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In order to characterise the dairy production systems as well as the productive and reproductive performance of dairy cows in the study area, a total of 256 and 54 dairy farms were used for survey and monitoring data collection, respectively. Based on breed, land size, feed and market accessibility, two major dairy production systems were identified: a rather specialized, urban, and a peri-urban dairy production system. Urban farmers owned larger herds but farmed less land, and sold a greater proportion of liquid milk than peri-urban farmers, who processed more milk. Purchased feed played a more important role for the feed supply of urban than peri-urban farms. Significant breed effects were found for productive and reproductive performance traits. It is concluded that improved breeding and health management, genetic improvement of local breeds and supplementation of poor quality feed resources are the key factors for enhancing productivity of dairy cows and thereby increasing family income from milk production.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation was made at the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA), into the possibility of using cows in land cultivation as a means of reducing the dependency of smallholder farmers in the Ethiopian highlands on draught oxen power, a resource which is in short supply during the peak of the cultivation season and usually leads to late planting and poor harvest. A total of 32 crossbred cows (1/2 Boran −1/2 Friesian) were used in an experiment to determine whether cows could be used to cultivate an average smallholder farm of 2·5 ha and to assess the effects of work on reproductive and productive performance; 16 served as a control group and were milked, but not worked while the other 16 were milked in addition to providing draught power for cultivation. Draught cows were provided with extra feed and consumed 7% and 21% more hay and concentrate respectively than non-draught cows during a two-lactation cycle. After the end of the second lactation there were no significant differences between draught and non-draught animals for milk production (1,713±57·4 compared with [vs] 1,857±48·1 kg), lactation length (291±20·4 vs 277±18·0 days), calf birth weight (29·6±1·0 vs 29·3±1·0 kg), number of days open (77±14·1 vs 83±12·9), calving interval (355±14·5 vs 358±13·2 days), gestation length (278±1·6 vs 274±1·4 days) and number of services per conception (1·21 vs 1·64). The number of hours worked by each pair of crossbred cows was sufficient to cultivate the average smallholder farm of 2·5 ha. However, the work done was spread over a longer time than that required by the smallholder farmer to cultivate 2·5 ha. It was concluded that at low levels of work and with improved feeding management, draught or traction does not have adverse effects on reproductive and productive performance of crossbred dairy cows.
Resumen Se realizó una investigación en el Centro Internacional de Ganadería para Africa (ILCA), sobre el uso de vacas en el cultivo de la tierra en lugar de bueyes, los cuales son escasos en la época pico de labranza, lo cual conlleva a que se siembre tarde con la consecuente baja producción. Se utilizaron para el estudio 32 vacas media sangre Borán/Holstein, para determinar si éstas podían servir para las labores de cultivo de peque?as fincas de 2·5 hectáreas, sin menoscabo de la producción y reproducción. Dieciseis sirvieron como controles, las que se orde?aron pero no se utilizaron en labores de cultivo. Las vacas que se utilizaron para trabajar, recibieron alimentación extra, consumiendo 7% y 21% más heno y concentrado, durante dos ciclos de lactación.

Résumé Une enquête a été réalisée à l'ILCA/CIPEA sur la possibilité d'utiliser des vaches pour cultiver la terre, en vue de réduire, la dépendance des petits fermiers des Hautes Terres éthiopiennes vis à vis des disponibilités en boeufs de trait. Cette ressource est en effet limitée pendant la pointe de la saison des cultures, et ceci a pour conséquences des plantations tardives et une moisson médiocre. Un total de 32 vaches croisées (1/2 Boran −1/2 Frison) ont été utilisées pour essayer de déterminer si ces animaux pouvaient être employés pour les travaux de cultures sur une ferme moyenne de 2,5 ha de superficie représentative d'une petite propriété et pour mesurer les effects du travail sur les performances de production laitière et de reproduction. Seize ont constitué un lot témoin. Elles ont été traites mais, n'ont pas travaillé tandis que 16 autres ont été traites tout en apportant leur force de travail pour la culture. Les vaches de trait ont re?u une alimentation complémentaire et ont respectivement consommé 7% et 21% de foin et de concentré de plus que les vaches non utilisées pour la traction pendant un cycle de 2 lactations.

The objective of the work was to identify local feeding strategies in small-scale dairy production systems during the rainy season in the highlands of Mexico, and to determine their effects on milk yields (MY), milk composition and economic viability. Twenty-two dairy farms were monitored by monthly visits, recording and sampling milk from between two and six cows in each farm, live-weight was also recorded. Samples from feeds used in that month were taken and feeds given to the dairy herd were weighed. Economic data was also recorded. Milk composition and milk urea nitrogen were determined, as well as chemical composition of feeds. Eighteen feedstuffs were identified, grouped in: HNH feeds—high in neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and in DM matter; HNL feeds—high in NDF but low in DM; HCh feeds—high in non-fibrous carbohydrates; and HCP feeds—high in crude protein. Four feeding strategies were identified: strategy 1 uses HND, HNL and HCP; strategy 2—HND, HNL, HCh and HCP; strategy 3 HNH and HCP; and strategy 4 HNL and HCP. Of participating farms, 73.4% followed strategy 1, 11.3% strategy 2, 11.3% strategy 4 and 3.8% strategy 3. There were no statistical differences (P > 0.05) between strategies for MY and milk composition, but there were differences (P < 0.05) for ration costs. Multiple regression analysis showed no significative (P > 0.05) model relating intake of feed groups and milk fat content, but milk protein and SNF contents were significantly explained by intake of HCP. When expressed as MY and milk components yield, milk fat yield was significantly explained by intake of all four feed groups, but milk protein and SNF yields were explained only by intake of HCP and LW. MUN excretion was explained also by HCP intake. All feeding strategies produced positive economic returns, on average generating the equivalent of 3.45 minimum wages of the area.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate causes of lamb morbidity and mortality on farms and on-station at Debre Berhan during 1989 and 1990. It showed pneumonia (bacterial and/or verminous), starvation-mismothering exposure (SME) complex, gastrointestinal parasites, enteritis, abomasal impaction and physical injuries to be important health constraints on productivity. Neonatal mortalities were 51.5% and 46.3% on farms and on-station respectively and occurred owing to management problems such as SME, abomasal impaction and physical injuries. On the farms the lamb birth weight was 2.56±0.25 kg and was significantly (p<0.05) affected by the dam's age, lambing weight, litter size, sex of lamb and year of lambing, but not by the season of lambing. Birth weight significantly (p<0.05) influenced lamb mortality. Lambs with a low birth weight tended to die from SME. Morbidities and mortalities due to infectious causes increased in older lambs, suggesting that infections were acquired with age when resistance was lowered owing to inadequate nutrition and poor management.Heavy loss of lambs could be overcome by such health management interventions as foster mothering, warming lambs during the cold season and vaccination with polyvalent vaccines against pasteurellosis, clostridial infection andDictyocaulus filaria.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the provision of oat silage (Avena sativa) to supplement grazing dairy cows on pastures of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), festulolium (Lolium multiflorum × Festuca pratense) and white clover (Trifolium repens) during the dry season when pasture growth is limited. The experimental design was a 3 × 3 Latin square replicated three times, with nine milking Holstein cows (mean live weight 496.2 ± 33.6 kg and daily milk yield 14.8 ± 2.8 kg cow?1) under on-farm participatory rural research. Experimental periods were 14 d. Simulated grazing samples of pasture herbage were analysed for chemical composition, sward height recorded and net herbage accumulation determined from exclusion cages. Treatments were the inclusion of oat silage at T0 = 0 kg DM cow?1 d?1 of oat silage, T3 = 3 kg DM cow?1 d?1 of oat silage, and T6 = 6 kg DM cow?1 d?1 of oat silage, plus 5.0 kg fresh weight commercial concentrate and 9 h of continuous grazing. Animal variables were milk yield and composition, live weight and body condition score. Feeding costs were calculated. Mean milk yield was 18.9 ± 0.27 kg cow?1 d?1 with no differences in animal variables (p > 0.05), but feeding costs per kilogram milk increased 25% for T3 and 50% for T6. Oat silage supplementation is only viable under difficult grazing conditions.  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) plays an important role in small-scale dairy systems, both in production costs and as an indicator of environmental impact. The objective of this study was to quantify nitrogen inputs and outputs to identify areas for improvement in nitrogen utilisation efficiency (NUE). Evaluation was in 12 small-scale dairy farms with different feeding strategies. Six followed the traditional cut and carry of irrigated temperate pastures (CUT), and six have implemented grazing of pastures (GRZ), quantifying N inputs and outputs from May 2016 to April 2017. Data were analysed by ANOVA following a split-plot model with season (rainy or dry) as main plots and feeding strategy (CUT or GRZ) as split-plots, with results in kilograms N per hectare and kilograms N per cow. There were differences (P < 0.05) between seasons and strategies in N inputs from purchased N fertilisers and purchased feeds as concentrates and roughages, showing different N inputs and outputs whether in CUT or GRZ strategies. There were also significant interactions between seasons and strategies as in the sale of animals, where GRZ sell throughout the year, while CUT sell at the beginning of the dry season. N balance ranged from 33.9 to 183.0 kg N/ha, and 37.8 to 111.0 as kilograms N per cow with an interaction (P < 0.05) between season and strategies. There was a larger N surplus in GRZ during the rainy season from fertiliser inputs, which reduced N utilisation efficiency (NUE). Mean NUE in kilograms N per hectare and kilograms N per cow was 19%, with the higher efficiency for GRZ in the dry season. Farms with the best NUE had lower use of fertilisers and purchased feeds.


A study was carried out to evaluate the impact of interventions to solve constraints in smallholder dairy farms of the Western Highlands of Cameroon. The interventions consisted of improved breeding through introduction of artificial insemination, better feed supplementation, farmers training in milk processing and better veterinary services. Results show that there was a decrease in average monthly expenditures of 18% relative to the month before interventions started. Much of the expenditures were related to feed (38% of all costs). There was an overall increase in farm income. Close to 2/3 of the income were derived from milk products from home processed milk and culled animals. Only 7% income came from milk sold to the processing plant. The partial budget shows that before interventions, farmers lost $4.5/cow/month but gained $38/cow/month because of the interventions. The return was 2.32 and included opportunity income for milk home consumed and shared. When this opportunity income was ignored, the return stood at 1.93. The positive impact of interventions led to poverty alleviation and some farmers acquired more cows. A spill over effect is that more crop farmers are willing to be engaged at least partially in dairy farming. It will be good if many more farmers could benefit from these interventions.  相似文献   

The study evaluated small-scale dairy systems with continuous grazing of pastures based on three temperate grasses festulolium (FL), tall fescue (TF), and perennial ryegrass (RG), compared with subtropical kikuyu grass (KG). All pastures were associated with white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Twelve multiparous Holstein cows were assigned to a 4?×?4 Latin square replicated three times with 14-day experimental periods. Sampling and analyses of pastures, concentrates, and animal variables followed standard procedures. FL showed a significantly (p?<?0.05) higher mean sward height, but there were no differences (p?>?0.05) in net herbage accumulation. There were significant differences (p?<?0.05) among pastures for CP, NDF, ADF, in vitro digestibility of OM (IVOMD), and estimated metabolizable energy (eME). There were no differences (p?>?0.05) between treatments for milk yield and composition, live weight, or body condition score. There were significant differences (p?<?0.05) in fatty acid values for pastures in C14:0, C16:1, and C18:3n3. There were significant differences between treatments (p?<?0.05) in milk contents for C18:0, C18:1t11, and C18:2c9t11. Grazing FL, TF, RG, or KY pastures showed no differences in milk yields. Higher values for C18:0, C18:1t11, and C18:2c9t11 were detected in KY, RG, and TF. RG had significantly higher MUFA than FL and higher PUFA than TF. A value under 65% of SFA, a ratio of n-6/n-3 lower than 4, and an atherogenic index of 1.7 are indicators of milk with beneficial effects for human health.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that subclinical mastitis (SCM) is an extensive problem in the dairy industry worldwide. It is of particular concern in developing countries. The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of SCM in dairy cattle in the urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala, Uganda and to gain information about pathogens and antibiotic resistance patterns. The study was conducted as a field study in 18 smallholder dairy farms in peri-urban Kampala, Uganda. All cows at the farms were physically examined, and cows with signs of clinical mastitis were excluded. Cows (n?=?195) were tested with California Mastitis Test (CMT), and udder quarters with CMT score ≥3 (scale 1–5) were milk sampled for bacteriological analysis. To allow further sub-analysis of the results, the stage of lactation, parity, milk production, production type, udder hygiene, and cow breed were recorded. Results indicate that 86.2 % (n?=?168) of the tested cows had SCM in one or more quarters. The most common bacteriological outcome was infection with coagulase-negative staphylococci (54.7 %), followed by negative growth (24.9 %) and streptococci (16.2 %); all of which (n?=?34) were sensitive to penicillin. Of the tested staphylococci (n?=?17), the majority (58.9 %) were positive for penicillinase production. Factors with significant impact on the prevalence of SCM at cow level were the stage of lactation, parity, and production type. The results suggest that the prevalence of SCM in Uganda is substantially higher than reported in previous studies and in other comparable developing countries. This implies that SCM deserves more attention and that improvement in dairy cow husbandry in terms of hygiene and management is necessary.  相似文献   

Assessment of livestock production constraints in the smallholder dairy systems in the western Kenya highlands was carried out using both qualitative and quantitative epidemiological methods. Rapid rural appraisals (qualitative) were conducted in rural and peri-urban areas. A cross-sectional survey (quantitative) was then conducted on a random sample of farms in the study area. Diseases, poor communication, lack of marketing of livestock produce, lack of artificial insemination services, and feed and water shortages during the dry season were identified as the major constraints to cattle production in both areas. Tick borne diseases (especially East Coast fever) were identified as the major constraint to cattle production. Qualitative methods were found to be more flexible and cheaper than the quantitative methods by a ratio of between 2.19-2.0. The two methods were found to complement each other. Qualitative studies could be applied in preliminary studies before initiating more specific follow up quantitative studies.  相似文献   

Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is a major threat for cattle health and production in Africa. This disease is caused by the small-colony type of Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides (MmmSC). Transmission occurs from direct and repeated contacts between sick and healthy animals. Veterinary services recently reported a resurgence of CBPP in the province of West Wellega, in the Ethiopian highlands. A research program was set up to estimate the epidemiological parameters of the within-herd infection spread. A follow-up survey was implemented in 71 sampled herds of the Boji district (West Wellega province). Fifteen herds were classified as newly infected and used in a serological- and clinical-incidence study. The overall 16-month cumulative sero-incidence risk was 34%. Clinical cases were recorded for 39% of the seropositive cattle; case-fatality risk was 13%. There was no evidence of benefit on infection spread of CBPP-control measures used locally by farmers (isolation or antibiotic treatments of sick animals). This might be related to a lack of power in the statistical analyses or to a quality problem for the medications used (and more generally, for health-care delivery in the Boji district).  相似文献   

Maize straw is the main roughage for dairy herds in campesino farms in central Mexico. The objective was to evaluate feeding milking cows on maize straw treated with 40 g/kg DM of urea (A) or untreated straw (B), and 3.0 kg/d of 18% CP concentrate. Twenty-four Holsteins in late lactation from 8 farmers were sorted in two groups: sequence A-B-A or B-A-B; periods were 28 days. Mean daily milk yield for the last two weeks per period, and live-weight and body-condition score every 14 days were used for analysis. Maize straw was ad libitum. Chemical analysis and in vitro digestibility were analysed by Student’s t test, animal variables by a switch-back design. ‘A’ had 44.3 g/kg DM more CP and 106.5 g/kg DM higher in vitro digestibility than ‘B’ (710 g/kg DM ± 0.75 ‘A’ vs. 603.5 g/kg DM ± 1.44 ‘B’). Despite higher digestibility and intake, there were no differences (P > 0.05) for milk yield, live-weight or body-condition score, although there were in straw intake (P < 0.05). Cows on ‘A’ ate 1.7 kg/cow/day more straw DM than on ‘B’. Lack of response did not offset higher feeding costs although margins were high. Lack of response is attributed to short length of periods and late lactation of cows.  相似文献   

In this cross-sectional study, we assessed and mapped the seroprevalence of brucellosis in small-scale dairy farming in an urban and peri-urban area of Tajikistan and investigated factors associated with seropositivity. As urban and peri-urban farming is both an opportunity to improve the livelihood for small-scale farmers and a potential public health hazard, studies are warranted to reveal possible peculiarities in the epidemiology of brucellosis in this type of dairy farming. In total, 904 cows of breeding age belonging to 443 herds in 32 villages were serologically tested with indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and positive samples confirmed with competitive ELISA. Two logistic regression models were used to investigate an association between seropositivity and risk factors at herd and individual level. The herd and individual seroprevalences were 4.1 and 2.0 %, respectively. Herds with a history of abortions were found to be associated with seropositivity [odds ratio (OR)?=?5.3; 95 % confidence interval (CI), 1.3–21.3]. Large herds with more than eight cattle were more likely to be seropositive compared to smaller herds with one to two cattle (OR?=?13.9; 95 % CI, 1.6–119). The number of calves produced per cow (indicating age) was found to be associated with seropositivity. Younger cows with one to two produced calves were less likely to be seropositive compared to older cows with more than six produced calves (OR?=?0.24; 95 % CI, 0.06–1.0). Neither introduction of new cattle to the herd nor communal grazing was associated with seropositivity. This study shows that infection with Brucella (1) is present in small-scale urban and peri-urban dairy farming in Tajikistan and (2) has significant negative effects on reproductive performance in this farming system and (3) that some previously known risk factors for seropositivity in rural farming system were absent here.  相似文献   


Feed shortage in urban and peri-urban areas has triggered the emergence of feed markets in Northern Ghana. These markets were surveyed at three locations (Tamale, Bolgatanga, and Wa markets) to determine types and prices of feedstuffs sold across seasons; early dry (November–January), late dry (February–April), early wet (May–July), and main wet (August–October). Semi–structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Three samples of each feed type in the markets were bought from three different sellers per market in each season. The samples were oven dried to constant weight and price/kg DM of each feed determined. The total respondents were 169. Out of this number, 41% were feed sellers, 46% buyers, and 13% retailers. The feedstuffs found were crop residues (groundnut haulm and cowpea haulm), agro-industrial by-products (bran of maize, rice, and sorghum), fresh grasses (Rotteboellia cochinchinensis), and local browses (Ficus sp. and Pterocarpus erinaceous). Prices of feeds differed (P < 0.05) among markets and were higher in Bolgatanga than Tamale and Wa markets. Prices of cereal bran were not different (P > 0.05) in all seasons but that of crop residues were higher (P < 05) in early to late dry season than the wet season. Majority (90%) of respondents opined that the feed market will expand due to increasing number of livestock population in the peri-urban areas.


Tropical Animal Health and Production - The effects of two innovative feeding strategies—intensive grazing (GR) and maize silage (MS)—on the sustainability of small-scale dairy systems...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the spread of infection and population dynamics of ovine coccidosis under dairy sheep production systems in the Mediterranean area, taking into account differences between management systems, lambing season and climatic conditions. Data were collected from six (intensive and semi-intensive) dairy sheep flocks located either in the North or the South of Greece, with groups of lambs born during two consecutive lambing periods (autumn, spring) from each flock. Faecal consistency and oocyst excretion were recorded from faecal samples taken from 220 lambs in total, starting at days 7-9 after lambing and subsequently every 6 days for 5 times. Eleven Eimeria species including the highly abundant pathogenic E. ovinoidalis and E. crandallis were isolated. The onset of excretion was noted from 13 to 33 days after birth with a peak at 19-21 days. The cumulative incidence of infection per flock until the end of the study ranged from 64.29% to 100% during both lambing periods. A significant tendency for animals to get infected earlier during spring lambing was observed. This trend was even higher for lambs from farms located in the South and is possibly related to the higher contamination level of the farms after lambing during that time. Predominantly subclinical cases of coccidiosis were observed during the course of the study with a relatively low proportion of diarrhoeic faeces which did not significantly differ between the two rounds. Considering the significance of dairy sheep production in the area and the economic losses that can be caused by eimeriosis, monitoring of infection levels in the farms, taking into account the lambing period and environmental conditions, is highly recommended.  相似文献   

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