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Winemaking with selected yeasts requires simple and cheap techniques to monitor the yeast population dynamics. We obtained new sulfometuron (smr) resistant mutants, easy to detect by replica-plate assay, from selected wine yeasts. The mutations were dominant and were located at the ilv2 locus that encodes for acetolactate synthase enzyme. The mutants were genetically stable and maintained the killer phenotype of the parent yeast strain. They were genetically improved by elimination of recessive growth-retarding alleles followed by spore clone selection according to the must fermentation kinetics and the organoleptic quality of the wine. Some mutants were tested in industrial winemaking and were easily monitored during must fermentation using a simple plate assay. They accounted for more than 95% of the total yeasts in the must, and the resulting wine had as good a quality as those made with standard commercial wine yeasts.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of total sulfite in shrimp, potatoes, dried pineapple, and white wine by flow injection analysis (FIA) was collaboratively studied by 8 laboratories. In the method, the sample solution is reacted with sodium hydroxide to liberate aldehyde-bound sulfite. The sample stream is acidified to produce SO2 gas, which diffuses across a Teflon membrane in the gas diffusion cell into a flowing stream of malachite green. The degree of discoloration of the malachite green is proportional to the amount of sulfite in the sample solution. Red wine was included in the study but interlaboratory precision for these samples was not satisfactory and correlation with Monier-Williams results was poor. The present method is not recommended for use with these samples. For shrimp, potatoes, dried pineapple, and white wine, average reproducibility (RSDR) of results was 25% for samples at 10 ppm SO2 and 10% for samples at greater than 50 ppm. Overall average reproducibility was 14%. Recoveries of sulfite added to samples averaged 80%. Comparison of FIA with the Monier-Williams method indicated comparable results by the 2 methods. The FIA method has been adopted official first action for determination of greater than or equal to 5 ppm total sulfite in shrimp, potatoes, dried pineapple, and white wine.  相似文献   

A polyphenol extract from a Corbières (France) red wine (P, 200 mg/kg), ethanol (E, 1 mL/kg), or a combination of both (PE) was administered by daily gavage for 6 weeks to healthy control or streptozotocin (60 mg/kg i.v.)-induced diabetic rats (180-200 g). Treatment groups included C or D (untreated control or diabetic) and CP, CE, or CPE (treated control) or DP, DE, or DPE (treated diabetic). P treatment induced a reduction in body growth, food intake, and glycemia in both CP and DP groups. In DP, hyperglycemia was reduced when measured 1 h after daily treatment but not at sacrifice (no treatment on that day). The hyperglycemic response to the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and plasma insulin at sacrifice were impaired similarly in DP and D groups. In contrast, in DE or DPE, body growth was partially restored while hyperglycemia was reduced both during treatment and at sacrifice. In addition, hyperglycemia response to OGTT was reduced and plasma insulin was higher in DE or DPE than in D animals, indicating a long-term correction of diabetes in ethanol-treated animals. Morphometric studies showed that ethanol partially reversed the enlarging effect of diabetes on the mesenteric arterial system while the polyphenolic treatment enhanced it in the absence of ethanol. In summary, our study shows that (i). a polyphenol extract from red wine ("used at a pharmacological" dose) reduces glycemia and decreases food intake and body growth in diabetic and nondiabetic animals and (ii). ethanol ("nutritional" dose) administered alone or in combination with polyphenols is able to correct the diabetic state. Some of the effects of polyphenols were masked by the effects of ethanol, notably in diabetic animals. Further studies will determine the effect of "nutritional" doses of polyphenols as well as their mechanism of action.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the origin of proteins of a Chardonnay wine. Three various polyclonal antibodies raised against must, yeast, and bacteria proteins were produced. For microorganisms, only the secreted macromolecules were used. To this end, yeast and bacteria were cultured in a model medium under conditions close to those of winemaking. Results obtained using these specific antibodies indicate that most of the wine proteins came from grapes and many of them were glycoproteins. Some proteins of this Chardonnay wine came from the yeast; they were released during the alcoholic fermentation and consisted of high molecular weight mannoproteins. In contrast, no bacteria proteins were detected in this Chardonnay wine.  相似文献   

"Fishy aftertaste" is sometimes perceived in wine consumed with seafood. Iron in wine has been reported to be a key compound that produces fishy aftertaste. However, cost-effective methods to remove iron from wine have not been developed. Here, we describe a cost-effective and safe iron adsorbent consisting of alcohol-treated yeast (ATY) cells based on the observation that nonviable cells adsorbed iron after completion of fermentation. Treatment of cells with more than 40% (v/v) ethanol killed them without compromising their ability to adsorb iron. Drying the ATY cells did not reduce iron adsorption. Use of ATY cells together with phytic acid had a synergistic effect on iron removal. We term this means of removing iron the "ATY-PA" method. Sensory analysis indicated that fishy aftertaste in wine-seafood pairings was not perceived if the wine had been pretreated with both ATY cells and phytic acid.  相似文献   

The aroma extract dilution analysis method was used to detect the impact odorants of Bordeaux Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot wines extracts, as well as those of the extracts of the corresponding Cabernet Sauvignon juice and dry yeasts used for its fermentation. The wines and the yeasts were extracted using dichloromethane, and the juice was extracted using Amberlite XAD-2. Structural identification of the impact odorants using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and atomic emission detection (sulfur acquisition) was achieved after enrichment of these extracts by silica gel and Affi-Gel 501 chromatography. The same odorants (with the exception of dimethyl sulfide among 48) were detected in both wine extracts, with about the same flavor dilution (FD) factors. The 18 impact odorants detected in the Cabernet Sauvignon juice and dry yeast extracts were also found in the wine extracts. The odorants with the highest FD factors were 3-(methylsulfanyl)propanal, (E,Z)-nona-2, 6-dienal, and decanal in the juice extract, 2-methyl-3-sulfanylfuran, 3-(methylsulfanyl)propanal, 2-/3-methylbutanoic acids, and phenylethanal in the dry yeast extract, and 2-/3-methylbutanols, 2-phenylethanol, 2-methyl-3-sulfanylfuran, acetic acid, 3-(methylsulfanyl)propanal, 2-/3-methylbutanoic acids, beta-damascenone, 3-sulfanylhexan-1-ol, Furaneol, and homofuraneol in the wine extracts. Determination of the odor thresholds of some of these impact odorants was carried out.  相似文献   

Wine aging on yeast lees is a traditional enological practice used during the manufacture of wines. This technique has increased in popularity in recent years for the aging of red wines. Although wine polyphenols interact with yeast lees to a limited extent, such interactions have a large effect on the reactivity toward oxygen of wine polyphenolic compounds and yeast lees. Various domains of the yeast cell wall are protected by wine polyphenols from the action of extracellular hydrolytic enzymatic activities. Polysaccharides released during autolysis are thought to exert a significant effect on the sensory qualities of wine. We studied the chemical composition of polyphenolic compounds remaining in solution or adsorbed on yeast lees after various contact times during the simulation of wine aging. The analysis of the remnant polyphenols in the wine indicated that wine polyphenols adsorption on yeast lees follows biphasic kinetics. An initial and rapid fixation is followed by a slow, constant, and saturating fixation that reaches its maximum after about 1 week. Only very few monomeric phenolic compounds remained adsorbed on yeast lees, and no preferential adsorption of low or high polymeric size tannins occurred. The remnant condensed tannins in the wine contained fewer epigallocatechin units than the initial tannins, indicating that polar condensed tannins were preferentially adsorbed on yeast lees. Conversely, the efficiency of anthocyanin adsorption on yeast lees was unrelated to its polarity.  相似文献   

The extent to which soil phosphorus (P) status affected the incidence of soil phosphate-solubilising bacteria (PSB) and their taxonomic abundance and diversity was examined at three long-term fertiliser trials (Whatawhata, Winchmore and Ballantrae) in New Zealand. Bacteria were isolated from rhizosphere (ryegrass and clover) and non-rhizosphere soils differing in P status. The P-solubilising phenotype was determined on agar supplemented with sparingly-soluble mineral phosphates (Ca2OH(PO4)3 and CaHPO4). The frequency of P-solubilisation in the bacterial population was significantly greater (P < 0.001) in soils of low-P status, demonstrating a selection pressure for this trait based on soil P availability. P-solubilising bacteria from high-P level soils and soils which had not received P fertiliser (nil-P soils) were identified based on 16S rRNA-gene sequence analysis. Across the samples, the P-solubilising community was very rich with 39 genera of PSB found, spanning 24 families and 4 phyla. At Ballantrae and Winchmore, the PSB composition differed (P < 0.05) across soil P status, which was associated with an alteration in abundance of Actinobacteria, Pseudomonadaceae and Moraxellaceae. The phylogenetic composition of PSB differed significantly (P < 0.05) between sites, however nearly half the families were common across all sites, constituting a ‘core community’ of P-solubilising bacteria for these New Zealand pasture soils. As the abundance and composition of P-solubilising bacteria are under strong selection pressure affected through farm management strategies, better understanding of their ecology provides the opportunity to increase the availability of soil P for plant-uptake.  相似文献   

Atmospheric sulfur oxides, particulate matter and deposits (wet and dry deposits) were collected from July 1998 to June 1999 at Kyushu Island, Japan. The isotopic composition of sulfur (δ34S) was measured to identify the source of sulfur in the samples. The monthly δ34S values were always low in the order of the sulfur oxides, sulfate in particulate matter and deposits. The δ34S values of the sulfur oxides ranged from ?2.7 ‰ to ?0.4 ‰ and were close to those of fossil fuels used in Japan. The δ34S values of sulfate in the particulate matter and deposits correlated with seasalt contribution, so that the δ34Snss value was calculated for non-seasalt sulfate. The δ34Snss values of sulfate in the particulate matter and deposits trended higher in winter than summer, suggesting the possibility of isotopic fractionation during chemical transformation (SO2 to SO4 2?) and of contribution of sulfate derived from sulfur sources with higher δ34S values.  相似文献   

Genotypic variation in nitrogen (N) efficiency of rapeseed is caused by differences in reproductive growth. This might be related to genotypic variation in sulfur (S) utilization. In this study it was tested if S deficiency in growing plant parts is induced under N-limiting conditions due to high sulfate accumulation in mature leaves which is poorly remobilized. Leaf S remobilization was compared under high and low N supply in four rapeseed cultivars that were grown in hydroponics with leaf-senescence induction by shading. Low N conditions did not increase sulfate accumulation in mature leaves. Total S remobilization from the leaves was higher under N-limiting than N-sufficient conditions. The proposed S deficiency in young plant parts therefore may not be more probable under low than under high N conditions. However, genotypic variation in S uptake and remobilization was found under N-limiting conditions only and might therefore contribute to genotypic variation in reproductive growth.  相似文献   

Silver nanoparticles hold great promise as effective anti-microbial compounds in a myriad of applications but may also pose a threat to non-target bacteria and fungi in the environment. Because microorganisms are involved in extensive interactions with many other organisms, these partner species are also prone to indirect negative effects from silver nanoparticles.Here, we focus on the effects of nanosilver exposure in the rhizosphere. Specifically, we evaluate the effect of 100 mg kg−1 silver nanoparticles on maize plants, as well as on the bacteria and fungi in the plant's rhizosphere and the surrounding bulk soil. Maize biomass measurements, microbial community fingerprints, an indicator of microbial enzymatic activity, and carbon use diversity profiles are used. Hereby, it is shown that 100 mg kg−1 silver nanoparticles in soil increases maize biomass, and that this effect coincides with significant alterations of the bacterial communities in the rhizosphere. The bacterial community in nanosilver exposed rhizosphere shows less enzymatic activity and significantly altered carbon use and community composition profiles. Fungal communities are less affected by silver nanoparticles, as their composition is only slightly modified by nanosilver exposure. In addition, the microbial changes noted in the rhizosphere were significantly different from those noted in the bulk soil, indicated by different nanosilver-induced alterations of carbon use and community composition profiles in bulk and rhizosphere soil.Overall, microorganisms in the rhizosphere seem to play an important role when evaluating the fate and effects of silver nanoparticle exposure in soil, and not only is the nanosilver response different for bacteria and fungi, but also for bulk and rhizosphere soil. Consequently, assessment of microbial populations should be considered an essential parameter when investigating the impacts of nanoparticle exposure.  相似文献   

Pesticide residues in grapes, wine, and their processing products   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In this review the results obtained in the 1990s from research on the behavior of pesticide residues on grapes, from treatment to harvest, and their fate in drying, wine-making, and alcoholic beverage processing are reported. The fungicide residues on grapes (cyproconazole, hexaconazole, kresoxim-methyl, myclobutanil, penconazole, tetraconazole, and triadimenol), the application rates of which were of a few tens of grams per hectare, were very low after treatment and were not detectable at harvest. Pyrimethanil residues were constant up to harvest, whereas fluazinam, cyprodinil, mepanipyrim, azoxystrobin, and fludioxonil showed different disappearance rates (t(1/2) = 4.3, 12, 12.8, 15.2, and 24 days, respectively). The decay rate of the organophosphorus insecticides was very fast with t(1/2) ranging between 0.97 and 3.84 days. The drying process determined a fruit concentration of 4 times. Despite this, the residue levels of benalaxyl, phosalone, metalaxyl, and procymidone on sun-dried grapes equalled those on the fresh grape, whereas they were higher for iprodione (1.6 times) and lower for vinclozolin and dimethoate (one-third and one-fifth, respectively). In the oven-drying process, benalaxyl, metalaxyl, and vinclozolin showed the same residue value in the fresh and dried fruit, whereas iprodione and procymidone resides were lower in raisins than in the fresh fruit. The wine-making process begins with the pressing of grapes. From this moment onward, because the pesticide on the grape surface comes into contact with the must, it is in a biphasic system, made up of a liquid phase (the must) and a solid phase (cake and lees), and will be apportioned between the two phases. The new fungicides have shown no effect on alcoholic or malolactic fermentation. In some cases the presence of pesticides has also stimulated the yeasts, especially Kloeckera apiculata, to produce more alcohol. After fermentation, pesticide residues in wine were always smaller than those on the grapes and in the must, except for those pesticides that did not have a preferential partition between liquid and solid phase (azoxystrobin, dimethoate, and pyrimethanil) and were present in wine at the same concentration as on the grapes. In some cases (mepanipyrim, fluazinam, and chlorpyrifos) no detectable residues were found in the wines at the end of fermentation. From a comparison of residues in wine obtained by vinification with and without skins, it can be seen that their values were generally not different. Among the clarifying substances commonly used in wine (bentonite, charcoal, gelatin, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, potassium caseinate, and colloidal silicon dioxide), charcoal allowed the complete elimination of most pesticides, especially at low levels, whereas the other clarifying substances were ineffective. Wine and its byproducts (cake and lees) are used in the industry to produce alcohol and alcoholic beverages. Fenthion, quinalphos, and vinclozolin pass into the distillate from the lees only if present at very high concentrations, but with a very low transfer percantage (2, 1, and 0.1%, respectively). No residue passed from the cake into the distillate, whereas fenthion and vinclozolin pass from the wine, but only at low transfer percentages (13 and 5%, respectively).  相似文献   

Wine is a complex consumer product produced predominately by the action of yeast upon grape juice musts. Model must systems have proven ideal for studies of the effects of fermentation conditions on the production of certain wine volatiles. To identify grape-derived precursors to acetate esters, model fermentation systems were developed by spiking precursors into model must at different concentrations. Solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatgraphy mass spectrometry analysis of the fermented wines showed that a variety of grape-derived aliphatic alcohols and aldehydes are precursors to acetate esters. The C6 compounds hexan-1-ol, hexenal, (E)-2-hexen-1-ol, and (E)-2-hexenal are all precursors to hexyl acetate, and octanol and benzyl alcohol are precursors to octyl acetate and benzyl acetate, respectively. In these cases, the postfermentation concentration of an acetate ester increased proportionally with the prefermentation concentration of the respective precursor in the model must. Determining viticultural or winemaking methods to alter the prefermentation concentration of precursor compounds or change the precursor-to-acetate ester ratio will have implications upon the final flavor and aroma of wines.  相似文献   

The distribution of proanthocyanidin (PA) polymer lengths, proanthocyanidin concentration at each polymer length, and polymer composition were determined in the seed, skin, and wine of Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon grape berries grown in southeast Australia. PA was fractionated by semipreparative high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and analyzed by phloroglucinolysis and HPLC to report the degree of polymerization (DP), concentration, and composition at 11 DP values in seed and wine and 21 DP values in skin. In skin, the highest PA concentration was observed at a DP of 31 in Shiraz and 29 in Cabernet Sauvignon representing 15% of the total PA in both varieties. The distribution of seed PA had the highest concentration at a DP of 7 in Shiraz and 6 in Cabernet Sauvignon representing around 30% of the total PA. In the wine PA distribution, the highest concentration was observed at a DP of 11 in Shiraz and 9 in Cabernet Sauvignon representing around 26 and 32% of the distribution, respectively. A second peak in wine PA concentration was observed at the largest DP of 18 in Shiraz and 15 in Cabernet Sauvignon representing around 20% of the distribution. The composition in wine did not vary at different DP, but the proportion of epicatechin gallate varied in seed PA less than 4 DP. The proportion of epigallocatechin increased with increasing DP in skin PA. Wine PA had a DP range and composition similar to the distribution of skin PA between DP 4 and 18 suggesting that larger skin PAs are not extracted into wine. This study provides information that could be used to target the important PA fractions in grapes that need to be measured to understand (or predict) PA extraction into wine and eventual mouthfeel.  相似文献   

The effect of octyl gallate and propyl gallate on the molecular mobility, oxygen permeability, and microstructure of zein/glycerol films was studied. Films were cast from 70% ethanol/water containing 20% (w/w) glycerol and different amounts of the antioxidants propyl gallate or octyl gallate. The oxygen permeability and local mobility of these films were measured using phosphorescence from the dispersed triplet probe erythrosin B. Although both antioxidants increased the local mobility of the zein matrix to about the same extent, octyl gallate and to a lesser extent propyl gallate dramatically increased the permeability of the film to oxygen. Atomic force microscopy imaging indicated that propyl gallate induced aggregation of zein complexes, which could lead to a more condensed film. These results indicate that the addition of specific functional ingredients, such as antioxidants, to edible films may significantly affect the physical properties and structure and, thus, functional properties in ways that influence their eventual use.  相似文献   

Quinoxyfen is a new fungicide that belongs to the family of the quinolines, recently introduced to control powdery mildew (Uncinula necator). In this paper the fate of quinoxyfen residues from vine to wine and in their processing products was studied. After the last of four applications at the recommended rate, 0.38 mg/kg of residue was found on the grapes, which is under the legal limit fixed in Italy (0.5 mg/kg). The degradation rate was according to a pseudo-first-order kinetics (r = 0.964) and the half-life was 7.24 days. Vinification was carried out with and without maceration. During the vinifications without maceration <50% of the residues passed from the grapes to the musts. Separation of the lees (8%) from the must by centrifugation caused no detectable residues in centrifuged must. At the end of fermentation with and without maceration no quinoxyfen residues were determinable in the wine. No effect on the alcoholic or malolactic fermentation was observed even in the presence of higher quinoxyfen concentrations than those found in the grapes at harvest time. During fermentation, the yeasts partially degraded the pesticides and completly adsorbed them. Bacteria, on the other hand, do not have any degradative effect on the pesticides. The raisins obtained by sun-drying did not contain any residues, whereas those obtained by oven-drying show the same amount of residues as in the fresh grapes. During the sun-drying process the fruit weight decreased by a factor of 4; the decrease in the oven-drying was equivalent. Samples of dregs and liquid lees, fortified with high levels of quinoxyfen. were double-distilled. The first dregs distillate, with an alcohol content of 32.1%, did not show any residues, whereas the first lees distillate, with an alcohol content of 34.5%, showed 7% of the initial residues. After the second lees distillation, the obtained product showed an alcoholic content of 81.2% and no residues of quinoxyfen (<0.01 mg/kg).  相似文献   

Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. ‘Italica’) is a recognized health-promoting vegetable and shows a moderate sensitivity to salinity. As very little is known about the effect of salt stress on broccoli plants, the objective was to evaluate nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and sulfur (S) nutrition in plants grown under saline conditions. For this objective, the contents of nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate, and total nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur, as well as related metabolic enzymes, were determined for plants grown with 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100 mM sodium chloride (NaCl) for two weeks. Nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate concentration in leaves and roots showed a maximum at 40–60 mM NaCl. Up to these salt levels, broccoli plants showed a normal development, but over these salt levels, broccoli plants showed a decrease of nitrate reductase and an increase of the acid phosphatase. From 60 to 100 mM NaCl, the nutritional disorders indicated that the threshold of resistance was exceeded.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India to study the effect of levels and sources of sulfur (S) on cultivar ‘Improved Basmati Rice’ (Pusa 1460). Response to S application was obtained up to 45 kg S ha?1 and Bentonite-S out-performed other than three sources, namely, gypsum, ordinary super phosphate (OSP), and elemental S in several growth characters, yield attributes, S concentration, and uptake but not in grain yield.  相似文献   

Shiraz, also known as Syrah or Hermitage, is one of Australia's most popular red wine varieties both domestically and internationally. Black pepper aroma and flavor are important to some Australian Shiraz red wine styles. Recently, rotundone (a bicyclic sesquiterpene) was identified as the potent aroma compound responsible for pepper aromas in grapes, wine, herbs, and spices, including peppercorns. Here the development, optimization, and validation of the analytical method for the quantitative determination of rotundone in grapes and wine are described and discussed. The method is precise, accurate, robust, and sensitive with a subpart per trillion limit of quantitation. The method uses stable isotope dilution analysis with d(5)-rotundone as internal standard, solid-phase extraction and microextraction, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

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