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Dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts (CPSS) have hypoplasia of the intrahepatic portal veins. Surgical CPSS attenuation results in the development of the intrahepatic portal vasculature, the precise mechanism for which is unknown, although new vessel formation by angiogenesis is suspected.


That the degree of portal vascular development and the increase in portal vascularization after CPSS attenuation is significantly associated with hepatic vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2) gene expression and serum VEGF concentration.


Client‐owned dogs with CPSS undergoing surgical treatment. Forty‐nine dogs were included in the gene expression data and 35 in the serum VEGF data.

Materials and Methods

Dogs surgically treated by partial or complete CPSS attenuation were prospectively recruited. Relative gene expression of VEGF and VEGFR2 was measured in liver biopsy samples taken at initial and follow‐up surgery using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Serum VEGF concentration was measured before and after CPSS attenuation using a canine specific ELISA. Statistical significance was set at the 5% level (P ≤ .05).


There was a significant increase in the mRNA expression of VEGFR2 after partial attenuation (P = .006). Dogs that could tolerate complete attenuation had significantly greater VEGFR2 mRNA expression than those that only tolerated partial attenuation (P = .037). Serum VEGF concentration was significantly increased at 24 (P < .001) and 48 (P = .003) hours after attenuation.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

These findings suggest that intrahepatic angiogenesis is likely to occur after the surgical attenuation of CPSS in dogs, and contributes to the development of the intrahepatic vasculature postoperatively.  相似文献   

A novel surgical approach, using portal venotomy during total hepatic vascular occlusion, was used to locate and attenuate congenital intrahepatic portosystemic shunts in nine dogs. Shunt location was consistent with a persistent ductus venosus in only two dogs. In the remaining seven dogs the shunts were window-like orifices arising from either the left (two dogs) or right portal vein branch (five dogs) and communicating with the ipsilateral hepatic vein or caudal vena cava. The transportal approach using total hepatic vascular occlusion consistently provided good access to the portosystemic shunts, including those with window-like communications. A 7 to 16 minute period of total vascular occlusion was well-tolerated hemodynamically, with few intraoperative complications. Intrahepatic shunts were successfully attenuated in eight dogs, while one dog with portal atresia was euthanatized. The postoperative course was complicated by high protein pulmonary edema (one dog), an encapsulated biliary pseudocyst (one dog) and uncontrollable hemorrhage caused by an uncharacterized coagulopathy (one dog). Three dogs required a second operation to further attenuate their shunts. The clinical condition of all seven surviving dogs was improved after surgery.  相似文献   

The portal vasculature can be accessed by using a through-the-needle catheter system to pass a catheter through the splenic parenchyma and into a major splenic vein at the hilus. The authors have termed this technique transsplenic portal catheterization (TPC). Transsplenic portal catheterization is indicated for portal angiography, portal pressure measurement, and chronic portal blood sampling. Clinical applications of this technique include use in diagnosis and surgical management of portosystemic shunts and differentiation of prehepatic, hepatic, and posthepatic hypertension. This report describes the technique of transsplenic portal catheterization. Clinical use of this technique in two cases of portosystemic shunts are included.  相似文献   

Background: In dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts (CPSS), the ability of the hypoplastic liver to grow is considered important for recovery after surgical shunt attenuation.
Objectives: This study investigated hepatic growth after extrahepatic shunt attenuation in dogs using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT).
Animals: Ten client-owned dogs with single extrahepatic CPSS.
Methods: Abdominal MRI, CT, or both were performed before and 8 days, 1, and 2 months after shunt attenuation. Liver volumes were calculated from the areas of the MRI or CT images.
Results: Before surgery, median liver volume was 18.2 cm3/kg body weight. Liver volume increased significantly after surgery. Growth was highest between days 0 and 8 and decreased afterward. Median liver volume was 28.8 cm3/kg at 2 months after attenuation. No significant differences in growth were found between dogs with complete or partial shunt closure or between dogs with complete or incomplete metabolic recovery. Volumes measured from consecutively performed MRI and CT images correlated well ( r = 0.980), but volumes from MRI images were significantly larger than volumes from CT images (6.8%; P = .008).
Conclusion and Clinical Importance: After shunt attenuation, rapid normalization of liver size was observed. Hepatic growth was not decreased in dogs after partial closure of CPSS or in dogs with subclinical, persistent shunting 2 months after surgery. CT is the preferred imaging method for volumetric estimation because of speed.  相似文献   

Diversion of portal blood in congenital portosystemic shunts (CPSS) results in liver atrophy and passage of toxins into the systemic circulation causing hepatic encephalopathy. In some dogs, there is indirect evidence for hepatic insufficiency, but histologic findings are equivocal. This study determined whether hepatocyte integrity in PSS is comprised at a subcellular level using analytical subcellular fractionation of liver biopsies. Six dogs with CPSS had hypoproteinemia (6/6), increased serum alkaline phosphatase (6/6) and alanine aminotransferase (4/6) activity, hypocholesterolemia (6/6), and decreased blood urea (2/6). Liver biopsy specimens had increased activities (mU/mg protein) of alkaline phosphatase (17.9 +/- 10.1; controls 5.1 +/- 5.3: P less than 0.01), but not of other plasma membrane enzymes. There were increased activities of endoplasmic reticular (neutral alpha-glucosidase: 1.67 +/- 0.7; controls 0.86 +/- 0.2: P less than 0.01) and lysosomal enzymes (N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase: 12.6 +/- 2.3; controls 6.24 +/- 2.7: P less than 0.01; alpha-mannosidase: 0.85 +/- 0.5; controls 0.39 +/- 0.3: P less than 0.05). Subcellular fractionation on reorientating sucrose density gradients showed a high-density peak of alkaline phosphatase suggestive of a specific increase in the biliary canalicular component of enzyme activity. Neutral alpha-glucosidase was shifted to denser fractions, indicative of an increase in the proportion of rough-to-smooth endoplasmic reticulum and consistent with enhanced synthesis of membranous enzymes. There was also evidence for increased fragility of intracellular organelles, particularly lysosomes. In contrast, histology showed either no abnormalities or minor degenerative changes compatible with hepatic underperfusion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Objective —To evaluate lack of encephalopathy as a positive prognostic factor for complete ligation of extrahepatic congenital portosystemic shunts in dogs.
Study Design —Retrospective analysis of case records.
Animals —Dogs with extrahepatic congenital portosystemic shunts treated at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, from 1985 to 1996.
Methods —The ability to completely ligate the shunting vessel in 12 nonencephalopathic dogs was compared with that in 44 encephalopathic dogs with similar shunts.
Results —Clinical signs in the 12 nonencephalopathic dogs were related to ammonium biurate urolithiasis. All 12 dogs had single extrahepatic shunting vessels. The rate of complete ligation in the nonencephalopathic dogs was 92%, whereas the rate of complete ligation in the 44 encephalopathic dogs with single extrahepatic shunts was 59%. The ability to completely ligate the shunt in nonencephalopathic dogs was significantly better ( P = .04) than in the encephalopathic dogs.
Conclusion—Lack of encephalopathy is a positive prognostic factor for complete ligation of single extrahepatic congenital portosystemic shunts.
Clinical Relevance —In most affected dogs, extrahepatic congenital portosystemic shunts in nonencephalopathic dogs can be completely ligated.  相似文献   

Background: Manganese (Mn) is an essential mineral that is a cofactor for many enzymes required in the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. Because hepatic clearance is essential in Mn homeostasis, conditions in humans resulting in hepatic insufficiency including cirrhosis and both acquired and congenital portosystemic shunting have been reported to result in increased blood Mn concentrations and increased Mn content in the central nervous system. Because Mn toxicity causes neurologic disturbances, increased Mn concentrations have been implicated in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy.
Hypotheses: Dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts (cPSS) have significantly higher whole blood Mn concentrations than do healthy dogs or those with nonhepatic illnesses.
Animals: Eighteen dogs with cPSS, 26 dogs with nonhepatic illnesses, and 14 healthy dogs.
Methods: Whole blood Mn was measured by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The diagnosis of cPSS was made by ultrasonography or during celiotomy either by visual inspection of a shunting vessel or portovenography.
Results: Dogs with a cPSS had significantly higher whole blood Mn concentrations than did healthy dogs and dogs with nonhepatic illnesses. Whole blood Mn concentrations were not significantly different between healthy dogs and dogs with nonhepatic illnesses.
Conclusion and Clinical Importance: Dogs with a cPSS have significantly increased whole blood Mn concentrations. Additional studies are warranted to investigate the role of Mn in cPSS-associated hepatic encephalopathy.  相似文献   

The medical records of 65 dogs that underwent complete or partial ligation of a single congenital portosystemic shunt (CPSS) were reviewed to determine the long-term clinical results. Information retrieved from the records included age at surgery, preligation (baseline) portal pressure, postligation portal pressure, change in portal pressure from baseline, complete or partial occlusion of the shunting vessel and fasting, and 2-hour postprandial bile acids from the preoperative, early postoperative (PO), and greater than 1 year PO time periods. A clinical rating score derived from a follow-up examination greater than 1 year PO was assigned to each dog. Of the 56 dogs that survived the perioperative period, 29 (52%) had complete and 27 (48%) had partial ligations. Age at surgery, pre- and postligation portal pressure, change in portal pressure from baseline and serum bile acid concentrations were not related to long-term clinical outcome. Clinical rating scores were significantly greater for dogs with partial CPSS ligations compared with dogs with complete ligations, indicating a less favorable clinical outcome for partial ligations. Fasting and 2-hour postprandial bile acid values at both PO time intervals were significantly greater in partial versus complete ligation groups. Follow-up information for more than 1 year was available on 18 of 29 dogs (62%) with complete ligations. All were clinically normal. Of 27 dogs with partial ligations, 11 dogs (41%) developed recurrence of clinical signs resulting in presentation to the university or referring veterinarian for additional surgery, medical management, or euthanasia. Only three dogs with partial CPSS ligation (11%) were clinically normal. Another nine dogs (33%) were operated on again before the possible development of clinical signs and four dogs (15%) were unavailable for follow-up. It was concluded that partial ligation of CPSS is associated with a greater recurrance of clinical signs and patient morbidity than complete ligation.  相似文献   

Background: Both presurgical preparation and long-term support of nonoperable dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts (CPSS) require optimal dietary management. Studies suggested that protein source may play an important role, with vegetable and dairy protein sources having better effects on hepatic encephalopathy (HE) than meat proteins.
Objectives: Determine whether a low-protein test diet with soy as its main protein source results in better scores than a control diet with the same composition but with poultry as its main protein source in dogs with CPSS.
Methods: In a double-blind cross-over study, 16 dogs received each diet for 4 weeks. Dogs in group T first received the test diet and then the control diet, whereas dogs in group C were fed the diets in the opposite order. Different variables (body weight, body condition score, HE score, fecal score, CBC, plasma tests of liver function including NH3, and coagulation tests) were measured at the start of the study and after completion of each diet.
Results: One-way repeated measures ANOVA was performed. Plasma NH3 was significantly lower after the test diet than after the control diet. The test diet also resulted in significantly higher fibrinogen concentrations and lower prothrombin times. The HE score improved with both diets, with no significant difference between the 2 diets.
Conclusions: Both diets achieved a significant improvement in HE score. The influence of the soy-based diet on plasma NH3 concentration and coagulation parameters suggests that such a diet decreases the risk for HE and gives better support of liver function.  相似文献   

Objective- The purpose of this study was to determine whether an endogenous benzodiazepine receptor ligand (EBZ) was present in the arterial and portal blood of dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts (CPSS).
Study Design- The presence or absence of an EBZ was determined by the collection of systemic and portal blood from dogs with CPSS.
Animals- Fifteen client-owned dogs with a confirmed CPSS. All dogs had historical signs compatible with hepatic encephalopathy. Eight healthy dogs were used as controls.
Methods- In all dogs, systemic blood samples were collected after they were anesthetized. Portal blood samples were collected intraoperatively. EBZ was measured by radioreceptor assay.
Results- In 10 of 15 dogs, the portal blood concentration of EBZ was significantly elevated compared with normal dogs (mean, 13.2 ±18.55 ng/mL). Five dogs had elevated systemic blood EBZ levels (mean, 8.2 ±16.08 ng/mL). Eleven of 15 dogs had a higher portal than systemic blood concentration of EBZ. In contrast, control dogs had extremely low EBZ concentrations detected in their portal blood (mean, 0.16 ±0.3 ng/mL) and systemic blood (0 ng/mL). The mean portal and systemic blood concentrations in dogs with CPSS were significantly greater than in control dogs ( P <.05).
Conclusions- Elevated blood levels of EBZ were found in dogs with CPSS. The portosystemic gradient noted in 11 dogs suggests the gastrointestinal tract as a possible source for the endogenous ligand.
Clinical Relevance- Generalized motor seizures have been reported in dogs after surgical correction of CPSS. If the presence of a CPSS results in stimulation of brain receptors for benzodiazepines, post-CPSS ligation seizures may result from a withdrawal of EBZ after ligation of the portosystemic shunt.  相似文献   

A congenital quardricuspid aortic valve (QAV) was detected in two one year-old male dogs. This defect has not previously been reported in dogs. In both cases, the diagnosis was made by two-dimensional echocardiography performed to investigate the cause of a soft heart murmur. On the short-axis of a two-dimensional echocardiogram, the commissures of the QAV produced an “X” configuration of the valve during diastole in contrast to the “Y” configuration observed in dogs with a normal semilunar valve. Color flow Doppler studies indicated mild aortic regurgitation in both dogs, neither of which evidenced signs of disability. Subsequent necropsy of one of the dogs confirmed the presence of QAV.  相似文献   

Surface oxygen tension (PSO2) was measured in dogs during experimental manipulation of the portal vein and hepatic artery, and during surgery to correct portosystemic shunting. There was no alteration in PSO2 of liver, pancreas, duodenum, or jejunum during partial (50%) or complete reduction of hepatic artery flow. After 100% reduction in portal vein blood flow, PSO2 was lower in jejunum, duodenum, and liver. With 50% reduction in portal flow, PSO2 was significantly decreased only in jejunum. In six dogs with single extrahepatic shunts, there was a significant correlation between portal pressure and jejunal PSO2. It was concluded that measurement of visceral organ PSO2 represents an accurate noninvasive means of obtaining objective data on the effect of reduction in hepatic blood flow on perfusion of other select splanchnic organs.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight surgical procedures were performed in 23 dogs with atlantoaxial subluxation. Dorsal stabilization in seven dogs resulted in two recoveries and five failures of fixation. Ventral decompression and stabilization in 18 dogs resulted in eight recoveries and four failures of fixation. Six dogs died or were euthanatized within 7 days of ventral stabilization. Using either technique, four of seven nonambulatory dogs recovered.  相似文献   

Background: The etiogenesis of congenital portosystemic shunt in dogs is not understood. In Irish Wolfhounds, intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (IHPSS) is thought to be hereditary, but the mode of inheritance is unknown.
Objectives: To document the genetic background and investigate the potential mode of inheritance of IHPSS in Irish Wolfhounds.
Animals: Three mature, privately owned, affected siblings and their progeny produced in 2 litters.
Methods: Prospective, observational study. Two test matings of 1 affected sire with 2 of his affected sisters were used to determine the inheritance pattern. Affection status was determined by measuring venous blood ammonia concentrations, detection of the shunt by ultrasonography and confirmation during surgical attenuation of the intrahepatic shunting vessel.
Results: In 1 litter of 5 pups all had an IHPSS. In the other litter 5 of 11 pups were affected. Both left- and right-sided shunts occurred in both litters. No sex predisposition was evident among affected dogs.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Our results show that IHPSS in Irish Wolfhounds is a familial disorder that is likely genetic. It is unlikely that the mode of inheritance is monogenic. A digenic, triallelic trait could explain the observed occurrence of IHPSS but other modes of inheritance cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Objective— To investigate the relationship between preoperative liver size, bodyweight, and tolerance to shunt occlusion in dogs with congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunt(s) (CPSS). Study Design— Longitudinal cohort study. Animals— Dogs with CPSS (n=35). Methods— Ultrasonography was used to measure preoperative maximum transverse dimension of the liver (TS) of each dog. Intraoperative portal pressures were measured, before and after CPSS occlusion, via a jejunal vein catheter. Tolerance to shunt occlusion was judged on gross visceral observations, and on changes in portal pressure, central venous and mean arterial pressures. Results— TS was significantly related to bodyweight (P<.05). Mean ratios for TS/bodyweight were calculated for dogs tolerant and intolerant of acute complete shunt occlusion. Dogs tolerant to occlusion had significantly higher TS/bodyweight ratios than dogs intolerant to occlusion (P=.025). Dogs with a TS/bodyweight ratio of >7 were more likely to tolerate CPSS occlusion than dogs with a TS/bodyweight ratio of <5 (P=.036). A model was generated to predict portal pressure rise after shunt occlusion, based on liver dimensions and bodyweight (R=0.668). Intestinal oxygenation did not correlate significantly with tolerance to CPSS occlusion (P=.29). Conclusion— In dogs with CPSS, liver size (relative to bodyweight) is significantly greater (P=.025) in dogs that are tolerant of full ligation than intolerant of occlusion. Clinical Relevance— Preoperative measurement of bodyweight and liver size help indicate the likelihood of tolerance to acute complete occlusion of CPSS in dogs.  相似文献   

Balloon valvuloplasty was performed on two dogs with pulmonic valve stenosis. Immediately following balloon valvuloplasty, peak right ventricular systolic pressure declined from 92 to 44 mm Hg in the first dog and from 108 to 46 mm Hg in the second dog. The peak systolic pressure gradient across the pulmonic valve declined from 60 to 12 mm Hg in the first dog and from 84 to 22 mm Hg in the second dog. Hemodynamic improvement was sustained in both dogs at the time of recatheterization 3 months later. Both dogs tolerated the procedure well and there were no serious complications. It was concluded that balloon valvuloplasty offers an alternative to surgery for the treatment of valvular pulmonic stenosis in dogs. The exact indications for and limitations of balloon valvuloplasty must await the results of additional and more long-term studies.  相似文献   

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