similar pattern to oestrogen (r = 0.84, p < 0.05), suggesting that the ovarian follicles are the main source of circulating ir-IGF-I during the oestrous cycle of mares and that ir-IGF-I may be a crucial factor in follicular differentiation and maturation. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that ir-IGF-I is secreted during the oestrous phase of the cycle concomitant with the development of the future ovulatory dominant follicle, and it may act in synergy with other hormones for the selection and differentiation of the dominant follicle.  相似文献   

The effects of selection under continuous light for reduced oviposition interval within a sequence of eggs on plasma luteinising hormone (LH) concentrations during the ovulatory cycle were investigated in lines of Australorps and White Leghorns maintained on a 24-h light:dark cycle. Selection did not significantly alter LH concentrations during mid-sequence cycles in either breed. In the control lines, concentrations were higher in the Australorps than in the White Leghorns before and at peak in mid-sequence cycles. The increase in egg production resulting from selection was associated with an advance in the mean time of lay of mid-sequence eggs in both breeds and, in the Australorps, with more pre-ovulatory LH peaks being initiated at the beginning of the open period of the ovulatory cycle. Selection reduced the time an egg spends in the oviduct and, in the Australorps, significantly reduced the interval between a pre-ovulatory LH peak and the oviposition of the egg currently in the shell gland. We suggest that selection under continuous light for reduced oviposition interval increased the rate of ovarian follicular maturation by a mechanism which did not involve an increase in pre-ovulatory concentration of plasma LH in a 24-h light-dark cycle.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) concentrations in the largest ovarian follicle (F1) showed significant decrease at 12 and 8 h prior to ovulation. Nor-epinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (E) concentrations in the F1, sampled at different times of the ovulatory cycle, were found to increase with the approach of ovulation time. However, the concentration of epinephrine in the F1 was low just after oviposition compared with the immediate two previous stages investigated. The concentrations of DA, NE and E in the second largest follicles (F2) did not vary significantly during the ovulatory cycle. Average concentration of DA was low and that of NE and E high in the F1 compared with the respective concentrations in the F2.  相似文献   

Seasonal endocrine changes in 5 non-bred and 10 pregnant Alaskan reindeer have been documented. Blood samples were collected from early September until early May, spanning the breeding season, gestation, or the anovulatory period. Plasma was analyzed by RIA for progesterone (P4), estradiol-17beta, estrone, and estrone sulfate. Elevated P4 in 80% of the reindeer at the onset of the study indicated that ovarian activity had been initiated. The median date for the onset of the first recorded full-length ovulatory cycle was September 23. In nonbred reindeer, the mean ovulatory cycle length from September to May was 24 +/- 1 d (range 18 to 29 d). Nonbred females continued to cycle throughout the winter, displaying 6 to 8 ovulatory cycles after the beginning of blood sampling. Cycle length (mean 22 to 24 d) did not vary between individuals (P = 0.170) or over the course of the winter (P = 0.244). In early April, ovulatory cycles ceased with normal demise of the corpus luteum in 2 females, whereas the remaining 3 females formed apparently persistent corpora lutea. Natural service breeding occurred between September 10 and October 2, and P4 profiles indicated that all breeding females conceived to the first mating. Concentrations of P4 rose steadily after conception and remained elevated throughout gestation, with mean concentrations not varying significantly (P = 0.104) from 4 to 28 wk of gestation. Estrogens all followed patterns similar to each other, remaining at baseline concentrations until approximately 24 wk of gestation and rising coincidently as P4 declined just before parturition. There was a continual overlap throughout the winter in peak P4 concentrations observed in cycling and pregnant reindeer. Calving occurred between April 8 and May 2, resulting in a mean gestation length of 211 +/- 2.2 d (range 198 to 221 d). Information from this study can be used by Alaskan reindeer producers to improve management and profitability of reindeer production.  相似文献   

Effect of transportation on estrous behavior, duration of the estrous cycle, ovulation, pregnancy rates and concentrations of serum cortisol, plasma ascorbic acid (AA), LH, estradiol and progesterone in mares was investigated. Fifteen mares were transported for 792 km (12 h) during the preovulatory stage of estrus. Transported mares were bled immediately before transport (baseline), at midtrip and 0, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h post-transport and twice daily from d 1 before transport to d 1 (estrogen) or 3 (LH) post-ovulation. Blood samples also were taken for progesterone on d 0, 2, 6, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 post-ovulation. Nontransported control mares (n = 15) were bled on the same schedule as transported mares. There was no difference (P greater than .05) in number of mares ovulating, estrous behavior, duration of the estrous cycle or pregnancy rate between groups. Cortisol in transported mares increased to concentrations greater (P less than .05) than those in control mares at midtrip and 0 h post-transport. Concentrations of AA in transported mares also increased (P less than .05) at midtrip, then decreased (P less than .05) below baseline at 24 h post-transport. Concentrations of LH and estradiol increased (P less than .05) above baseline throughout the blood-sampling period. Increases apparently were due to preovulatory surges of these hormones. Increase in LH concentrations in transported mares, however, was greater (P less than .05) than that in control mares at 0 h post-transport.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Plasma concentrations of estrogens, gestagens, cortisol (F), 13, 14-dihydro, 15-keto PGF2 alpha (PGFM) and pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) in 10 Thoroughbred mares were measured for a 11-month pregnancy period. Estrone (E1) and estradiol-17 beta (E2) levels gradually increased as the pregnancy advanced, showing a peak around Month 8 and decreased thereafter. Progesterone (P) levels increased on Months 3 and 11, and 17 alpha-OH-progesterone (17 alpha-OHP) levels peaked on Month 3, whereas 20 alpha-OH-progesterone (20 alpha-OHP) levels increased sharply after Month 6. PGFM indicated peaks on Months 2 and 11. F and PMSG levels peaked on Months 2 and 3. From factor analysis, Month, E1, E2 and 20 alpha-OHP were discriminated as Factor 1, increasing with the progress of pregnancy, PMSG, 17 alpha-OHP and P as Factor 2, showing a relation with the secondary corpus luteum, and PGFM and F as Factor 3, affecting PGFM change on Month 2 by F. P also related to both Factors 1 and 3, showing an inverse relation against PGFM. In conclusion E1, E2 and 20 alpha-OHP contained in Factor 1 were suggested to be important especially as parameters of placental function after Month 6.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of progesterone, corticosteroids and oestrone were determined during the late stages of pregnancy in four sows experimentally infected with Leptospira pomona and in a group of three sows in which fetuses were inoculated in utero with a strain of porcine enterovirus. Only one of the seven infected sows farrowed at full term. All fetuses were dead and delivery was prolonged in litters infected with the virus. In the sows with leptospirosis almost all piglets were expelled dead or in a weak condition. The amounts of progesterone in plasma were within the normal range and showed a decrease shortly before abortion similar to that observed before parturition in normal animals. The elevation in plasma corticosteroids at normal parturtion was not seen at abortion. An irregular pattern with rising levels of plasma oestrone was found in most sows. Peak levels of oestrone were usually reached close to the time of delivery, but occured earlier in most sows which aborted well before term. In conclusion differences were noted between the endocrine patterns in normal parturition and in abortion caused by infectious agents in sows.  相似文献   

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