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类圆线虫病是广西水牛的常见寄生虫病之一,本文作者通过光镜观察,我们确认广西水牛类圆线虫病的病原体即为乳突类圆线虫。本文首次记述该虫种第四期幼虫的形态。在扫描电镜下,虫卵表面光滑,近似椭圆形。丝状蚴头端钝圆,口孔裂隙状,左右为2唇片,每唇片似分3小叶;体表两侧自劲部开始,各有2条纵嵴,延续至尾端,称为双翼膜(double alae),这是该期虫体独有的构造;丝状蚴尾端分叉。自由生活成虫具6片唇,各唇上有1个唇乳突;口孔内沿有一排锥状齿,共9枚;头端两侧各具1个半球形的头感器;头端背腹面的两侧各具1个头乳突,共4个,锥形。自由生活雄虫的泄殖腔处明显地突出于虫体表面,其周围有7对性乳突。自由生活雌虫的阴门横裂,肛门呈半月形。寄生生活雌虫头端截平,4个唇片由口缘伸向口孔,唇片近口孔中央向上翻卷,唇片上各有1个唇乳突;口孔呈倾斜(45°)的马耳他“十”字形;头感器1对,头乳突4个;阴门横裂,阴门部有1对阴侧感觉窝和1对阴后乳突;肛门横裂,突起;尾部自肛门后突然收缩,呈指状。在宿主体内未见到寄生生活雄虫。  相似文献   

犬心丝虫病是由恶丝虫属的犬恶丝虫寄生于犬的右心室和肺动脉所引起的临床或亚临床疾病。猫、狐、狼等动物亦能感染,人偶被感染。本病在我国分布很广,广东犬的感染率可达50%。1病原成虫细长,呈白色,食道长。雄虫长12~16厘米,尾端螺旋状蜷曲,有肛前乳突5对,肛后乳突6对,交合刺2根,不等长,左侧长,末端尖;右侧短,相当于左侧的1/2,末端钝圆。雌虫长25~30厘米,尾部  相似文献   

刚棘颚口线虫的扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刚棘颚口线虫扫描电镜显示:头球顶端有两片半球形的大侧唇,大侧唇背面有1对双乳突和1个头感器。在轮节皮棘第6-7排或第8-9排或第10-11之间各有1对颈乳突,与樊氏等及古贺正崇等描述颈乳突位置有所差异。并观察到雄虫尾端长交合刺的皮纹上有细小的凹陷小乳,其顶端有开口处;有2对尾乳突。雌虫阴门位于虫体腹面中线之后;尾端前腹面有半月状的肛门,有1对尾乳突。其中头钩、体棘、交合刺和尾乳突等形态特征与前人记述相似。  相似文献   

正1病原猪蛔虫病是由蛔科蛔属的猪蛔虫引起的寄生虫病。蛔虫成虫寄生于猪的小肠中,是一种大型线虫,新鲜虫体为淡红色或淡黄色,死后转为苍白色。虫体呈中间稍粗、两端较细的圆柱形,其头端3个唇片,一片背唇较大,两片腹唇较小,唇片成品字形排列。雄虫比雌虫小,其体长15~20cm,宽约0.3cm,尾端向腹面弯曲,形似鱼钩,泄殖腔开口距尾端较近,有交合刺一对,一般是等长的,长约0.2~  相似文献   

用东乡伊蚊叮吮含有唇乳突丝虫微丝蚴的模型动物——小鼠血液,待微丝蚴在蚊体内发育至感染期时,分离出感染坳,皮下多点接种43只昆明小鼠(每只15~200条)、1只山羊及2只绵羊(每只200~300条)和4匹驹(每匹750~1 250条);将指状丝虫接种到20只昆明鼠体内,比较两种虫体的致病性。结果:唇乳突丝虫感染鼠有16只经1~8 d潜伏期发病,呈现瘫痪、昏迷症状后死亡.实验羊和驹经5~21d潜伏期后均呈不同程度的运动和神经症状,于接种虫体后40~140 d扑杀.经病理学观察,3种动物脑脊髓均呈现虫伤性液化坏死灶及非化脓性脑脊髓炎变化,在其中枢神经系统组织切片中发现丝虫虫体断面或钙化碎片,从而证明唇乳突丝虫可人工感染昆明小鼠、羊、驹发生脑脊髓丝虫病,进而提出该虫可以成为马、羊脑脊髓丝虫病的病原之一。指状丝虫感染鼠死亡率高于唇乳突丝虫感染鼠(P<0.01),初步认为唇乳突丝虫致病性较指状丝虫弱。  相似文献   

血色食道虫,又名狼旋尾线虫。(Spiro-cerca Lupi)雄虫长3~5公分,雌虫长6~8公分,呈淡血红色卷曲成螺旋形。虫卵呈长椭圆形,像胶囊状,0.0038×0.0015公分,在显微镜下虫卵呈白色透明发亮(内含一幼虫)(图1),雄虫尾翼狭,尾端呈螺旋状卷曲,肛门前后有7对乳突,尾端有4~5对小乳突。雌虫的生殖孔在食道后端开口。  相似文献   

正肠道蠕虫病是鸡的常见寄生虫病,主要包括蛔虫病、异刺线虫病和绦虫病。肠道蠕虫影响鸡的生长发育,造成生产性能下降。1鸡蛔虫病鸡蛔虫病是蛔虫寄生于鸡小肠而引起的。1.1病原新鲜鸡蛔虫呈黄白色,长线状,头部口孔周围有3片唇。雄虫长26~70 mm,尾端有尾翼和10对尾乳突,有1个肛前吸盘,呈圆形或椭圆形,1对几乎等长的交合刺。雌虫长65~110 mm,阴门在虫体的中部。鸡蛔虫虫卵呈椭圆形,大小为(70~90)×(47~51)μm,壳厚而光滑,呈深灰色。  相似文献   

正一、病原学1.病原形态。成虫形态微小,细线状,乳白色,头端较尾端稍细。旋毛虫为雌雄异体,雄虫大小为(1.4~1.6)mm×0.04 mm,生殖器官为单管形,虫体尾端有两个叶状交配附器。雌虫大小约为(3~4)mm×0.06 mm,尾部直而钝圆,生殖器官亦为单管形,包括卵巢、输卵管、子宫、阴道等。卵巢位于虫体后部,子宫后段充满虫卵,近阴门处已有发育成熟的幼虫,阴门位  相似文献   

猪蛔虫病是由猪蛔虫引起的一种最常见的寄生虫病,本病对3~6月龄的猪危害最严重,引起患病猪生长发育不良,严重者发育停滞,甚至造成死亡. 1病原 猪蛔虫是一种大型线虫,新鲜虫体为淡红色或淡黄色.虫体呈中间稍粗、两端较细的圆柱形.头端有3个唇片,一片背唇较大,两片腹唇较小,排列成品字形.体表具有厚的角质层.雄虫长15 ~ 25cm,尾端向腹面弯曲,形似鱼钩.雌虫长20 ~ 40cm,虫体较直,尾端稍钝.  相似文献   

正鸽蛔虫病(1)特征:鸽蛔虫虫体淡白色,呈圆柱形,两端狭小,角皮具有横纹,颈部具有侧翼。头端钝,口孔圈有3片唇。背唇有2个双乳头,侧腹唇各有1个乳突和2个小乳突。食道简单,后部稍扩大。雄虫尾部削尖,具有狭小的尾翼。肛前吸盘类圆形,与肛门距离为0.34~0.40mm,尾长0.48~0.56mm,交合刺长度为1.76~2.04mm,尾乳突14~15对。在体腹面两侧各有1列小乳突呈等距离排  相似文献   

Elk infected with the meningeal worm, Parelaphostrongylus tenuis (Protostrongylidae), do not consistently excrete larvae in feces, making the current method of diagnosing live animals using the Baermann fecal technique unreliable. Serological diagnosis could prove more useful in diagnosing field-infected animals but depends on the identification and availability of good quality antigen. To mimic field infections, 2 elk were inoculated with 6 infective L3 larvae of P. tenuis, and another 2 with 20 L3 larvae. Fecal samples were examined for nematode larvae using the Baermann technique and serum samples taken were tested for anti-P. tenuis antibody with ELISAs by using the excretory-secretory (ES) products of L3, and sonicated adult worms as antigens. One animal passed first-stage larvae in its feces 202 days postinoculation, but passed none thereafter. The remaining 3 inoculated animals did not pass larvae. In contrast to parasite detection, antibodies against larval ES products were detected in all animals starting from 14 to 28 days postinoculation and persisted until the termination of the experiment on day 243 in 2 animals that harbored adult worms. Antibodies against somatic antigens of the adult worm were not detected until day 56 but also persisted until the end of the experiment in the animals with adult worms. In 2 elk that had no adult worms at necropsy, anti-ES antibodies were detected transiently in both, while anti-adult worm antibodies were present transiently in one. These findings confirm the superiority of P. tenuis larval ES products over somatic adult worm antigens as serodiagnostic antigens, as previously observed in studies of infected white-tailed deer, and extend the application of the newly developed ELISA test in diagnosing and monitoring cervids experimentally infected with P. tenuis.  相似文献   

The significance of the worm burden in the diagnosis of parasitic gastroenteritis is examined. It is emphasised that the worm population is in a dynamic state with the calf constantly losing part of its worm burden while picking up new infective larvae. The numbers and proportion of late fourth stage Ostertagia ostertagi larvae gives an indication of the success of the animal in controlling its worm burden. During an examination of the worm population it is also necessary to look at the condition and degree of development of adult female worms to assess the efficiency of the calf's acquired resistance to infection.  相似文献   

Coated (V-13) and uncoated (V-22) formulations of dichlorvos were used to treat experimentally established Hyostrongylus rubidus infections of pigs at intervals after exposure to infective larvae. Both dichlorvos formulations were efficacious against the adult stomach worm H rubidus, but showed little or no activity against 5- or 15-day-old worms. Neither formulation was as effective against H rubidus in sows as in barrows and gilts.  相似文献   

An experiment to determine the origin of populations of infective larvae of cattle nematode parasites on pasture during winter was conducted in south-west Western Australia. Six pasture plots were contaminated with worm eggs by grazing worm-infected cattle for periods of a month during summer and autumn. Each plot was contaminated at a different time from the rest. The levels of infective larvae were determined by counting the worm burdens of tracer calves which test-grazed the plots the following winter.Tracer calves which grazed the plots contaminated during summer acquired few worms, whereas those that grazed the plots contaminated during autumn acquired many worms. It was concluded that the hot, dry conditions prevailing during summer and early autumn prevented the development of eggs or survival of larvae in dung pats or free on pasture. In this environment, a programme of worm control which relied on administration of anthelmintic to grazing cattle to prevent autumn contamination of pasture would be most likely to succeed if the first treatment was given in early autumn.  相似文献   

A worm control programme in which heifers were treated with anthelmintic on three occasions during autumn, was tested in the Mediterranean-type climatic environment of south-west Western Australia. The experiment aimed to determine if the treatments would prevent the heifers contaminating their pastures with worm eggs during autumn, thereby improving their growth performances the following winter. An attempt was made to measure the availability of infective larvae of abomasal worms on the heifers' pastures during early winter by counting the worms in steers, previously of low worm status, that grazed with the heifers from late autumn until the start of mating in mid-winter.

The anthelmintic treatments reduced the contamination of pasture for most of autumn. The treated heifers that grazed these pastures grew faster, and by the start of mating two months after the last treatment were about 22 kg heavier, than untreated heifers grazing contaminated pasture. At the end of mating six weeks later the difference was 45 kg in favour of the treated heifers. At this time half the heifers grazing contaminated pasture were treated with anthelmintic. The following month these heifers grew faster than those left untreated, but by late November they had not attained the wieght of the heifers grazing uncontaminated pasture.

The heifers that grazed uncontaminated pasture produced more calves the following autumn than did those grazing contaminated pasture. The abomasal worm counts of the steers, with a mean of about 46 000 worms, failed to reveal any difference between treatments in the availability of larvae of abomasal worms on pasture. However, it was concluded that the treatments probably exerted their effect on growth rates by reducing the number of infective larvae ingested by heifers grazing the uncontaminated pasture during winter.  相似文献   

A worm-control program utilising treatment of young grazing cattle with fenbendazole on two occasions during summer was tested in the Mediterranean-type climatic environment of south-west Western Australia. The grazing system aimed to produce steers by introducing three-month-old weaned calves to pasture in mid-winter until they were sold in early summer. Comparisons were made of the numbers of worm eggs passed on to plots by treated and untreated animals during autumn, the performances of treated and untreated cattle and the performances of calves introduced to the plots in mid-winter. The “tracer” calf technique was used to determine the availability of infective larvae on one untreated and one treated plot for each of the two years of the experiment.Treated animals deposited less Ostertagia spp. eggs on to pasture during autumn than did untreated animals in one of the two years. In both years they deposited less eggs of worm species other than Ostertagia spp. Less intestinal worms were acquired by “tracer” calves grazing treatment plots than those grazing no-treatment plots in both years, but there were no differences in the number of abomasal worms acquired.The reduction in availability of infective larvae of intestinal worms was insufficient to prevent the occurrence of parasitic gastroenteritis in calves introduced to the plots in mid-winter. The fenbendazole treatments did not confer any immediate body-weight advantage on treated animals.On both treatment and no-treatment plots, there were few infective larvae available to grazing cattle during early autumn, there was a rapid attainment of peak availability in winter and then a decline to low availability by mid-spring. In one year, infective larvae of intestinal worms (almost exclusively Cooperia spp.) increased in availability again in late spring and early summer. A high proportion of retarded worms was never a feature of the worm counts of “tracer” calves.It was concluded that the treatments may have been more effective had they been given during autumn.  相似文献   

Infective larvae of Ostertagia circumcincta were radiolabelled with 75selenium by a method which did not affect their viability. Three groups of five-month-old lambs were infected daily with 1000 unlabelled infective larvae for four, eight and 12 weeks, respectively. After each period one of these groups and a group of worm-free controls were challenged with three consecutive daily doses of 1000 radiolabelled third stage larvae. The lambs were killed 13 days after the first dose of challenge larvae and their worm burdens examined. The first indication of immunity was retardation of developing worms observed at four weeks. Resistance to the establishment of incoming worms developed between four and eight weeks and a brief period of population turnover probably took place at this time. Simultaneously a greater inhibition of worm development occurred resulting in an increase in the number of parasites recovered as early fourth stage larvae. By 12 weeks the animals were almost completely immune to incoming worms. The development of resistance to incoming worms correlated with a rise in serum antibody titre and an increase in the number of intraepithelial globule leucocytes in the gastric mucosa.  相似文献   

Calves immunized with adult Mecistocirrus digitatus implanted directly into the abomasum did not develop a substantial degree of immunity to a subsequent large oral (challenge) dose of larvae, which developed to maturity. In contrast animals immunized by oral infection developed strong resistance. The calves implanted with adult worms appeared to show a greater degree of susceptibility to maturation of the challenge infection than controls which received a challenge of the same magnitude without any previous immunization. The implanted female adult worms established in the hosts and continued to produce more eggs for a longer time than those which developed to maturity from the oral immunizing infection with third-stage larvae. Passive haemagglutination studies revealed that the implanted adult worms stimulated little or no antibody response in the hosts. In the calves which did not show a response to the adult worm implant the subsequent challenge with an oral infective dose of third-stage larvae also failed to stimulate a response. Likewise the two calves from the group which showed a weak antibody response to the adult worm implant did not show an increased response when challenged. In contrast, calves immunized with an oral infection of third-stage larvae had an antibody response which showed a vigorous rise on challenge in four of the five calves. Thus a direct relationship between resistance to challenge infection and the antibody response determined by the passive haemagglutination and gel-diffusion tests was observed in the calves immunized orally.  相似文献   

The potential of the chitin synthesis inhibitor diflubenzuron (DFB) to alter the development of the parasitic nematodes (Ascaris suum and Haemonchus contortus was investigated. DFB given orally (10 mg kg-1 per day for 30 days) to sheep inoculated with H. contortus infective larvae did not prevent the establishment of adults or affect fecal egg output. However, there was a significant (greater than 90%) decrease in the number of infective larvae recovered from fecal cultures derived from lambs harboring H. contortus adults that were treated with DFB. DFB did not affect egg hatching. Oral administration (10 mg kg-1 per day for 20 days) of DFB to swine harboring adult A. suum adults had no effect on the adult worm burden or on egg morphology, but eggs removed from worms obtained from DFB-treated swine contained less chitin than eggs removed from untreated control swine. DFB also inhibited chitin synthesis in vitro in the isolated reproductive tract of A. suum adults. These results indicate that DFB at high doses can inhibit the subsequent development of H. contortus larvae in the feces. Since H. contortus larvae lack chitin, DFB may act on these larvae by a mechanism independent of a direct effect on chitin synthesis.  相似文献   

Sixteen nonsibling sheep, approximately 12 months old, that were raised in a helminth-free environment, were used for 2 protection studies 6 months apart. Sheep were vaccinated weekly for 5 weeks by IM injection of fibrinogen-degrading proteins derived from the intestinal tract of adult Haemonchus contortus. Ten days after the last vaccination, sheep were given 2,500 infective H contortus larvae by intraruminal injection. Vaccinated sheep produced specific antibodies, and were protected from the worm challenge. Significant differences in mean fecal worm egg counts for 56 days after worm challenge, in mean numbers of H contortus worms, and female fecundity ratios at necropsy were detected in vaccinated sheep, compared with those in control sheep. These data suggest that the fibrinogen-degrading proteins have a protective role in vaccination of sheep against H contortus.  相似文献   

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