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王勤 《现代园艺》2014,(11):113-111
菊花是我国重点花卉之一,而这些年美洲斑潜蝇一直影响着菊花生产,严重影响着菊花的观赏价值。本文通过对美洲斑潜蝇危害的特点、发生规律及原因分析,重点阐述对美洲斑潜蝇的综合防治,以尽量减少美洲斑潜蝇对菊花的危害。  相似文献   

美洲斑潜蝇的发生规律与防治方法   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
美洲斑潜蝇的发生规律与防治方法谭伟雄卓国豪(广州市植保总站510030)近两年来,美洲斑潜蝇(LiriomyzasativaeBlan chard)在广州地区暴发流行,为害猖獗,造成蔬菜生产减产,甚至失收。该虫易产生抗药性,难以防治,为了掌握其发生...  相似文献   

雷丹防治美洲斑潜蝇药效试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美洲斑潜蝇在温州市自1995年发生以来,为害逐年加重。2000年5~6月份,温州市美洲斑潜蝇大发生,豇豆、番茄等受害严重,损失很大。为有效控制美洲斑潜蝇的为害,我们引进了美国陶氏益农公司的新农药雷丹(Re1dan)40%乳油,在新桥蔬菜基地进行示范试验。现将试验结果报道如下。  相似文献   

爱福丁对美洲斑潜蝇田间防治试验邹金环李秀敏吴伟近几年,我省传入了一种比棉铃虫更具威胁的害虫——美洲斑潜蝇,瓜菜类损失严重。美洲斑潜蝇一年发生20多代,繁殖率异常高,世代重叠现象严重,而且美洲斑潜蝇是典型的杂食性害虫,寄主有13个科的60多种植物,以葫...  相似文献   

美洲斑潜蝇的防治方法美洲斑潜蝇是蔬菜和花卉毁灭性害虫,在京郊较普遍发生。据调查黄瓜、番茄、茄子、辣(甜)椒、菜豆、豇豆、芹菜、小油菜(普通白菜)、大白菜及瓜类等蔬菜均受严重为害。现将其形态特征和主要防治方法介绍如下。1形态特征美洲斑潜蝇有4个虫态,卵...  相似文献   

美洲斑潜蝇在武汉地区寄主范围大,分布广,可周年危害;水平分布具边际效应,垂直分布主要集中在中下部叶片为害;温度与寄主植物是影响其发生的主要因素。  相似文献   

于2009~2011年采用室内饲养观察及田间调查的方法,对鄂西北地区美洲斑潜蝇的生活习性和发生规律进行了研究.结果表明:美洲斑潜蝇在鄂西北地区1 a可发生8~10代,基本上不能以蛹的形态在大多数正常耕作的蔬菜地中越冬、羽化寄主范围广,可危害10科以上近50种植物.其发生主要受寄主植物、气候、天敌的影响,防治方面应采用农业防治、药剂防治以及利用天敌等综合防治措施,可达到较好防效.  相似文献   

美洲斑潜蝇是近年来蔬菜生产上发生的重要害虫,主要为害瓜类,豆类,茄果类等蔬菜.美洲斑潜蝇以幼虫潜食植物叶片,影响蔬菜的正常生长和发育,目前,防治美洲斑潜蝇的理想药剂不多,菜农常常因此错过防治适期适成严重的产量损失.为了寻找防治美洲斑潜蝇高效低毒的理想药剂,对农地乐52.25%乳油防治美洲斑潜蝇进行了田间药效试验,现将试验结果报告如下.  相似文献   

王秀梅  杨代松 《蔬菜》1999,(8):31-31
美洲斑潜蝇属检疫性害虫,自1995年在我区零星发生以来,近几年发生蔓延很快。据去年9月下旬在秋茬四季豆上调查,其平均叶害率为48%,百叱总虫数达87头,为了筛选出高效低毒的防治美洲斑潜蝇的药剂,特引进新型农药灭虫神等,进行此项试验,现将结果报告如下。一、材料?..  相似文献   

潜叶蝇的发生及综合防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日前生产上危害较严重的潜叶蝇主要有花蝇科的菠菜潜叶蝇,以及潜蝇科的番茄斑潜蝇、美洲斑潜蝇、三叶草斑潜蝇、豌豆潜叶蝇等。其发生和防治方法如下:  相似文献   

就甜菜夜蛾暴发成灾的重要因子进行了文献综述分析,并对其暴发成灾与全球气候异常现象(厄尔尼诺、拉尼娜现象)的关系进行了初步探讨,认为甜菜夜蛾暴发成灾是多种综合原因的共同作用结果。温度、降雨量、耕作制度均影响甜菜夜蛾的发生程度,全球气候异常是甜菜夜蛾大暴发的一个信号。进一步明确其暴发原因,找出其相关暴发因子的定量作用效果,并尽快建立其相关预警模型,是目前研究甜菜夜蛾预报和防治要解决的紧迫问题之一。  相似文献   

通过对金边凤尾兰组培苗的生长观测分析、组培苗与脚芽扦插苗和腋芽的生长比较、病害发生规律等研究,提出了金边凤尾兰组培苗的生长规律和合理的栽培措施.结果表明:金边凤尾兰组培苗3 a 平均株高能达到73.6 cm,平均叶片数达193.7片,其中第1年生长较慢;金边凤尾兰叶片颜色每年红绿、黄绿交替变化;同等栽培条件,组培苗的生长最快,脚芽扦插苗次之,腋芽最慢,春季种植比秋季好;组培苗在8月练苗软腐病发病率最高,4 000倍浓度的农用链霉素处理效果最好;炭疽病发病一般在5~8月,其中6月最严重,减少雨淋,使用80%炭疽福美500倍液处理,可有效控制病情.  相似文献   

湖州市地处浙江省北部,太湖南岸,2008年初,自然灾害主要有西北大风、连续低温阴雨、大雪暴雪和低温冻害,给蔬菜生产造成严重的损失,而且设施蔬菜的损失重于露地蔬菜。针对灾情,总结了湖州市设施蔬菜遭遇特大雪灾和连续低温冻害时防灾减灾的生产技术和措施,并对灾后发展棚、室设施提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

Recurrent and synchronous spruce budworm (SBW) outbreaks have important impacts in boreal and sub-boreal forest ecosystems of North America. This study examines the early phase of an outbreak that was developing across a 268,000 km2 area over a period of 9 years (2003–2011). The territory was subdivided in 225 km2 cells, and the relative influence of forest composition, elevation, forest age, average degree-days and soil drainage were examined during three development phases of the outbreak: initial epicenter location, relatively long-distance spread (cell-to-cell expansion), and expansion inside individual cells (within-cell expansion). The results indicate that elevation is the most determinant variable for initial epicenter location. Other variables that were identified as important for outbreak development by previous studies, such as forest composition and average degree-days, were not so important during this phase. However, forest composition and average degree-days were important factors during the cell-to-cell and within-cell expansion phases. Separating outbreak development in distinct phases also allowed to integrate phase-specific spatial and temporal covariates that were highly significant in the models, such as distance from previous year defoliations during the cell-to-cell expansion phase, and the proportion of defoliated stands during the preceding year for the within-cell expansion phase. Overall, this study provides limited evidence that patterns of SBW outbreak expansion could be altered by reducing host tree species abundance in the forest [mainly balsam fir (Abies balsamea) in this region]. More generally, this study suggests that the influence of environmental variables on SBW outbreak development is clearly phase-dependent, and that this landscape-level, process-based approach could be useful to forecast insect outbreak development in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

We combine wavelet analysis and multiple null models to identify significant spatial scales of pattern and spatial boundaries in historical spruce budworm defoliation in Ontario, Canada. Previous analyses of budworm defoliation in Ontario over the last two outbreaks have suggested three distinct zones of defoliation. We asked the following three questions: (1) is there statistical support for the existence of these three zones? (2) Are the locations of these boundaries consistent between outbreak periods? And (3) how does boundary identification depend on the spatial null model used? Defoliation data for the two outbreak periods (1941–1965 and 1966–2001), and the combined period (1941–2001) were analyzed using a 1D continuous wavelet transform. Boundaries were identified through comparison of wavelet power spectra of each outbreak period to reference distributions based on three different spatial null models: (1) a complete spatial randomness model, (2) an autoregressive model, and (3) a Gaussian random field model. The Gaussian random field model identified coarser scales of pattern than the autoregressive model. Locally, the Gaussian random field model found significant boundaries similar to those previously described, whereas the autoregressive model only did so for the first outbreak. These results indicate that the coarse scale spatial factors that influenced defoliation were more consistent between outbreaks relative to fine scale factors, and that previously described boundaries were strongly driven by the first outbreak. Wavelet analysis combined with spatial null models provides a powerful tool for identifying non-arbitrary scales of structure and significant spatial boundaries in non-stationary ecological data.  相似文献   

闽西北桃小叶症病因诊断与区域性骤发诱因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003—2005年闽西北桃产区大范围骤发"桃小叶症",典型症状为春梢展叶期叶片不能正常伸展,病叶狭小细长,呈丛生莲座状、花萎无果,各主栽品种均同时受害。经研究该病嫁接不传染,且经2年20个重复的发病果园病株叶片分析,含B≤9.71mg/kg,远低于适宜值下限20mg/kg,结合生殖障碍等形态症状与施B矫治疗效,诊断"桃小叶症"为重度缺B症。再则,根据萌芽期2月至翌年4月发病期各时段雨量与次年发病率的滑动相关分析还表明,中亚热带季风红壤缺B≤0.45mg/kg地区,桃生长季2月中旬—9月上旬的严重干旱是引发翌年桃小叶症区域性骤发的诱因,而非发病季当年春季的降水不足;同时由同类土壤的模拟干旱试验还表明,高温、干旱并不导致同类土壤热水溶性B明显下降,干旱对桃B吸收障碍另有原因。还就桃小叶症矫治提出相应措施。  相似文献   



Land use/land cover change and other human activities contribute to the changing climate on regional and global scales, including the increasing occurrence of extreme-precipitation events, but the relative importance of these anthropogenic factors, as compared to climatic factors, remains unclear.


The main goal of this study was to determine the relative contributions of human-induced and climatic factors to the altered spatiotemporal patterns of heavy rainfall in China during the past several decades.


We used daily precipitation data from 659 meteorological stations in China from 1951 to 2010, climatic factors, and anthropogenic data to identify possible causes of the observed spatiotemporal patterns of heavy rainfall in China in the past several decades, and quantify the relative contributions between climatic and human-induced factors.


Our analysis suggests that a total of 84.7–87.5% of the variance in heavy rainfall factors could be explained by large-scale climate phenomena and the local/regional anthropogenic activities. In particular, urbanization and air pollution together explained 58.5–65.5% of the variance. The spatial distribution of heavy rainfall amount and days over time shows a significant and increasing correlation with the spatial distributions of population density and annual low-visibility days.


Our results suggest that the substantial increase in heavy rainfall across much of China during the past six decades is likely triggered by local and regional anthropogenic factors. Our results call for a better understanding of local and regional anthropogenic impacts on climate, and the exacerbated extreme climate events as a potential consequence of urbanization and air pollution.

对甜菜夜蛾在大葱上的产卵部位、孵化时期以及幼虫的分布和为害等特性进行了综述。并分析指出虫源基数、气象因子、栽培条件、抗性水平是该虫在大葱上大发生的主要影响因子。目前的防治方法主要集中在性诱杀、生物防治、灯光诱杀和化学防治等方面。  相似文献   

我国制干枣优生区研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
李新岗  黄建  高文海 《果树学报》2005,22(6):620-625
通过比较研究,初步确定了我国优良制干枣品种76个,优良制干枣产区21个,集中分布在我国北方的新疆、甘肃、宁夏、陕西、山西、河南、河北、山东、辽宁等9个省区。研究提出了我国制干枣优生区的划分标准,包括年度因子标准和花果期因子标准2个方面的内容,前者包括年平均温度、年降雨量、≥10℃的积温、无霜期、7月份气温、纬度,决定着优生区的地位;后者包括花期温度、湿度、降雨量,以及幼果生长期和脆熟采收期的降雨量5个指标。影响着红枣优质丰产的水平。  相似文献   



Forest insect outbreaks are influenced by ecological processes operating at multiple spatial scales, including host-insect interactions within stands and across landscapes that are modified by regional-scale variations in climate. These drivers of outbreak dynamics are not well understood for the western spruce budworm, a defoliator that is native to forests of western North America.


Our aim was to assess how processes across multiple spatial scales drive western spruce budworm outbreak dynamics. Our objective was to assess the relative importance and influence of a set of factors covering the stand, landscape, and regional scales for explaining spatiotemporal outbreak patterns in British Columbia, Canada.


We used generalized linear mixed effect models within a multi-model interference framework to relate annual budworm infestation mapped from Landsat time series (1996–2012) to sets of stand-, landscape-, and regional-scale factors derived from forest inventory data, GIS analyses, and climate models.


Outbreak patterns were explained well by our model (R 2 = 93%). The most important predictors of infestation probability were the proximity to infestations in the previous year, landscape-scale host abundance, and dry autumn conditions. While stand characteristics were overall less important predictors, we did find infestations were more likely amongst pure Douglas-fir stands with low site indices and high crown closure.


Our findings add to growing empirical evidence that insect outbreak dynamics are driven by multi-scaled processes. Forest management planning to mitigate the impacts of budworm outbreaks should thus consider landscape- and regional-scale factors in addition to stand-scale factors.

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