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Pot and field experiments were conducted to identify nutrient absorption pathways, growth, yield and quality of sweet persimmon using 32P tagged fermented mono-calcium di-hydrogen phosphate (FMCP) and normal FMCP fertilizer, respectively. In pot experiment, lower surface treated leaf absorbed higher amount of radionuclide phosphorus than upper surface treated leaf and phosphorus absorption increased with the increase in duration. The highest radioactive phosphorus absorption obtained was 8.88 × 104 and 3.57 × 104 Bq/g dry weight of leaf against dorsal and ventral treated leaf surfaces at 96 h after fertilizer application. During experimentation, stomata were closed from 2 to 10 h after application of FMCP fertilizer and nutrient absorption was higher in the lower surface than the upper surface. As a result, phosphorus was absorbed through cuticle by diffusing in aqueous pores in lower surface of leaf. Alternate day and night (24–96 h), lower surface also performed higher amount of phosphorus absorption than upper surface of leaf due to stomatal activity and aqueous pores because lower surface contains higher number of stomata than upper surface of sweet persimmon. It may be concluded that aqueous pores as well as stomata can be important pathways for the absorption of foliar applied FMCP fertilizer. In field experiment, foliar application of normal FMCP fertilizer increased the vegetative growth, number of effective flowering buds and decreased insect–disease infestation of sweet persimmon over control. Sweet persimmon yield increased due to the fact of decreasing trend of fruit dropping by foliar fertilization. Maximum fruit number (1110 and 1449 per tree) was observed in T4 (foliar spray @ 7.5 ppm P of FMCP fertilizer) and T5 (alternate foliar spray of 10 and 7.5 ppm P of FMCP fertilizer) treatments in 2005 and 2006, respectively. In T4 and T5 treatments, the average fruit yield increased by 153.0 and 211.4 kg tree−1 in 2005 and 2006 over control, respectively. FMCP fertilizer gave maximum fruit yield in T4 and T5 treatments in 2005 and 2006, respectively and it differed from other foliar treatments including control. Treatment T5 increased fruit hardness (2.32 kg/Ø 5 mm), 0brix content (14.0%) and reduced acidity (0.018%) in 2005. These results allow us to infer that foliar application of FMCP fertilizer was not only augmenting the fruit yield of sweet persimmon but also improved the quality of produce.  相似文献   

Three-month-old mist-rooted ‘Picual’ olive cuttings were transplanted into 2-l plastics pots containing perlite as substrate and fertigated with a complete nutrient solution containing 0.05, 0.1 or 2.5 mM KCl depending on the experiment. In the first experiment, plants were sprayed with RbCl (Rb+ is a K+ analog) at a rate of 4% at 63 days after transplanting (DAT). Foliar Rb+ uptake through leaves increased with K+ concentration in the nutrient solution, indicating that foliar Rb+ uptake was lower when plants were K+ deficient than when they were adequate. On the contrary, it was observed that translocation of Rb+ from leaves to other organs of the plant was higher under K+ deficiency conditions. In the second and third experiments, when differences appeared on shoot length due to K+ nutritional status (0.05 or 2.5 mM KCl) at 63 DAT, a group of plants were subjected to water stress during 7 weeks. On the other hand, another group of plants (control plants) did not receive any water stress treatment during the experiments. After this period of 7 weeks, all plants were sprayed with RbCl at 4%. Leaf K+ concentration diminished in water-stressed plants independently of plants nutritional status. Foliar Rb+ uptake through leaves was restricted by water stress either in plants with low K+ (0.05 mM KCl) or plants with high K+ (2.5 mM KCl). Translocation of Rb+ from leaves was greater under water stress conditions in both K+ nutritional statuses. In conclusion, the results obtained could explain the irregular response in olive trees to foliar K+ sprays, particularly, when they grow in rainfed orchards.  相似文献   


The effects of timing of autumn foliar urea-N sprays on nitrogen absorption and partitioning were studied in mature peach and nectarine trees. A 10% 15N enriched urea solution was applied by either dipping individual shoots in 1995 or spraying whole tree canopies in 1996. Trees whose canopies were sprayed during the post-harvest period with a 10% w:v urea solution in 1996 were excavated in the dormant season, and 15N contents and distribution were determined. Peach leaves rapidly absorbed urea-N irrespective of application date, and transport of urea-N to perennial tree parts occurred primarily within 4–7 d after application. Between 48 and 58% of the urea-N applied was recovered in abscinded leaves and perennial organs. Leaves exported ≥60% of the foliar-applied urea-N following application in early autumn (September or October), but <50% export occurred when applied shortly before leaf fall (November). Of the urea-N translocated, most was recovered in roots (≥38%) following application in September or October. Urea-N applied in November, however, remained largely in the current year wood (ca. 45%). Thus, export and translocation of foliar applied urea-N diminished during the final stages of leaf senescence. Foliar application of urea in September or October supplied the equivalent of about 20% of crop nitrogen content, but only 14% (i.e. ca. 30% lower) when applied shortly before leaf senescence in November.  相似文献   

Foliar application of boric acid, at varying concentrations, to mango cultivar ‘Langra’ significantly influenced the growth, flowering, fruiting and fruit quality. Highest values for most of the characteristics were obtained in the treatment where 0.8% boric acid was used.  相似文献   

为了比较4种叶面肥对西葫芦生长、病虫害发生、瓜条性状和产量的影响,采用叶满绿800倍液(X1)、绿叶先锋667倍液(X2)、3效绿叶神600倍液(X3)、植物益生源2000倍液(X4)对西葫芦进行苗期喷施,以清水为对照(CK),调查了西葫芦的植物学性状、病虫害、瓜条性状和产量。结果表明,喷施4种叶面肥均能促进西葫芦生长,其中X3和X4效果最好;喷施4种叶面肥均能使西葫芦病毒病、白粉病、蚜虫发病率较对照降低,其中X3和X4效果最好,但喷施4种叶面肥均不能显著减轻西葫芦根腐病的发生;X3处理的雌花节率最高、瓜条最粗,X4处理的瓜条最长,X3和X4处理的单瓜质量、产量最高,单瓜质量分别为545、540 g,每667 m~2产量分别为4127.06、4043.64 kg。因此,生产上宜选用3效绿叶神600倍液和植物益生源2000倍液进行西葫芦叶面喷施。  相似文献   

采用试验1号、试验2号、通丰3种不同叶面肥,在美国4094和法国冬玉2个西葫芦品种上进行叶面喷施试验。结果表明:同对照处理相比,3种叶面肥对2个西葫芦品种的坐果率均无明显提高作用;但可提高产量,尤以试验2号的增产效果最佳,与对照相比增产达显著水平;并可明显降低西葫芦的发病率,其中喷施通丰的处理2个西葫芦品种的发病率比对照分别降低了8.81和9.72个百分点。  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate the different effects of ERK1/2/PPARα/SCAD (short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase) signal pathways on the cardiac hypertrophy induced by insulin-like growth factors 1 (IGF-1) or phenylephrine (PE). METHODS:The neonatal rat cardiomyocytes induced by IGF-1 were used as the model of physiological cardiac hypertrophy, and those induced by PE were used as the model of pathological cardiac hypertrophy. The surface area of the cardiomyocytes, the expression of p-ERK1/2, PPARα and SCAD, the activity of SCAD and the content of free fatty acid in the cardiomyocytes were measured. RESULTS:Compared with the control cells, the surface area of the cardiomyocytes induced by IGF-1 and PE were both increased. Compared with the controls, the expression of SCAD and PPARα, and the activity of SCAD in the cardiomyocytes induced by IGF-1 were increased, while the expression of p-ERK1/2 was decreased. However, the cardiomyocytes treated with PE showed decreased expression of SCAD and PPARα, decreased activity of SCAD and increased expression of p-ERK1/2. Meanwhile, the decrease in free fatty acid in IGF-1-induced cardiomyocytes and the increase in PE-induced cardiomyocytes indicated that the fatty acid utilization was increased in the cardiomyocytes induced by IGF-1, but decreased in the cardiomyocytes induced by PE. CONCLUSION:The changes of p-ERK1/2, PPARα and SCAD in the cardiac hypertrophy induced by IGF-1 or PE indicate that the effects of ERK1/2/PPARα/SCAD signal pathways are different between physiological cardiac hypertrophy and pathological cardiac hypertrophy, and that SCAD may be a molecular marker of these 2 different cardiac hypertrophies and a potential therapeutic target for pathological cardiac hypertrophy.  相似文献   

黄腐酸叶面肥对草莓育苗效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以‘红颜’草莓为试材,研究了在塑料大棚栽培条件下,喷施黄腐酸叶面肥对草莓繁苗率、子苗品质、根系活力的影响。结果表明:繁苗系数方面,喷施黄腐酸叶面肥处理平均单株繁育匍匐茎8条,较未喷施处理提高23.08%,平均单株繁育子苗29.5株,较未喷施处理提高11.32%;喷施黄腐酸叶面肥处理较未喷施处理对子苗品质具有明显的促进作用,其根颈粗、株鲜重、根鲜重分别平均提高13.33%、18.33%、20.75%;喷施黄腐酸叶面肥处理对子苗根系活力无显著影响。综上,喷施黄腐酸叶面肥可以提高草莓繁苗率和子苗质量,建议在生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

黄腐酸钾、胺鲜酯和复硝酚钠是重要的生长调节物质,各自作为叶面肥单独应用在生产上取得了良好效果,为了研究其相互复配作为叶面肥组成成分的应用效果,以茄子幼苗为试材,以尿素、磷酸二氢钾、黄腐酸钾、胺鲜酯和复硝酚钠为原料组配成不同配方的叶面肥,以清水为对照,研究了不同配方叶面肥对茄子幼苗生长的影响,结果表明,不同配方叶面肥均有利于促进茄子幼苗地上部的生长,均能明显提高茄子幼苗的壮苗指数,4种叶面肥的壮苗指数与CK相比分别增加了27.26%、15.40%、22.16%、45.42%;在尿素、磷酸二氢钾和黄腐酸钾复配的基础上,添加胺鲜酯或复硝酚钠能明显促进茄子幼苗茎粗的生长,增加幼苗地上部与地下部干鲜质量和幼苗的根体积,但幼苗根长与CK相比分别减少了26.29%、24.19%;添加复硝酚钠处理比添加胺鲜酯的处理增加了11.76%的地下部干质量和4%壮苗指数,初步认为处理T4(尿素3 g·L-1、磷酸二氢钾2 g·L-1、黄腐酸钾0.06 g·L-1、复硝酚钠0.007 g·L-1)对培育茄子壮苗的效果相对较好。  相似文献   

Many factors are effective in the promotion of this disorder, but the following are considered most important: temperature, light intensity, leaf age and tree vigour. Their interactions can explain many different observations with regard to leaf spot and leaf drop in orchards.  相似文献   

应用4种钙微肥及组合,于长富2号苹果初花期、幼果期和果实着色期各叶面喷施1次,比较其对苹果水心病的防治效果。结果表明:高效补钙宝与氨基酸钙效果较好,硝酸钙次之,与对照差异极显著或显著。恒温库贮藏半月后调查,喷施高效补钙宝、氨基酸钙和硝酸钙的病情指数和病果率分别为2.2和6.7%,4、4和13.3%、6.7和20.0%,对照分别为17.8和52.0%。贮藏5个月后的调查病情指数和病果率分别为12.8和38,4%、20.6和61.8%、34.3和66.8%,对照为48,2和95.4%。  相似文献   

为了研究不同叶面肥对黄秋葵产量和品质的影响,试验以‘热研1号’黄秋葵为材料,在生育期分别喷施不同浓度卢博士有机液肥(0.1%、0.3%、0.5%)和磷酸二氢钾(0.1%、0.3%、0.5%)及对照共7个处理,测定其光合特性、产量及可溶性蛋白质、维生素C、碳水化合物、钙、镁含量。结果表明:与对照相比,喷施卢博士有机液肥和磷酸二氢钾都能显著提高黄秋葵功能叶片的SPAD值和净光合速率;喷施0.1%卢博士有机液肥处理的产量最低,为每株0.66 kg;喷施0.5%磷酸二氢钾和0.5%卢博士有机液肥处理的产量较高,分别为每株0.88 kg和每株0.87 kg,比对照高24.9%;但喷施浓度为0.5%卢博士有机液肥可以改善黄秋葵的品质。说明喷施0.5%卢博士有机液肥可获得较高的产量和良好的品质。  相似文献   

选用小白菜(白梗鸡毛菜)为试验材料,采用基质培方法,研究叶面喷施不同浓度福泰莱含氨基酸水溶性肥料对小白菜生长的影响。试验设6个处理,即含氨基酸水溶性肥料分别稀释0(CK)、100(T1)、500(T2)、1000(T3)、1500(T4)、2000倍(T5)。结果表明,与对照相比,含氨基酸水溶性肥料对于小白菜的生长具有促进作用,增加鲜重和干重,增大叶面积,可以提高产量,其中T3组(稀释1000倍)增产效果最好,鲜重相比对照增加59.31%。与对照组相比,含氨基酸水溶性肥料对小白菜的品质可以增加可溶性固形物含量,其中T4组(稀释1500倍)增加效果最明显,相比对照增加了13.07%。但是与对照相比,叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白含量处理组与对照组没有显著性差异。  相似文献   

采用正交设计的方法,研究了不同生物质叶面肥配方对脐橙叶片的影响。结果表明,喷施生物质叶面肥对脐橙叶片的比叶重、叶绿素含量有明显的促进作用,优化出能促进脐橙叶片生长的最佳配方:生物质提取液稀释500倍、硼酸0.05%、硫酸锰0.05%。  相似文献   

探究不同种类叶面肥对番茄植株生长势、产量、品质、商品率以及经济效益等方面的影响,为设施番茄叶面追肥提供参考依据.以番茄品种西润2007为试材,在番茄生长发育期叶面喷施5种不同叶面肥.结果表明,叶面肥均能显著促进番茄植株的生长发育,美盖美可以显著提高番茄产量,磷酸二氢钾不仅能提高番茄结果盛期和结果后期的商品率,同时也可以...  相似文献   

WGD-2叶面肥与植物生长调节剂对澳洲坚果的保果效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WGD-2是南亚热带作物研究所研制的用于澳洲坚果的保果叶面肥。以澳洲坚果品种Hinde(H2)为试材,研究了6个处理对澳洲坚果在幼果期和谢花至幼果形成期的保果效果。6个处理分别为清水对照(CK)、120mg·L-1WGD-2(T1)、120mg·L-1WGD-2+1mg·L-1NAA(萘乙酸)(T2)、120mg·L-1WGD-2+10mg·L-12,4-D(2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸)(T3)、120mg·L-1WGD-2+20mg·L-1CPPU(N-(2-氯-4-吡啶基)N'-苯基脲)(T4)、120mg·L-1WGD-2+40mg·L-1GA3(赤霉酸)(T5)。结果表明各处理在幼果期(果实直径0.5cm左右)施用均有不同程度的保果效果,2次施用效果具有累加效应,即重复施用可加强保果效果,以T1、T4处理效果最好。谢花至幼果形成期施用,T1和T4处理仍然具有累加效应;T2处理没有效果;T3处理重复施用刺激幼果脱落;T5处理具有刺激幼果脱落效应。在澳洲坚果生产中推荐WGD-2单独使用或与CPPU搭配使用,并严格控制WGD-2与植物生长调节剂搭配使用的质量浓度和处理时期。  相似文献   

叶面喷施金雀异黄素对套袋蟠桃果实着色及品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以转色始期早硕蜜蟠桃为试材,探讨了叶面喷施金雀异黄素(GNT)对套袋果实花青素积累与其他品质的影响。结果表明,纸袋提高果实花青素含量,增幅约为70%,塑膜袋降低花青素含量,约为6%;GNT能提高套袋和未套袋果实花青素含量,增幅为16%~73%。套袋使果实可溶性糖降低约8%,可滴定酸含量增加20%;GNT提高果实可溶性糖4%~26%,并降低可滴定酸10%~28%,明显提高果实糖酸比。叶片组织相对电导率和丙二醛含量分析表明,GNT对叶片细胞膜透性和脂质过氧化没有明显影响。因而,即使在套袋条件下用适宜质量浓度GNT也能提高蟠桃果实内外品质,并且不会对叶片造成伤害。  相似文献   

微量元素对甜瓜幼苗生理特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用不同浓度的钼酸铵、硫酸锌、硫酸锰处理甜瓜幼苗,探讨其对甜瓜幼苗细胞膜相对透性、丙二醛含量、叶绿素含量等生理特性的影响。结果表明。钼酸铵、硫酸锌、硫酸锰均能降低甜瓜幼苗的细胞膜相对透性和丙二醛的含量,有效提高叶绿素的含量;其中以硫酸锌处理效果最佳,与对照相比差异湿著,细胞膜相对透性降低了7.71669个百分点,丙二醛的含量降低了0.47930μmol/mg,叶绿素含量是对照的1.9倍。  相似文献   

套袋是生产高档无公害苹果的重要途径,能显著提高苹果的外观品质,改善果面光洁度.但套袋也影响了果实的内在品质,降低了果实糖酸含量和Vc含量.试验表明,叶面喷施有机肥可明显改善果实的品质,使果面光洁鲜艳,无锈斑,果点小,糖酸含量明显增加,风味变浓.在施用的3种有机肥中,腐殖酸的综合效果最好.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in ‘Chandler’ strawberry to determine if pre-harvest foliar application of Ca, B or their combination influences physiological disorders, fruit yield and quality or not. For this, treatments consisted of (i) five sprays of calcium as CaCl2 (first spray was performed at the petal fall stage and later at 7 days interval), (ii) three sprays of boron as boric acid (first spray at the beginning of flowering and later at 15 day interval), (iii) combination of (i) and (ii), and (iv) plants sprayed with water served as the control. Results indicated that fruit harvested from plants, which were sprayed either with Ca or Ca + B had significantly lesser incidence of albinism (6.7 and 6.5%), and grey mould (1.3 and 1.2%) than those harvested from plants sprayed either with B alone or in control. Although, B alone could not influence the incidence of albinism and grey mould, but it reduced fruit malformation (3.4 and 3.1%) significantly. Further, Ca, B or their combination had not influenced the individual berry weight, but marketable fruit yield differed significantly. The lowest marketable fruit yield (149.3 g/plant) was recorded in plants under control, and the highest (179.2 g/plant) in plants sprayed with Ca + B. Similarly, such fruit were firmer; had lower TSS, higher acidity and ascorbic acid content at harvest than those in control. Similarly, such fruit after 5 days storage were firmer and brighter, and have significantly lower TSS (7.9 and 7.8%); higher ascorbic acid content (43.7 and 45.0 mg/100 g pulp) and acidity (1.08 and 1.07%) than those in control or those receiving B alone. Incidence of grey mould was significantly lesser in fruit, which received Ca (2.2%) or Ca + B (1.9%) than those, which received either B (8.1%) alone or those in control (8.4%). Our studies indicated that pre-harvest foliar application of Ca + B is quite useful for reducing the incidence of disorders and getting higher marketable yield in ‘Chandler’ strawberry.  相似文献   

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