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喷灌农田小气候变化及其对作物生长影响的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
喷灌对田间小气候和作物生长的研究综述与分析认为:喷灌水滴蒸发和冠层截留蒸发是喷灌能够调节农田小气候的主要原因,喷灌水滴蒸发量一般小于25%,冠层截留一般在1%-42%的范围内,喷灌农田冠层温度降低,湿度增大,在寒冷季节,通过喷灌可改善作物冠层的热量状况,喷灌后田间作物光合速度提高,蒸腾强度降低,最终表现为喷灌条件作物耗水量较小,产量和水分利用效率较高,作物冠层的截留水量是喷灌能够长时间调节田间小气候的主要原因之一,进一步研究冠层截留水量在冠层内的分配,存储,冠层内的水汽交换,温湿度变化,冠层内水分的消散过程,喷灌后温湿度的空间分布等,将会更加清楚的解释喷灌条件下的作物耗水量和水分利用效率。  相似文献   

喷灌条件下作物光合作用及生长的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就国内外有关喷灌条件下作物光合作用及生长的研究成果进行了分析和评述,讨论了喷灌条件下作物的生态、生理因子之间的相互关系以及对农田小气候变化的适应机制,指出了该领域研究中存在的问题和今后应加强的研究方向。  相似文献   

干旱胁迫是作物光合作用和生长的主要限制因子。利用较少的水分生产较多的光合干物质,是提高作物水分利用效率的关键。因此,深入研究光合酶的调控机制,利用基因工程改良光合酶基因的表达和活性,提高作物的光合效率,是实现高光效和高WUE相结合的重要途径。本文就水分胁迫下作物光合作用与抗旱节水的关系研究,以及光合固定CO2、蔗糖和淀粉代谢关键酶的生物学结构和功能的研究进展进行综述,以期为作物光能高效利用及抗旱节水研究提供有用信息。  相似文献   

灌水模式对作物生长、养分吸收及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在室内土培条件下,研究了灌水模式对玉米、向日葵幼苗水分利用率、养分吸收、根系NRA、根系活力及生物量的影响。结果表明:在灌近根部土柱的灌水模式下,玉米幼苗根系活力最高,NRA高,吸收的氮、磷、钾较多,水分利用率最高,其生物量较高。近根部小范围灌水有利于提高水分利用率,对生物量影响最小。  相似文献   

作物水分利用效率和蒸发蒸腾估算模型的研究进展   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:37  
针对当前水农业研究的需求,系统地介绍了有关作物水分利用效率和蒸发蒸腾估算模型的研究进展,并就水分利用效率研究中存在的问题进行了探讨  相似文献   

干旱胁迫对作物生长后效影响的研究现状   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
明确了干旱胁迫对作物生长后效影响的概念,探讨了它与滞后或时滞的区别。通过大量文献综述,在比较微观的生理层次上分析了干旱胁迫对作物生长后效影响的因素,包括干旱胁迫程度、持续时间、胁迫时期、胁迫发生速率及作物种类。探讨了干旱胁迫对作物生长后效影响的机制,指出了需要进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

通过2015~2016年两年的田间试验,用遮光率为70%的黑色遮阳网进行不同遮阴处理,其中2015年设置幼苗期遮阴处理(出苗后遮阴15d),2016年设置90d(全生育期)遮阴、前15d遮阴、前30d遮阴、前60d遮阴、后60d遮阴、中间30d遮阴、后30d遮阴7个处理,均以不遮阴作对照,研究幼苗期遮阴对云南春作马铃薯生长和产量的影响。结果表明,幼苗期遮阴能够促进马铃薯茎叶快速生长,其株高、节长和叶面积较对照分别增加179.03%、163.41%、61.68%,差异极显著。遮阴后,对茎的生长最有利,茎鲜重、茎叶鲜重和总生物量较对照分别增加286.23%、151.55%、136.66%,差异显著。两年的数据表明,幼苗期遮阴处理单株结薯数较对照增加11.67%~58.06%,单株产量较对照增加17.78%~41.05%,并有较高的商品薯重比率,2015年略低于对照,2016年较对照高4.34%。不同年份效果不一样,与遮阴期间天气有关。遮阴处理较不遮阴处理均会导致结薯减少,产量降低。  相似文献   

砾石覆盖量对夏玉米作物系数及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价半湿润易旱地区砾石覆盖对土壤贮水量、作物生长与产量及水分利用效率的影响,利用杨凌地区夏玉米2014年实测数据及气象数据,基于Penman-Monteith公式计算了砾石不同覆盖量下全生育期内参考作物蒸发蒸腾量,并根据FAO推荐的分段单值平均法,计算夏玉米各生育期作物系数,以及砾石不同覆盖量下作物水分利用效率。结果表明:砾石覆盖的保水效果主要体现在作物生长初期,拔节期最大砾石覆盖处理0~200 cm土壤贮水量较对照增大12.8%,后期由于冠层覆盖影响其效果减弱;夏玉米全生育期作物系数与覆盖量呈线性关系;覆盖量越大,不同生育阶段的作物系数也相应增加;叶面积和株高与作物系数有着较好的回归关系,可以对生育期内的玉米蒸散量进行预报;砾石覆盖可以缩短夏玉米生育期的天数,最大可缩短19 d;砾石覆盖能促进作物生长,提高作物产量,且在该试验覆盖量范围内,覆盖量越大,增产增效越明显,随覆盖量增加,各处理分别较对照提高4.65%~38.17%;作物水分利用效率随覆盖量的增大分别较对照提高2.94%~32.99%。  相似文献   

通过培养试验研究了不同浓度矮壮素浸种对不同小麦品种种子萌发、幼苗生长及水分利用效率的影响。室内培养试验表明,低浓度矮壮素(≤10.0g/kg)处理提高了小偃22和陕229的发芽率、发芽势和幼苗及根的干重,高浓度(>50.0g/kg)处理则表现出明显的抑制作用;与陕229相比,小偃22对矮壮素较敏感,更容易受高浓度矮壮素的危害。土培试验表明,不同浓度矮壮素浸种提高了小偃22和小偃6号小麦叶片的叶绿素含量、光合作用速率,促进了小麦根系生长及干物质的累积。用矮壮素浸种对小麦水分利用效率的影响与小麦品种及水分供应水平有关。正常水分下,小偃22水分利用效率提高幅度明显高于小偃6号,水分胁迫时则反之,且水分胁迫下,矮壮素2.0g/kg浸种小偃6号水分利用效率提高幅度最明显。两试验均以矮壮素浓度2.0g/kg浸种效果较好。  相似文献   

以1年生红砂(Reaumuria soongorica)幼苗为研究对象,以自然光强为对照,采用透光膜设置6个光强梯度0%(L0)、15%(L1)、30%(L2)、40%(L3)、60%(L4)、80%(L5),探讨了不同遮光处理对红砂幼苗生物量积累和光合特性影响。测定其生长指标及光合指标,筛选适合红砂幼苗生长的光强范围。结果表明:1)轻度遮光(遮光度15%)红砂幼苗的苗高增长率、生物量积累、叶绿素含量、Fv/Fm、ΦPSII、ETR、净光合速率和水分利用效率均高于对照。2)正常光照处理(遮光度0%)红砂幼苗的类胡萝卜素含量、NPQ、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)及蒸腾速率(Tr)最高。3)随遮光强度的增大,生长及光合指标均呈现先增加后下降的趋势,由高到低依次是L1>L0>L2>L3>L4>L5。4)综合所有指标表现,15%遮光度更具有促进红砂幼苗生长和光合作用的潜力。  相似文献   

免耕对粮食作物产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过北京郊区大田调查和定点试验观测,对比研究了免耕覆盖与传统耕作两种措施下作物长势和产量差异,探讨了免耕覆盖技术推广实施中存在的问题.结果表明:与传统翻耕相比,免耕覆盖作物出苗和成熟更晚;免耕冬小麦出苗和生长初期,麦苗密度可低于传统翻耕32%;免耕覆盖玉米出苗和长势往往好于传统翻耕,出苗密度可高于传统翻耕约20%.与传...  相似文献   

Modelling the effects of weeds on crop production   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M. J. KROPFF 《Weed Research》1988,28(6):465-471
In most quantitative studies on interplant competition, static regression models are used to describe experimental data. However, the generality of these models is limited. More mechanistic models for interplant competition, which simulate growth and production of species in mixtures on the basis of the underlying physiological processes, have been developed in the past decade. Recently, simulation models for competition between species for light and water were improved and a detailed version was developed for sugarbeet and fat hen (Chenopodium album L.). The model was validated with data sets of five field experiments, in which the effect of fat hen on sugarbeet production was analysed. About 98% of the variation in yield loss between the experiments (which ranged from –6 to 96%) could be explained with the model. Further analysis with the model showed that the period between crop and weed emergence was the main factor causing differences in yield loss between the experiments. Sensitivity analysis showed a strong interaction between the effect of the variables weed density and the period between crop and weed emergence on yield reduction. Different quantitative approaches to crop-weed competition are discussed in view of their practical applicability. Simulations of experiments, where both the weed density and the period between crop and weed emergence were varied over a wide range, showed a close relation between relative leaf cover of the weeds shortly after crop emergence and yield loss. This relation indicates that relative leaf cover of the weeds accounts for both the effect of weed density and the period between crop and weed emergence. This relation has the potential to be developed into a powerful tool for weed-control advisory systems.  相似文献   

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants cv.Saturna were subjected to infection withVerticillium dahliae and drought stress. At the early stages of growth, stomatal conductance, transpiration and net photosynthesis were measured at light saturation (PAR>300 m–2) on individual leaves and with mobile field equipment with the aid of field enclosures. No significant changes in stomatal conductance and gas exchange characteristics occurred as a result ofV. dahliae instomatal conductance, transpiration and and photosynthetic rates, especially on older leaves and on plants exposed to direct sunlight for a longer period of time. In combination with drought,V. dahliae only occasionally showed interaction; their effects being less than additive. High values of coefficients of variatoon necessitated a high number of measurements per treatment; the more so in the inoculated plants which shows thatV. dahliae seems to affect certain leaves while not affecting others early in growth. Crop photosynthesis was less reduced byV. dahliae than individual leaf photosynthesis due to the levelling effect of integration over the whole canopy and possibly through a stimulation of the top leaves. The upper non-affected leaves are responsible for the bulk of photosynthetic crop activity. The results indicate that following an infection withV. dahliae photosynthesis is reduced early in growth as a result of drought stress in the leaves.Samenvatting Aardappelplanten (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv.Saturna werden onderworpen aan stress als gevolg vanVerticillium dahliae en droogte. In vroege stadia van de groei werden stomataire geleiding, transpiratie en netto fotosynthese bij lichtverzadiging (PAR>300 W m–2) gemeten aan individuele bladeren en met een mobiel instrumentarium met behulp van gewaskappen. Er werden geen significante verschillen gevonden in de waarden van de stomataire geleiding en de gasuitwisslingskarakteristieken als gevolg vanV. dahliae-besmetting tot een maand na opkomst. Daarna leidde infectie metV. dahliae tot een afname van de stomataire geleiding, transpiratie en netto fotosynthese, speciaal bij oudere bladeren en bij planten die meer aan zonlicht waren blootgesteld. Soms vertoondeV. dahliae interactie met droogte en bleken beide effecten minder dan optelbaar. De hoge waarden van de variatiecoëfficiënten maakten een groot aantal metingen per behandeling noodzakelijk; dit was vooral het geval bij metV. dahliae geïnfecteerde planten hetgeen aantoont datV. dahliae vooral in het begin van de groei niet alle bladeren in gelijke mate aantast. Door de matigende invloed van de integratie van alle bladlagen en mogelijk doordat de bovenste bladeren werden gestimuleerd, werd de totale gewasfotosynthese in mindere mate beïnvloed doorV. dahliae dan de individuele bladfotosynthese. De bovenste niet geïnfecteerde bladeren bleken verantwoordelijk voor het grootste gedeelte van de gewas-fotosynthese. De resultaten tonen aan, dat volgend op een infectie metV. dahliae, de fotosynthese reeds in een vroeg stadium van de groei wordt verminderd als een gevolg van droogtestress in de bladeren.  相似文献   

In Reserva Natural de Castro Marim e Vila Real de Santo António (SE of Portugal), most of the salt marshes and saltpans are abandoned contributing to their degradation and, consequently, alteration of some ecological conditions. Rehabilitation of these areas by a Salicornia crop can contribute to their economic and environmental improvement by stimulation of biogeochemical processes and biomass commercialization. However, the development of agro-techniques adjusted to species and variable environmental conditions from Mediterranean are needed in order to improve the Salicornia crop. This study aimed to evaluate: i) potential use of seedlings from greenhouse in the field cultivation; and ii) survival, growth and yield of Salicornia under shading and different salinity conditions of the soils and irrigation waters. Autochthonous Salicornia species (S. ramosissima and S. patula) were tested. Germination tests under controlled conditions and in situ mesocosm assays were carried out. Assays were realized with a low density of seedlings from natural conditions and greenhouse, and soils and waters from estuary both with different salinities. Intermediate and high salinities (25–45?dS/m) affected only S. patula germination. In general, Salicornia growing in soils with low salinity had great fresh biomass accumulation independently of seedling source (from natural conditions and greenhouse) and/or growing season. The shading seems to improve the fresh biomass accumulation and yield. Under Mediterranean conditions, the transplantation of Salicornia from greenhouse to the field was a promising technique, independently of the salinity conditions. This study demonstrated that the abandoned and saline areas can be rehabilitated by a sustainable crop of Salicornia.  相似文献   

数据库包括鳞翅目、鞘翅目、半翅目、同翅目、双翅目、膜翅目、直翅目、蜱螨目和缨翅目等149种农作物害虫,原色图812幅和害虫防治技术信息。  相似文献   

蜡蚧轮枝菌防治植物病虫害研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蜡蚧轮枝菌在蔬菜病虫害防治中有很大开发潜力。就蜡蚧轮枝菌的致病性、环境条件对其生长的影响、储藏期存活率及在生产中应用的概况的研究进展进行了综述。研究进展表明,该种真菌既可以防治粉虱、蚜虫、蓟马等蔬菜害虫,又可以防治蔬菜的白粉病、锈病等。  相似文献   

The establishment of crops direct-drilled after various times into swards treated with paraquat (1,1′-dimethyl-4,4′-bipyridylium- 2/A) was examined. Best results with Brassica napus and B. oleracea were obtained with 1–1 kg/ha applied 7 days before drilling and 2–3 kg/ha applied 14 days before. Although delaying drilling from 7 to 14 days after application reduced the phytotoxicity, the higher dose was needed when drilling was delayed, to reduce competition from the sward regrowth. In the glasshouse, mulches of paraquat-treated herbage affected seedling growth and development of Brassica napus, Hordeum vulgare and Lolium perenne; B. napus was the most susceptible. Quelques effets du paraquat sur des cultures implantées aprés destruction d'herbages L'implantation de cultures en semis direct, apres divers intervalles de temps, dans des herbages trait6s au paraquat (l,r-diméthyl-4-4′-bipyridylium-2/4) a été examinée. Avec Brassica napus et B. oleracea, les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus par des applications de 1,1 kg/ha et de 2,3 kg/ha, respectivement 7 jours avant et 14 jours avant le semis. Bien que le fait de porter de 7 à 14 jours le délai entre le traitement été le semis ait réduit la phytotoxicité, la dose la plus forte a été nécessaire lorsque le semis a été retardé, pour réduire la competition due à la repousse de la prairie. En serre, des paillis d'herbages traités au paraquat ont affecté la croissance et le développement de Brassica napus, Hordeum vulgare et Lolium perenne; B. napus s'est montré le plus sensible. Einige Effekte von Paraquat auf die Entwicklung von Kulturpflanzen in abgetöteten Pflanzendecken Es wurde die Entwicklung von Kulturen untersucht, die in unterschiedlichen Zeitabständen direkt in mit Paraquat (l,l'-Dimethyl-4,4′-bipyridylium-2/4) behandelte Pflanzendecken gesät wurden. Die besten Ergebnisse mit Brassica napus und B. oleracea wurden erzielt, wenn 1.1 kg/ha 7 Tage und 2 3 kg/ha 14 Tage vor der Saat gespritzt wurden.  相似文献   

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