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刺梨是一种野生落叶小灌木,别名茨梨、木梨子,为蔷薇科蔷薇属的植物,生长于中山及低山地区的沟旁、路边或灌木林旁。主产以贵州为主,四川、云南等地也有分布。刺梨植物的药用价值很高,其花、叶、果、根均入药,有健胃、消食、滋补、止泻的功效。刺梨根酸涩,平,无毒。功用:健胃,消食,止泻,涩精。用于治胃痛,泄泻,痢疾,遗精,崩漏,带下,久咳。近年来,笔者根据刺梨根健胃消食、酸涩收敛、  相似文献   

秸杆壳料。玉米、油菜、向日葵、水稻、豆科作物的秸秆和籽壳,风干粉碎成粉,是很好的饲料,并可部分代替精饲料。一般日粮中猪可以加入25~30%,家禽加入8%。树叶。有不少树叶料,如紫穗槐叶、松叶、桑叶、梨树叶、榆树叶等可作畜禽的好饲料。如松针粉其营养价值与紫花苜蓿相似,鸡饲料中添加5%松针粉,可提高产蛋率。禽畜粪。猪、牛、羊、鸡粪便,是一种很好的再生资料,经加工处理,可代替鸡、猪、鱼的优良饲料。处理方法:用70%干鸡粪、20%的干草粉、10%的糠  相似文献   

(一)药用价值及经济效益刺猬以皮刺入药,中药名刺猬皮。味苦、甘、性平,无毒。有泄热凉血、解毒、消肿止痛等功效,主治便血、血痢、痔疮,子宫出血,肝硬化、阳痿、遗精、小便频数等症。刺猬的皮称异香、仙人衣,是重要的传统中药材,具有降气镇痛、凉血止血、行气解毒、消肿止痛的功效。主治反胃吐食、疝气腹痛、肠风痔漏等症。刺猬肉是含高蛋白的上品佳肴,烤吃可补下元、理胃气、增强食欲。  相似文献   

柏子仁,为柏科植物侧柏的种仁柏的种仁,别名柏子仁、柏仁、柏子、柏实、侧柏仁、柏子仁霜。柏子仁性平味甘。具养心安神、润肠通便的功效。治惊悸、失眠、遗精、盗汗、便秘等症。柏子仁香气透心,体润滋血。"常食有健美作用。本品为柏科植物侧柏的干燥成熟种仁。秋、冬二季采收成熟种子,晒干,除去种皮,收集种仁。全国各地均产。具有很高的药用价值。本文从柏子仁的化学成分、药理作用、临床应用等方面综述其研究发展以及对其未来的展望。  相似文献   

郭俊文 《草原》2014,(10):82-83
"学会一门手艺,走到哪儿都有一碗饭吃。"这句话,时常挂在老一辈人的嘴边。可见,在老一辈人心目中,手艺是重要的,手艺人是被敬畏和看好的。所谓手艺人,是指有一技之长的民间匠人。诸如铁匠、铜匠、金匠、银匠、锡匠、木匠、画匠、石匠、皮匠、鞋匠、剃头匠、泥瓦匠、油漆匠之类。他们用一双手创造了丰富多彩的生活。小至一根针、一片瓦,大到楼宇殿堂,无不闪耀着他们的智慧和精湛技艺的光芒。  相似文献   

正妊娠水肿是指妊娠中、晚期孕妇出现肢体面目肿胀为主要表现的疾病。本病多因脾虚、肾虚、气滞等所致,治疗以利水消肿为主。推荐一款蜂蜜瓜皮煎,有较好的消肿效果。验方:取蜂蜜50 g,冬瓜皮15 g,香附6 g。用法:将冬瓜皮、香附加水适量煎煮,取汁,对入蜂蜜。每日1次,连续饮数日。功效:冬瓜皮味甘、性凉,归肺、脾、小肠经,可利水消肿、清热解暑。常用于水肿胀满、小便不利、暑热口渴、小便短赤。香附味辛、微苦、甘,性平,归肝、三焦经。能疏肝解郁、理气止痛、调经安胎。主治肝气郁滞、胸闷胁痛、胃病、腹痛、月经不调、痛经等病症。  相似文献   

<正>松针为松科松属植物中的西伯利亚红松、黑松、油松、红松、华山松、云南松、思茅松、马尾松等的针叶。全年可采,以腊月采者最好。松针味苦、涩,温,具有祛风活血,明目,安神,解毒,止痒的作用。对于流行性感冒,风湿关节痛,跌打肿痛,神经衰弱,对性功能减退、过敏性鼻炎等有特殊的疗效。且松针提取物富含糖类、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、多种氨基酸和多种微量元素、多种维生素、生物黄酮  相似文献   

<正> 山羊是农区广泛饲养的畜种,我国的饲养量仅次于印度居世界第二位。山羊副产品非常丰富,有头、肝、油、肠、肚、毛、蹄等。羊头可加工成熏烧制品,羊口条是可口的食品,市场一直畅销。羊肝营养丰富,可补充人体的蛋白质、胎肪和维生素A、D、E等的不足。羊肠衣用来制成肠线,广泛用于人、畜外科缝合术。羊油是宝贵的动物脂肪,可食用,亦可用作制皂工业的原料。羊肚易为人体吸收,有滋补作用。山羊毛用做制作毛笔、水笔、排笔、毛绳等的原料。羊骨可加工制成骨粉,是矿物质饲料的来源之一。综合开发山羊副产品潜力很大。  相似文献   

潘成 《养殖技术顾问》2014,(10):262-262
生地黄,味甘、苦,性寒,入心、肝、肾经,具有清热凉血、养阴生津之功效,主治阴虚内热、鼻血尿血、津亏便秘。 1配伍 清热凉血。本品入血分、能清热凉血。配黄连、水牛角、玄参、竹卷心、麦门冬,治疗高热口渴,见水急饮、舌色红绛、神昏喜卧。配黄芩、栀子、当归、白芍,治疗血热鼻衄。配侧柏叶、赤芍、茜草、牡丹皮,治疗血热妄行的出血证。配栀子、黄柏、当归、黄芩、白芍、甘草,治疗马鼻出血。  相似文献   

果桑优质高产栽培技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
果桑是以产果为主、果叶兼用的桑树品种。桑椹营养丰富,酸甜可口,是人们喜爱的鲜食水果,具有生津止渴、祛病强身多种功效。据近代科学化验测定。桑椹含有丰富的果糖、葡萄糖、丁二酸、矢车菊素、无机盐和7种维生素、16种人体所需的氨基酸,含糖量为9%~12%。含酸0.3%~2.5%,含矿物质0.89%,具有补血、益肾、明目、乌发、抗衰老、降血压、降血脂、降血糖、对耳聋眼花、须发早白、内热消渴、神经衰弱,动脉硬化,血虚便秘、风湿关节痛等均有疗效。近几年,开化县主要引进大十、白玉王、红果2号等品种。  相似文献   

近年来多肽和蛋白质类药物的缓释或控释给药系统发展很快,尤其倾向于使用以生物可降解聚合物(biodegradable polymer)制成的毫微球剂、微球剂为载体来制备长效注射剂。本文综述了近年来多肽、蛋白质药物微球给药系统概况,生物降解型微球的制备方法,释药理论,各种多肽、蛋白质药物的进展和研究中存在的问题。  相似文献   

本试验旨在制备黄体酮聚乳酸微球,并考察其体外释药性能。以包封率、载药量为主要评价指标,考察制备黄体酮微球的主要影响因素,筛选出最佳工艺条件。扫描电子显微镜观察微球形态,紫外—可见分光光度法测定微球的包封率、载药量和体外释药特性。最佳工艺所制备的微球光滑、圆整、均匀、分散性好,包封率为(80.60±1.00)%,载药量为(10.63±0.05)%,在7 d内累积释药率达53.41%。制备微球包封率和载药量高,具有明显的缓释效果,能有效地延长药物作用时间。  相似文献   

An important frontier in the administration of therapeutic drugs to veterinary species is the use of different polymers as drug delivery platforms. The usefulness of polymers as platforms for the administration of pharmaceutical and agricultural agents has been clearly recognized in the recent decades. The chemical versatility of polymers and the wide range of developed controlled‐release strategies enhance the possibilities for the formulation of active molecules. In particular, the veterinary area offers opportunities for the development of novel controlled‐release drug delivery technologies adapted to livestock or companion animal health needs. In some cases, it also allows to improve profitability in meat production or to meet the safety criteria related to drug residues. A number of factors affect the selection of polymers and subsequent properties of the controlled‐release drug delivery system. However, their selection also dictates the release kinetics of the drug from the delivery system. Such choices are therefore crucial as they affect the success and potential of the delivery system for achieving the therapeutic goals of the veterinarian. It is the intention of this review to give an overview of the most relevant polymers, which are used or have been tested as drug delivery release rate modifiers in the veterinary field. The article highlights some recent developments focusing on their advantages and applications and analyzes the future direction of the scientific and technological advancements in this area.  相似文献   

A high, constant and sustained release of drug appears to be a major requirement to avoid a late season rise in pasture infectivity that may result in production losses in calves in autumn or Type II osteragiasis in the following spring. The timing of administration is of crucial importance and will vary in regions of different epidemiology, such as between northern and southern United States. Lack of a standard and reliable technique for pasture larval counts has resulted in some negative or erratic results which are open to question. Although controlled release anthelmintics offer advantages of convenience, a comparison of the economic benefits at present favours prophylactic treatment of dairy heifers with conventional anthelmintics 3 and 6 weeks after spring turnout in northern regions of the Northern Hemisphere. There is a serious risk that boluses based on controlled release by diffusion will behave like slow decaying insecticides and select strongly for drug resistance, especially if farmers administer them in succession throughout the grazing season. There are, however, 2 features in the design of a controlled release device that in theory may minimize the risk of rapid selection for resistance: a high and constant release of anthelmintic followed by a rapid decline to zero as the device becomes exhausted. Under these conditions, the device may even prolong the useful life of an anthelmintic to which resistance has already developed. This paper was presented at Pfizer Symposium on The Application of Sustained Release Anthelmintic Dosage Forms in the Control of Parasites in Grazing Animals at the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (W.A.A.V.P.) 10th International Conference, 18-20 August 1983, Perth, W.A., Australia.  相似文献   

通过比较3种不同质量比的两嵌段共聚物制备的聚合物胶束,优化恩诺沙星聚合物胶束的制备工艺,并考察该胶束的理化性质和体外释药特性。以自乳化溶剂挥发法制备恩诺沙星聚合物胶束,并采用单因素法优化处方;HPLC法测定其载药量、包封率、体外释药特性,激光粒度仪测定其粒径及分布,红外分光光度法(IR)确证含药胶束特征。结果显示,采用PLA16000-mPEG2000(聚乳酸-聚乙二醇单甲醚)共聚物为载体,以丙酮为有机溶剂,所制备胶束平均粒径为(117.2±8.2)nm,载药量为(3.3±0.17)%,包封率为(32.3±1.70)%;相对于另外2种材料制备的胶束有较好的载药量,且IR确证药物已被包封在胶束中。恩诺沙星胶束体外释药试验表明其具有一定的缓释特性。  相似文献   

缓控释微丸的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过查阅国内外有关文献,对近年来缓控释微丸的辅料、制备方法、包衣技术及释药机理等的研究概况作一综述,并对其在兽药领域的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Management of pain is of paramount importance for a myriad of indications in human and animal health. Unfortunately, the administration of pain therapeutics is often complicated by insufficient control over pharmacokinetic profiles as a result of frequent oral dosing. Attempts to sustain and tightly control the concentration of these drugs in the blood via controlled release injectable formulations have typically resulted in drug 'burst', followed by marginal control over the ensuing pharmacokinetics. Here, precision particle fabrication (PPF) technology was used to produce uniform microspheres encapsulating the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug meloxicam. After subcutaneous injection, plasma concentrations of meloxicam were held constant in canines for more than 2 weeks without initial drug burst. Pharmacokinetic profiles were accurately modeled using equations typically applied to steady-state infusion. PPF microsphere depots of pain therapeutics or other compounds may ultimately improve safety and sustain the efficacy of medications where such controlled uniform exposure would be therapeutically beneficial.  相似文献   

兽药缓控释制剂的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长效制剂由于其可以减少给药次数同时保证药效等一系列优点在兽药领域发展较快。综述了国内外兽药领域开发研制的多种缓控释制剂,包括缓释装置、新型的缓释剂型等。并对其制备、性能药物释放行为做了详尽的说明,并对兽药缓控释制剂未来的发展做了进一步的展望。  相似文献   

A controlled carboplatin delivery system using biodegradable polymer has been used in this study. The purpose was to evaluate the local and systemic effects of injectable, biodegradable microspheres containing carboplatin when injected as aqueous suspension subcutaneously in rats. Biocompatibility and toxicity of empty microspheres and microspheres loaded with carboplatin were evaluated by clinical and histological examination. The diffusion of carboplatin in tissues and time of drug release were evaluated by platinum determination in plasma and tissues over the time. The results of the study suggest that microspheres provide a sustained slow release of carboplatin and that multiple inoculations of microspheres containing drug and no evidence of local or systemic toxicity is found. This device may be useful in the treatment of solid tumours.  相似文献   

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