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Hybrid Tea-rose seedlings were grown, from germination to first flowering, at 6 constant temperatures between 10 and 26°C in greenhouses of our phytotron. All seedlings flowered regardless of temperature. When temperature increased, the juvenile period, the number of days to first flowering, the length of the leaved part of the shoot, the length of the flower stalk, the fresh weight of the shoot and of the root decreased; leaf number was not affected.  相似文献   

采用不同生根剂浓度和不同基质种类对罗汉果的扦插繁殖技术进行研究,结果表明:6种生根剂浓度处理中,以生根剂浓度为40mg/kg的生根率和成活率最高,分别达到90%和95%,根数和根长均达最大值;4种扦插基质处理比较,以河沙+木屑+田园土(1:1:2)的处理效果最好,生根率、成活率和抽梢率分别达到92%、96%和88%,根数和根长均达最大值。  相似文献   

杜鹃属植物种子育苗研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
 采用不同基质、播种时间进行杜鹃属植物种子育苗试验。结果表明: ①种子萌发和幼苗生长最适温度为16~20℃, 庐山地区播种以5月上旬最佳; 材料较多的5个亚属供试种发芽速度以羊踯躅亚属最快, 常绿杜鹃亚属、映山红亚属、杜鹃亚属居中, 马银花亚属最慢。②“腐殖土+苔藓”基质成苗率及幼苗生长表现优于“腐殖土”。③与庐山地理位置越近、气候差异越小, 育苗越易成功, 原产长江中下游、中低海拔的种表现极佳。④不同系统位置的物种育苗效果依次为映山红亚属>马银花亚属>羊踯躅亚属>常绿杜鹃亚属>杜鹃亚属。⑤播种及幼苗期的管理是育苗成败的关键。  相似文献   

Rooting of carnation cuttings was promoted by storage temperatures above 0°C with an inverse relationship between the level of temperature and the duration of the treatment. The effect of temperature on root dry weight was far more important than the effect of duration of storage. A long storage and a high temperature increased the incidence of Fusarium. Storage at temperatures lower than 13°C gave better results with auxin applied after storage, while temperatures higher than 13°C gave better results with a pre-treatment of auxin. During storage for 14 days at 9°C, the position of the cuttings had no clear effect on rooting. Horizontal storage, however, appeared to be unfavourable. Removal of 0.5 cm of the base of the stem after storage nullified the storage effect. Carbohydrates in the removed pieces decreased during storage, more so at 13°C than at 0°C. Anatomically, an acceleration of cell division at the base of the cutting was observed during storage at 9°C as compared to 0°C.At a commercial nursery, storage of cuttings for 12 days at 14°C improved rooting by 84% compared to storage at 0°C. The presented technique tends to shorten the expensive and vulnerable period from planting to rooting.  相似文献   

冬枣是枣(Zizyphus Jujuba Mill.)的一个栽培品种,也是目前公认的品质较好的鲜食品种之一[1]。随着市场经济的发展和对冬枣认识的加深,冬枣栽培面积越来越大。目前生产上主要利用嫁接苗或根蘖苗进行繁殖,其生产周期长,苗木不整齐,制约了冬枣的发展。为了寻找一种快速简便高效的冬枣苗木繁殖方法,我们查阅了有关资料,ABT可以刺激枣树嫩枝产生不定根[2],但ABT为醇溶性物质,使用不方便。而植物生长调节剂GGR6可以刺激月季枝条产生不定根[3]。2005年,我们进行了冬枣嫩枝扦插繁殖实验,结果表明,用GGR7处理插条,生根率可达85%左右。现将研究…  相似文献   

The effect of benzyladenine (BA) (0, 0.5, 2.5, 5 and 10 ppm), naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) (0,0.005,0.01,0.1 and 1 ppm) and time of proliferation (six, eight and ten weeks) on the optimum multiplication conditions for four Rosa hybrida cvs Champlain, John Franklin, John Paul II and Landora were studied. BA and NAA both had a significant effect on the proportion of viable plantlets and on multiplication rates while low or high concentrations of these growth regulators in the medium generally caused a reduction of plant material. The optimum multiplication rate also varied with cultivar and time. Concentrations of NAA above 0.1 ppm decreased the multiplication rate significantly for two of the cultivars. There was no consistent response between multiplication rates and cultivars to concentrations of B A, NAA or even the time of culture, and it is therefore recommended that each of these variates be determined for each cultivar to obtain optimum plantlet yield.  相似文献   

不同处理措施对兔眼蓝莓绿枝扦插生根的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兔眼蓝莓属于杜鹃花科越桔属灌木,扦插繁殖较困难,必须经过特殊的处理才能生根.试验结果表明,用200mg/L的IBA溶液处理兔眼蓝莓绿枝插条,然后扦插在菌根土 珍珠岩(1:1)基质上,生根率达84.7%以上.生产上用此方法进行兔眼蓝莓的种苗繁殖,成本低,见效快.  相似文献   

丹东杜鹃花园艺品种及市场调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丹东栽培杜鹃历史悠久,特殊的气候资源及水质、土壤条件为杜鹃花的生长发育创造了得天独厚的自然条件,并形成了丹东杜鹃的独特种群.丹东杜鹃属名贵品种,在国内市场上独压群芳,杜鹃花产业发展潜力很大,发展前景广阔.在韩、日及欧洲一些国家的花卉市场上名声鹊起,市场看好.但是,2004年丹东杜鹃花市场始终处于低迷状态,通过一年半的调查,将丹东园艺杜鹃花品种及市场运行情况总结如下.  相似文献   

CPPU application on size and quality of hardy kiwifruit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For the purpose of determining the appropriate conditions of application to increase the size of a hardy kiwifruit, Actinidia arguta ‘Mitsuko’, N1-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N3-phenylurea (CPPU) was applied at three different growth stages of the crop: at petal fall, 10 and 25 days after petal fall (DAPF), and three different concentrations: 1, 5 and 10 mg l−1. A significant increase in fruit size was obtained by treatment at the concentrations of 5–10 mg l−1 and at 10 DAPF. The fruit weight doubled. Although a significant reduction in the concentrations of total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acids (TA) and ascorbic acid (AsA) in the CPPU-treated fruits was recorded, the TSS/TA ratio and AsA content per fruit increased by the treatment. CPPU application at petal fall induced abnormally protruding fruit tip.  相似文献   


Trichoderma harzianum strain T-22 (T22) is one of the most effective strains of this fungus that is able to colonise the roots of most plant species across a wide range of soil types. This fungus is used as a biocontrol agent during crop production, and for the improvement of the rooting and acclimatisation phases in plant nurseries. In vitro-cultured shoots of GiSeLa6® (Prunus cerasus P. canescens) and of GF677 (P. amygdalus P. persica), two important Prunus varieties used as commercial rootstocks, were inoculated with T22. The results showed that early inoculation of the fungus (at the stage of shoot transfer to root-inducing medium) seriously damaged both GiSeLa6® and GF677 plants; whereas, following later inoculation (7 d after shoot transfer to root-inducing medium), the plants survived and showed significant increases in shoot growth and root development. In particular, root lengths in GiSeLa6® and GF677 plants increased by 180% and 136%, respectively, compared to non-inoculated controls. Microscopic analysis revealed T22 hyphae spreading on the root surface in GiSeLa6® (fungus colonisation frequency = 20%), but not in GF677 roots. Our results demonstrate that the application of T22 during the rooting phase resulted in greater shoot lengths, as well as increased numbers of leaves, roots, and stem diameters. These morphological characteristics could increase the quality and viability of nursery planting material and provide advantages during the plant acclimatisation phase.  相似文献   

ABT1号生根粉对红提葡萄嫩枝扦插生根的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以生长健壮、当年生半木质化的红提葡萄枝条为试材,进行了不同浓度ABT1号生根粉处理对红提葡萄嫩枝插条生根影响试验。结果表明:各指标在不同处理间差异显著,其中:插条生根率在50mg/L和75mg/L时最大,均为100%;50mg/L处理的插条根长最大为7.9cm;而75mg/L处理的插条根鲜重和根量最大,分别为3.64g、38.4条,均极显著的高于对照。高浓度的ABT1号生根粉对嫩枝插条有严重的毒害作用,200mg/L时嫩枝扦条死亡率100%。  相似文献   

以在增殖培养基上生长3~4周的甜樱桃矮化砧木吉塞拉6号离体新梢为试材,研究20℃、25℃、30℃和35℃条件下暗培养后离体新梢的生根状况。结果表明,在黑暗诱导生根阶段,20℃效果最好;其次为25℃和30℃,35℃会抑制生根。30℃最有利于根的生长,25℃和35℃次之,20℃根的生长速度最慢。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》1986,28(3):281-287
The effect of temperature on the time of bud-break and on the number of sprouted buds was studied in F1-seedling populations of glasshouse rose cultivars, which were grown in full daylight at 4 controlled temperatures (10, 14, 18 or 22°C). At lower temperatures, anthesis and bud-break occurred later. Relative to anthesis, bud-break occurred earlier with lower temperatures. Temperature had no effect on the percentage of buds sprouted, on the axillary position at which sprouting occurred, or on the order of sprouting. However, axillary buds in the central part of the seedling shoot were strongly inhibited; lower and upper buds sprouted almost simultaneously. Selection for time of sprouting and number of sprouted buds may be carried out at any temperature in the range studied.Differences in axillary bud-break between seedlings and cultivars, and the consequences for selection, are discussed.  相似文献   

寒富苹果腋花芽抗寒机理研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用电导法和恢复生长法对寒富苹果腋花芽的抗寒机理进行了初步研究。结果表明,低温胁迫下,寒富苹果腋花芽的活力、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性高于同温度处理的顶花芽,游离脯氨酸含量、相对电导率低于同温度处理的顶花芽。  相似文献   

汤浩茹  刘翠琼  罗娅  王小蓉 《果树学报》2006,23(2):283-286,F0004
试验以4种基因型梨试管苗为试材,在含有MS、ASH、1/2MS、1/4MS及不同IBA和蔗糖浓度的培养基上,采用前期光、暗培养各10d,然后转入有无活性碳(AC)和IBA的处理中在光照下生根。试验用L16(45)正交设计,通过生根率、平均根数、平均根长、平均株根鲜重和平均株根干重5个指标考查了基本培养基、IBA、AC以及光照对梨试管苗生根的影响。结果表明:IBA和蔗糖对于梨根的诱导是十分必要的,而在根的生长阶段IBA不是必需的;1.0~5.0mg/LIBA+5.0~15.0g/L蔗糖+0.5~1.0g/LAC组合下梨的生根率为75%~100%;前期暗培养能有效促进东方梨品种早酥梨和身不知根的发生,而对西洋梨品种巴梨和考密斯根的诱导效果较差。  相似文献   

Stock plants were grown in a glasshouse under standard growing conditions. Single-node leafbud cuttings were excised and numbered according to the position on the stock plant. Rooting took place at basal temperatures of 17,20 or 23°C and at different durations at 17 or 20°C followed by 23°C. The rooting period lasted 9 weeks.

The temperature of 17°C for 9 weeks completely suppressed root formation. A temperature of 20°C was decisive for root formation. The optimal rooting temperature was higher than 23°C. Temperature treatments of 17 or 20°C for 2–4 weeks only suppressed rooting slightly compared with the 23°C treatment. Cutting position on the stock plant affected the number of roots formed per cutting but not the rooting percentage. Best rooting was observed in cuttings from the middle part of the stock plant.

Axillary bud break was accelerated with increasing rooting temperature and decreasing duration of the lower temperatures. With increasing cutting position number (numbered from top to base), axillary bud break was considerably delayed.

Temperature treatments which delayed root formation also delayed axillary bud break. On the other hand, the cutting position on the stock plant, which had only a minor effect on the speed of root formation, had a pronounced effect on the speed of axillary bud break.  相似文献   

Preplanting application of phenolic compounds, p-hydroxybenzoic acid p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid, in most cases promoted auxin-induced rooting on cuttings of mango, a difficult-to-root fruit plant. The ethylene-releasing chemical CEPA (ethrel, ethephon) also stimulated rooting in the presence of auxins. Synergism was more pronounced in the presence of IBA than with IAA. To a certain extent, root-promoting effects of auxins and non-auxin chemicals were related to the utilization of carbohydrate fractions from the region of root formation. Utilization of reserve polysaccharides assumed greater importance only during the root-development phase.  相似文献   

Optimum conditions for rooting hardwood cuttings of several plum rootstocks have been determined with respect to season of cutting collection, the thickness of shoot and the part of the shoot used as the cutting, the concentration of rooting hormone applied to the base of the cutting and the basal temperature in the rooting medium.

Rooting occurred most readily during autumn and again in late winter and spring. Cuttings made from “thin” shoots generally rooted more readily than those from “thick” ones but the position along the shoot from which the cutting was made was usually unimportant.

Some clones, including Myrobalan B and St. Julien A, responded to increasing concentrations of 4(indolyl-3) butyric acid (IBA) to an optimum at 5,000 p.p.m. and to increasing bottom heat to about 20° C. Others, including Brompton and Pershore, were relatively unresponsive to both of these factors under the conditions of these experiments.  相似文献   

The effect of storage and the stage of maturity of hardy kiwifruits on the physicochemical quality, phenolics (TPC) and ascorbic acid content (AAC), as well as antioxidant activity (AA) were studied in this work. The phenolic compounds in hardy kiwifruits were separated and characterized by HPLC. The investigation was carried out on the two cultivars of Actinidia arguta – ‘Weiki’, ‘74-49’ and the hybrid of A. arguta and Actinidia purpurea (‘D14’). Fruit firmness rapidly decreased and the soluble solid content (SSC) increased for all cultivars during the first 14 days of storage at 1 °C. The AAC and TPC in vine ripe fruits were similar to the ones of the fruits of storage harvest maturity (8–10% SSC). AA content depended on the clone and either decreased during storage or remained almost unchanged. There was an increase in TPC after 7 days of keeping the fruits in a cold store chamber at the temperature 1 °C, but a longer period of storage caused a decrease in these compounds. AA (at harvest for storage purposes) was higher than that of vine ripe fruits and the ability to absorb free radicals slightly decreased during storage. There was a strong correlation between AAC, TPC and AA. That means that phenolics and vitamin C affect the antioxidant activity of hardy kiwifruits.  相似文献   

臭氧作为大气中主要的污染气体之一,对植物的毒害作用已引起人们的广泛关注。脱落酸(ABA)作为一种渗透调节物质,其浓度变化可以调节和改善植物对逆境的适应能力。该试验以观赏型矮牵牛为试材,通过开顶箱(OTCs)模拟熏蒸,研究高浓度O_3(100nmol·mol-1)下叶面喷施5、30μmol·L~(-1) ABA对矮牵牛抗性生理指标的变化规律。结果表明:在臭氧胁迫下矮牵牛叶片出现失水皱缩、水渍斑块症状,随着喷施ABA浓度提高,以上症状减轻;光合色素含量显著升高,喷施ABA的处理光合色素含量与对照值接近;喷施5μmol·L~(-1)和30μmol·L~(-1) ABA处理后,较喷施蒸馏水的处理,矮牵牛叶片MDA含量显著下降27.78%~55.22%,POD活性提高11.53%~47.72%,SOD活性提高33.94%,CAT活性提高125.45%~525.00%;可溶性蛋白质含量显著下降22.95%~23.02%。以上结果说明,ABA有效缓解了臭氧对矮牵牛的伤害,但矮牵牛的伤害程度随着高浓度臭氧熏蒸时间的增加而增加,且不同的品种表现出一定的差异。  相似文献   

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