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The influence of broomrape (Orobanche crenata Forsk) infection levels on commercial broad bean (Vicia faba L.) crops was investigated and an equation relating yield losses to O. crenata density was derived. O. crenata growth was weakly and negatively related to the final height or shoot number of the broad bean plant. O. crenata decreased seed yield mainly by reducing the number of pods. The number of seeds per pod was also decreased by O. crenata infection when competition occurred at late-crop growth stages when most of the pods had already developed. Bean unit seed weight was only weakly affected by infection. Correlation coefficients between O. crenata number and broad-bean seed yield per plant were significant at P=0·05 and greater than 0·70 in most locations. On average, about four O. crenata per broad-bean plant decreased seed yield by half. An estimation of the percentage of losses in any field can be calculated from the equation: %loss = 100 × 0·124 × OcN. where OcN is the average final number of emerged O. crenata per plant.  相似文献   

A total of 52 faba-bean (Vicia faba L.) fields, located in the main growing areas in Morocco were surveyed for viruses. From 240 samples with symptoms suggestive of virus infection, the following viruses were detected using electron microscopy, serology, and biological indexing: Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV), broad bean mottle virus (BBMV), broad bean stain virus (BBSV), broad bean true mosaic virus (BBTMV), pea earlybrowning virus (PEBV), pea enation mosaic virus (PEMV), pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV), and a complex of luteoviruses including bean leafroll virus (BLRV). This is the first report of the occurrence of BBTMV, PEMV, PSbMV, and the luteoviruses (including BLRV) of faba bean in Morcco. The luteoviruses and BBMV were found to be the most prevalent. They were detected in 56 and 50%, respectively, of the surveyed fields; while AMV, BBSV, and PEBV were found in single fields only. The remaining viruses were less prevalent, and were detected in a range of 4 to 15% of the fields surveyed. The incidences per field of the prevalent viruses varied and ranged from 1 to 33% for BBMV and up to 20% in the case of luteoviruses. BBMV was found confined to the central and northern parts of the country, BBTMV and PEMV mainly occurred in the central area, while the luteoviruses and BYMV were spread over the faba-bean growing regions of the country.  相似文献   

Virus infection and reproductive losses in faba bean (Vicia faba L.)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The viruses, bean yellow mosaic ( BYMV ), Echtes Ackerbohnenmosaik (EAMV) and bean (pea) leaf roll ( BLRV ) reduced seed yield in faba bean particularly when plants were infected at the pre-and mid-bloom stage. EAMV and BYMV , but not BLRV , delayed senescence and increased branching on glasshouse-grown plants so that more inflorescences were produced on diseased plants; most of the additional flower buds necrosed. All three viruses increased the proportion of flower buds that became necrotic thus reducing the number of mature flowers available for pollination. This, together with enhanced abscission of recently set flowers, diminished pod production. Flower set per se was unaffected by infection. The number of ovule sites per pod and weight of individual mature seeds were also unaffected by these diseases but productivity per pod declined because of increased ovule abortions. Patterns of pod production on the inflorescence and location of mature seeds within the pod were unaffected by virus infection.  相似文献   

Field studies were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of imazaquin and glyphosate in controlling broomrape (Orobanche crenata Forsk. and O. aegyptiaca Pers.) in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in Northern Syria. Several rates and times of application of the herbicides were tested. Nearly complete control of broomrape was achieved with both the herbicides when they were sprayed twice (when the broomrape attachments to the faba bean roots were at tubercle stage of develoment and 15 days later) at a rate of application of 80 g a.i. ha?1 for glyphosate and 10 g a.i. ha?1 for imazaquin. However, the yield of faba bean did not increase with these treatments, suggesting that the herbicides at these rates were still causing some physiological disorder in the plant that counteracted the beneficial effect of broomrape control on the performance of faba bean plants.  相似文献   

A virus, isolated from faba bean (Vicia faba) obtained from Algeria, was readily recognized as a tobravirus by its particle sizes and morphology. Pea (Pisum sativum) and French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) characteristically reacted to the isolate like pea early-browning virus (PEBV), but faba bean,Antirrhinum majus, Nicotiana rustica, andN. tabacum reacted with line-pattern symptoms which were unusually brilliant on theNicotiana species. In electronmicroscope decoration tests, the isolate did not react with an antiserum to the Dutch type strain of PEBV, but with one to the broad bean yellow band (BBYB) serotype from Italy. It resembles this serotype in reaction on faba bean, but seems to differ appreciably onN. rustica, N. tabacum, andPetunia hybrida. It is described as a deviant isolate of the BBYB serotype of PEBV.All thirteen faba-bean genotypes tested were found to be susceptible to the Algerian isolate and two Dutch type strain isolates of the virus, and to react with erratic line-pattern symptoms to the Algerian isolate only. All ten genotypes of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) tested reacted hypersensitively, and four out of ten genotypes of lentil (Lens culinaris) were susceptible to the virus but reacted differentially to the three isolates. Seed transmission of PEBV, including the new isolate, in faba bean is confirmed (9% for the Algerian isolate, and over 45% for one of the Dutch type strain isolates), and seed transmission of the virus in a non-legume (N. rustica, 4%) is herewith first reported. This is the first report on the occurrence of the BBYB serotype of PEBV outside Italy, and of PEBV outside Morocco in North Africa.  相似文献   

Broad bean mottle virus (BBMV) was transmitted from infected to healthy faba-bean plants by the curculionid weevilsApion radiolus Kirby,Hypera variabilis Herbst,Pachytychius strumarius Gyll,Smicronyx cyaneus Gyll, andSitona lineatus L. The latter appeared to be an efficient vector: acquisition and inoculation occurred at the first bite, the rate of transmission was c. 41%, and virus retention lasted for at least seven days.S. lineatus transmitted the virus from faba bean to lentil and pea, but not to the three genotypes of chickpea tested. This is the first report on the generaHypera, Pachytychius, andSmicronyx as virus vectors, and onA. radiolus, H. variabilis, P. strumarius, andS. cyaneus as vectors of BBMV.Out of 351 samples of food legumes with symptoms suggestive of virus infection, 16, 11, 19, and 17% of the samples of chickpea, lentil, pea, and common bean, respectively, were found infected when tested for BBMV in DAS-ELISA. This is the first report on the natural occurrence of BBMV in chickpea, lentil, pea, and common bean. The virus should be regarded as a food-legume virus rather than a faba-bean virus solely, and is considered an actual threat to food legume improvement programmes.  相似文献   

A study on the population dynamics of broom-rape (Orobanche crenata Forskal) in faba bean (Viciafaba L.) was conducted in two locations for 8 years. The O. crenata seed bank increased every year in the 20-cm depth arable layer until it reached approximately 4 million (M) seeds m?2. Seed viability ranged between 53% and 68%, approximately half of the seeds remaining dormant. About 3 × 10?3% of the seed bank became attached to the root system of the faba beans. Only 9% of the attached broomrapes developed and emerged from the soil, possibly reflecting high levels of intraspecific competition. Maximum broomrape seed production for a population of 53 emerged broomrapes per m2 was approximately 4 M seeds m?2. About 43% of the seeds produced were not incorporated into the soil, most probably as a result of their degradation, decomposition or dispersion. Stock semencier et autres paramètres démographiques de I'orobanche crénelée (Orobanche crenata Forsk.) dans des cultures de féverolle (Vicia faba L.) Une étude de la dynamique de populations d'orobanche crénelée (Orobanche crenata Forsk.) dans des cultures de féverolle (Viciafaba L.) a été menée pendant 8 années sur deux sites. Le stock semencier de O. crenata a augmenteéchaque année dans la couche (20 cm) arable du sol jusqu'à atteindre 4 millions (M) de graines m?2. La viabilité des graines était comprise entre 53 et 68%, approximativement la moitié d'entre elles présentaient une dormance. Environ 3 × 10?3% du stock semencier adhérait au système racinaire de la féverolle. Seulement 9% des orobanches adhérantes se développaient et levaient, ce qui pourrait refléter une compétition intraspécifique importante. La production maxi-male de graines par une population de 53 orobanches levées au m2était d'environ 4 M graines m?2. Environ 43% des graines produites n'étaient pas incorporées au sol, très prob-ablement en raison de leur dégradation, de leur décomposition ou de leur dispersion. Bodensamenbank und andere populationsde-mographische Parameter der Sommerwurz Orobanche crenata Forsk. in Bestanden der Acker-Bohne (Vicia faba L.) Bei einer Untersuchung der Populationsdy-namik der Sommerwurz Orobanche crenata Forsk. in Beständen der Acker-Bohne (Vicia faba L.) an 2 Orten über 8 Jahre hin nahm die Bodensamenbank in der Pflugzone von 20 cm Tiefe jedes Jahr zu, bis sie rund 4 Millionen Samen m?2 erreichte. Die Lebensfähigkeit der Samen lag bei 53 bis 68%, etwa die Hälfte war dormant. Ungefähr 3 × 10?3% kamen mit den Bohnenwurzeln in Berührung. Nur 9% davon entwickelten sich und wuchsen heran, worin vielleicht der hohe Grad intraspezifischer Konkurrenz zum Ausdruck kommt. Die höchste Zahl gebildeter Samen eines Sommer-wurzbestands von 53 Pflanzen m?2 war rund 4 Millionen. Etwa 43% der gebildeten Samen gelangten nicht in den Boden, wahrscheinlich weil sie zerstört oder verweht wurden.  相似文献   

One of the faba bean viruses found in West Asia and North Africa was identified as broad bean mottle virus (BBMV) by host reactions, particle morphology and size, serology, and granular, often vesiculated cytoplasmic inclusions. Detailed research on four isolates, one each from Morocco, Tunisia, Sudan and Syria, provided new information on the virus.The isolates, though indistinguishable in ELISA or gel-diffusion tests, differed slightly in host range and symptoms. Twenty-one species (12 legumes and 9 non-legumes) out of 27 tested were systemically infected, and 14 of these by all four isolates. Infection in several species was symptomless, but major legumes such as chickpea, lentil and especially pea, suffered severely from infection. All 23 genotypes of faba bean, 2 of chickpea, 4 of lentil, 11 out of 21 ofPhaseolus bean, and 16 out of 17 of pea were systemically sensitive to the virus. Twelve plant species were found to be new potential hosts and cucumber a new local-lesion test plant of the virus.BBMV particles occurred in faba bean plants in very high concentrations and seed transmission in this species (1.37%) was confirmed.An isolate from Syria was purified and two antisera were produced, one of which was used in ELISA to detect BBMV in faba bean field samples. Two hundred and three out of the 789 samples with symptoms suggestive of virus infection collected in 1985, 1986 and 1987, were found infected with BBMV: 4 out of 70 (4/70) tested samples from Egypt, 0/44 from Lebanon, 1/15 from Morocco, 46/254 from Sudan, 72/269 from Syria and 80/137 from Tunisia. This is the first report on its occurrence in Egypt, Syria and Tunisia. The virus is a potential threat to crop improvement in the region.Samenvatting Eén van de in West-Azië en Noord-Afrika in faba-boon aangetroffen virussen werd geïdentificeerd als het tuinbonevlekkenvirus (broad bean mottle virus) op grond van waardplantreacties, deeltjesvorm en-grootte, serologische eigenschappen en granulaire, vaak gevacuoliseerde celinsluitsels. Verder onderzoek aan vier isolaten uit respectievelijk Marokko, Tunesië, Soedan en Syrië verschafte nieuwe informatie, over het virus.De in ELISA of gel-diffusietoetsen serologisch niet te onderscheiden isolaten verschilden enigszins in waardplantenreeks en symptomen. Van 27 getoetste plantesoorten werden 21 systemisch geïnfecteerd (12 vlinderbloemigen, en 9 niet-vlinderbloemigen) waarvan 14 door alle vier isolaten. In vele ervan was de infectie symptoomloos, maar belangrijke als gewas geteelde vlinderbloemigen, zoals erwt, linzen en kekererwt, leden ernstig onder aantasting. Alle 23 getoetste faba-boongenotypen, beide van kekererwt, alle vier van linzen, 11 van de 21 getoetste vanPhaseolus-boon en 16 van de 17 van erwt bleken systemisch gevoelig voor het virus. Twaalf plantesoorten, bleken nieuwe potentiële waardplanten en komkommer een nieuwe lokale-lesietoetsplant voor het virus te zijn.In faba-boneplanten kwam, het virus in hoge concentratie voor en overdracht met zaad (1.37%) in deze soort kon worden bevestigd.Een Syrisch isolaat werd gezuiverd en twee antisera werden bereid, waarvan één werd gebruikt voor de detectie van het virus in te velde verzamelde monsters. Van 789 in 1985 tot en met 1987 verzamelde bladmonsters, met symptomen die deden denken aan virusinfectie, bleken 203 het virus te bevatten en wel 4 van de 70 (4/70) uit Egypte, 0/44 uit Libanon, 1/15 uit Marokko, 46/254 uit Soedan, 72/269 uit Syrië en 80/137 uit Tunesië. Het virus was nog niet eerder aangetoond in Egypte, Syrië en Tunesië.De grote verbreiding, grote kunstmatige waardplantenreeks, overdracht met zaad, en pathogeniteit voor een aantal belangrijke vlinderbloemige gewassen maken het virus tot een potentiële bedreiging van de programma's tot verbetering van de teelt van de bedoelde gewassen in het betrokken gebied.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Pea necrotic yellow dwarf virus (PNYDV) is a novel nanovirus in Europe, affecting various grain legumes. The impact of PNYDV on nodulation, symbiotic N2...  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - In a greenhouse experiment, two plant growth promoting rhizobacteria „Pgpr“ strains (Pseudomonas fluorescens FB11 and a Rhizobium...  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to further characterize the causal agent of a new viral disease of aubergines in Israel, first observed in 2003 and tentatively named eggplant mild leaf mottle virus (EMLMV) in a previous work, and to identify the vector responsible for its spread. The disease could be transmitted mechanically from infected source plants to healthy aubergines or laboratory test plants. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of purified virus preparations indicated the presence of viral particles with a flexible filamentous morphology (approximately 720 nm long). TEM analysis of ultrathin sections prepared from infected leaf tissue revealed the presence of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies with pinwheel and crystalline structures, typical of those induced by potyviral infection. The viral coat protein subunit was shown to have a molecular weight of 37·5 kDa by SDS‐PAGE analysis. The viral particles reacted positively in western blot analysis with an antiserum against Tomato mild mottle virus (TomMMoV) from Yemen, described as a potyvirus, vectored by the aphid Myzus persicae. The current study describes some biological properties of EMLMV and presents evidence for its transmission by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci, but not by three aphid species. The taxonomic relationship between EMLMV and TomMMoV is discussed based on their biological characteristics and sequence analysis of their genomes. It is suggested that the Israeli EMLMV should be considered a distant strain of TomMMoV, designated TomMMoV‐IL, according to the present rules of Potyviridae molecular taxonomy.  相似文献   

The relationship between red clover mottle virus (RCMV) isolated in the Ukraine (designated RCMV-Uk) and well-characterised strains from Sweden has been investigated. Nucleic acid hybridisation indicate that both RNAs from RCMV-Uk are highly homologous to their counterparts from RCMV strain S, a conclusion supported by protein sequence analysis of the two viral capsid proteins. Nucleic acid sequence analysis of a portion of RCMV-Uk RNA2 confirmed the high degree of similarity between RCMV-Uk and RCMV strain S. This information suggests that RCMV-Uk should be considered an isolate of RCMV strain S.  相似文献   

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