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本文在对产品生命周期(PLC)的概念和理论基础进行解释的基础之上,较详尽地分析了PLC四个不同阶段的特点,并据此提出了相应的营销策略。  相似文献   

从植物种子性状变异入手,系统介绍了种子引发概念、方法、效应及其水势假说;利用生物变异概念,在分析林木种子发芽出苗特点基础上,提出种子自然引发概念,进而定性分析了种子自然引发机制;最后,提出林木种子低温基质引发技术新设想。  相似文献   

道路边坡是一种受人为活动持续干扰的人造生境。因受种子可用性和苛刻立地环境的双重限制,道路边坡植被恢复一直是困扰林业管理者的难题。尽管现有边坡恢复工程技术已相对成熟,但恢复的植物群落通常缺乏自然性和可持续性,其重要原因之一在于既有恢复技术通常忽略群落的形成规律及植物性状在群落构建过程中的潜在作用。植物功能性状分析已成为理解植物群落生态学过程和模式的基本工具,但种子功能性状的重要性在很大程度上仍被忽视,尤其是与种子扩散、沉淀、萌发等群落形成过程密切相关的性状。基于此,为更好理解种子功能性状在边坡植物群落形成过程中的作用,本研究立足于道路边坡生物和非生物环境特征及其生态限制,对既有相关研究进行总结,剖析自然条件下影响植物在道路边坡定植的关键因素,并从种子功能性状角度概述植物种子在扩散、沉淀和萌发等早期群落建立过程中适应边坡环境的生态对策,同时阐述种子功能性状在群落恢复预测以及恢复植物筛选等方面的潜力。总体而言,与种子扩散、沉淀和萌发能力相关的种子性状对植物在道路边坡上成功定植至关重要。演替早期,种源短缺和苛刻非生物环境是影响边坡植物群落建立的主要因素。适应边坡环境的植物,通常在种子扩散、沉淀...  相似文献   

8种木兰科植物种子的发芽、成苗试验   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
8种木兰科植物种子的发芽、成苗试验结果表明,各参试物种间种子的发芽、成苗均有差异。单性木兰种子的发芽率最低为2.5%,绒叶含笑和云南含笑种子的发芽时间最早,金叶含笑种子发芽出土的持续天数最短,云南含笑种子发芽出土的整齐度最好。从总的趋势看,木莲属植物的种子发芽出土时间比含笑属植物迟,而木兰属植物更迟,其原因在于含笑属植物的种子种皮较薄,木莲属的次之,单性木兰属的最厚。8种木兰科植物种子的成苗保存率为31.1%~85.8%,一般存在物种的种子发芽率高,其成苗的保存率亦高的规律。  相似文献   

广西大新黑水河国家湿地公园为典型的桂西南石灰岩地貌河流湿地,生态系统完整,生境特殊。为给其资源保护提供参考,以2017—2018年黑水河湿地公园本底和监测调查数据为基础,分析黑水河湿地公园维管植物多样性、湿地植物群落种类和野生种子植物区系。结果表明,公园内维管植物物种丰富,有122科375属492种;其中,野生维管植物有119科365属477种,野生湿地维管植物有43科83属101种。野生种子植物以少种科和单种科为主,占野生种子植物总科数的72.17%;以单种属为主,占野生种子植物总属数的78.98%。湿生植物群落和水生植物群落面积占湿地植被总面积的比例分别为67.37%和32.63%,以湿生植物群落为主。野生种子植物区系科、属的R/T值分别为4.45和4.24,植物区系热带成分及特征明显。  相似文献   

种子在植物学上属于繁殖器官,它和植物繁衍后代有着密切的关系。植物界的所有种类并不都是以种子进行繁殖的,只有在植物界系统繁衍地位最高、形态结构最复杂的一个类群——种子植物才能产生种子。种子植物的由来,也正反应了这一特点。种子又是种子植物的花在完成开花、传授和受精等一系列有性生殖过程后产生的是有性生殖的产物,所以和花的结构密切相关。  相似文献   

景观植物群落的丰富度和空间构建决定着公园的生态服务质量和游憩体验价值。通过对岳阳金鹗公园2010年以来3次植物资源调查情况,分析了城市公园植物资源的现状和布局。着眼于市民户外游憩和精神文化的主要需求,提出了城市公园植物群落景观营造策略。  相似文献   

干旱半干旱地区,属荒漠、半荒漠及干旱草原地带,自然条件严酷,植被稀少,植物种类比较单纯。一些乔灌木树种种子,在干旱半干旱特定条件下,形成了特有的形态特征和生理生态特性。种子多被有毛、翅或刺;荚果类种子成熟后,果荚自动开裂;一些种子的外种皮木质化;许多种子的外部形态呈圆形或椭圆形;种粒小,每一果实内数量很多;浆果类的果实,大部色泽鲜艳。大多数种子没有生理性休眠;没有生理性休眠的种子发芽都比较快;这些种子发芽温度比一般种子要求高;除个别种子大部属光发芽型;有的树种从开花开始种子就开始成熟,边开花,边结实。这些特点都为其繁衍生存创造了有利条件。干旱半干旱地区乔灌木果实、种子资源丰富,广泛用于食品、医药、轻工业等,具广阔的开发利用前景,应加强研究,保存抗逆基因,培育新品种、新类型,充分发挥经济效益。本文附有简表,对干旱半干旱地区主要乔灌木种子形态特征、生理生态特性及其品质指标、种子贮藏、育苗播种处理方法等进行了统计、分析。  相似文献   

棕榈植物种子贮藏和繁殖研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
棕榈植物主要用种子进行繁殖,棕榈植物的种子播种后发芽难,发芽时间长,出苗不整齐是其特点,也是生产中的难点。虽然可以采用组培的方法繁殖棕榈植物,但我们在实验中发现,从一粒种子诱导出的愈伤组织只分化成2-3  相似文献   

万佛山丹霞地貌森林植物群落组成调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大量样线、样地调查的基础上,提出了万佛山丹霞地貌森林植物群落的水平、垂直分布格局。描述了区域内典型森林植物群落的特征、结构;提出了植物斑块式分布和附壁藤本群落新概念。  相似文献   

他感作用及其林学意义与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全面介绍他感作用研究历史、概念和研究现状的基础上,分析认为苗圃育苗失败、边行优势、小老树、散生树种、林网胁地、干旱半干旱地区造林成活率保存率双低等常见林学问题,都是他感作用的结果,或其重要因素之一。结合相关论述,提供铅笔柏受群众杨他感抑制的一则实例,提出挥发性他感物质改变茎尖向性生长可能是一种他感作用形式,以及植物吐水作为他感物质释放的可能途径。从植物次生代谢和进化角度进一步阐释他感作用,结合植物生物学特点,分析认为他感作用是植物的攻击性防御手段,其效能强度依次为抑制竞争者种子萌发、根尖生长、茎尖生长、侧芽萌发、全株生长和种子生产。  相似文献   

We investigated characteristics (scales and composition) of soil seed banks at eight study sites in the rocky mountain region of Beijing by seed identification and germination monitoring. We also surveyed the vegetation communities at the eight study sites to explore the role of soil seed banks in vegetation restoration. The storage capacity of soil seed banks at the eight sites ranked from 766.26 to 2461.92 seeds·m -2 . A total of 23 plant species were found in soil seed banks, of which 63 80% of seeds were herbs in various soil layers and 60% of seeds were located in the soil layer at 0 5cm depth. Biodiversity indices indicated clear differences in species diversity of soil seed banks among different plant communities. The species composition of aboveground vegetation showed low similarity with that based on soil seed banks. In the above- ground plant community, the afforestation tree species showed high importance values. The plant species originating from soil seed banks represented natural regeneration, which also showed relatively high importance values. This study suggests that in the rocky mountain region of Beijing the soil seed banks played a key role in the transformation from pure plantation forest to near-natural forest, promoting natural ecological processes, and the role of the seed banks in vegetation restoration was important to the improvement of ecological restoration methods.  相似文献   

研究赤霉素(GA3)、6-苄氨基嘌呤(6BA)、萘乙酸(NAA)、吲哚丁酸(IBA)四种植物生长调节剂,设不同溶液浓度、不同浸种时间处理对爪哇葛藤、无刺含羞草及羽叶决明种子发芽率的影响,结果表明:生长调节剂对促进种子发芽率有一定作用;不同生长调节剂对不同绿肥种子萌发的影响不尽相同,以GA3促萌发效果最好,以无刺含羞草受影响效果最显著;低生长调节剂浓度水平(15或25 mg/L)和浸种24 h或48 h是较佳的处理组合,而高浓度的生长调节剂对促进发芽率无影响或有抑制作用。  相似文献   

Natural forest succession takes a long time to accumulate sufficient nutrients to support plant growth and enhance soil microbial activity. Human intervention in selecting native pioneer plant species is therefore required to accelerate sustainable restoration. Trema orientalis (L.) Blume, a fast growing pioneer plant species, has the ability to grow in nutrient deficient soils and proves to have reclamation potential in mine wastelands. However, its use has been limited due to low germination percentages and nonsynchronous seed germination. In the present study we tested the effect of sulphuric acid (H2SO4), hydrochloric acid (HCl), gibberellic acid (GA3), and potassium nitrate (KNO3) in varying concentrations and time durations on germination percentages and seed germination synchrony. We found that all treatments had a significant effect in predicting seed germination probabilities. Logistic regression analysis revealed that treatment solution and concentration had a significant effect on seed germination. Treatment with concentrated H2SO4 for 15 min increased germination up to 92% within 20 days with the least imbibition time (8 days) and highest Seedling Vigor Index (491). The scanning electron microscope images of seeds treated with H2SO4 showed complete dissolution of the honeycomb-like network of deposits on the seed coat surface removing the physical barrier and enhancing germination.  相似文献   

以水曲柳种子为材料,探索药剂处理对种子层积催芽萌发的效果。结果表明:水曲柳种子层积处理前应用适当的外源激素处理会取得很好的效果;GA3在100 mg/L浓度时对提高种子萌发率有一定的效果;而BA则在1 mg/L浓度时对种胚的发育和种子萌发均有明显的促进作用;当使用GA3处理种子时,在低温或暖温层积前分别使用,可以获得较好的萌发效果。  相似文献   

濒危植物缙云卫矛不同种群的种子萌发研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取重庆特有濒危植物缙云卫矛7个相互间有不同程度空间隔离的种群,对其种子萌发特征进行研究.结果表明:7个种群的种子在实验室条件下萌发率差异极显著,种子萌发率与所处种群的大小呈极相关,大种群与小种群的种子萌发率差异达极显著水平,而各种群的种子萌发率与其所处生境的土壤因子相关性不显著.各种群的平均种子质量与种群大小及土壤条件均无关,说明种群平均种子质量是一个较为稳定的不易受影响的参数.小种群低萌发率的主要原因可能是由于近交衰退带来遗传多样性的丧失引起的,而不是环境因素的影响.研究表明:要长期保护这些小种群,应将种群统计因素与种群遗传因素结合起来考虑,增加种群中个体数目,扩大种群,提高种子萌发率,促进种群更新,才能有效地维持这些小种群的生存发展.  相似文献   

野生灌木中华野海棠的发芽试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对照实验得出:在光照条件下,经温水浸种能提高野生灌木中华野海棠种子的发芽率。黑暗条件下种子发芽率为0.58%;光照条件下,未浸种发芽率为16.1%,温水浸种后的发芽率为33.6%,而且浸种后种子发芽势大于未浸种的种子。试验还表明,该种子的场圃发芽率较低,其原因还需进一步探讨。  相似文献   

The destruction of natural ecosystems is an important issue in many parts of the world. In the west of Iran, a vast area of the Zagros Mountain range is covered by typical vegetation including several rare plant species, of which many are currently considered endangered by anthropogenic activities. Despite the important role of soil seed banks to help conserve these degraded plant communities, the floristic studies in the Zagros forests have only focused on above- ground vegetation. In this study, the characteristics of soil seed banks and above-ground vegetation were examined at two forest sites: an undisturbed control (Un) and a disturbed (D) site. The objectives of this study were 1) to investigate the diversity of above-ground vegetation and soil seed banks in disturbed and undisturbed forests, 2) to examine the soil properties and the germination characteristics of the soil seed bank in disturbed and undisturbed oak forests and 3) to estimate the potential of soil seed banks in the restoration of disturbed sites. The results show that soil properties between Un and D sites were significantly different with higher values of pH, NH4-N, N~o,, CEC, OC, clay and canopy percentage in the Un site than in the D site. The Simpson diversity, Margalef richness and evenness indices differed significantly between sites, either for the soil seed banks or the above-ground vegetation. After a period of 26 weeks, the germination speed and the mean daily number of germinants were significantly different between Un and D sites. Without other conservation measures, soil seed banks alone cannot result in a full recovery after severe disturbances in the oak forests of Zagros.  相似文献   

以青杄云杉为材料,观测种子发芽性状,结果表明:不同植株种子发芽率变动在86%~94%之间,均值为90%;发芽势变动在57%~73%之间,均值为65%,发芽率的差异由株间遗传性不同所致。种子具有发芽启动快、整齐的特点,发芽观测时间以14 d为宜。  相似文献   

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