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The effect of soil exchangeable (plant-available) potassium (ExK) content on cesium (Cs) absorption and translocation in buckwheat was evaluated in a field contaminated with radioactive Cs (134Cs and 137Cs, RCs) in 2013. The RCs concentration in buckwheat was significantly positively correlated with the naturally occurring stable Cs (133Cs, SCs) concentration, and was lower at higher soil ExK content. The RCs and SCs were actively absorbed by buckwheat until the flowering stage. The soil ExK content was significantly negatively correlated with soil exchangeable RCs and SCs (ExRCs and ExSCs) concentrations. Greater RCs and SCs absorption by buckwheat in soils with low ExK contents was mainly due to higher soil ExRCs and ExSCs concentrations. Reproductive organs showed the largest differences in SCs concentration between low-ExK and high-ExK plots. The root–shoot and shoot–reproductive organs translocations of SCs markedly decreased with increasing soil ExK content. In the root–shoot and shoot–reproductive organs translocations, the discrimination of SCs and K decreased with decreasing soil ExK content. Our main findings were as follows: (1) because RCs are mainly taken up at the earlier growth stage, potassium should be applied as a basal fertilizer to decrease the RCs concentration in buckwheat; (2) lower soil ExK content led to higher soil ExRCs concentrations, resulting in greater RCs absorption by buckwheat; (3) the high Cs absorption and translocation and weaker discrimination between Cs and K in low ExK content soil may be due to the expression of K transporter(s) with weak discrimination between Cs and K.  相似文献   


This study identified timing (1st, 3rd, or 5th leaf stage) and duration (1, 3, 6, or 10 days) of waterlogging treatment during the vegetative stage that had the most severe effect on yield and elucidated yield determining process. Yield was reduced the most by the waterlogging treatments at the 3rd leaf stage. Among stages, yield was significantly depressed, when the treatment duration was longer than 6 days. Seed weight of the 1st branches declined more under waterlogging treatments than did that of main stem and 2nd branches, accounting for approximately 55% of total seed weight in all treatments. On the other hand, the decline in node and branch numbers was more pronounced for 2nd branches than 1st branches at the ripening stage. The development of the 2nd branches during ripening did not contribute much to increase sink capacity. Development of the main stem and the 1st branches was almost complete until the full flowering stage and shoot dry weight did not increase from the full flowering stage to the ripening stage. Shoot dry weight at the full flowering stage was determined by both leaf number and net assimilation rate (NAR). Flower cluster number at that stage was significantly correlated with total seed weight. These results showed that the critical timing was at the 3rd leaf stage and the critical duration was longer than 6 days and indicated that maintenance of leaf number and NAR and development of flowers on the 1st branches until the full flowering stage would ensure the yield.

Abbreviations: NAR - net assimilation rate, SLA - specific leaf area, gs - stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

甘蓝型双低春油菜三系杂交种互丰010的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互丰010是利用波里马细胞质雄性不育材料育成的甘蓝型春油菜三系杂交种,具有优质,高产,中早熟、抗逆性强,适应性广等特点,青海省油菜区试平均产量3766.50kg/hm^2,比对照品种青油331增产11.50%,生产试验最高产量在4026.00kg/hm^2,比对照青油331增产14.80%,比对照垦油1号增产16.10%,芥酸含量1.07%,硫甙含量25.93μmol/g,含油量45.55%,1999年通过青海省农作物品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

中蓖杂1号以雌性系油5~88414为母本,恢复系9404为父本配组选育而成。该杂交种抗旱、耐盐碱、耐瘠薄、抗枯萎病能力强,种子含油率达50.87%。品种鉴定平均产量3640.5kg/hm^2,比对照油蓖5号增产33.3%。生产示范平均产量3874.5kg/hm^2,比对照油蓖5号增产43.5%。适宜华中地区春播种植。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of incorporating common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) into instant noodle formulations. Australian Soft (AS) and Baker's flours were used to evaluate the effects of varying buckwheat contents (0–40%) on noodle quality. The results of texture analysis indicate that noodles made using AS flour produced softer texture whereas there was minimal effect for Baker's flour when buckwheat was incorporated. The colour, measured by L* values, decreased with increased addition of buckwheat for both flours. Fat uptake for noodle samples made from AS flour was only marginally affected, but increased for Baker's flour, when higher levels of buckwheat flour were added. The antioxidant rutin was detected in noodles made from both wheat flours, generally increasing with % buckwheat flour added. These findings indicate that the incorporation of 20% buckwheat into the formulation can be used to enhance the quality of instant noodles.  相似文献   

高产高油抗病油葵杂交种晋葵5号的选育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
晋葵5号是以雄性不育系76202-3A为母本,恢复系902-11R为父本组配选育而成,该杂交种抗旱、耐盐碱、耐瘠薄、耐菌核病能力强,含油率达51.44%,品种鉴定平均产量3823.5kg/hm^2,比对照品种汾葵杂3号增产13.9%,生产示范平均产量2056.5kg/hm^2,比对照品种晋葵2号增产17.0%,适宜高寒山区春播及麦茬复播。  相似文献   

高产杂交种组配中马齿型亲本的选择与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾三省 《玉米科学》2000,8(3):008-010
近十年来,我国玉米育种有两个重要的变化,一是含有热带、亚热带种质的国外杂交种引入,二是群体改良工作取得进展。各地育种家从这两类材料中选获了不同类型的自交系,为组配高产强优势组合创造了条件。本文就是以具有国外血缘的硬粒型自交系与改良群体中选出的马齿型自交系为材料,进行双列杂交试验的结果,评价了马齿系在组配高产杂交种中的作用。试验结果表明,马齿系金黄96B是一个配合力较高、综合性状较好的亲本,可在今后育种中进一步加以选择利用。  相似文献   

Mint lines that were previously identified with low wilt-severity values in the greenhouse were evaluated for resistance to Verticillium wilt and yield in the field in the presence of naturally occurring inoculum and in plots artificially infested with the soilborne fungus. Severity of Verticillium wilt varied significantly among mint lines and cultivars in the inoculated and non-inoculated sub-plots in two field trials. Verticillium wilt was significantly less severe for mutant lines 87M0109-1, 84M0107-7, and M90-11 than for Black Mitcham in 2002 and 2003. Verticillium wilt was significantly less severe for mutant line M83-14 and for Murray Mitcham than for Black Mitcham in 2003 and 2004. At the completion of the first trial, fresh hay yields of both peppermint hybrids 87M0109-1 and 84M0107-7 and peppermint mutant M90-11 were significantly higher than the standards Black Mitcham and Redefined Murray Mitcham. Oil yield in the first trial of standard Black Mitcham declined in years 3 and 4, while the decline in oil yield was less dramatic with the other four peppermint lines. In the second trial, hay yields of both B90-9 and M83-14 were comparable to, but not significantly different from Black Mitcham and Redefined Murray Mitcham. Line 92(B-37 × M0110)-1 yielded significantly less oil than all peppermint lines including both standards Black Mitcham and Redefined Murray Mitcham in six of the seven cuttings in the second trial. Verticillium rating of the lines and cultivars inoculated in trials from a previous greenhouse study were highly correlated with the Verticillium wilt rating of the lines and cultivars the second and third years when inoculated in both field nurseries in this study. Verticillium wilt resistance and yield can be improved in commercial mint cultivars and form a basis for managing the disease.  相似文献   


The variation in seed shape and husk color was investigated in 56 Japanese native cultivars of common buckwheat. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among the cultivars in seed shape characteristics and husk colors. The 1000-seed weight (1000-SW) ranged widely, from 20.4 to 39.0 g, among the cultivars. The cultivars collected from the Kanto region of the mainland had a large length and width of seed and heavy 1000-SW. On the other hand, the cultivars from the Chugoku and Shikoku regions of Japan had a small length and width of seed. The length and width of seeds showed a high positive correlation. The cultivars with a high 1000-SW showed a slight difference between length and width of seed and were typically the triangular type in seed shape. The length/width ratio (L/W) depended on the width rather than the length of seed, though both were negatively correlated with the L/W. Highly positive correlations were found among the L*, a* and b* husk color value. The L* showed a highly positive correlation with growth duration, and the husk color of the cultivars became more deep black as growth duration decreased. The husk color of the cultivars from the Kyushu region (long growth duration) was grayish brown, but that of the cultivars from Nagano Pref. (the shortest growth duration) was characterized as typically deep black. The cultivars collected at lower latitude regions tended to have a lighter color of husk than those from higher latitude regions. The cultivars from the Tohoku region showed a smaller variation for seed size characteristics and 1000-SW, and the cultivars from the Kyushu region showed a smaller variation for husk color.  相似文献   

杂交油菜云油杂10号高产栽培因子的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨在云南省油菜生产中种植密度(X1)、氮肥(纯氮,X2)、磷肥(五氧化二磷,X3)、钾肥(氧化钾,X4)、硼肥(有效硼,X5)5个栽培因子对甘蓝型双低油菜云油杂10号产量的影响,并进一步优化各栽培因子,本文采用五元二次正交旋转组合设计,建立了油菜产量优化数学模型:Y=246.15 +12.70X2 +7.00 X3-6.26X12-9.81 X22-5.07X32-10.56X1X2-6.37X3X4。结果表明各因素对云油杂10号产量的影响大小顺序依次为氮肥、磷肥、种植密度、硼肥、钾肥。其中种植密度、氮肥、磷肥与产量的关系均呈开口向下的抛物线,种植密度过大或过小,施氮、磷肥过多或过少都会对油菜产量造成影响。种植密度与氮肥、磷肥与钾肥交互作用对油菜产量有显著影响,在种植密度10.5~22.5万株/hm2、施纯氮0~207kg/hm2、施五氧化二磷0~96kg/hm2、施氧化钾0~120kg/hm2时,两因子之间均为正相互作用。频率分析结果表明,油菜产量大于3 900kg/hm2的优化栽培措施为种植密度15.48~17.94万株/hm2、纯N、五氧化二磷、氧化钾、有效硼施用量分别为360.2~387.1、170.0~181.4、15.0~30.0、1.46~1.84kg/hm2。  相似文献   

The common buckwheat ‘cv. Fengtian 1’ (FT1), ‘cv. Yuqiao 4’ (YQ4), ‘cv. Dingtian 2 (DT2)’, and ‘cv. Tongliao (TL)’ were selected to investigate the characteristics of starch synthesis and grain filling. The chlorophyll and chlorophyll a/b contents of leaves in the third stem showed a steady downward trend with the growth of common buckwheat. Whereas, FT1, YQ4 and DT2 showed higher chlorophyll content than that of TL at 7d and 14d. The activity of soluble starch synthase(SSS) and adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase (ADPGP) in the four tested varieties showed a rapid upward trend until 14 days after heading but then rapidly decreased until 21 days after heading. The average adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase activities of FT1, YQ4 and DT2 were higher than TL, while the average soluble starch synthase activities were similar among the four tested varieties. Consistently, the four tested varieties showed rapid accumulation of starch, amylose, and amylopectin during the prefilling stage, but no difference of starch content was found at maturity. The filling process of the four common buckwheat varieties exhibited an “S” curve. The Richards equation was utilized to evaluate the grain-filling process of common buckwheat. YQ4 showed the largest values of initial growth power (R0). The time reaching the maximum grain-filling rate (tmax.G) of FT1 was the longest, and the maximum grain-filling rate (Gmax) of DT2 was the fastest.  相似文献   

以两优培九为对照,研究了超级杂交稻组合P88S/0293的生长发育和产量结构特性.结果表明:P88S/0293比两优培九分蘖发生快,分蘖能力强,最高苗期出现早;株高稍矮,抗倒性好;穗数、穗粒、千粒重较高;总库容量比两优培九高14%,具有更高的产量潜力,更依赖大穗发挥产量优势;但P88S/0293成穗率低于两优培九.对提高P88S/0293成穗率的途径进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize the flavonoid compounds found in the different grain parts of common and tartary buckwheat, and to determine the contribution of these flavonoids to the antioxidant properties of buckwheat. Eight flavonoid compounds were quantified and their antioxidant activity determined by FRAP, DPPH, and ABTS assays. Of the flavonoid compounds identified rutin was the most abundant, particularly in tartary buckwheat, in which it comprised approximately 90% of total flavonoid content. Flavan-3-ols were detected in common but not tartary buckwheat, and quercetin was detected only in tartary buckwheat. Flavonoid content—in particular, levels of rutin, orientin, and/or epicatechin gallate—was found to influence the total antioxidant activity of buckwheat. Results from this study indicate that antioxidant activity is not only closely associated with flavonoid content, but that different flavonoids contribute differently to the total antioxidant activity of common and tartary buckwheat.  相似文献   

Summary In the mild and short winter of the Ganges plains, the yield contributing characters such as number of shoots/plant, plant height, leaflet size, tuber yield/plant and tuber number/plant were studied for fifty varieties of potato. From the simple, partial and genotypic and phenotypic correlation studies it was observed that leaflet size, number of tubers/plant and plant height were closely connected with the yield of potato tubers. A multiple regression equation was also prepared and it was found that the leaflet size had the maximum influence on yield followed by number of tubers/plant and plant height.  相似文献   

Wheat lines with differing capacities for osmoregulation were grown on a full profile of soil water at sowing in seasons of contrasting evaporative demand. Watered experiments were also included. Across seasons the relative increase in dry weight and yield associated with high osmoregulation was positively correlated with cumulative pan evaporation during the period of most rapid growth before anthesis. In experiments showing the most extreme responses to osmoregulative capacity there was no association with the overall soil water deficit at anthesis or harvest suggesting a direct effect of evaporative demand. This was further confirmed by correlations between vapour pressure deficit and leaf water potential and differences in turgor pressure. Significant differences in turgor were, in turn, associated with significant differences in dry weight. It was therefore concluded that osmoregulative effects on growth were mediated through leaf or shoot responses to leaf water stress rather than through root responses to soil water deficit, and that it was necessary to screen lines specifically for osmoregulation rather than for growth responses to soil water deficit.  相似文献   

The yield and persistency of grass species within a managed sward are a major consideration when determining species mixtures for either long-term or short-term sward management systems. Perennial ryegrass is lower yielding but more persistent than Italian ryegrass. Hybrid ryegrass, an interspecies cross between perennial and Italian ryegrass, may be higher yielding than perennial ryegrass and more persistent than Italian ryegrass. Therefore, the yield and persistency of hybrid ryegrass was investigated in Northern Ireland in five experiments, each harvested over five consecutive years, and compared with that of Italian ryegrass, perennial ryegrass and timothy. The performance of the five grass species were in the expected order; Italian ryegrass was higher yielding than hybrid ryegrass, which was higher than perennial ryegrass, with timothy the lowest, whereas perennial ryegrass and timothy had significantly higher sward densities than the hybrid and Italian ryegrasses. In addition, it was found that the rate of decline in yield and sward density with age was the same for all species. Consequently, this study indicated that the higher yielding Italian and hybrid ryegrasses could continue to out-perform perennial ryegrass for 5 years, opening the possibility of more extensive farming use of these species, particularly in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

优质丰产抗病甜菜新品种ZD204的选育   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
ZD204为德国KWS公司和中国农科院甜菜研究所联合选育的甜菜二倍体多胚杂交种。该品种适应性强,丰产性突出,块根含糖率较高,属标准偏丰产型品种;抗褐斑病,耐丛根病和根腐病;糖汁纯度高,块根品质好,2000-2001年参加国家甜菜新品种区域试验,在全国三大甜菜产区32个试验点(次)平均根产量53724.3kg/hm^2,比对照增产27.9%;平均含糖率15.6%,比对照低0.4度,平均产糖量8263.5kg/hm^2,比对照提高26.8%,平均褐斑病病情为1.2级,发病程度与对照相仿;平均根腐病罹病率为0.5%,根腐病发病程度明显低于对照;在丛根病发病地区,ZD204发病率为1.0-7.7%,对照品种发病率为1.5%-76.6%,发病程度明显低于对照。适宜在东北,华北和西北三大甜菜产区种植推广。  相似文献   

国务院出台劣质米退出保护价敞开收购的政策 ,调整稻米品种结构的呼声日益高涨。为适应这一新的形势 ,特推荐一组高产优质杂交稻新组合 ,分别满足城乡居民当前的不同需要。(1)冈优 5 2 7 系四川农大水稻所育成的超高产杂交稻。该组合全生育期与汕优 6 3相当 ,属中籼迟熟组合。株型适中 ,分蘖力中等 ,生长势旺 ;穗大粒多 ,千粒重高 ;穗平着粒 180~ 2 0 0粒 ,结实率83%以上 ,千粒重 2 9.0 g。父本花粉量大 ,制种产量高。米质略优于汕优 6 3,显著优于冈优 2 2。中抗稻瘟病。 1998~ 1999年四川省中籼迟熟组区试 ,平均单产 5 5 3. 3kg/6 6 7m2…  相似文献   

Rice yield potential is determined by the balance between sink size and source capacity. To clarify the factors that limit yield in temperate japonica cultivars, we compared the yield performance of Sasanishiki, a temperate japonica cultivar, with those of three near-isogenic lines (NILs) of Sasanishiki with introgression of quantitative trait loci (QTL) derived from a high-yielding indica cultivar, Habataki: qSBN1, which increases the number of secondary rachis branches; qPBN6, which increases the number of primary rachis branches; and a pyramid line that combines these two QTLs. NIL (SBN1), NIL (PBN6), and NIL (SBN1 + PBN6) produced 28–37%, 9–16%, and 62–65% more spikelets per panicle than Sasanishiki, respectively. However, the NILs with increased spikelet number per panicle did not increase grain yield significantly, because compensation is taken place among different yield components. The pyramid line nevertheless had 4–12% higher yield than Sasanishiki due to greater translocation of carbohydrates from stem to panicle. There was no difference in carbohydrate accumulation before heading or in biomass production among Sasanishiki and the three NILs. The results indicate that increasing sink size does not substantially improve yield in Sasanishiki, which lacks sufficient substrate supply to fully satisfy the increased sink demand that results from the spikelet-number QTLs.  相似文献   

Superheated steam (SS) at 170 °C for 5 min was used to inactivate lipase of common buckwheat grains in this study, which effectively retarded lipid hydrolytic rancidity and maintained lipid nutrition of common buckwheat. Higher stabilities based on lower free fatty acid accumulation and lipase activity were observed in SS-treated buckwheat samples during storage. Meanwhile, SS could suppress oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) in buckwheat, significantly retard the increase of saturated fatty acids and the decrease of polyunsaturated fatty acids during storage. Moreover, the lipidomics profile results indicated that SS processing could retard the increased hydrolysis and oxidation of sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine and lysophosphatidic acid during storage, while regulate the content of galactolipids. Thus, SS processing could effectively inactivate lipase, suppress UFA oxidation, change glycerolipids and glycerophospholipids subclass metabolism, and consequently retard hydrolytic rancidity and the loss of lipid nutrition in buckwheat during storage. SS processing was proved to effectively protect the quality of buckwheat during storage for the first time.  相似文献   

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