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Tropical Animal Health and Production - An exploratory survey was conducted to understand breeding practices and breeding objectives as well as the constraints as a first step towards developing...  相似文献   

遗传评估作为家畜育种学的核心内容,是教学环节中理论性极强的一部分内容,需要结合实践数学,才能便于学生的理解。目前应用于家畜遗传评估的软件极多,WOMBAT软件具有参数设定简单、运行速度快等优点。以山羊产绒量和断乳重为例,建立单性状和多性状(无)重复力模型,利用该软件对以上性状进行有效的遗传参数估计,应用于课堂教学,利于学生了解遗传评估在家畜育种中的应用。  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni (C.jejuni) is a major pathogen of human campylobacteriosis, as well as one of the major food-borne pathogen. It can not only cause human diarrhea, but also cause many systemic diseases such as endocarditis, arthritis, septisis. The most serious complication it can cause is the Guillain Barre syndrome. In developed countries, C.jejuni even has a trend to excess Salmonella and be reported as next Salmonella, which has caused a worldwide concern. Analysis of biological characteristics for C.jejuni can help us to distinguish it with other pathogens. Typing methods play important roles in the identification, monitoring and prevention of C.jejuni. It can also help us to understand its virulence and resistance mechanisms to C.jejuni. This paper reviews advances of C.jejuni in biological characteristics, serotyping and genotyping methods so as to help us further understand its new progress in these areas.  相似文献   

为更深入地了解生物学革命对寄生虫学发展的重大影响,本文重点以寄生虫的分子分类、分子免疫和分子药理学的迅速发展阐述生物学革命对寄生虫发展的促进作用。  相似文献   

投资研发一种新型兽药的成功与失败,最终取决于管理者、兽医医师和畜主是否认同药品的安全性和有效性。药品研发成本最高、费时最长的阶段是注册前的临床药效试验阶段,研发者使用动物疾病模型技术来缩短研发时间和降低研发成本。虽然使用动物疾病模型技术获得的数据是极有价值,但这些数据并不能完全说明药品真实的临床功效。本文使用模型分析方法研究了兽医保健体系中参与者的决策顺序,以便更好的理解决定药物选择的参与者、决定药物是否准入市场的政府管理者以及制药公司之间的相互影响及影响的相对水平。因此,了解药品研发和注册如何影响治疗时药品的选用非常重要,也有助于确保药品在市场中获得最大的经济效益。  相似文献   

Adverse drug reactions occasionally occur in the horse. The majority can be anticipated and avoided. The practicing veterinarian should understand the various types of adverse reactions as well as their mechanisms so that should such a reaction occur, the practitioner can promptly recognize the problem and institute corrective measures.  相似文献   

血凝(HA)和血凝抑制试验(HI)主要是用于新城疫病原鉴定和抗体效价测定,新版《新城疫诊断技术》(GB/T16550-2020)对HA和HI试验判定结果进行了修改和细化,使其更加标准和规范。为尽快理解新版标准要求,熟练掌握操作要领,对新、旧版标准中HA和HI试验进行了比较,新版标准增加了对HA和HI试验4HAU抗原配制的标定、静置时间以及结果判定的改变。新版标准在操作步骤上更为精准详细,4HAU抗原配置更加准确,从而使得HI试验结果更加科学。本文结合实际检测,为广大实验室检验人员、大专院校学生及科研人员更好地理解新版标准,更熟练地操作,从而为提高试验结果准确性提供了参考。  相似文献   

It is more than a century since Marek's disease (MD) was first reported in chickens and since then there have been concerted efforts to better understand this disease, its causative agent and various approaches for control of this disease. Recently, there have been several outbreaks of the disease in various regions, due to the evolving nature of MD virus (MDV), which necessitates the implementation of improved prophylactic approaches. It is therefore essential to better understand the interactions between chickens and the virus. The chicken immune system is directly involved in controlling the entry and the spread of the virus. It employs two distinct but interrelated mechanisms to tackle viral invasion. Innate defense mechanisms comprise secretion of soluble factors as well as cells such as macrophages and natural killer cells as the first line of defense. These innate responses provide the adaptive arm of the immune system including antibody- and cell-mediated immune responses to be tailored more specifically against MDV. In addition to the immune system, genetic and epigenetic mechanisms contribute to the outcome of MDV infection in chickens. This review discusses our current understanding of immune responses elicited against MDV and genetic factors that contribute to the nature of the response.  相似文献   

为了解大同、朔州地区猪一些常见传染病如蓝耳病、传染性胸膜肺炎、伪狂犬病、圆环病毒病和细小病毒病的流行情况,本实验通过乳胶凝集试验、间接血凝抑制试验和ELISA试验对上述五种猪常见传染病进行了检测。结果表明,细小病毒病和伪狂犬病感染率较高,均为45.54%。传染性胸膜肺炎次之,为22.77%,圆环病毒病和蓝耳病感染率较低。  相似文献   

结合《中兽医学》实践教学的现状,针对以往教学过程中存在的中兽医理论比较抽象、内容繁杂以及理论与实践脱节等突出问题,通过进行教学改革,探索实践教学改革的方法,把理论教学和实践教学有机地结合起来,使抽象繁杂的理论直观化、系统化,帮助学生理解和掌握《中兽医学》理论和专业实践技能知识。  相似文献   

为了能够更好地打击制服罪犯和控制犯罪,达到减少或避免民警在执法战斗中的伤亡,公安工作应力求时时、事事、处处掌握主动权,因此,充分理解和运用"致人而不致于人"的谋略思想是十分必要的,应在公安领导层面,在社会治安管理、在公安抓捕工作以及预审工作中正确应用这一谋略思想。  相似文献   

为了对目前国内牦牛奶生产与市场开发的纷乱现象有一个比较清醒的认识和准确定位,给从业者提供有益的参考,文章作者在充分了解现状和掌握了大量数据并有根据的重新核实全国牦牛数量的基础上,深入分析了牦牛无特定生产方向、奶产量低、总量少、产奶季节性强、加工水平低、产品单一的弱势,同时也指出了普通牛奶无法比拟的牦牛奶的优良特性和开发空间.为此提出了五点建议:在牧区兴建大乳品加工企业务必慎行、产品开发应放宽眼光从牧区实际出发、以奶换肉不失为一种可行的的选择、认真参考尼泊尔牦牛奶酪进入欧洲市场的经验、宣传不要过头,定位切忌难攀.最后指出牦牛乳应以其资源珍稀、产地与原乳纯净和品质真实的特色走向市场.  相似文献   

关于植物细胞的吸水方式,传统分类方法为渗透吸水、吸胀吸水和代谢性吸水。而目前在新版教材中出现了新的分类方式:扩散、集流与渗透作用。对新旧两种分类方式之间的内在关联与区别进行总结,以便于加深学生对植物细胞吸水机制的理解,有利于教师全方位的教学。  相似文献   

Many types of anaesthetic machines are available to practicing veterinary surgeons, ranging from the obsolescent to the most modern. To practice anaesthesia safely, veterinary surgeons should understand the functions of the machines, vaporizers, and breathing systems with which they work. In addition, veterinary surgeons should employ procedures for evaluation of their anaesthetic equipment to assure, as much as possible, safety for their patients and the personnel who use the apparatus.  相似文献   

The equine practitioner who is presented with a wounded horse should fully understand the physiologic mechanisms involved in repair so as to design an appropriate treatment plan. In the following articles of this issue,experienced authors share their thoughts on the management of specific injuries, and the reader should benefit from acquisition of knowledge about the different phases of healing as well as the cytokines that regulate them,because these data dictate the approach to follow, particularly in com-plicated wounds, such as those afflicted by chronic inflammation and/or an excessive proliferative response.  相似文献   

Many of the difficulties in managing the horse with chronic laminitis are associated with the foot's mechanical failure. The occurrence of digital collapse cannot be viewed in isolation as the primary therapeutic focus. The circulatory, metabolic, and growth pattern changes induced by the foot's mechanical collapse often serve as major limiting factors to successful rehabilitation. From the discussion above, it is obvious that a significant amount of research is needed to better understand the biomechanical pathologies of the failed foot.  相似文献   

王舟  刘建秀 《草业学报》2011,20(1):222-236
草坪草和牧草是可持续农业的重要组成部分,但它们的生存力、生物量及产量的增长往往受限于各种逆境胁迫因素。作为受多基因控制的数量性状,抗逆性分子基础的研究显得尤为重要。转录因子调控着与逆境相关的多个下游靶基因的表达。其中,DREB/CBF类转录因子能与脱水应答顺式作用元件结合,由DREB1/CBF和DREB2两个亚家族成员组成。前者受低温诱导,后者受干旱诱导。近年来草坪草和牧草的遗传转化技术突飞猛进,通过转化DREB/CBF类转录因子来改良草种的抗逆性是今后草业育种工作的一个重要发展方向。本研究综述了该类转录因子的结构特征及其在植物逆境信号转导中的作用,并对它们在草坪草和牧草抗逆基因工程中的应用作了相关介绍。  相似文献   

介绍了内蒙古通辽市2016年夏季基本气候情况、主要气象要素及主要气象灾害,并对通辽市2016年夏季气候的影响进行了综合评价,旨在全面了解通辽市夏季的气候特点及其对农牧业生产的影响。  相似文献   

试验将驼绒藜按不同精粗比配合成颗粒日粮饲喂苏尼特羊,对比分析驼绒藜日粮与苜蓿日粮、谷草日粮对羊增重的效果。结果表明,华北驼绒藜、苜蓿、谷草铡短粉碎与50%、30%精料混合制成颗粒日粮对绵羊体增重效果最好,日增重可达127 g/d;在荒漠草原区,苜蓿的高价格是限制其推广的主要原因;华北驼绒藜和谷草在30%精料水平下,与同精料水平条件下用苜蓿饲喂绵羊具有相同的增重效果,并可增加纯收入80元/只。  相似文献   

豪猪卵巢的解剖及组织结构研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以豪猪卵巢为研究对象,观察豪猪雌性生殖腺一卵巢的解剖及组织结构,为了解雌性豪猪的生殖生理,为其发情鉴定、催情技术和人工授精等人工繁殖技术研究提供基础理论依据,研究结果表明:豪猪的卵巢外观呈米黄色,左右压扁的椭圆形,其纵径为0.92~1.03cm,横径为0.63~0.72cm,厚为0.33~0.37cm,重量为0.18~0.22g。显微镜下观察卵巢纵剖面上可见3~6个发育的卵泡,整个卵巢体积增大,卵泡至成熟时,卵泡突出于卵巢表面呈半球状。雌性豪猪的性腺没有明显的季节性变化,但在发情周期的不同时期卵巢有不同的变化。  相似文献   

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